Beware Mr. Officer, Tread Carefully!

Chapter 158: Let the instructor carry you on his back


"You two little brothers, I'm really not interested in you!" Jian Qi's mouth twitched.

"Just take off your coat, don't be nervous!"

Seeing how the two of them resisted to the death, Jian Qi smiled and said, "It's fine for one person to take it off, how about you decide by guessing?"

The two hunters looked at each other, one of them took a step back, and said to the other: "Last time I saved your life, as you said, if my brother is in trouble, you will protect each other with life and death, so it's your performance." It's time!"

"Didn't you say it should?"

The man was depressed, "You are too shameless!"

With that said, he took off his coat.

Jian Qi took the clothes and said with a smile, "Leave your equipment too!"

Two people: "..."


Jian Qi took the spoils and walked towards Lu Yao and the others.

Because one of the teammates had already been shot and eliminated, there was only one person now.

Jian Qi walked over, and the rescued teammate said happily, "Jian Qi, thank you for saving me."

It's muzi.

"Muzi, how are your feet?" Jian Qi asked.

"I'm fine." Muzi smiled, "I can persevere, don't worry, I won't hold you back!"

As she said that, she stood up and walked normally for a while to show Jian Qi.

Jian Qi didn't say anything, and gave her the auspicious clothes: "Put this on, it's almost dawn."

Muzi took it and quickly put it on.

Lu Yao and Jian Qi squatted on the ground to "split the spoils".

The two hunters standing next to them were grinding their teeth.

"You two are so ruthless, aren't you afraid of special care?" One of the hunters lost his composure.

Jian Qi got up and stood up, smiling calmly: "Both officers, please give me more advice in the future!"

"Of course!" The two gritted their teeth.

Lu Yao saw that Muzi was getting ready, and thought that she had just injured her foot, so she just gave her a gun and didn't let her carry a backpack.

The three left.

Jian Qi has always been good at observation, so it only took a while to find out that something was wrong with Muzi!

Her feet are not as she said, nothing happened!

The foot was obviously injured, but Muzi had been enduring it.

"Find a place to rest!" Jian Qi said, "It's almost dawn."

Lu Yao looked at the surrounding environment, pointed to a point not far away: "Go there."

When they arrived at the location, Lu Yao still cautiously set up traps around. Jian Qi looked at Muzi's forbearing expression and asked, "If you can't hold on..."

"I won't quit!"

Before Jian Qi finished speaking, Mu Zi interrupted her, feeling a little agitated.

As if realizing her gaffe, she lowered her eyes, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

Jian Qi smiled lightly, not paying attention.

"I don't mean to persuade you to give up. Everyone has their own purpose when they come here. You have a reason for you to persevere. Why should I let you give up!"

"I just want to say, if you can't hold on, you can let instructor Lu carry you!"

Muzi: "..."

Lu Yao just came over after setting up, and he was convinced after hearing such a sentence!

Feeling the awkward atmosphere, Muzi smiled and said, "I'm fine, I can persevere!"

Lu Yao squatted down next to Muzi: "Take off your shoes, let me see!"

Muzi nodded and took off her shoes, her entire ankle was red and swollen.

Lu Yao touched it with his hand, and frowned: "It's misplaced, bear with it!"

Jian Qi carefully observed the surrounding environment, and Lu Yao connected Muzi's foot bones.

Muzi snorted in pain, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

After simply fixing her, Lu Yao said with a serious expression: "Your feet are not suitable for walking any longer. If you continue walking, they will be useless!"