Beware Mr. Officer, Tread Carefully!

Chapter 1883: Your little Qi has always been very smart


When Kevin saw this action, he took out his phone and dialed it.

The crocodile quickly eavesdropped on the other side: "It's in the trash can, you go get it yourself!"

After speaking, Kevin hung up the phone, then dropped a piece of money and left the seat.

Tang Jinyu said: "Old Qiu, you go!"

After the words were finished, Lao Qiu drove a garbage truck passing by, got out of the car, pulled out the garbage bags on the side of the road, threw them into the car, got in the car and drove away.

A group of people followed Kevin. After a while, Kevin's cell phone rang again, but the computer on the crocodile side did not receive the message.

Qi Mo said: "It was a trap just now. Kevin should know that his mobile phone has been installed with a monitor. He is carrying another mobile phone now!"

While Qi Mo was speaking, Kevin had already thrown the previous mobile phone into the trash can.

"It seems that this person is quite smart!" Jian Qi said with a smile.

Qi Mo took out his mobile phone and called Jin Heng directly: "How long will you be there?"

"A few minutes, are you still there now?" Jin Heng asked.

Qi Mo said: "This subordinate of yours is very smart. He knew that we monitored his mobile phone, so he directly found the second one. We don't know where he is going now. If you don't come again, I'm afraid you have to change places again! "

Jin Heng was silent for a few seconds, and then said: "It's okay, since I know a general range, if I come here, I think I should be able to roughly know his location!"

Qi Mo hung up the phone, ignoring whether Jin Heng could catch up, and took Jian Qi to catch up with him again.

Obviously, the other party is constantly detouring in an attempt to throw them off.

Seeing the other party's actions, Jian Qi frowned slightly: "I think someone should be watching him remotely."

"Otherwise, he might not be able to know that we have been staring at him!"

Qi Mo pursed his lips: "We have to change the method!"

Looking at Kevin who was looking for a place to sit down and eat again, Jian Qi curled her lips and smiled deeply, "I have a solution."


Jian Qi pulled Qi Mo away.

After a while, Jian Qi disguised herself, took the opportunity to sneak into the restaurant and became a waiter, holding a menu in her hand, and led the two guests who had just entered the restaurant towards Kevin's place.

"Sit this way, both of you." Jian Qi smiled and asked the guests to sit down politely.

After the customer ordered, the moment Jian Qi turned around, she accidentally stepped on the customer's shopping bag on the ground, and she staggered towards the front seat, accidentally hitting Kevin on the shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Jian Qi apologized, stood up straight in a hurry, and put the locator on Kevin's collar directly.

Kevin raised his hand and patted his shoulder a little irritably, feeling a little upset.

After apologizing to Kevin, she quickly squatted down to help the guest put the bag aside.

Holding the menu, Jian Qi left.

Jian Qi returned to Qi Mo's side, smiled and said, "It's done!"

Qi Mo smiled: "It's smart!"

"That's right, your little Qi has always been very smart!" Jian Qi said narcissistically.

Qi Mo told the people monitoring Kevin to remember to pretend to be thrown off when Kevin threw them off later.

After all, it is easy for the other party to notice something if it suddenly disappears now!

It is natural to do a full set of acting!

Kevin sat for a while, got up to leave again, and started to shake them off.

This time, everyone cooperated and was thrown off by Kevin.