Bestial Blade

Chapter 86


Chang'an was awakened by Kazuo's abrupt crying.

He felt as if he had been burnt on the fire, he could feel the scalding heat of his skin, his eyelids were too heavy to lift, and there was constant noise in his ears, he couldn't help but feel a burst of pain rising from his heart. Weak and irritable, he almost wanted to stab the moaning waste next to him... Fortunately, he couldn't lift his arm, so Kazuo escaped.

Seeing his finger move, Kazuo immediately rushed towards him like a big dog, but Chang'an's back was full of injuries, and he didn't dare to turn Chang'an over, he just stretched out a finger hesitantly, and pushed gently. Pushing his shoulder, he called out cautiously: "Chang'an, Chang'an..."

Chang'an heard it, and for a moment he had no energy to open his eyes, and couldn't speak, so he turned Kazuo around in a panic, and said with a sobbing voice, "Wake up or not, you can just moan, hurry up and kill me!" It's... Chang'an, Chang'an!"

After Chang An regained a little bit of control over his body, the first thing he did was not to open his eyes, but to frown. The brows were so tight that the blue veins on his forehead were exposed. Squeeze out a sentence: "You give me... shut up!"

Kazuo stared at a pair of big ignorant eyes, quickly closed his mouth, stretched his neck, and squatted beside him like a toad.

Only then did Chang An discover that his right hand had been fixed with wood, and the wound on his hand seemed to have been washed, and his ankle was wrapped with three layers inside and three layers outside, which was thicker than a fist. What happened to his back? But he couldn't see it, but Chang'an also knew that a rough man like Kazuo couldn't be expected to do any meticulous work, so the next moment, he waved away Kazuo's hand, gritted his teeth and stood up from the ground.

This force almost caused another dizziness, Chang An instinctively stretched out his hand in the air in the dark, only grabbed Kazuo's skirt, and fell to one side as soon as he crooked.

Kazuo hurriedly caught him, his bear-like paws just caught Chang An's injured back, and he felt Chang An's whole body tremble violently, and suddenly he was in a panic again.

Chang'an's temples were pressed tightly and hurt, his eyes brightened and then darkened, and his high fever persisted. He was really in a mess.

The two of them were in a hidden small cave. Fortunately, Ka Zuo was not stupid, and Ren Changan didn't stay where he was, knowing to hide. I hope he also knows how to clean up the blood.

Kazuo helped Chang'an clumsily, and asked stammeringly, "What should I do? Where can I find herbs? Do you have a fever? You... don't get dizzy, I don't know what to do ... Ah Ye, alas, why isn't my mother-in-law here, she knows everything... "

The consequence of her knowing everything is that Kazuo knows nothing.

Chang'an got angry, pressed his chest and burst into a heart-piercing cough.

He suddenly missed Hua Yi uncontrollably—Hua Yi is also a very interesting person, but he never makes others think that he is noisy, and he is careful and caring. For so many years, whether it was following Zheyan as a child or Beishi as a teenager, life in Chang'an has never been so comfortable.

People say that Hua Yi has sixteen minds, and he goes on and on about things outside every day, and he has nothing to do. When he returns to the tent at night, he is no less worried than he is during the day. In the past ten years, he has become half a doctor cautiously, so that although Chang An has been suffering from minor illnesses, since he settled down in his tent, he has never really suffered from a serious illness.

Chang An felt that he had made him coquettish, and even this "slight injury" was almost unbearable.

But if you can't take it, you have to take it, Changan took a breath, and pushed Kazuo: "Give me water and light a fire."

Kazuo finally found the backbone, rolled and crawled, found a big leaf from nowhere, took a leaf of cold water, drank until his mouth was so cold that his gums hurt, Chang An didn't care so much, his throat It seemed to be on fire, and after taking a few mouthfuls, I poured it down, and a large area of my chest was wet.

Then he threw the knife to Kazuo and said in a low voice, "Roast it for me."

Kazuo was also an old hunter, so he naturally knew what he was going to do, looked at Chang An's face, hesitated for a while after taking the knife, and did as he wanted.

Chang An held the hot knife in his hand, curled himself up with difficulty, lifted the bandage on his ankle, and cut off all the rotten flesh outside the wounds on his body in two or three strokes. Shaking, when doing these things, cold sweat dripped down his nose and chin, but the movements were not sloppy, and his breathing was suppressed and trembling, which made the corners of Kazuo's eyes twitch.

