Bestial Blade

Chapter 66


Since the beginning of the prehistoric period, people have had thousands of ways to record the year, and the methods and names are all strange, but none of them have been handed down.

The calendar is like a custom, if it is to be passed on, it must be unified.

A hundred years later, a peerless hero was born, following the path paved by his grandfather and father, he finally won this honor. He called the year when his grandfather went out on earth and built a city in the East China Sea as the first year of Tianxuan.

The hand that pushes the movement of the stars is still hidden in the earth that has calmed down from the throbbing. The weak people are washed away by the natural disaster, and the people left behind like a big wave washing the sand separate the two continents from the north to the south. pattern.

Five springs and autumns have passed since the year when Huayi slaughtered the Black Wind Puya, intercepted the caravan, and controlled the trading routes along the East China Sea.

In five years, a toddler orc can grow into a half-sized man, and an ignorant teenager can stand on his own. It can allow Huayi to include the entire coastline of the East China Sea, a total of 600 miles. The days when hundreds of people held torches and fought in groups are gone forever. Natural disasters make people feel helpless and have nowhere to go. he.

Now, looking from under the city wall, there are already thousands of troops.

Back then, the Southern Continent was full of city walls and pedestrians entered the water, which made them envious. Now, it seems that he also owns nearly half of the Southern Continent's territory.

The city wall is connected to the city wall, and the city wall is connected to the city wall. Every gate is guarded. More detailed and strict rules than those of the Southern Continent are engraved on the stones of each city tower. All the cultivated fields have owners.

Merchants who pass through the gates have to pay fees, and they can get the protection of the city guards and city defenses. If they dare to avoid paying the money, once they are discovered, all the goods will be confiscated, and their heads will be hung up in public.

However, this did not stop the merchants, but became more and more prosperous.

Suolaim's wisdom was once again shown. Back then, he insisted on bringing the remnants of the giant mountain tribe to the edge of the sea. Now they not only used the sea's products and climate advantages to lightly survive the catastrophe, but also discovered that It's truly a mouthwateringly rich place.

The plains are rich in products, and the sea pearls, corals and precious shells in the sea are even more sought after.

Eight years ago, they fled here and tried their best to build an isolated city with the sea and mountains facing it. The people's tents were simple, and a leader and seven elders personally changed shifts every day to guard the city at night and patrol during the day.

Up to now, the leader is no longer called the leader. At this moment, Hua Yi has eleven major passes and eighteen cities along the coast. It is too petty to call "the leader", so he proclaims himself the king of the East China Sea. In the royal city sandwiched by two gates—Haizhu City.

In the evening, a group of horse dealers shouted and drove their goods, and walked through the streets that had become quiet in the evening. The two city guards who let them enter the city wore a full set of shiny armor, with long swords and spears in their hands to open the way. In the guest account where the merchant lives.

On the way, I happened to meet the city guards who were returning from their shift on a fork in the road.

When the leader saw them, he raised his hand, stopped the footsteps of those behind him, and told the merchants to pass first.

The city guards who were patrolling the city were all unsmiling and stopped there in unison, like a group of dummies, silent.

In the past five years, the expansion of the territory has naturally resulted in battles. It is no longer the year when every man who can fight is pulled out to defend the city. These men are carefully selected. One thing is to defend against foreign enemies and train yourself. Compared with those orcs who used to be called "warriors" but did everything from hunting and farming, their combat effectiveness is far from the same.

The merchants traveled far and wide, smelling the smell of blood deposited in the bones of these men from a long distance, exuding from their armor and wiped clean weapons in their hands, with an unparalleled sense of deterrence, called Ren couldn't help lowering his head, not daring to look directly.

A young man in the merchant team couldn't help raising his head, and quickly glanced at the leading man. He was only fourteen years old. He was picked up by an old merchant to do errands since he was a child. He couldn't help but envy those tall horses. , Kill the decisive heroes.

However, to his surprise, the leading man was not wearing armor, nor was he tall and majestic. After taking off the long-sleeved clothes, some of them were even bare-chested under the armor, but he looked like a patient recovering from a long illness. He was still wearing two layers of long-sleeved civilian clothes, and even the animal skin collar was tightly pressed.

His eyes swept across the goods, and accidentally met the eyes of the young merchant. The young man looked away in a panic, but the man didn't care. He quickly turned away and waited patiently for them to pass by.

The young merchant walked a long way, and finally couldn't help but look back, only to see that the city guards had already gone in another direction, feeling faintly disappointed in his heart, and couldn't help thinking, that man is really good-looking. The young man couldn't think of any words to describe it, but he thought about it in his heart for a long time, and felt a desire to see that person again.

