Beware Mr. Officer, Tread Carefully!

Chapter 1956: Let's talk about Tang Xiao with you


At the beginning, it might have been a whim, and I had a one-day relationship with her!

It should be said that a day is not counted, only a few hours.

Therefore, even if he forgets, it is just a very common thing.

On the day of the assessment, everyone went into the jungle. As long as they could escape the hunters disguised as veterans, they would be able to pass.

The way of elimination is the watch button on their wrists, as long as the button is pressed, it means the end of this test!

After jumping off the helicopter, she stayed where she was without moving, staring at the watch on her hand.

Thinking about whether to press it or not!

Because it doesn't make sense!

It seems that all the passion at the beginning has been wiped out in this year!

Or maybe it's not worth it, so it doesn't make much sense to continue, so she really wants to give up.

Just when she was about to press the button, a person appeared: "Do you really want to choose to be eliminated?"

She stopped and looked at the person in front of her who was simply wearing a camouflage uniform, with a sniper rifle on her shoulders, walking out from a distance, but the whole person looked ruffian, ruffian soldier, as if to treat this person General tailor-made!

But it seems to be more hooligan than ruffian.

All her teammates are very clear that this person is not their teammate in this test, the only possibility is that this person is the "Hunter!" who wants to eliminate them

She sat on the ground without moving, watching the girl in front of her approach, as long as she took the gun in her hand and shot herself, then she could completely eliminate herself.

The woman smiled like a flower, and walked up to her and stopped: "I was supposed to arrive last night, but who knew it was delayed, so I just arrived and wanted to chat with you, but I didn't meet you for the first time until now." .”

"You are?" Ling Su looked at him in confusion.

Since it appeared here, it must be a member of the Longteng Special Team.

However, she had never seen this person in the army.

The woman curled her lips and smiled: "You can call me number six!"

"Do we... know each other?" she asked.

"I know Tang Xiao!" The woman smiled brightly.

But when she heard the name, her complexion changed slightly.

"You... Between you and him?"

No wonder she thinks this way, after all, a woman who suddenly stands in front of you and says she knows a boy you like, will think wrong no matter what!

So, for a split second, she just started to like this girl whom she had just met, and then looked at him defensively.

The woman pursed her lips and smiled happily, as if she was amused by her reaction.

"We are not the kind of relationship you imagined, we are just a simple comrade-in-arms relationship." The woman said with a smile: "You don't have to worry."

"Although he is indeed good-looking, but if my chief instructor knows that I let him experience the greenness of the green grassland, he will definitely let me understand why the flowers are so red?" The woman sighed.

She was amused by her words, but looked at him suspiciously: "So, why are you looking for me?"

"Talk to Tang Xiao with you!"

She looked at the person puzzled, not knowing what this person wanted to do

"When I was listening to gossip before, I heard that Tang Xiao went to a school to be an instructor, but ended up falling in love with a student of that family. That person is you, right?" The woman laughed gossipingly.