Bestial Blade

Chapter 96


Hua Yi watched Chang An fall to one side, only to break out in a cold sweat, and immediately rushed to catch him.

Chang'an's body seemed to stiffen for a moment, Hua Yi felt that he seemed to glance at him, but the gaze was scattered, a little out of focus, as if unconscious, then Chang'an's body softened, and the small blade fell from his palm fell down.

Hua Yi hugged him, stunned for a moment, not knowing what he was thinking, tremblingly stretched his finger under Chang An's nose, until he felt the faint breath, but it seemed a bit too hot, and then he realized that he was so angry. What are you doing.

Hua Yi had never seen such a miserable Chang'an, his arms tightened unconsciously, as if he hadn't seen him in a lifetime.

He hugged Chang'an with one hand, felt that the person in his hand seemed to be much lighter, he hugged him up with all his strength, carefully supported his thigh, and leaned Chang'an's head on his shoulder.

Ka Zuo was dead, and so was the person who killed him. Hua Yi glanced across the faces of the two of them, and recognized that the murderer was a cavalry under Ming Zhu's men, his eyes flickered.

The others recognized him and hurriedly formed a circle, protecting Hua Yi in the middle, but the circle became smaller and smaller—it was too chaotic.

At this time, Hua Yi took out a strange cylinder from his arms, unscrewed the lid with one hand, handed it to a soldier on his side, and said briefly: "Click it."

The orc warrior took a look, and was immediately taken aback: "My lord, this is where the other party exposed our hiding place..."

"I'm not Jing Chu's useless dim sum who can't pick up his shoulders or lift his hands." Hua Yi interrupted him with gloomy eyes, "Exposing? If it wasn't for looking for a dangerous bastard like Chang'an, I wouldn't have to hide at all. Now people have also been found—their armor is too thick, and we will suffer if we fight alone, so it’s not the way to fumble around like this, it’s better to get together and fight a way—hurry up.”

The orc warriors dared not disobey his order, and immediately set the cylinder on fire, and high sparks shot straight from the middle to the sky, bursting into flames.

Chang'an seemed to be startled by the sound and brightness, Hua Yi felt that he seemed to move, and then asked in a low voice with some ambiguity: "Hua... Yi?"

Hua Yi lowered his head slightly, put his ear close to his mouth, and said softly: "Well, it's me."

Chang An was silent for a moment, and said in a very soft voice, "Where is my knife?"

Hua Yi gently caressed his hot forehead, pecked lightly on it, and then said softly: "Damn it, you are so fucking mad at me, get the hell out of here."

The flames startled everyone in the valley, Huayi's people rushed to this side desperately, and Jingchu's people also rushed to this side like flying insects, Huayi used his shoulders and back to protect half of the people. Chang'an, who was in a coma, held a knife with one hand, which was unbelievable courage.

Yuan Song killed a sneak attacker who dared to approach Jingchu with one paw, looked at the place where the fire was lit, and asked in a low voice: "Boss, that is..."

"He's protesting against me." Jing Chu said lightly, "Hua Yi, a silver-patterned orc, is born with strength and strength, can fight and kill, he is laughing at me, he dares to use this method to twist people into a rope , He can support until his people gather around him, but I dare not."

Yuan Song said: "Then..."

"I knew he would do this a long time ago. If he didn't even think of taking advantage of himself, wouldn't such an opponent disappoint me?" Jing Chu didn't panic, put a finger on his mouth, and said in a low voice, "Shh - listen."

Yuan Song was stunned, only to hear a sharp flute sound suddenly coming from a distance, it seemed that a thick branch was blown directly through a hole, the penetrating power was extremely strong, high-pitched and sharp, as if it could penetrate a person's eardrum.

Jing Chu pressed Xiaomei's face into his arms, and said leisurely: "What, does this seem like I'm betting on him with no regard for safety? I'm a lunatic, you said it yourself."

Yuan Song trembled all over, he really liked and feared this person at the same time.

A madman is not scary, what is scary is that no one knows whether he is really crazy or fake.

After a while, the sound of the war was obviously far away. Only then did Yuan Song realize that there were a large group of smart people under Huayi who did not respond to Huayi's flame signal, but ran towards the sound instead—wanting to grab the head start.

However, Yuan Song still had doubts at first, because it was just a sound, and these battle-tested orcs could not be concealed anyway. But soon, he found that Jing Chu's sluggish, desperate dogs, and a large part of the heavy armored iron men all followed in the direction of the whistle. It seems that people have forgotten.

Except for Jing Chu's bodyguards and the heavy-armored iron men who were just enough to surround these dozens of people, there was nothing left.

This simply makes unbelievers believe in it too.