In the end, Chang An spit out the sweat that flowed into his mouth, mixed with a mouthful of blood foam, but Kazuo was startled, and Chang An gasped for breath, his face was so ugly that he almost looked like a dead person, pale with blue tinge .

He whispered: "It's nothing... I bit my tongue. You can take care of my back for me. "

Kazuo asked, "Are you okay?"

Chang An propped his hands on the ground, closed his eyes slightly, arched his thin back, and nodded as if he heard the words, and stopped talking nonsense.

Kazuo took the knife and roasted it on the fire, and opened Chang'an's clothes, but he was a little bit hesitant to do so.

Chang An urged in a bad tone: "What are you dawdling for?"

Kazuo just gritted his teeth and became ruthless. After the knife went down, he had no more scruples, and quickly picked off the festered flesh around the wound.

In the quiet cave, only the sound of depressing and unsteady breathing remained. Chang An took out a jug of wine from his waist, bit off the lid of the jug with his teeth, and poured it directly on the wound. The illusion of smoke begins.

Chang An couldn't bear it anymore, his whole body was trembling, and he let out a low moan, which showed that the pain was extreme.

Kazuo didn't dare to delay, and immediately tore the almost dry underwear into cloth strips, wrapping them around the wound.

After all this was done, Chang An breathed a sigh of relief, and several layers of cold sweat broke out. The water he drank just now seemed to have evaporated, and he became thirsty again. This time he didn't ask for water, but leaned on one shoulder against the On the stone wall of the cave, he stretched out his limbs as if he had collapsed, and took a rest.

His cheeks were burning red, there was even water in his eyes, and his eyes were beginning to be a little hazy. Kazuo didn't know if he was still awake, so he had to wait aside, put out the fire by himself, and carefully put out the traces of the two people. erase.

Chang'an is really beautiful. There is no boy in the entire Wangcheng who is as handsome as him, and all the girls don't like him. Now his face is burning brightly. He is a somewhat weak beauty... But Kazuo didn't feel it at all. He even felt that the one resting against the wall was not a person at all, it was a wounded but more vicious wolf, who could bite off the neck of anyone who thought he was half dead.

After an unknown amount of time, Kazuo also leaned to the side and took a nap. Suddenly, his ears moved, and he heard someone's voice outside the cave.

He hurriedly turned his head to look at Chang'an, and Chang'an had already opened his eyes.

Kazuo rolled his eyes, put away his silly crying hugging Chang'an just now, spread his hands and pressed down slightly, and then wiped it, signaling to his companion that he had cleaned the outside.

Chang An nodded invisibly, and then stood up silently. His movements were a little stagnant, but very natural, and he was adjusting himself with every move and gesture.

Kazuo has always been unable to defeat Chang'an, but Chang'an and his own people are very roomy in fighting, and they always hit the end, so that Kazuo admits that Chang'an is a little stronger than himself, but he doesn't know how far this "point" is. Now, he understands .

It was an indescribable precision, he understood every bone and every joint of his body, he knew how to save his strength to the greatest extent, and he could also put his whole body on the edge of that line—that was the real thunderbolt Power.

Cazzo hadn't shed as much blood and sweat as he had, so he didn't understand how he did it.

This person, he never accepted, never questioned, just put all his eggs in one basket and never looked back.

Chang An had already hid at the entrance of the cave, which was very narrow. His back was pressed against the wall, his body was slightly sideways, his head was lowered, his slightly injured foot was supporting himself, the other foot was hanging in the air, and his knee was slightly curled up. With this movement, he seemed to be "sitting" on the wall.

Kazuo followed knowingly and stood up. Changan raised his hand and pointed to the other side of the cave entrance. The stones there were slightly bent inward, forming a natural depression. The space could barely accommodate a half-grown child. Kazuo was a little reluctant to stand in. , can only nest there aggrieved.

The entrance of the cave was blocked by Kazuo with thatch, but both of them knew that it was useless—the orcs who lived in the wild all year round knew how to search for caves hidden by wild beasts, and it was impossible for two injured people to hide in the water for a long time or If it is on a tree, then it can only be in a cave.

The only advantage is that the hole is narrow enough, deep enough, narrow enough, so only one person can enter, and deep enough, so the bottom cannot be seen at a glance.

