Bestial Blade

Chapter 95


The heavy armor was so weird that it seemed to wrap people in a shell. Hua Yi didn't know whether the people inside the armor would hurt or not when they were hit by knives and guns, but he soon discovered that even if the "iron man" was beaten to death Unable to move, unable to fight back, they can still stand there, firmly blocking the way.

Under the heavy armor, only the exposed face and joints are the only weaknesses, and these people seem to have been trained. Once killed, they will use their last strength to rush forward and hug the enemy. There is some mechanism, once the hands are clasped together, a hidden lock will be born in the iron armor, locking the opponent firmly.

Hua Yi looked at the battlefield, looked at the layers of armored men, and swept his eyes across the entire valley—he was neither in a hurry nor in a panic when he reached this point. At that moment, it is always caught off guard.

"Lu Quan, Ming Zhu, each of you is a generation of brother beasts, walk from both sides, tear off their iron shells, and lead those people who are huddled in the shells to both sides. Tear a hole in the middle."

After his words fell, Lu Quan had turned into a giant beast in an instant, and rushed out with a roar. Mingzhu's eyes flashed, and she followed her out.

Hua Yi abruptly moved his eyes from the middle of the battle, and whispered to one of his guards: "You go around the valley and go to the pass to find Budong or Shanxi City Lord. I don't care if they come here or Climb here and tell them to come quickly for reinforcements."

The guard took the order and left, Hua Yi put one hand behind his back, and stretched out the other hand, someone understood immediately, and handed him the saber left by Chang An.

Even for an orc, the one-foot-long saber is enough weight in his hand.

Hua Yi rubbed the old saber with his rough-looking palm. From the handle to the blade, it was cold and heavy everywhere. The blade was still the same, not ostentatious, but extremely sharp. Rolling the stagnant stream, so sure, it seems that even if the owner is not here, as if there is a gap in the road, it is invincible.

Hua Yi looked at the knife, and suddenly remembered a sentence someone said in his ear a long time ago - step on a narrow road, draw the knife to face each other, even though death is an honor, don't change your mind.

Immediately, Hua Yi laughed self-deprecatingly, and he remembered that Jing Chu said that sentence.

Holding Chang'an's knife like this, thinking about Jing Chu's words, he found that he had been trapped by these two sub-orcs all his life.

The night is as cold as water, and the dead and the living are entangled as they were born.

Packs of wolves are galloping, lions are roaring, bleeding is happening every day in the jungle and on the grasslands, and the orc tribes on land are fighting endlessly. Is it because the blood of those animals is still flowing in their bodies

Chang An lowered his body and pulled out the sharp knife from Lu Da's body, and picked up the weapon he was least proficient in, surrounded by boundless enemies. It seems that everyone will eventually be forced to such a point where they are at the end of their rope and have a knife in their hands that they cannot lift.

Hua Yi looked at the bloody battlefield below like a cold outsider, and raised his saber silently at the moment when the Iron Man's camp opened the line of defense a little.

Everyone behind him was staring at the knife, and then Hua Yi swung the huge blade down, and by virtue of that inertia, he was the first to rush out.

Jing Chu was like a spider sitting in the net, holding every thread, standing motionless in the middle of the main tent. Suddenly, he raised his head with a feeling of happiness, and saw from a distance the saber that looked like a million men on the mountainside, and saw that it split all the people standing in front of him into two like a magic weapon that splits boulders and sea water. end.

"Tell my dogs that have been raised for many days to gather in the middle, even the corpses, and wrap them up. I want to see, if their sabers that are hacked down from the heights are cut into a puddle of mud, it will be difficult for Baba to kill them." If he can’t pull it out, what else can he do.” Jing Chu ordered without changing his face, and immediately a guard who didn’t know where he was hiding responded, and jumped to a high place in the air, waving a few small flags of different colors in his hands. , this bright flag seemed to contain some kind of order, and the recipients with dull eyes immediately gathered together quickly.

Jing Chu immediately gave the second order, pointing in the direction of Chang'an and said: "Intercept and kill him with all my strength, I will pick his head up, I really want to know, if the passionate seed sees it, will he die for love or die?" Follow the martyrdom!"

The next moment, Jing Chu turned to Yuan Song, looked straight into the eyes of his loyal Gong Buduo, was silent for a while, and then softly said: "Also... ask someone to go to the main tent, and take my Xiaomei out to give to him. I."

