Bestial Blade

Chapter 93


Jing Chu rode on the back of an orc who turned into a beast, with a scarf made of the tail of an unknown animal around his neck. His soft and thick fur feet were as long as a palm, supporting his chin, making his face pale. However, there is a bit of extravagance out of thin air-orcs will never have such a strange temperament anyway, they always look strong and rough, even if they wear expensive clothes, the profound facial features and generous body shape Always betray them.

Yuan took a few steps to follow up, glanced at Lu Da who was leading the way from a distance, and couldn't help asking in a low voice: "Boss, is he reliable?"

Jing Chu smiled lightly, raised his eyelids to look at him, and asked back, "What do you think?"

Yuan Song frowned, and there seemed to be a flash of contempt on his face, and after a while, he said: "This man, who is double-faced and three-faced, can be so bitter and bitter, but it is really admirable-how does the leader know that he treats him so well?" Haizhu City Lord...does that mean something?"

Jing Chu laughed softly when he heard the words, the brothers all had good looks, but Jing Chu was the most. When he laughed, his dark eyes slightly curved up, as if they were pretending to be inside. The water is like shallow ripples, so handsome that people can't take their eyes off it.

Yuan Song couldn't help thinking, he is so handsome and so smart... Which of the old chief's sons can compare to him? Is it his fault that he was born as a sub-beast? No wonder he has so much resentment and unwillingness.

I just heard Jing Chu say: "I don't care if he has that intention or not, even if he doesn't, I can let him have it—aren't you beastmen like this? Cowardly like beasts, greedy like humans, succumbing to the strong , adoring the strong, clinging to the strong, but hating the strong, isn't the city lord an insurmountable strong man to that kid? Besides, I heard that the city lord is a beauty, man... how can anyone not be greedy? What about hue?"

When Yuan Song heard the word "hue", he subconsciously avoided Jing Chu's eyes, hesitated for a moment, and rarely murmured: "This... greedy for color, the time for confusion is always limited, and the feelings that come from the heart are different… "

Jing Chu sneered and said, "If you like someone, do you feel happy looking at him every day, and don't want to take off your pants to do that kind of thing with him? Don't you want to satisfy your lust? Even if you think it's dirty, just Caring about your own heart—then why do you like the other person? It’s nothing more than because he treats you tenderly and takes care of you, or something in him that you don’t have attracts you and satisfies one of your fantasies. What do you mean by "sweetheart", in the final analysis, others can't be your sweetheart, the person in your heart is just yourself in a different outfit... Let's talk about love in the world, how can there be a long-lasting and sincere love like parents love their children? But why do they Don’t love other people’s children? No matter how clever and lovely other people’s children are, in the hearts of their parents, isn’t the one connected with their own blood the most special? So, what people love is only their own blood.”

This remark was cold to the core, and Yuan Song was dumbfounded by what he said. Before he could take a breath, he just heard Jing Chu say again: "Ask me how I know what that kid thinks about the city lord... Even if he doesn't know, I will I know. This person is vain and impetuous, eager for quick success and quick gains, and capricious. In the final analysis, he just feels weak and humble. He dreams of becoming a person like the city lord, but it is impossible for a person like him to become like that. Too strong, the animal heart in his body makes him dare not be jealous or disrespectful, so I have been looking up at a figure for ten years, and I don't think it's surprising how deep the desire is derived from that half of the heart."

Yuan Song instinctively wanted to refute, but after searching his stomach, he couldn't think of anything wrong with what he said. What Jing Chu said made sense, but there was an indescribable loneliness and coldness in the reasoning. Just listening to it made people feel that everything was dull.

For a person like Jing Chu, does he have a good life? Won't he go crazy

Or has he gone mad

Jing Chu's team approached the pass at a speed that surprised Chang'an. Chang'an couldn't help but become more and more anxious as he got closer to "home". He couldn't imagine why the other party was more familiar with the road than he was. Some kind of ominous premonition vaguely rose. However, Jing Chu's team was too hierarchical, whether viewed from a distance or near, they were all monolithic, so he couldn't find a chance to make a move.

The lunatic still haunts him, but sometimes he follows him, and sometimes he disappears for a day, and he doesn't know why.

On the evening of the third day, the lunatic bled a horned deer, picked it up whole and threw it in front of Chang An, saying unceremoniously, "You roast it, I'll treat you to it."

Chang An was annoyed, and said to him without raising his head: "Get out!"

The lunatic burst into anger when he heard this, raised his eyebrows, and glared at Chang'an angrily, but unfortunately the man's ass was as heavy as a rock, and he ignored his staring at all. The madman raised his hand to pat him, but drew it back halfway—considering that it might start another pointless melee between the two of them.

The lunatic wanted to have a hearty fight with Chang An. Although he didn't want to die, no matter who hacked the other to death, he would be convinced anyway. But he didn't want to fight this kind of meaningless fight with Chang An—because it Under such circumstances, he can't show how powerful he is at all!

So he squatted on the ground, pondered in distress for a while, and then poked Chang An's knee with a small wooden stick, and said, "I'm really hungry, give me a roasted deer, and I'll tell you a secret."

Chang An glanced at him impatiently, not expecting ivory to come out of his dog's mouth.

