Bestial Blade

Chapter 52


The old merchant stayed in the tribe for more than three months, until the wild malts matured, and took away countless corals, orbs, dried fish, and the most precious batch of malt seeds with satisfaction.

Left the tribe with a whole yard of weapons and slaves, and a valuable gift.

The so-called gift is a map.

The old merchant was not afraid of death, so he drew a picture of the place he walked, and painted it on the leather. It was spread out for more than a foot long. The people and the size of the tribe are clearly marked.

The old merchant was cunning, and at the first sight of the city walls and towers, he knew that the owner of this place had a lot of ambitions.

With a wave of Huayi's hand, he included all the dense forests, mountains, valleys and plains into his territory, with the sea behind him, and rich products. The old merchant took aim at this big customer and planned to have a long-term cooperative relationship with him , not stingy, such a big gift came at the beginning.

In addition, along with the map, he also sent two dancers to Huayi.

There are many slave girls on the mainland, but very few dancers.

Most of the dancing girls are fatherless or born as slaves. They were sold to the merchants' little slave girls when they were very young. The appearance of overwhelming the country and the city.

They are not the same as the thick women in the tribe who run the house all day and work in disgrace.

It is even different from the noble ladies and young ladies of the chief elder's family.

The dancer has learned how to please others since she was a child. It can be said that her face is like a spring flower, soft and boneless, and the fragrance radiates from her hair. In the past, it was a stunner with a price but no market. Only the richest tribal leader could raise one, and even outsiders were not allowed to see it.

The old merchant didn't know how he did it. When everyone was running for their lives, he still raised these two people, and they were beautiful and beautiful.

It's just that there is a lot of waste in the mainland now, and at this time, they will pay a lot of money to buy women's luscious things, and they probably won't live until this moment. "Do favors.

Unexpectedly, the old merchant's move was purely superfluous, and these two "babies" made Hua Yi's face black for a whole month-he always thought that Chang'an stared at them until he lost his soul.

It is rare to see such a beautiful person, it is natural for Chang An to take a second look, he is actually very innocent, and he didn't think about it, he just looked at him curiously and appreciatively, then Hua Yi was like a demon, very unreasonable.

As long as he caught him, Chang'an Ergen would not want to calm down.

No matter what he said at the beginning, within three or two sentences, Hua Yi could return to him earnestly and sincerely: "You are still young, don't be obsessed with sensuality, what are those dancers? , but it's not a good thing, it wants to pull a man into the abyss... "

Words such as these are similar, but when it comes to Hua Yi's mouth, he can express the same meaning in a hundred ways.

When Chang An first saw Hua Yi being kidnapped by the god grass in the dense forest, he knew that he had a perfect tongue, but until now, he had really realized what it meant to be glib.

Chang'an is full of troubles. Fortunately, the orc warriors have a new batch of weapons, and Chang'an has a new mission. Every day, they take these beastmen who are a circle taller than him in a newly opened place. People train.

In order to avoid Huayi, he led people to patrol around the high and wide city walls and towers every day before dawn. The city walls have not yet been built, and even though they traveled fast, it would be almost noon when they made this big circle. Afternoon is the training time, as long as there is one person in the martial arts field, Changan will not leave, and always stay with him until the end.

When it got dark, he bypassed Huayi again, and didn't even go back home. He took Lu Da to find a place where the hostess cooks and eats delicious food.

However, even so, Hua Yi miraculously managed to catch him every now and then, really nagging.

In the beginning, he repeatedly told Chang'an that he was in a hurry and wanted to get angry, so Hua Yi looked at him with a look of hesitation, bitterness and hatred, and sadness and worry. He can't afford it.

Chang'an is not afraid of anything, but most afraid of people's nagging. Hua Yi seized his weakness, and it was as if he was pulling the needle from the bottom of the pot. Boiling the medicine and checking his body by the way, Chang'an kept three feet away from her with full vigilance. After finishing the work, he immediately looked around furtively, but he didn't find Hua Yi. He smiled and ran away like a thief.

This move was so sinister that Suo Laimu suspected that after this battle, Chang'an would feel his scalp numb when he saw a woman in the future, and he would have to talk about whether it was hard or not.

Other than that, it's been a busy day.

People raised livestock, harvested malted barley, preserved seeds, cultivated fields on the plains, and went to sea beyond the mountains. And when it came to the Autumn Hunting Festival this year, little Jila, who escaped from the Afen family, officially inherited his late father's name. When he was three years old, he was able to speak fluently and became a little mud ball who could play tricks and roll.