Yuan Song was stunned for a moment, then lost his composure and shouted at him: "You are crazy!"

Jing Chu glanced at him calmly, without getting angry or explaining, just like the puppet of a great god in the legend, repeating inhumanely and without emotion: "I said, bring Xiaomei out to me."

Yuan Song looked at his pale face and strangely shining eyes, and finally determined that this man has been crazy for not a day or two.

The first batch of orcs who dared to surround the crowd were killed by Hua Yi, but more orcs rushed over, and they soon fell into it. On the other side, Chang'an's pressure suddenly increased, and the sharp knife's defensive ability was limited. Although the front and side protrusions looked mighty and powerful, they were extremely exhausting, and he only had one hand left.

Chang An felt that his left hand was numb.

There is also a lunatic who doesn't know the so-called lunatic, who jumps up and down with his long knife with a hook on the front end, yelling, he cuts and kills everyone he sees, he becomes murderous, and he doesn't know friend from foe at all Just now he slaughtered an orc under Jing Chu's tent, and with the next blow, he chopped off Chang An's head.

Chang An lowered his head to dodge, stood up the sharp knife, and caught the hook on the tip of the knife with a "clang", and turned the hook knife with a twist of his wrist. The lunatic refused to let go, and was completely turned by him After more than three laps, he finally saw who his opponent was.

The lunatic seemed to be in a daze for a moment, and then he slapped his head, "Ah", and said belatedly, "Why are you? I'm with you this time!"

Chang An stooped to avoid a giant beast, and didn't say anything about it. He passed the sharp knife forward, and unceremoniously cut off half of the lunatic's hair.

The people in the whole valley seemed to have turned into beasts. After midnight, almost no one could hear the instructions.

The orc who waved the flag on behalf of Jing Chu to deliver orders had been hacked to death several times. Flags of different colors were scattered on the ground, and the moon gradually crawled out from behind the clouds. bloodied.

A primal and savage chaos.

Hua Yi was stabbed three or four times, and a corner of the light armor on his body was cut off, but he still hasn't fainted. Unlike a soldier, the dead guest plays the role of an assassin in many cases. How to kill the enemy and protect himself to the maximum extent in such chaos, but at this time, he was more concerned about where Chang'an was.

He quietly stuck his hands under the edge of the blade, the one-foot-long hilt was lying on the ground, leaving only the less than two-foot-long blade in his hand, and his feet landed on the ground without making a sound, as if he had already merged with the night As if in one body, only his enemy could clearly see the sharp blade protruding from nowhere like a ghost at the moment before dying, and then died without saying a word.

Hua Yi felt that his breath was about to melt in the cold night, which was warm and cold.

Suddenly, a corpse leaning against a boulder attracted Hua Yi's attention. For a moment, he almost thought he was dazzled, and there was only that one, leaning there abruptly, as if there was something wrong with him. As if someone helped him up on purpose... And that corpse was a familiar face, Luda!

Lu Da didn't look in distress at all, only a few abrupt bruised fingerprints and a palm-length wound on his neck.

Such a cut... and who would go so far as to lay the dead body out of pity after killing someone

Hua Yi's heart beat wildly, which made him almost slashed in the shoulder by a person who suddenly attacked from behind.

However, Chang An felt his chest was about to explode, his ears were ringing, and the blood vessels on his temples were jumping suddenly, as if they were about to pierce the skin there, and he could only feel the bloody smell rising up in his throat while breathing. Bring burning pain.

And the enemies around him continued unabated.

That damned lunatic was still nagging in his ear: "Hey, little boy, I think you can't lift your hands anymore, please beg me, admit that I'm better than you, and I'll help you!"

Chang'an said: "Get out!"

Before he could say "Roll", the soles of his feet swayed, a few shadows in heavy armor glanced out of the corner of his eyes, Chang An's body bent back instinctively, and the strong wind from the opponent's epee swept across his face, blowing The skin hurts.

Chang An flicked his wrist, and gouged out the eyes of the heavy-armored iron man who was closest to him with a knife. Seeing this, the lunatic froze, and subconsciously held his wrist holding the knife—he clearly saw Chang An's hand trembling, but But he can still have such an accurate head.

The heavy-armored iron man instinctively took half a step back, but Chang'an didn't give him this chance, and pierced through the thinnest part of his mask, piercing straight through his brain.

