Beware Mr. Officer, Tread Carefully!

Chapter 1896: Xiaoqi, we are civilized people


"Yes, it's Linger!" Qi Mo said, "I went to Linger tonight, and I asked her for medicine, but she refused me!"

"Even, she didn't hesitate to turn against me!"

"She fell out with you? For that shit?" Jin Heng was obviously surprised, even didn't believe it!

Jin Ling's attitude towards Qi Mo is like a male god, and he would turn against Qi Mo because of a mutant virus. Thinking about it, it seems a little impossible!

"How is it possible?" Jin Heng obviously didn't believe it at all!

This is simply incomprehensible!

"She can't!" Jin Heng said.

Qi Mo pursed his lips: "But that's the truth!"

Jin Heng frowned, his face darkened.

What the hell is she doing with that thing

In Jin Heng's eyes, even if Jin Ling goes against everyone's wishes, he will definitely choose to obey Qi Mo's words.

However, now is to make such a decision!

"Have you ever asked her why?" Jin Heng asked.

"She didn't answer me!" Qi Mo said, "I want to ask you, do you know, and what else is more important to her?"

After all, Jin Heng is Jin Ling's only relative, and there are many things that only Jin Heng can know.

Jin Heng was silent for a long time, before he said directly: "I still have something to do, hang up first!"

After finishing speaking, Jin Heng hung up the phone directly.

Qi Mo frowned, what was Jin Heng's reaction obviously thinking of

Holding the mobile phone, Qi Mo dialed the number again.

But Jin Heng on the other end of the phone turned off the phone directly.

Qi Mo pursed his lips, put away his phone, turned around and walked towards Tang Jinyu and the others.

"What's wrong?" Tang Jinyu asked.

Qi Mo took a deep breath, and continued: "I told Jin Heng the matter, and he seems to know the reason!"

"He knows?" Jian Qi raised her eyebrows slightly, and said with a smile: "You asked him to help, would he?"

Qi Mo didn't answer. Obviously, this question is very clear.

The corner of Jian Qi's mouth twitched fiercely, and the reporter complained: "That's right, according to Jin Heng's madness in begging Jin Ling for forgiveness, even if Jin Ling wants him to die, she should be able to do it."

"Letting him help us catch her daughter is nothing short of idiotic nonsense!"

Leng Yu looked at Qi Mo, and then asked, "Do you want to tie Jin Heng up?"

Jian Qi smiled: "Yes, torture to extract a confession!"

"Let's see if he says it or not!"

The three of them looked at Jian Qi in unison.

"Xiaoqi, we are civilized people." The corner of Qi Mo's mouth twitched fiercely.

Jian Qi was quite calm: "I didn't do anything, it's not that I haven't done anything yet!"

But you already have an idea, and it’s not too far before you implement it!

This is what everyone is saying!

Once this girl thinks about it, she will definitely carry it out, not empty talk!

Tang Jinyu looked at Qi Mo seriously, and said, "How do you want to deal with this matter?"

Qi Mo pursed his lips, and then said: "Jin Heng knows the reason now, and he hung up on me. I think he must be going to talk to Jin Ling!"

"Since this is the case, I think there is still room for turning around this matter!"

Tang Jinyu looked at Qi Mo, obviously thinking about this question seriously.

Qi Mo naturally knew Tang Jinyu's worries, and understood even more that it would definitely be bad for things to drag on like this!

"Give me another day, and I'll handle it!"

Tang Jinyu nodded: "We will also prepare here. If you can't get her to hand over the things before 6 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, we will take action!"