Bestial Blade

Chapter 70


The gate outside the city of Haizhu is no longer the same as the small city at the time. It looks like it towers into the clouds from the bottom up. Below the city is a plank road and a deep moat.

Qing Liang was walking back from outside the city with a large basket of herbs on his back, and his superiority as a unique beastman doctor was clearly revealed—he was born with a lot of strength, and the herb basket that weighed as much as one person was carried on his back Up, it seems that there is no effort at all.

The young man in the inner city who was thinking about the autumn hunting festival saw groups of girls on the street, intending to attract attention, but he didn't dare to go up to say hello. A joke—patted him on the right shoulder from the left, while Qing Liang turned his head to the right, turned over the heavy herb basket at once, slapped him in the face, then ran away laughing, and really "attracted" a bunch of girls their eyes.

Qingliang was very depressed, with grass stems and leaves on his head, and the pointing eyes of the young girls made him feel like a light on his back, the roots of his ears were red, and he wanted to crawl into the cracks in the ground.

However, he didn't fly into a rage after all, and he didn't even say a word to the person who made a bad joke. He just stood still for a moment, then sighed, squatted down and put down the basket, silently picked the herbs on the ground and himself, and put them back together. Pick it up and put it back in the basket.

Chang'an walked around outside the city, just caught a glimpse, then glanced at the shark who climbed up to the bank again at some point, pawing at the river bank, and looking stupidly at the merman who was drooling with his finger in his mouth. , suddenly raised his hand and pointed to the direction outside the pass, the shark really raised his head in a daze, and looked in the direction of his finger, Chang An took this opportunity to step him into the river ruthlessly.

Hearing a "plop", the huge fish tail turned white waves in the river, startling the surrounding city guards, and then a thin cry came from below, and the upper body of the mermaid rose from the water, Exposing a strong chest and arms... and an aggrieved face, eyes red like a rabbit, grinning and crying, and swam away shyly and timidly.

Chang'an didn't look at him, but turned around and went up the tower, and said to a city guard beside him, "Go and bring a few people to catch that kid just now, tell him to pick up the herb and wash it, and put it back after admitting his mistake."

The city guard immediately responded to the call and went away, and after a while arrested the young man, pressed his head and told him to squat down and pick up something for Qing Liang.

All of a sudden, all the people on the street gathered to watch the excitement, Qingliang blushed even more, and hurriedly waved his hands to say no.

The leading city guard said blankly: "Following the order of the city lord."

After finishing speaking, he stopped making a sound, and stood upright on one side, surrounded by the young orc, all without pretending to speak.

The young orc was surrounded by people and told to bend down to pick up herbs, and he was instantly ashamed and angry—especially in front of a group of young girls.

This orc boy's name is Yu Chun, and the animal pattern on his hands is very light in color. Although it is not the rare silver color of Hua Yi, it is still very rare.

Yuchun is born with great strength and is the best among the younger generation of orcs. His father was originally the leader of a tribe. After he brought his tribe to surrender to Huayi, he got the position of elder.

I don't know when it started, there are rumors that Yuchun is a silver-patterned orc, imitating Huayi, the king of the East China Sea.

Yu Chun thought highly of himself, how could he bear this kind of insult, he turned into a beast on the spot amidst the exclamation, pushed several city guards away, and roared.

The city guards looked up and saw Chang'an standing on the tower with bare hands, looking down, naturally unwilling to lose his prestige in front of the city lord, so two people turned into beasts, and the other two showed their swords, and killed Yu Chun. It was stuck in the middle, but after a while, it was taken down.

Yu Chun was thrown onto the ground, still dissatisfied, and cursed indiscriminately. Seeing more and more people watching, she felt as if she had been stripped naked and humiliated in public. , I almost ignored it, and shouted at Qingliang who was at a loss: "You pretend that I don't know who you are? You are just a natural waste! I have heard people say that you are a sub-beast. It is only now that the medicine has become what it is today, but it is still a waste! It is just pretending to be stupid to please the city lord, you sycophant... "

Qing Liang's blushing face turned pale, his forehead was still sweaty, he stuck a handful of hair to the top of his head, his lips moved, but he couldn't think of any rebuttal, so he lowered his head in shame, feeling At any rate, he had learned swords from Chang'an for a few days, which was a disgrace to him.

Yu Chun was still dissatisfied, and struggled to sneer and said, "Besides, what is your city lord? It just crawled out of the king's bed, and the lowly sub-beast can also be the city lord!"

The face of the city guard on the tower changed, and he turned his head and said: "The city lord..."

Chang'an frowned suddenly, his eyes turned cold, and the city tower was completely silent, not even anyone who showed his breath.

After a long while, Chang An said slowly: "Insulting the city lord, according to the city rules, dragged him out and beat him with a stick, and threw him back to the elder's house, so that he will not be busy doing big things every day, but also discipline his son well. "

The incident in the outer city didn't seem to affect people's enthusiasm for the Autumn Hunting Festival. At night, it was full of people's voices and demons dancing wildly.