But the other party was not so easy to die. Just when he thought he had succeeded, Chang An was taken aback when he heard the click of a machine spring. He raised his leg again, but he could no longer lift it—the heavy corpse was dying. He hugged his leg before and activated the mechanism of the iron armor.

But at this time, three or four heavy armored iron men surrounded him at the same time, and three heavy swords came towards him from different directions. , turned to the two sides, and held two heavy swords at the same time. The next moment, his tiger's mouth could not withstand such a strong impact, and it tore immediately, and the sharp knife was released from his hand.

Chang'an has never been in such a desperate situation.

The lunatic was staring at him in a daze, but at this moment he suddenly woke up, the tangled look on his face flashed, and then he rushed forward, the hook knife split the face of a heavy-armored iron man from behind, and stepped on it the next moment. He lifted his shoulder away, and flew another epee that was swung towards Chang'an.

At the same time, an orc dressed like a Jingchu guard appeared out of nowhere. With a loud shout, he forcibly knocked away the third heavy-armored iron man and stabbed him from behind. The orc who jumped up and chased Luda, he fell to the ground, his face was revealed, Chang An was startled—it turned out to be Kazuo.

Kazuo ran away, but he didn't run far away. When the restriction of Qianlanshui on him was lifted, he tried every means to get in among Jingchu's guards.

Kazuo grinned wide, and showed him a smug and cunning smile, and hit the joint of the arm of the armored man holding Chang'an's leg with his sword, and hit three or four times hard, although he couldn't After cutting off that arm, Chang An felt that the moment his leg loosened, the iron arm opened by itself.

Kazuo rubbed his nose and said with a heartless smile: "There is a mechanism inside, you don't know it!"

I don't know if Kazuo brought good luck. When he appeared, five or six orcs on their side rushed out from all directions and fought with the nearby enemies. This was the first batch of intruders Only now did Chang'an clearly know that the group who rushed down from the mountain were indeed Huayi's people.

From the beginning to the end, Chang'an had been fighting alone for some time. When he saw them, although he knew in his heart that these people, especially Kazuo and his like, were completely unreliable, he couldn't help feeling relieved, and couldn't help showing a little bit of innocence. With an obvious smile, he reached into his bosom and took out the smallest knife on his body - Kazuo recognized it as a small blade that could fly between his fingers for practicing his fingers.

"Where is their leader?" Kazuo heard Chang'an, who had a broken hand and blood dripping from his hand, said in an almost brisk tone, "Let's go, let's kill him."

Kazuo laughed loudly when he heard the words: "Okay! I already found out the location of that son of a bitch. If I didn't happen to see the danger here, I would have killed it!"

He raised his dirty, almost skinny hand, which had been suffering for several days, and pointed in one direction, then turned his head and said to Chang'an, "He's right here..."

He didn't finish this sentence, because a sharp knife pierced his chest.

Right in front of Chang An, a sharp knife protruded from Kazuo's chest, and Kazuo's smile froze suddenly. None of them were on guard, because Chang'an caught a glimpse of the person behind Kazuo... clearly wearing his own clothes.

It seemed that blood was splashed on Chang An's face, at that moment his tinnitus finally overshadowed the fighting on the battlefield, Ka Zuo's tall body swayed, and with stiff doubts, he fell straight in front of him.

In the chaos of the black lights, the murderer seemed to be negligent, and he didn't even notice Chang An. He seemed to be a novice, and his face seemed familiar, but his rank was not high. When he saw Chang An's face clearly, he flinched instinctively. Visible panic flashed across his face.

Afterwards, the man's eyes turned to Chang'an's two miserable-looking hands, and he didn't know how much he thought for a moment, and then he suddenly became angry in a panic, suddenly yelled, and pulled the sharp knife from Kazuo's body Down, head to Chang'an.

Chang An's hand was clenched too tightly, trembling too much, the small blade scratched his finger, before congealing into a tiny drop of blood, he spun his right foot violently, as if he couldn't stand and fell to one side As if going away, he sideways dodged the opponent's attack in a thrilling manner.

He somehow raised his hand and stretched it out, his slender fingers touched the opponent's throat, Chang An maintained a sideways posture without raising his head, but the blood on the man's neck spattered his hand.

Immediately, Chang An staggered, really couldn't stand up anymore, his eyes darkened, and he suddenly fell backwards.

This time, he fell into someone's arms.