The young man couldn't help approaching the old merchant next to him, and asked in a low voice, "Master, who was that just now?"

"Shut up." The old merchant glared at him. His little follower is a sub-beast, and he always forgets that the eyes and ears of orcs are much more sensitive than him.

The old merchant heard that the price of coral produced in the East China Sea was extremely high. It was the first time he brought his own caravan to join in the fun. He didn't know the severity, but he was frightened by the checkpoints and the armored guards. He dared to talk nonsense. .

However, a city guard who was leading the way turned around and didn't see any displeasure on his face. He explained very calmly: "We have the king and the seven elders in the king's city, as well as the eighteen city masters. He is the head of the eighteen city lords, the city lord of our royal city Haizhu."

The young man was taken aback and asked, "Will the city lord personally patrol the city?"

The city guard seemed a little helpless and smiled: "He is willing to be with the brothers."

Another city guard turned his head when he heard the sound, and saw that this was a very young man, who looked as if he had just grown up, but the armor style on his body was different from the one next to him, and the lines on his shoulders were obviously much more complicated. higher status. Sure enough, he glanced at it, and the older city guard who spoke automatically fell silent.

The young city guard was silent for a moment, the old merchant couldn't figure out what he meant, so he gave the young man beside him a look, told him to shut up and not to ask more questions, and became cautious himself.

After a while, the old merchant heard the young city guard with a sharp knife say: "That's my teacher, he has a good temper, as long as you don't violate the city rules, he won't make things difficult for you."

The old merchant heard the warning in his plain words, nodded his head hurriedly, and didn't dare to say more.

At this moment, there was a sound of hasty footsteps, and a giant beast hurried over the merchant team and ran all the way to the front of the two leading city guards. It turned into a human form on the spot, with sweat on its forehead, and said quickly: " Inspector Luda, has the city lord passed by?"

The city guard with a sharp knife was Lu Da, and asked, "What?"

The orc took a step forward and whispered a few words in his ear. Luda frowned when he heard the words, showing undisguised disgust on his face, and muttered, "Why is that trash again?"

Then he raised his hand and said, "I passed over there just now, and I should have gone back now. You can go to Wang to find him."

Hua Yi waved his hand to tell everyone in the tent to go back, and the slaves on one side immediately cleared away the things on the table. The fresh malt wheat, shellfish and finely cut fruits and vegetables rise and fall inside, and a fragrance will soon waft out.

When the seasons change, Chang'an has to drink medicine for a while. A Ye said that his diet should be light and not too greasy. Hua Yi was worried that he would not like it, so he had to drink porridge with him all day long.

He said in a good mood: "Go, ask someone to ask me when Chang'an will come back."

After the voice fell, Chang An walked in. However, when he saw that the clear soup and water on the table were all vegetables, not even a piece of meat, he suddenly felt that his hungry stomach was pretending to be dead, as if the appetite that could swallow a cow had disappeared miraculously .

Chang An said indignantly, this deceitful Aye, who makes people eat vegetables and grass all day long, is almost turning into a rabbit.

As a result, even his footsteps became a little heavy.

Hua Yi knew what he was thinking as soon as he saw his face, and said with a smile: "Who is drinking medicine all day long so that I also eat rabbit vegetables? I haven't said anything yet, get out of here quickly, I want to take off my clothes and sleep under the covers at night. Take it off, not now."

Chang An complained, "I'm sweating all over."

"In spring, you need to wear more clothes. Who told you to run around the city with patrols all day?" Hua Yi said while serving him a bowl of porridge, "Okay, I have meat today, don't push Face."

Hearing this, Chang An immediately sat up straight.

Hua Yi: "There are shellfish in the porridge, I'll serve you some more later."

Chang An sighed, and bent back lazily.

Hua Yi was amused by him, so he wanted to say something, but a slave walked in quickly, bowed his head and whispered obediently: "There is an urgent matter on the night patrol, call someone to come to the city lord."

Hua Yi didn't raise his eyes: "What's the matter, you don't even let people eat well?"

The slave replied: "The youngest son of Lord Budong who stayed in Wangcheng drank too much wine and had a conflict with Elder Kazuo and killed him. Now Elder Kazuo has arrested him and said that he will kill the son of Lord Buton. "

Chang An frowned suddenly: "Call someone in."

Hua Yi was stunned when he heard the words, he rubbed the side of the bowl with his thumb, his eyes narrowed as if he was suffocated by the heat, and he remained silent for a while.