Hua Yi sent people to look for it several times, and finally went out in person to find Chang'an, who had changed shifts. This city lord seemed to have no sense of festivals at all, and was still as usual, meticulously leading people to patrol the city in person , there is simply no interest at all.

As we got closer, Hua Yi smelled the smell of alcohol on Chang An's body, and his complexion turned pale immediately. He thought that the first glass of wine was not with me during the autumn hunting festival.

Hua Yi asked with a dark face, "Have you been drinking?"

Chang An responded: "After I changed shifts, I ran into Kazuo on the road, and he dragged me to drink a few sips, probably because I was suffering from suffocation, and wanted to intercede with you."

Hua Yi didn't respond when he heard the words, sticking to Chang'an sticky, smelling the slight smell of alcohol on his body, he muttered rather unhappily: "Let's go home."

Chang An raised his hand and pushed him away, and said solemnly: "It's not good to do that often."

Hua Yi stared, only to realize "what kind" after a while, and immediately said dumbfounded: "Who said that?!"

Chang'an: "Solaimu."

Hua Yi: "..."

Chang An looked meaningfully at the belt with hair around his waist, and said: "He said that if you don't exercise restraint at night, you will easily lose your body and lose your hair during the day. I think should take good care of yourself."

What is "good care"? Still saying it in such a hesitant tone

The row of slaves following Hua Yi immediately lowered their heads, pretending not to hear the "private incident" in the king's tent.

Hua Yi turned into a beast shape with a cry, rushed forward and grabbed Chang An's collar, retracted his sharp claws into the pads of his flesh, hugged Chang An with his paws, and put his big head on Chang An's shoulders. From a distance, it looked almost like a It's like crushing him.

Chang An said "Ouch", Hua Yi's claws just pressed on his waist, and there was an incomparable soreness there, which almost made his knees go weak, and he hurriedly used his skill to get out. Unexpectedly, Hua Yi was very shameless, taking advantage of everyone's excitement, and there was no one else around except his slaves and guards, he threw himself like a cat jumping a ball, throwing Chang'an to the ground. .

At this moment, Hua Yi's ears moved suddenly, and the paw that was holding Chang'an was loosened suddenly, then he picked up Chang'an's collar, jumped forward for three or four feet, and a scream sounded behind him, A teenage slave was stabbed across the chest.

A cold light came, and an epee struck the place where Chang'an Huayi was standing just now, and the dust kicked up Lao Gao.

The first sword pierced the air, and the second sword chased after him. Chang An didn't even think about it, and took out from his arms the half-knife that he usually used for practice, which was hanging on the inside of his coat, and made a tooth-sickening sound.

The assassin and Chang'an each took a step back, Chang'an's back bumped into Hua Yi's arms who had regained his human form at some point, and a group of slaves who had no fighting power were wiped out in an instant. Under the firelight, three or four assassins had already surrounded them Around the two of them, there were people and beasts, with sharp blades and sharp claws, their faces were covered, and it was impossible to tell who they were.

Chang An slowly adjusted the position of the knife in his hand, glanced at the person in front of him, and asked in a low voice, "Who is looking for death?"

A masked assassin sneered and said, "It's just a lowly sub-beast, what is it!"

Chang An's pupils shrank.

At the same time, a person who didn't know where he was hiding jumped up from behind the two of them in an instant. Chang'an's chest was chopped off, and Chang'an stepped on the wall next to him with agility that was completely different from when he was fighting just now. side of the assassin.

The assassin felt a chill hit him, and it was too late to turn around, but he hit the blade with his head, and there was a small gash in his neck, blood spattered three feet on the spot, and when he died, he was standing.

"What do you think I am?" Chang An stared at the fading life symbol in the assassin's eyes and said coldly, then kicked the corpse away.

Although Chang An was aroused by what happened on the tower in the morning, he didn't pay much attention to it afterwards. However, when he heard the same words twice a day, he didn't have time to think about the connection in his heart, but an ominous premonition arose for no reason.

At this moment, hundreds of miles away, a long and tall man was sitting at the door of the tent, holding a young child in his arms. Hearing the sounds of the clansmen celebrating the festival not far away, his slender fingers gently caressed The child's hair comforted him into a drowsy state, as if he was in a daze.

The girl's high-pitched singing voice seemed to bring back the man's sanity.

A smile suddenly appeared on his handsome face, but for some reason, he forcibly showed a strange look, and suddenly said: "King of the East China Sea, Yinya...Hua Yi, this is really surprising, like a sheep... My boy can grow claws and teeth."

One person said: "Our people should have already acted."

The man chuckled and raised his hand to signal the slave to take the child away. He stood up, gathered his long sleeves, turned and walked towards the tent, and said indifferently, "I know him, that weak little brother... It looks unusual since he was a child, but now he is even more bluffing. Silver-streaked orc, destiny... He, no matter how strong he looks, his weakness is engraved in his bones, wait, it will always be His life."