Beware Mr. Officer, Tread Carefully!

Chapter 1970: Leave Tang Xiao completely


"It's the same as what the master thought at the beginning, you are really separated from Tang Xiao, and you don't even have any contact with each other..."

"But looking at your pain, I know how wrong I was."

"If, when I went downstairs to get the wine, I could change the wine, if I persuade the master again, would it be possible to prevent what happened that day?"

"Master won't die, and you and Tang Xiao won't get divorced... These years, you won't be so hard alone..."

The housekeeper couldn't hold back the tears after all.

Ling Su thought that she could hold back her tears, but after listening to the housekeeper's words, she still couldn't hold back her tears.

Everything she saw was designed by his father!

I showed it to her on purpose!

Ling Su opened her mouth and asked incredulously, "Why? Why did father do this?"

Ling Su couldn't figure out the reason no matter what!

His father, why did he design such a scene to hurt her daughter's heart, why did she want to break up her daughter's marriage

Break up her daughter's happy home

Seeing Ling Su crying, the housekeeper felt more self-blame in his heart.

"Why?" Ling Su asked again, puzzled.

The butler pursed his lips, took a deep breath, and continued, "Master and Madam were very upset when you went to the army for Tang Xiao. Later, they found out that what Tang Xiao was doing was quite dangerous, and they didn't want you to be with him. Together."

"Who knew, miss, you actually stayed there for Tang Xiao."

"Especially when you were seriously injured and hospitalized for so long, the two of them had a lot of resentment towards Tang Xiao."

"Later, when they saw that you fell in love with Tang Xiao wholeheartedly, they knew that it was impossible to persuade you, so in the end, they made a compromise with you leaving the army and agreed to let you stay with Tang Xiao."

Ling Su pursed her lips: "They all agreed, so why go back on their promises?"

The butler sighed, and continued: "They didn't back down. They saw that you were pregnant and that you no longer wanted to go to the army, so they accepted it."

"It's just that later..."

The housekeeper couldn't help but sigh when he said this: "Miss, do you know how your aunt died?"

Ling Su frowned: "Didn't you say that when you were abroad, you were killed by terrorists because of a terrorist attack?"

The butler shook his head: "No."

Ling Su frowned: "Back then, Ms. Ling did encounter a terrorist attack in Mexico, so at that time, country A sent people to rescue them. In order to escape, the terrorists took Ms. Ling as a hostage. Miss Ling was mistakenly killed as a terrorist!"

"At that time, Ms. Ling was clearly wearing a light green skirt, she looked like a literary young woman, but the other party shot blindly!"

"And the one who shot was Tang Xiao!"

The housekeeper took a deep breath: "Master and Miss Ling have grown up dependent on each other since they were young. The relationship between the two brothers and sisters is very good. When Miss Ling was disappointed, the master was very sad and always wanted to seek revenge on the person who killed Miss Ling. People, it turned out to be Tang Xiao!"

"The master wants to kill Tang Xiao directly, but he knows that you will be sad and sad, and may even go with Tang Xiao, but if you give up, the master will feel sorry for Miss Ling, so knowing that Tang Xiao loves you deeply, so , He wants Tang Xiao to lose you, and he will be sad and uncomfortable for the rest of his life, and the master doesn't want to see you with your enemy, so he wants you to see that scene and leave Tang Xiao completely!"