Bestial Blade

Chapter 45


When Hua Yi was a dead guest, he was a thorny item, and it was rare for him not to be able to get something that he liked.

Yin Ya likes treasures and beauties, so it can be said that he is greedy for money and lustful.

However, although he is greedy for money, he has never been able to keep things in his hands, because it is always faster to spread money than to collect money. Even if it is something that he likes very much, even if it has only been in his hand for a few days, and the enthusiasm has not passed, he will use it. I don't know if I will change hands and give it to anyone.

Although he is lustful, he is very "clean and self-conscious", knows sensuality, but is not affectionate. Even if there is a need, it is just a dewy marriage between you and me.

Hua Yi is like a bear breaking corn, he breaks it seriously, but throws away one by one. Sometimes he is so greedy that he wants to take all the good things in the world into his arms, but when he takes a look, he always feels that they are It can't last long in my hands, so I want to disperse them as soon as possible like a hot potato.

That night, Hua Yi sat outside the cave for most of the night, the cold wind blowing him sober that he could no longer wake up. He gently wiped his nine-inch knife with a piece of leather, and sat on the snow. thought about it.

Hua Yi always feels that he shouldn't have such a big reaction. The young man is just beginning to love, and the girls he knows are limited, especially when Alan was so good to him when he was alive, even... this really doesn't explain anything. Hua Yi even felt that maybe Chang'an didn't have any feelings for Alan.

It's just because she died right in front of him, which left a deep impression on him.

But Hua Yi just felt uncomfortable, his stomach felt heavy, as if it was blocked by something.

"What else do you want?" He questioned himself in the ice and snow, "Do you want to dominate him for the rest of your life, prevent him from marrying a wife, and prevent him from getting close to others?"

Hua Yi closed his eyes, and the cold snowflakes fell on his eyelids. His fingers touched the back of the nine-inch knife, and his fingertips were numb from the cold.

"Even if you get it, how long can you keep him? Two years? Three years? Five years? What if one day he becomes sensible and likes someone else? People will always change... What are you going to do then?" Hua Yi thought about this, the hand holding the back of the saber tightened suddenly, his veins bulged, and in that instant, he was moved to kill.

But this small wave of faint killing intent was quickly blown away by the cold wind, Hua Yi laughed at himself, thinking that he was a little unreasonable.

That was his good brother, who had saved his life, and had lived and died with him several times, the friendship of life, there is no such stupid reason of ungratefulness.

It didn't take long for Hua Yi to move his stiff arms and legs, and silently turned back into the cave.

The next day, Hua Yi, who had been sitting outside for most of the night, had nothing to do with his rough skin and thick flesh, but Chang An caught a cold.

When he caught a cold, he had a terrible cough. At first, he coughed a lot, and after a while, he even developed a fever. When he touched his hands, he was so hot that he couldn't even open his eyes.

Chang An was half asleep and half awake, and he could only hear the general sound of the surrounding sounds. Although it was usually cold, it was cold outside, which could be dispelled by lighting a fire. Jumping chugs made him feel sick again and again.

He didn't even have the strength to move, so he could only stick to it without making a sound.

In the dimness, it seemed that someone picked him up, wrapped him tightly in a blanket, and wrapped his strong arms around him to prevent him from moving. Chang An was already uncomfortable, and it was even more uncomfortable to be locked in one place, so he frowned, but he heard someone whispering softly in his ear: "Be patient, don't move, just bear it." .”

The voice was so familiar, it was a bit like his master, and it seemed a bit like Zheyan.

The memory of Zheyan is too long, Chang An sometimes feels that he has forgotten him, but at this time he thinks of that man very clearly.

Zheyan was always unhappy, Changan talked too much about his experience—maybe it was because of his nature, maybe he was too young at that time, in short, he could never figure out what Zheyan was thinking, and he always didn't know what he was saying. The words offended him, so he gradually got used to the habit of not talking too much or asking too many questions.

But Zheyan would get up in the middle of the night to help him tuck the quilt. He was sick more frequently when he was a child, and sometimes Changan felt so uncomfortable that he was going to die. inside.

And Ah Yan, thinking of Ah Yan, Changan moved unbearably, and was soon held down.

Ah Yan took care of him for a while, what happened to her now? People on the whole continent are fleeing. There are burning forests and collapsing mountains everywhere. Can she escape? Does anyone take care of her

Hua Yi waved at Ka Zuo, asking him to take someone out for him.

The merman in the depths of the sea was swept to the shore. Hua Yi and Suo Laimu discussed not letting people go out to sea for the time being, and only sent people to find out what happened. There is no way for the orcs to leave the cave and go far, they have to prepare in advance.

The herbs for healing were gone, but there were some herbs left to dispel the cold. A Ye quickly came over with a bowl of herbs, and touched Chang An's forehead, showing worry.

Hua Yi took the herbs and said softly, "I'll take care of him, you can go about your business."

A Ye sighed: "Boss, winter will not pass, and there is no herbal medicine, what should I do?"

Hua Yi raised his eyes and smiled at her, and said, "Don't panic, there are so many fish in the sea, so naturally there are things that can be used as medicine. I'll ask them to keep an eye out for you."

Aye is still worried: "I grew up on the mainland, and even my teacher has only a half-knowledge about the things in the sea. How can I use it for others?"

"It's okay, if you're not sure, we'll take turns to test the medicine for you, and you have to be merciful, don't be too lenient, as long as the medicine doesn't kill us for a while."

As Hua Yi said, he gently blew on the herbal medicine in his hand, took a sip to test the temperature, and then helped Chang An to feed him carefully.

Chang An swallowed unconsciously, and he didn't resist the strong smell of herbs. He didn't make trouble when he was awake, and he was very honest when he was sick.