It was as if Jing Chu had taken off every piece of armor on his body that could protect him in public, and stood naked in front of the enemy, but the enemy couldn't see him—because they all thought that this man was a second How could Jing Chu, who killed his father and brother to seize power and usurp the throne in his early teens, do such a reckless thing

Besides, in the outermost gate of the East China Sea, the city lords who were transferred from thousands of miles away were not there to eat and die.

On the night when Lu Da escaped, Qing Liang found that he ran away alone, and he was so anxious that he broke out in a cold sweat, but Hua Yi had an order that no one should leave the customs. He was never as capable as Lu Da, and he could not chase When he went out, no one listened to him, so he had to wander around, not knowing what to do.

Qing Liang wandered around the gate like an ant on a hot pot all day long. At first, people paid attention to him, but as long as he didn't try to go out, almost no one paid attention to him—in the eyes of everyone, he was an orc A strange man who is neither beastman nor sub-beast and not sub-beast.

Even if a doctor can win the respect of others, who will respect this kind of thing that should be a warrior, a samurai, but because of his cowardice, he has been reduced to a half-doctor doctor

Although it is a way of life to drag out an ignoble existence, he does not live like a man.

It wasn't until five days later that several city lords who came at Huayi's order brought their own people to the Waiguan.

They straightened up, settled down, and strengthened their defenses. Everyone was busy non-stop, but no one paid any attention to Qingliang. It wasn't until that day that he found a chance to talk to Shanxi.

The other city lords didn't bother to talk to him, but Shanxi was used to being approachable. Seeing Qingliang sweating profusely outside in the cold weather, he called him in to ask questions when he was free. thing.

Shanxi frowned for a while when he heard the words, and asked cautiously: "As you said, Luda ran away, but even if he ran away, what can he find out by himself? What do you want me to do?" Woolen cloth?"

Qingliang was stunned, unable to speak.

Shanxi smiled, and said: "Since you think that Lu Da might do something dangerous, then we can't move, if he has the possibility of surrendering to the enemy, the other party will probably come to the bottom of the pot, until Coming to our pass, if this is the case, instead of going out to search, I have to strengthen the defenses in the city, don’t you think so?”

Qingliang's mind was completely muddled, and Shanxi stopped him with a few words, and after a long while, he stammered and asked: "Then...then we don't care about him?"

Shanxi glanced at him with a half-smile, and said unhurriedly: "It's interesting to say, the first person is Kazuo, the person with the army is Mingzhu, and the person who guards the pass is the old fox Budong... Wang probably lost his sense this time, otherwise, with his meticulousness, how could he come up with such a messy combination? You are right, why don't you follow me to find Budong later, let's sell that old devil to save face. "

It's complicated and confusing, everyone has their own ghosts, Qingliang can't understand it, but Shanxi knows it well.

Now Kazuo is captured and his life and death are unknown. If he is still alive, can that idiot son of Budong let go of such a good opportunity

But the king personally led the people to conquer, the whereabouts of the city lord are unknown, and the identity of the enemy is ambiguous. Anyone who is a little sensitive can feel the tense and depressive air that is about to break half. Isn't it blatantly reaching out to touch the king's Nilin

It's fine if the missing Chang'an is safe, but if something happens... Based on Shanxi's understanding of Hua Yi's mind, he must use the rest of his life to settle accounts.

Mingzhu, the prodigal son who thinks he is smart, doesn't understand this truth, but Budong definitely understands it. Shanxi knew that Budong must be in a hurry to contact Mingzhu right now, no one cared more about what happened before than him, no one wanted to rush out of the pass to the front line and bring Mingzhu back to kill himself. Instead.

Qingliang didn't know what they discussed, anyway, on the next day, the two veteran city lords, Shanxi and Budong, joined forces to disobey Huayi's order of "not leaving the city", one pretending to be red and the other playing bad, Enwei Efforts were made to dispel all opinions, and a patrol team was formed that day, mainly composed of Budong's personal soldiers. In the name of Luda proposed by Qingliang, a hundred or so people were sent every day within a radius of 30 miles outside the pass. Patrol.

But Budong didn't wait for Mingzhu's news, but first discovered the abnormal movement from a valley forty miles away.

It happened that Budong led people out that day. The old man saw the smoke and dust that seemed to be raised by a large army, and immediately made a decisive decision. He took two smart and quick orcs and left the inspection area to investigate.

It was still bright at that time, Jing Chu ordered people to stop cooking, and the battle had not yet started.

Bu Dong quietly looked down from the hillside for a while, and said to the people next to him: "Have you seen those iron guys? They move much slower than ordinary people, but they can't be easily touched by others."

Bu Dong looked up at the protruding mountains on the other side of the valley, stared at the motionless dense forest on the mountains for a moment, then suddenly raised his hand and pushed the person next to him, and said in a low voice: "I understand! Come on, let's go back immediately , Ask Shanxi to bring enough bows and arrows, and send troops immediately, whoever dares to stop, will be slaughtered on the spot."