Bestial Blade

Chapter 56


Chang'an was awakened by a burst of crying, everyone in the tent had already left, and it was very quiet at this time. His shoulders were a little stiff, and it would always be like this after lying down for a long time. A Ye said that there was a problem with his blood, and Chang An gave up after hearing this, and didn't take it to heart. There are only so many good things about him, and he can't stop thinking about it. I don't care about my feet, so I might as well let him go.

At this time, two hands suddenly lifted his upper body, and Hua Yi gently kneaded his shoulders and back. Chang An half-lyed on his lap in a daze, blinked his eyes half-opened and half-closed twice, as if he had turned into a little guy again, lying crookedly in Zhe Yan's arms, a little confused Tonight and He Xi.

However, after a while, the tip of his nose twitched involuntarily, and he didn't smell the herbal smell in his memory, so he regained consciousness with the blood flowing through his upper body.

Hua Yi saw that it was almost done, so he let go of his hand to let him get up, and took down a bowl of fish porridge on the small stove: "Eat some."

Chang An pointed to the outside of the tent and asked, "What happened to that thing?"

Hua Yi said: "Don't worry about him, he's just pretending—this mermaid has only been ashore for a few days, and he hasn't learned how to be a bullshit. This will ruin the Changxing market, and he has learned to fake crying."

Chang An listened carefully, and it turned out that the crying was not quite right. The crying was not flat, but ups and downs, with no rhythm, tactfully like singing a ditty, and occasionally there were a few rhythmic little hiccups .

Hua Yi smiled and said, "Did you hear that? It's really nice to cry. After a while, someone might be willing to pay him to fake cry."

Chang'an had never heard of anyone willing to spend money on such a thing, so Hua Yi reached out and stroked his hair, his eyes softened little by little, and explained softly: "There are always some people who are not filial to their parents, and they are not willing to give money to them." When other people know that father and mother are dead, they hire a group of people to cry at the door of his house, outsiders look good... well, you don't need to understand these bad things."

Chang An drank half a bowl of porridge in one gulp, his cheeks were bulging, Hua Yi looked at him for a while, and suddenly said, "Come and live with me?"

Chang An was caught off guard, he was already in a hurry to eat, and wanted to talk, but he didn't care about the hot porridge in his throat, so he choked and coughed until he was dizzy. While secretly having fun, Hua Yi tried his best to change the expression on his face into a worried look, patted his back and said earnestly: "Look, you can choke on a porridge, you have a good life, really It's a mess."

Chang An managed to catch his breath, blushed and said thickly to him, "Get out."

Hua Yi fell silent, and disgusted Chang'an with an expression like a good wife and mother whom he didn't know where he learned, looked at him and smiled without saying a word, waiting for his answer.

Enduring the goosebumps on his body, Chang An slowed down and drank the remaining half bowl of porridge. He twirled the small bowl in his hand twice, and then asked a little hesitantly, "How can two men live?"

When Hua Yi heard this, his eyes immediately turned cold. He pressed Chang An's shoulder, tightened his fingers unconsciously, lowered his voice, and asked in a slightly persuasive tone: "Who is it? What are you talking about behind your back? "

Most of the time, Hua Yi is a wise and farsighted, broad-minded and gentle leader, worthy of his subordinates and his own tribe. He took over a tribe halfway, and within a few months, he was able to handle it well. Then he fled from natural disasters, and many people died, but he kept accepting other refugees. So far, the size of their tribe is three times that of Luo Tong's leadership. People are willing to follow him wholeheartedly, which shows that this leader is indeed remarkable.

However, after all, no one is perfect, and everyone has a temper. When Chang'an has a temper, he will be rougher than usual. Hua Yi is much deeper than him, and he usually doesn't show it. It's just that the more angry he is, the colder his heart is. , so they will judge others with the greatest malice.

The voice of Chang'an's words faded, and in Hua Yi's heart, seven or eight conspiracies and tricks of varying degrees and purposes had appeared like a stormy sea—he believed that Chang'an had big eyes, and these trivial matters had never entered his eyes, even in the In the cave, he didn't even know how the cub was born, so how could he ask such a question

However, Chang An paused, and said calmly: "No one said anything, I wanted to ask myself."

Although he may indeed be slower than others, he is not blind. No matter how stupid a boy is, he will grow up one day. After the Autumn Hunting Festival, Chang An began to pay attention to these things. He would often pay attention to how other people's "family" lived, and would also look back at his specious childhood memories, inevitably feeling a little absurd. , seems a bit awkward.

He can't explain why it's so weird, just like most people hold chopsticks with their right hand. Is there a problem with holding chopsticks in your left hand? Chang An couldn't figure out why the reasoning behind this was wrong, but it was awkward. He also saw Ah Fen correcting little Gila, forcibly turning the little thing's left hand back to his right.

