Beware Mr. Officer, Tread Carefully!

Chapter 11: Dissatisfied with desire?


"Don't be like this..." Jian Qi said again delicately: "Don't be here anymore..."

Jian Qi's voice was nice to begin with, and it was done deliberately, making this coquettish voice even more charming.

Tang Jinyu's face couldn't be darker anymore, and he raised his hand and was about to knock him unconscious first.

"Don't be here..." Jian Qi said coquettishly, her movements were so quick and precise, she directly tore off Tang Jinyu's clothes, and threw her to the ground with a clever force.

At this moment, two criminals just passed by.

"Ah... don't..." Jian Qi's delicate voice, coupled with the posture of the two of them, obviously made people dream about something.

The corner where the two of them were was already a bit dark, but Tang Jinyu was thrown to the ground at this moment, only exposing Jian Qi to his sight.

After Jian Qi made such a fuss, the attention of the two criminals who passed by was all attracted to him.


Almost at the same time Jian Qi opened his mouth, the bullet had already hit one of the criminals.

At the same time, the sniper in the distance hit the criminal who was holding the hostage.

A group of people quickly surrounded the two criminals and subdued them.

Tang Jinyu's eyes fell on Jian Qi who was still pressing down on him, the cold light almost killed him directly.

Just when Tang Jinyu was about to throw him away, Jian Qi had already left him.

"Don't thank me too much, bye..."

Waving at Tang Jinyu chicly, Jian Qi left quickly.

The whole process took less than half a minute, and the person had disappeared from Tang Jinyu's sight!

Several people who had completed the task quickly appeared to watch, and Tang Jinyu had already arranged his clothes, but the clothes were open, and the buttons had already been torn off by Jian Qi's violence just now.

Feng Yi looked left and right, and said with a smile: "Boss, is the person from just now?"

"That's right, you're here?" The subordinates next to him looked at Tang Jinyu excitedly and gossipingly.

Tang Jinyu's face was a little dark, and his eyes swept over the crowd: "You are in such good spirits, practice more tonight!"

Throwing down such a sentence, Tang Jinyu turned and left.

Everyone looked at each other.

"Why do I feel that the boss looks a little annoyed?"

"Is it because those two criminals spoiled his good deed?"

"So, this is dissatisfaction with desire?!"

"I think it is!"

"Well, I agree!"

Jian Qi returned to the dormitory, but the roommates in the dormitory hadn't come back yet. She went to rest after washing up, but received a call from Chu Yuhan.

As soon as he picked it up, he heard Chu Yuhan's questioning voice: "Jian Qi, I've been waiting for you, why haven't you arrived yet?"

Jian Qi raised her eyebrows, her eyebrows looked a little lazy, and her beautiful and delicate features were even more charming.

"Do you need me to come over now?"

Jian Qi pursed her lips, and her light tone made Chu Yuhan on the other end of the phone heave a sigh of relief.

"No, I've already gone back, let's talk about it next time!"

Chu Yuhan's tone seemed a little arrogant, and he hung up the phone directly.

Jian Qi put down the phone, the corners of her lips smiled a little deeper, but the light in her eyes was extremely dangerous!

Are you trying

Good luck!

Lifting the quilt, Jian Qi rested and had a good night's sleep.

On the other side, Chu Yuhan had just hung up the phone and was about to take a rest, but unexpectedly the door was slammed hard, and then kicked open forcefully.

The house is rented together, so there was such a big commotion, the two roommates who shared the rent also walked out.

"What's going on?" One of the roommates asked nervously.

As soon as he finished speaking, a rough voice came from the door: "Chu Yuhan, open the door!"