Ah Ye sometimes suspects that his heart is made of stone and can bear anything.

"Go ahead, it's okay." Hua Yi said without raising his eyelids, as if his attention was all on Chang'an, but his tone was indifferent, "It's not the worst time, and it's not too late for you to worry about it. "

A Ye glanced at him, brought another layer of animal skin blanket, covered Chang An's body, and drove away Lu Da and Qing Liang beside him, and went to take care of Luo Tong who had a broken leg.

Chang An seemed to be awakened a little by the irritating smell of herbs, and opened his eyes in a daze.

Hua Yi lowered his head and asked softly, "Are you uncomfortable?"

Chang An frowned, and nodded slightly.

Hua Yi sighed, and if he wanted to say anything else, Chang An didn't respond.

He seemed to be awake for a brief moment, and then passed out again. Hua Yi looked at him for a while, stretched out his hand and put the towel in the cold water basin on his forehead, then he lowered his head as if trying to test something, and lightly pecked Chang An's bridge of nose.

Chang'an still didn't respond, so Hua Yi got bolder and went all the way down, kissing his chapped lips. He tasted a bit of sweetness in the smell of medicine, and felt like he was hugging a big man. baby.

But this baby is a human being, he can run and jump, and he can speak irritatingly with straight eyebrows, saying that if he holds his back, he will really be able to hold it, and even thousands of troops are not afraid of him at all. As soon as he thought of the young man looking back with a calm face amidst the chaos of wars all over the mountain, Hua Yi fell in love with him to death.

But he was worried as hell.

Probably only when Chang An was dying of illness and lying obediently in his arms like this, did Hua Yi feel that this person was completely in his hands.

So this made him both happy and distressed.

Chang An was in a coma for a whole day, and only woke up sweating in the evening.

He felt that his whole body was drained by the sweat, and the heat all over his body subsided along with the fever, and he felt colder and colder. Aye gave him another bowl of herbal medicine, which emptied his appetite, but Chang'an knew that herbal medicine was expensive at the moment, and he didn't want to waste any of it. After filling a bowl of fish soup, he poured it down for himself, then wrapped himself up tightly, and fell asleep.

Chang An thought that he was ill at the wrong time, so he urgently needed to recover.

The next day, the person who went to investigate the movement in the East China Sea hadn't returned yet, and Hua Yi was still standing by Chang'an's side, hugging him and resting his eyes with his eyes closed, but Shan Xi suddenly came over and whispered to him: "Shan Xi There's a group of people over there."

Hua Yi opened his eyes.

"Twenty or so people are all birdmen."

Hua Yi frowned.

Startled by Shan Xi's voice, Chang An opened his eyes.

Hua Yi glanced around the cave, and he sent out more than a dozen people. Apart from the wounded, sick, women, and cubs, there are only twenty people in the cave that can be used.

But Chang An got up, coughed a few times in a low voice, took a bowl of water to drink, and said in a hoarse voice, "Luda, bring my knife."

Although the living environment is harsh, Lu Da is much stronger, and he will no longer be crushed by his saber. Hearing this, he ran over and hugged Chang An's saber, which was standing in the corner with both hands. .

Chang An didn't reach out to take it, but nodded to the side, and said, "Leave it alone."

Then he said to Hua Yi: "You go, I will guard the cave."

Hua Yi hesitated for a moment, but Shan Xi stretched out his hand to touch his forehead, and said in a fuss, "What's the matter? You're still sick, can you stand up?"

Chang An gave him a perfunctory smile. Not to mention standing up, he seemed to still be unable to open his eyes. His reddened eyes were half-opened and half-closed, and he was sitting curled up in the corner, looking even worse than usual. Thinner.

"Okay, even if he can't stand up, he can stab you if he wants to." Hua Yi quickly made a decision, and said to Shanxi, "Call our people, let's go!"

Then he turned around and held Chang An's shoulders, wrapped the blanket around him, and said in a firm tone: "Be careful, don't freeze me anymore, do you hear me? You sick bastard!"

The last sentence was said viciously by him, but for some reason, Shan Xi could hear a little indescribable intimacy from it, but before he had time to think about it, he was taken away by Hua Yi.

As soon as they left, the cave immediately became quiet. Aye took care of the others and came over in a hurry: "I'll make another bowl of medicine for you, and quickly cover the blanket to prevent the wind from leaking."

Changan closed his eyes and shook his head at her: "Don't cook it, it's a waste, I'll be fine."

A Ye said angrily and couldn't help but say: "Forgive my blindness, I really don't see what's good about you."

Chang'an treated her like Alan, and changed his words in a gentle manner, saying: "Well, you are right, that is not all good - then you don't need to drink medicine, it's not worth it."

A Ye wanted to say something more, but Chang An suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes shot behind her like lightning.

I only heard Lu Da say: "Oh, this merman has woken up!"

The shark is awake, but his eyes are still confused. When he sees a strange environment and people, his first reaction is fear, so a carp sits upright, with a "hissing" sound from its throat, showing With his sharp teeth, he instinctively attacked, and rushed towards Aye who was closest to him like a beast.

Changan raised his hand and pressed Aye's neck, and with the other hand picked up his saber, and swept it out with the back of the saber, just as it touched the merman's calf, the merman immediately fell to the ground, and raised his head again, the blade of the saber It's already on top of his head.

This series of changes happened suddenly, and the people around immediately dispersed with a clatter.

Aye hurriedly stood up, stood with his back against the wall, and looked at the foreigner cautiously.

After a while, Sharkman's eyes seemed to be clear. He raised his head, first looked at Chang'an who was holding his knife against him, and then turned around the people around him, then slowly bent down and touched his forehead. On the ground, he made a gesture of weakness.