Bestial Blade

Chapter 6: killing technique


Chang An immediately became less panicked. He immediately knew that this outsider, just like himself, had sneaked to a place where he shouldn't have come. The middle-aged man put down the basket full of herbs, walked over to look at Chang'an carefully, looked at the knife in his hand curiously, and asked strangely: "How old are you? Why are you here alone? Who taught you to play this?"

Chang'an always ran around in the tribe alone. Although the adults of the vulture tribe disdain wise words, they can't be bothered with a child. Instead, they feel a little pitiful for him and treat him well. After a long time, Chang'an didn't know how to be afraid of people, no matter how familiar they are, so the newborn calf answered without fear of tigers: "No one taught me, I learned it by myself."

"Oh?" The middle-aged man thought for a while, and asked, "No one pointed out, can you remember it just by looking at it with your eyes?"

Chang An looked at him in amazement, a little puzzled, why can't he remember it after seeing it all

The middle-aged man picked up the blade that fell on the ground, put it on his hand, and glanced at Chang An: "Do you like knives?"

Chang An nodded without thinking.

The middle-aged man asked again: "What do you like about it?"

This question is too complicated for a six-year-old child. Chang An was confused and speechless. live. However, before he had time to tell the middle-aged man the answer he came up with after searching his guts, the other party made another move.

Seeing his confused expression, the middle-aged man laughed. The next moment, he thrust out the blade in his hand. The ordinary, rusty old blade was suddenly stretched out at a strange angle. The incoming wind seemed to be cut in two, and the sharp wind of the knife blew past Chang An's temples. He heard the scream, but he couldn't see where the blade was.

Chang An's eyes lit up suddenly, but his eyes were fixed on the shoulders, waist and wrists of the middle-aged man without blinking.

This is the way he has learned from stealing the teacher for a long time. When the doll is attacking, the most important actions are usually concentrated in these three positions.

"This is a tactic you will use when you face a giant beast that is many times bigger than you." The middle-aged man lowered his head and smiled, and pressed his palm on Chang An's head, "See clearly?" ? If you slow down a bit, all attack paths will be blocked by the opponent, and he can catch you to death as soon as he raises his claws, so you only have this fleeting chance, and you must be fast enough to fall under his claws Before I came, I could cut his throat, other than that, there was no other way."

Standing on tiptoe, Chang An took the blade with both hands, imitating the appearance of a middle-aged man, taking a step back with his right foot, and leaning forward slightly, but he did not slash directly like a middle-aged man, he knew that he did not With such great strength, Chang An lightly stepped on the ground with his toes, and with the strength of running, he then lowered his shoulders, raised the knife, and sent the sharp blade out with the strength of his waist.

Hmm... doesn't seem right

When the middle-aged man saw him, he shook his head before he wanted to say anything.

But I saw that Chang An didn't raise his head, and took a few steps back, and adjusted his posture again. This time, his shot was much more accurate than last time, and the moment he handed out the tip of the knife, he turned slightly sideways, which was excellent. It more than made up for the lack of strength in his wrists.

This time, the middle-aged man fell silent and fixed his eyes on Chang'an.

The kid thought for a while, then retreated to the distance, wiped the sweat from his forehead, took a deep breath, ran up again, raised the knife, turned sideways, and sent the blade.

Then there was a "buzz", and there was a subtle tremor in the air. Chang An was led forward by the knife for three or four steps before barely standing still. The child's eyes were shining brightly, showing a childlike smile.

The middle-aged man could see clearly that this time, the little guy stepped on the ground skillfully with his feet, allowing the power to pass from his feet to his waist, and through the moment he turned sideways, he drove his whole body to send out the knife—although In the eyes of adult orcs, this strength is still almost negligible, but it is already the maximum power that such a small child can display.

The middle-aged man finally believed in Chang An's words, even if he secretly watched in the grass, he could still clearly remember the moves practiced by others.

He was simply... born for this kind of weapon!

The middle-aged man took a step forward, grabbed Chang An's arm, and then reached out to touch the flesh and bones of his body. Then he was slightly stunned, and carefully observed Chang An's face, suddenly showing a disappointed expression.

It doesn't matter that the child is a sub-orc man who can't transform into a beast, but his health is still very bad. Even if it wasn't attached to Chang An's chest, the man could still feel his heartbeat that was so violent that he couldn't calm down, and it even made the child tremble slightly. He coughed out of breath.

The middle-aged man sighed, and gently wiped the sweat off Chang An's forehead, as if he regretted it more than anyone else: "Son, you didn't die like this."

Such a root, even if he is smart, what can he do? Look at him like this, it's not easy for a little sub-beast with congenital deficiencies to live and grow up safely, why can he pick up a knife? If he grows like this, even if he is an adult, he can barely pick up a 30-pound thin blade. A pound of saber.

Chang An didn't understand what he was talking about, and looked at the regretful middle-aged man with a puzzled face. The middle-aged man stood up silently, picked up his herb basket again, turned around and walked up Yufeng Mountain without saying a word .