Who knew but heard the lunatic say: "I know the valley in front of me. From your royal city to their camp, I ran back and forth more than ten times, just to compete with you. I am familiar with you here." My backyard is the same, I know there is a path on the mountain... "

Chang An was stunned, grabbed the lunatic by the collar, and asked urgently, "What path? Waterway, dry road, or some animal's hole? Where does it lead? Can you avoid those iron guys with three layers inside and three layers outside? Can... "

The lunatic stuffed the venison under Chang'an's eyelids silently, sniffed his nose without saying a word, and stared at Chang'an with lowered eyes, but he didn't know if he was hungry. Even though he looked arrogant, it made people feel that he was eager. See It's pitiful and hateful.

Chang An snorted angrily, snatched the raw meat, washed it quickly, cut the skin and scraped the bones, put it on the fire, and after a while, it was quickly chopped and roasted, and he stuffed it into the lunatic's hand, and put him It was so hot that it screamed "Aoao".

Chang An: "Quickly say it!"

The lunatic took a bite aggrieved, and complained: "Some places are not cooked yet, and I can't even bite..."

Chang'an: "If you can't bite, bite slowly—you should say it or not!"

The lunatic angrily tore off a piece of meat, chewed it twice and swallowed it, and then said with resentment: "It turns out that the river channel has dried up for some reason, leaving a deep ditch, which is connected at the foot of the mountain. There was a litter of wolf cubs making a hole in it, and then it moved to another place, and the other end was dug through by some kind of beast, leaving a small hole that a person could barely squeeze through, and it happened to be in the middle of the valley... , where are you going? Don't drag me! I haven't finished eating yet!"

Chang An jumped up, wrapped the leftover grass with leaves, then picked up the madman's collar, and ran up the hillside.

That place is exactly as the lunatic said, and there is still a smell of animals left in it. It is indeed a wolf, and the innermost part extends into it, and it is tens of hundreds of feet long. The two of them are equivalent to passing through the wall from the mountain. , the narrowest one is so narrow that people can’t even breathe. The lunatic probably ate too much and his stomach bulged. Amidst the madman's screams, he was "stepped" through the gap abruptly.

It was almost dark when I came out after all the hard work and disheveled. Jing Chu and the others camped and rested in the valley, while Chang An carefully prostrated himself at the entrance of the cave, opened a gap in the dense weeds, and looked out.

I don't know if it was because he had been unlucky for dozens of days, and then suddenly changed his luck. This time his luck was exceptionally good. The entrance of the cave happened to be not far from Jingchu's main tent. A person walked by near the entrance of the cave, so frightened that he hurriedly retracted his head, held his breath and waited for the person to pass by.

The man was walking towards the main tent, Chang An casually glanced at the man through the cracks in the grass, but this glance made him feel as if he had been struck by lightning.

The lunatic felt that Chang An's whole body visibly trembled, and then the muscles on his body stiffened like a stone for a moment, so he turned his head and gave him a questioning look.

Chang An didn't seem to realize it, he stared at the man's back, almost staring at the man through a hole, so that the man seemed to sense something, turned his head and looked behind him suspiciously.

His frontal face pierced Chang An's eyes unexpectedly, making Chang An's eye sockets red - this man was Lu Da.

Why did Jing Chu rush into their gate so confidently? Why did the other party march so fast, without even going through the wrong road

Chang An suddenly lowered his head, and put his whole body on the entrance of the small hole full of mud. The stench of mud and animals filled his nose, and his clenched fist made half of his body tremble. .

The lunatic was taken aback, reached out to push his shoulder, and asked in a low voice, "Hey, what's wrong with you? Why do you suddenly tremble like a sieve? Hey... hey, what are you doing?!"

The lunatic watched in shock as Chang An suddenly raised his head, and slapped himself hard on the face.

The lunatic was stunned for a moment, then asked, "Is your face itchy?"

Chang An ignored him, and said in a low voice: "I'm not a thing."

This remark won the heart of the lunatic, and he immediately nodded appreciatively and said, "That's right!"

Chang An was not in the mood to tease him, his heart seemed to be blocked by something, so that he couldn't breathe, he stretched out his hand to press his chest, but couldn't suppress the ominous, rush Then the lunatic felt something was wrong, and forced his face to turn over, only to find that Chang An's lips were purple.

The lunatic was startled, and quickly let go of Chang An: "You... are you okay? But... don't die!"

Chang An's mind was blank, his lips were bleeding from his bite, and his mind was buzzing. The exhaustion and pain of the past few days did not break him down, but at this moment, he felt that all the strength in his body was flowing away like running water.

Chang An couldn't figure out why Lu Da did this, was it because of that woman? Did he betray his home, his tribe, his city-state because of a woman he didn't know... who had nothing to do with him

After thinking about it, Chang'an didn't understand, so he could only come to a rote conclusion... probably because of himself as a teacher who was wrong.

I don't know how long it took before the numbness and pain in his chest slowly eased, and his breathing also gradually calmed down. The lunatic saw that his face was not as scary as before, so he boldly poked him: "Hey, I said you what happened?"

Chang'an's eyes were out of focus, and he was silent for a long time before he opened his mouth and said: "My teacher treated me like a parent and child back then, and it was hard for me to repay him in my life. I am not one ten thousandth as good as him...I..."

He couldn't go on.

The lunatic looked at him inexplicably: "Little boy, what are you talking about?"

The bright red from the corners of Chang An's eyes spread to his entire eye sockets, against his pale skin, it looked as if his eyes were about to bleed.

After a while, he whispered: "I went to the guitar myself."

Before the lunatic had time to realize what the other party meant, he saw Chang An suddenly crawling out of the hole like a ghost, his movements were so light that even the weeds were not disturbed, walking like a ghost in the darkening night. Walking through the valley, there are few traces.