Beware Mr. Officer, Tread Carefully!

Chapter 1950: How did it become like this?


Ling Su spoke sarcastically, and at the same time as she said this, it was as if someone had stabbed her chest severely with a knife.

Even if she knew it, she would still feel uncomfortable when she heard Tang Xiao say it.

At the beginning, no matter how hard he pressed, he didn't answer her question!

Just choose the default!

She asked in pain, but he didn't respond at all. He let her cry and never answered her a word!

Tang Xiao looked at the person, seeing her uncomfortable appearance, and felt even more uncomfortable.

"Su Su..."

"What's the truth? Tell me!" Ling Su interrupted him, looking at him with fixed eyes.

Tang Xiao looked at the person and took a deep breath: "It's your father!"

Ling Su looked at the man in astonishment, his eyes were full of unbelievable light.

And the pain that couldn't be hidden spread in an instant.

how is this possible

impossible things! ! !

"You lied to me... didn't you?"

Ling Su's eyes turned red instantly.

Although he asked in this way, he understood that it was impossible for him to deceive himself!

Even after saying such an answer, she understood in a complicated mood why Tang Xiao would hide it from herself.

Tang Xiao looked at her red eyes, and couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.

He knew that if she knew the truth, she would never be willing to believe it!

Ling Su pursed her lips. She stared at Tang Xiao. Just looking at him, she felt unspeakably uncomfortable. In the end, she got up and left without saying anything more.

"Su Su..."

"Don't follow me, I want to be alone!"

Ling Su's voice was hoarse, and there was extreme sadness in her words.

Tang Xiao looked at his back, trying to catch up, but in the end he had to stop.

Ling Su came down from upstairs, and just as the servant was about to ask her a question, she saw her red eyes: "Madam, you..."

Ling Su didn't speak, but ran away quickly towards the outside.

She drove away with tears streaming down her face.

The position of the chest seemed to be stabbed forcefully.

It's hard, it's hard.

Her speed was very fast, and she just kept driving to the front position, tears quickly blurred her vision.

There was a car coming in front of her, and she could only hear the other party honking the horn and flashing the lights to remind her.

Ling Su stepped on the brake, and the car stopped straight in the middle of the road.

The other party also slammed on the brakes, so as not to hit it.

Opening the car door, the other party directly yelled: "Look for death and stay away!"

After cursing, the other party cursed unluckily and walked away slowly.

Ling Su took a deep breath, reached out to open the car door, got out of the car, and walked forward alone.

The truth was far more difficult for her to accept than she thought.

She had also thought about what kind of difficulties Tang Xiao would have, but what she didn't expect was that things were far beyond her expectations.

What she should hate is her father!

Therefore, she left her husband and her two children all these years because of her father.

Thinking about it, Ling Su couldn't help but stop, squatted down, hugged herself, and burst into tears.

She didn't know who to talk to about those grievances!

She was away alone in those years, facing those devils who eat people without spitting out their bones, and it was all because of her father.

What happened back then, even thinking about it now, Ling Su felt a tingling pain and discomfort in his heart.

How did it become like this

He put a hand on his shoulder, and pulled her into his arms.