A Fen just said that during the festival, everyone sits in a circle to eat, unlike others, elbows are easy to fight, which is not good.

He has seen men with men, but for some reason, they didn't live together for a long time after all. This is different from others, will it be... bad

Hua Yi stretched out his hand to pinch his chin, the man restrained his smile, his face sank, his voice seemed to be frozen with ice, and his hands were heavy, he asked, "What? Are you going to regret it? Chang'an, here I am But if you don’t want to go back on your word, you agree. If you don’t nod your head, I have nothing to say, and I will never argue with you. But since you have already agreed and nodded, if you waver and falter…”

... I have to stay with you forever.

Hua Yi's back molars were slightly ground, and he said to himself, "It's not that far yet", so he swallowed back the second half of the sentence that hurt his feelings.

All his life, he really hated the betrayal of others.

Chang An tilted his head back uncomfortably, frowned and said, "I didn't want to go back on my word."

Then he thought about it carefully for a moment, and said in a deliberative way: "You should go live with me, my place is quiet, your tent is full of people coming and going all day long, it's too noisy, if you have something to do, you can come over and tell them, Can you see it?"

After listening to this, Hua Yi looked at him calmly for a while, and then his face eased, and the brows raised slightly, showing a little smile, and silently leaned over to hug him, and then gently hugged Chang'an's neck. kissed.

Hua Yi said in a deep voice: "Okay, then I will move in two days. There is going to be a war for a while. It is more convenient for me to live here. You can clean up the place for me first. I want to live in the same house with you. I heard No?"

He purposely blew air gently on Chang An's neck, causing Chang An's scalp to explode. He shrank his neck and hid to the side. Hua Yi refused to let him hide. The hand around his waist seemed to be made of iron. don't relax.

I just heard Hua Yi continue to say: "No one is allowed to touch my territory, especially that little bastard who can pee his pants..."

Chang'an wondered, "How do you know that Qingliang pissed his pants?"

Hua Yi choked for a moment, but didn't tell Chang'an that the entire tribe—no, it should be within the entire city wall was his eyes and ears, and if he wanted to know, he couldn't hide it from him even a trivial matter. He pinched Chang An's waist and said vaguely, "I just know that the god of wet pants told Suo Laimu."

Chang'an: "..."

It is indeed going to war.

Everyone who is old has heard about the "Black Wind Puya".

That's not a person's name, but a family—the largest ghost tribe on the continent, unlike other ghost tribes, it is a complete tribe, never intermarries with outsiders, very mysterious, the most cunning, and the most well-informed The merchants are always tight-lipped about this tribe, no one knows where their tribe is.

Twenty years ago, Pu Ya's family was at its peak. That Pu Ya's head was a natural madman. Heifeng became more and more unscrupulous when he got into his hands. He ransacked four or five large tribes in a row. After killing someone, looting everything and leaving immediately, it swept almost the entire north, and even extended its hand to the south.

It's a pity that the lunatic patriarch was not successful in his mission, and before he reached the south, he fell ill and died suddenly. At this time, the angry and panicked avengers finally took a breath, and a large number of dead people were hired to hunt down Heifeng , Heifeng Puya had no leader for a while, so he disappeared mysteriously, and hid for twenty years.

This time their plot to kidnap the fleeing tribe and attempt to sneak into the city gate was revealed. Obviously, they did not intend to play any falsehoods. They would go to the city gate to report every day, like jackals with only saliva on their faces. Here they are.

Huayi's tent was full of people—including the group of wounded soldiers who were forced into the city and "rescued" by Huayi, anxiously waiting to rely on them to rescue their families.

Suolaimu finished speaking a long paragraph, heaved a sigh of relief, drank some water to moisten his throat, shook his head and sighed: "It seems that natural disasters are no matter whether your tribe is mysterious or not, the place that should be smashed is still smashed. After so many years, No one knows where the Pu Ya family is hiding, it turns out that they are on the east coast, and we are really destined to meet here after traveling thousands of miles!"

Hua Yi said coolly: "Yes, the fate is deep, how about I open the city gate tomorrow to ask if there is any girl in Pu Ya's family, and 'marry' you?"

Kazuo laughed heartlessly, and Suo Laimu glanced over faintly. Kazuo's laughter stopped suddenly, and he felt that the upper and lower sides of his body were gusts of sinister wind.

Hua Yi rolled his eyes at the two of them, put his fingers together, and tapped on the wooden table top and bottom. Soon, no one was whispering, and they all waited with bated breath for the leader to make up his mind.

After a while, Hua Yi said: "Beating is definitely necessary - if we kill all these grandsons, we won't be able to live here safely and securely. I mean, no one objected, right?"

He paused for a moment, and the tent was even quieter than before.

Hua Yi looked around and nodded slowly: "As for how to fight, you can speak freely if you have ideas, and I'm all ears."