The soil seemed to be more fertile than in previous years, and the malted barley harvested by people in the field was more abundant than expected. The wine brewed from the first barrel was poured into Hua Yi's flagon, and he took a big sip, feeling so relieved I want to stand on the top of the mountain and shout.

However, after he finished relaxing, he carefully put away the jug again, planning how to get Chang'an drunk on the night of the Autumn Hunting Festival.

Getting drunk on Chang'an is not as easy as imagined, even though Chang'an already knows the benefits of wine, he doesn't hold himself like a young man with blood, no matter how much he likes to drink, he always remembers that he will faint if he drinks too much The two of them, Suo Laimu and Suo Laimu, were like two clean old men, each holding a small bowl, a bit more reserved than the eldest girl, unable to touch their mouths for a long time, sitting on the side very well, watching others go crazy with alcohol.

Lu Da drank too much and became very clingy, especially to Chang'an. He didn't say anything, just sat there giggling, and Chang'an had no choice but to order Qing Liang to carry him away.

However, no matter how self-restraining he was, he took a few sips after all, his heart beat faster than usual, and his blood flowed faster than usual. Chang An looked at Qing Liang and Lu Da with a little worry on his face.

Suo Laimu looked on coldly and thought it was very interesting. Chang'an's "knife" has been with people for a long time, and it has become tainted with human taste, and he has learned to frown meaningfully, so he asked: "What's wrong? Liang that silly boy?"

Chang An shook his head and said after a long time, "Lu Da likes sharp knives too much."

He doesn't talk like Hua Yi, so he can't describe his feelings—in fact, it's not a big deal to like sharp knives. Everyone has their own weapons. At least a sharp knife is much more normal than a ten-foot-long saber. However, Lu Da held a sharp knife, but Chang An always felt a little uneasy. The child studied hard and practiced hard, every move and every style has a good look, but when he really moves, he is full of craftsmanship, horizontal and vertical. In Chang'an's view, it is just a rigid imitation, not a learned one.

After such a long time, Chang An felt that he had only really learned one move, which was to push forward.

Concentrate the strength of the whole body on the unique point of the sharp knife, full of hostility, it is a desperate move.

Suo Laimu listened for a while, but before he had time to say anything, he heard a special flute sound.

I saw an unmarried girl dressed up, and played a very cheerful and lingering tune on a short wooden flute. Everyone laughed ambiguously when they heard it.

Then a bold girl took the lead, jumped up first, took out a ribbon made of flowers from nowhere and threw it in front of a young orc. The young man didn't react at first, he was stunned for a moment, and then his face turned red, he lowered his head and picked up the colorful cloth belt like a little daughter-in-law.

Several men around him immediately pushed his shoulders and started booing.

Then everyone became active, and flowers flew around for a while, almost fascinating Chang'an's eyes.

He couldn't help being surprised: "What is this for?"

Suo Laimu took a sip of his wine and said with a smile: "This is called 'throwing a flower to ask the way'. Throw a flower to the person you like. If the person accepts it, he is willing. If you don't take it, you won't lose face. After a while, there will be a mess." Group, everyone has only one goal in their eyes, and no one cares about seeing whose jokes."

Chang An suddenly said: "Oh."

Suo Laimu glanced at him, suddenly smiled badly and said, "But no one would dare to throw flowers to you."

There are many girls in the past. Chang'an is good-looking. Although he doesn't like to talk, he has always been gentle with the girls, like a beast that restrains his minions in front of his family. He is very popular among girls, and many people smile at him when they pass by. , but no one really threw flowers to him.

Chang An asked puzzledly, "Why?"

Suo Laimu pointed to the headband that tied his hair thickly.

Chang An dazedly wiped his head: "What's wrong with my head?"

Suo Laimu opened his mouth to speak, but Hua Yi appeared out of nowhere, put his hands under Chang An's armpits, lifted him up unexpectedly, and smacked him in a pretentious way: "It's okay, your head is fine. , Don't listen to the magic stick go crazy with alcohol."

However, Suo Laimu didn't seem to understand Hua Yi's meaning at all, instead he laughed and said: "Silly boy, if you bring someone else's things, it's the meaning of promise to others. Come to make up your mind?"

After he finished speaking, he jumped up and ran, and sure enough, Hua Yi's life-threatening series of feet chased after the god stick's buttocks.

Suo Laimu ran away with his head in his arms, Hua Yi wanted to clean him up murderously, he seemed to be a little afraid to stay where he was and listen to Chang'an's opinion on this matter, he avoided the crowd and jumped into the crowd, chasing and beating Suo Lai Mu all the way out .

Chang An was suddenly told this "secret" that everyone except him knew, and he froze in place.