The children in the tribe were warned by their father not to go up Yufeng Mountain. It is said that the mountain road is extremely dangerous. Some places have poisonous insects and human-eating plants, and some places are covered with snow. monsters, even the bravest orc hunters and warriors dare not provoke them.

Chang An stood there holding his tattered blade, thinking to himself, does this person live on Yufeng Mountain

Then he must be very, very powerful, right

Then, Chang An's nose became hot, and two drops of nosebleeds flowed down and onto his clothes. Chang An was not surprised either, he raised his head with ease, and wiped the blood under his nose with the back of his hand—he was prone to nosebleeds when he was tired, it was nothing new, he was used to it.

It was rare for Hua Yi to go out with his father, he was very happy, and would greet the people around him from time to time, until he was glared at him by his father, then he calmed down silently.

The leader of the snow wolf rolled his eyes at the sky, and said in his heart: shame on me.

Then the vulture chief strode over, and the two chiefs gave a big hug, patted each other's shoulders, and each forced a warm smile—as if they were brothers who had been separated for many years.

The two brothers first praised each other's sons, and then looked at each other's people calmly.

The vulture leader thought: "There are only a hundred or so people, if they dare to make trouble, we will kill them here. Snow Wolf has no leader, can they still find flowers?"

The leader of the snow wolf thought: "One by one, they have the same virtue as their bastard leaders, and those who can only be heroes in the bed, I am ashamed to bring them all out to the world, bah!"

Then the two of them looked at each other sweetly and smiled, and walked into the tent shoulder to shoulder.

The vulture tribe has done a good job on the surface, and Hua Yi feels quite at home here.

That night, the Vulture Tribe held a bonfire party to welcome guests from afar.

Azhi, the youngest daughter of the vulture leader, performed dances in public. Girls cannot transform into beasts, cannot hunt, and few can do rough work or crafts like subbeasts. Only by marrying orcs can they live well Go on, so beautiful appearance and good cooking and sewing skills are their only useful skills-but it depends on whose family the girl is, if it is from the leader's family, even if she looks ugly, she will know nothing, and some people are willing Marry and go home for offerings in the tent.

What's more, the vulture leader's daughter is very lucky, she looks like her aunt, and all the old pervert's wives are all beauties.

The leader of the snow wolf glanced at his silly big son, and suddenly asked: "Hua Yi, do you think Ah Zhi looks good?"

Hua Yi said in a daze, "Okay, it looks good."

The snow wolf leader didn't let him go, and asked jokingly, "Tell me, what's your opinion?"

Hua Yi thought for a while with a sad face, and said falteringly: "It's the best-looking one I've ever seen..."

When Hua Yi said this, he happened to see A Que of their tribe sitting in the corner, looking at him angrily. A Que was the most beautiful girl in the Snow Wolf tribe, and also the leader's royal luthier. He happened to be there at this time. Hua Yi The remaining half of the sentence got stuck in my throat, and I felt that it seemed inappropriate to say such a thing in front of A Que, so I quickly changed my words: "It's the most beautiful... just like the most beautiful A Que Same."

"Oh?" Snow Wolf leader asked, "If it's Aque and Azhi, which one do you like?"

The implied meaning of this sentence is very obvious, the luthiers stopped playing, and everyone around was thoughtful, the vulture leader pinched the few sparse mustaches on his chin, looked at Hua Yi thoughtfully, His second brother's face darkened.

Hua Yi didn't expect to be asked this kind of question in public, and immediately broke out in sweat, he hesitated for a long time, but he didn't say anything. Aque didn't say a few words, so how could he say which one he likes and which one he doesn't like

He doesn't like any of them! But although Hua Yi is kind, he is not really stupid. He knew that if he said this, he would offend several people at the scene, so he got a little quick-witted, lowered his head in a low voice, and simply pretended to be stupid and said in a daze: "I like all of them, but I'm not a great beauty. Anyway, people don't like me."

After saying this, everyone present, including the vulture leader, laughed.

Hua Yi silently stuffed a piece of roast meat into his mouth, feeling very upset - not because his father's question made him face to face, but because he vaguely felt that there was something in his father's words.

He knew that he was always disliked by his father, that he was not smart, and his second elder brother was his real son—but although Hua Yi didn't talk about many things, he actually knew them in his heart.

The vulture leader's eyes paused on the silver pattern on Hua Yi's hand, showing a thoughtful look, and then he smiled and said: "Young man, sitting with us old men, I think it's very boring, ah Weaving, why don't you take your fourth brother Huayi around the tribe."

Hua Yi was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at his father.

The leader of the snow wolf scolded: "You can go if you want, and see what I do? I have to ask you everything, Dad, do you still want to breastfeed?"

This is what it means to let him go... Hua Yi reluctantly put down the barbecue tongs, knowing that if he dared to say no, he would slap his father and the vulture leader in the face, and his father would definitely make his ass bloom. So he said "oh", and kept his expressionless face all the year round, followed A Zhi absent-mindedly, still thinking about the half piece of barbecue that he hadn't finished eating.

Is there any way, a big fool is just a big fool, and he is later than others, Hua Yi, fourteen years old, between the little beauty who doesn't know what to do with it and the sizzling barbecue, The latter will undoubtedly be chosen.