Chang'an's left elbow rested on the rock, and the short knife lay quietly on his palm. Kazuo's keen senses could not even hear his breathing. He only saw Chang'an lowering his eyes slightly, as if Has fallen asleep, or has merged with the rock.

The searchers arrived soon, and they were still the orcs who were neat and orderly and did not communicate with each other. Under the unified command of a rational sub-beast, they scattered around to search for hidden caves.

As a person got closer, Kazuo's fists became tighter and tighter.

Then the man carefully tore open the thatch at the entrance of the hole, and looked in with his head—but it was too dark, and he couldn't see anything, so he took a step forward very carefully, allowing his eyes to adapt to the surrounding environment, and at the same time stretched out his hand Go to the rock wall of Fushan Cave.

Just when he took the third step, the orc's eyes had made him adapt to the darkness quickly, and he saw Kazuo.

Kazuo had already decided to fight even if he had to fight, so he held out his fist.

The searcher turned his head to avoid it, and opened his mouth, as if he wanted to call someone. Suddenly, a hot hand stretched out and stuffed something into his mouth unexpectedly, and he didn't know anything after that .

The blood splattered from the man's neck was blocked by Chang An with the rags he tore off to prevent it from splashing out—the throat was cut open, and only a small, turbulent sound could be made.

Kazuo caught the man very quickly, preventing him from falling down, and skillfully dragged him slowly into the cave. It looked like the man walked into the cave slowly. The straw was hidden at the entrance of the cave, and he touched the clothes of the dead man with his dangling toes. Kazuo understood, and stripped off the clothes of the dead man.

Chang An took a look outside, taking advantage of no one coming, said in a low voice, "Put it on."

The figure of the man was about the same as that of Kazuo. Kazuo instantly thought he understood what he meant, so he put on the dead man's clothes conveniently, took out his token, and wiped some on his face. mud and ashes.

Then he happily followed to the entrance of the cave, waiting to hear what Changan would do next.

Unexpectedly, Chang An didn't even look at him, his eyes were fixed on the outside, and he said shortly in a very low voice: "Go out."

Kazuo was taken aback. If the situation didn't allow it, he would have grabbed Chang An by the collar and yelled at him—could he be the kind of bastard who would mess up when he was in danger and leave his good brother who saved him just now? Wasn't he a man, an orc warrior, standing behind people and hiding like eunuchs and jerks

Kazuo's face turned purple, and he was speechless when he pointed at Chang'an. Chang An only glanced at him, and knew that this big fool would never do what he said, and the two confronted each other quietly for a while, neither of them willing to give in.

However, after a while, Kazuo saw Chang An's eyes suddenly turn, and before he had time to let go of the other party's compromise, he saw the man suddenly jumping out of the cave with lightning speed, Kazuo couldn't imagine How did the person who was so seriously injured just now that he was struggling to move did it? He seemed to have disappeared before his eyes.

Kazuo chased after him instinctively, but he was already a distance behind Chang'an. It looked like an orc had found the person they wanted while searching the cave, and was accidentally run away by him and was chasing him.

This movement alarmed others, and the investigators swarmed after Chang'an, but no one noticed Kazuo.

Kazuo had difficulty transforming into a beast and was injured, so he definitely couldn't keep up with Chang'an at this time.

By the time Kazuo reacted, Chang'an's goal had been achieved.

At the same time, Hua Yi had already arrived at the place where Lu Quan was, and before he even had time to drink his saliva, he got out all the people who followed Chang'an, and scolded him head and face.

The king of Donghai and Elder Lu Quan are as important as the sky and the earth, not to mention that these people who followed Chang'an were originally sent by Huayi to protect him.

After coaxing and cheating, some people couldn't bear the pressure, and told the truth about how Chang'an met that lunatic, and how he knew where the other party's main account was.

Hua Yi made a decisive decision, thinking that it was not too late, everyone rested for the night, and set off on the next day to march straight to the other party's main tent... As for Lu Da, Hua Yi just glanced at it, and didn't say anything in the end—right now It's chaotic, it's not the time to fight.

Up until this point, he hadn't realized who his enemy was... until that night.

A strange orc with a face like a stone suddenly sent a letter from the sky, and after handing it to Hua Yi, he immediately killed himself.

Facing this upright corpse, Hua Yi suddenly had an ominous premonition. He managed to calm down and opened the blood-stained letter. There was only one sentence in it, in a very familiar handwriting.

"Your man is in my hands—second brother."