Beware Mr. Officer, Tread Carefully!

Chapter 1958: let's break up


"How come?" The woman laughed: "He wants to love you, but you should also clearly understand his situation now. Back then, he didn't have much time for you!"

The woman looked at her fixedly, and said with a smile: "So, are you going to give up now?"

Her words stopped her.

She wanted to give up because she felt that this relationship was just her wishful thinking.

Tang Xiao had already forgotten her.

What she didn't know was that after she left, Tang Xiao went to find her, let alone that it wasn't her unrequited love at the beginning, but the person she liked happened to like her!

She thought he had forgotten her, but she didn't want to, he still loved her...

She really likes Tang Xiao.

So, at this moment, she changed her mind.

She decided to stay on.

"It seems that you have already made a decision?" the woman said with a smile.

She turned her head to look at the woman, and said with a smile, "Thank you for telling me so much."

After speaking, she shot directly at the woman.

Seeing the blue smoke rising from the woman's body, she said apologetically, "There is no way, you are a hunter, I have to kill you, I have to live, I still want to be with him, because I am Find a reason to continue with him!"

The corner of the woman's mouth twitched fiercely, but she didn't speak.

She was full of fighting power in an instant, and she turned and left with her equipment in hand.

When I left, I still heard a chilly voice coming from the woman's headset, "You can put some more water!"

She listened, smiled at the woman and said, "Thank you!"

The woman just smiled mischievously and didn't speak. When she walked away, she heard the woman ask solemnly: "How else do you drain the water?"

Later, she successfully passed the test.

Successfully became a member of the Longteng special team.

He also successfully became his comrade in arms.

But, unexpectedly, she didn't see him right away.

I saw him again two months later, and he came back covered in blood.

When she stood waiting at the door of the hospital, she felt very sad.

Fortunately, the person has been successfully out of danger.

Seeing him being sent to the ward, she felt a little relieved.

That night, she was with him in the hospital.

Looking at the gauze wrapped around his body, she felt uncomfortable.

When he woke up, the first thing he said was sorry.

Before she could speak, he spoke again: "Let's break up."

She was dumbfounded.

Even the best temper will be angry!

What's more, her temper has been quite bad recently!

She didn't care about it at all, and slapped it down with a slap.

It doesn't matter whether he is injured or not, and he just came back from the gate of hell!

After this slap, five finger prints appeared on half of his face in an instant, and his face swelled up quickly, which shows how much strength she used to slap that slap.

"Do you know how much I have suffered to find you? Do you know what I have paid to stay with you?"

She thought she would cry, but at that moment, she had no tears, only anger!

"Tang Xiao, are you fucking playing with me!"

"If you don't like me, you should have rejected me when I was pursuing you for the first time, you should have slapped me to wake me up, and told me, Ling Su, you are not worthy of me. I don't like you, get out!"

She was trembling with anger, just staring at him like that, looking into his calm eyes, the five fingerprints on half of her face were clearly visible.