Beyond the Divine States

Chapter 102: Evil spirits are immortal


The red moon over Linhe City is neither high enough nor bright enough. Under the dim moonlight, there are always shadows cast by clusters of earthen and wooden buildings.

After Ning Changjiu and Ning Xiaoling escaped from the cage of bones, they immediately used the Dao Sect Hiding Technique and hid in the sheltered rooms of the houses. The two walked through the streets and alleys, and finally found themselves in a white wall. Pausing in the shadows.

Ning Xiaoling was holding on to the wall, panting. Ning Changjiu was feeling better, but her white clothes were stained with blood.

This alley is narrow and cold, and the snow accumulated in many places has not yet been cleared. In some raised windows, you can vaguely see the fire from the lampshades, but there are no lights in the house, and it is lifeless and has no human atmosphere.

"What should we do next?" Ning Xiaoling was still frightened and asked her senior brother's opinion in a low voice.

Ning Jiujiu said: "Either break the construction ceremony of this Fengdu, or leave the city as soon as possible."

Ning Xiaoling said dejectedly: "It seems that I can't do both..."

Ning Jiujiu held his chest and calmed down his chaotic breath. He said: "It takes time to reverse the yin and yang, and building a dead city is not easy. As long as we are not discovered and interrupt the ceremony at the most critical moment, Maybe there’s still a chance.”

Ning Xiaoling asked: "What is the most critical moment of the ceremony?"

Ning Jiujiu said: "Before the blood moon is completed."

Ning Xiaoling's heart trembled, and she didn't dare to look up to look for traces of the red moon, because if it was really an eye, then as long as she saw the moon, she would be exposed to the red moon.

"what about now?"

"It's not yet sure whether she has caught up. We will move around this residential area first, but we must not leave the shadow of the house."


Madam Bai didn't chase her, she went directly to the Naihe Bridge.

In the time just now, in this city, Yama, the judge, the soul-carrying person, Meng Po, and Black and White Wuchang all died one by one, turning into ghosts, just waiting for the yin and yang to reverse and take their place.

Under the attic, the crowd gathered like restless beasts. They whispered to each other and guessed what they were talking about. Some secretly ran home, some looked for hiding places, and some stumbled and fell in under the weight of fear in their hearts. Into the river.

As soon as the person who fell into the river fell into the sand, he didn't even have time to scream. His flesh and blood were immediately consumed and turned into white bones. Not long after, the bones also melted into the sand and were swallowed up completely. .

The sandy water seemed to have not changed much, and it still flowed through the ancient city silently. Occasionally, fish rose from the bottom of the river and jumped out of the water. The fish clearly only had an empty skeleton left, but it was still alive and well.

These anomalies were witnessed by more and more people, and the huge panic caused rumors to spread rapidly. They thought that someone in the city had done something evil and caused the disaster. As long as those who offended God would die, , the city will return to its original state, but this is not the case. The willow trees near the sand and water also turned into ashes at an extremely fast speed, as if they had been completely burned by fire. As long as there is a strong wind, Instantly turned into a handful of dissipating smoke.

This is the ghostly energy that spreads from the center of the city to the entire city, and nothing can escape.

The girl in plain clothes was humming Nai He Nai He by the river, while swinging her body as thin as firewood but as soft as willow, along the embankment to the edge of the sandy water, leaning straight forward, as if jumping into the river, but she She didn't fall down. She kept her body perpendicular to the embankment, facing the river, looking at her miserable face, then picked up a handful and drank it, with endless aftertaste.

Then the old city owner who turned into an undead after his death also slowly arrived. He looked at the many ghosts present and didn't say much, but his face was obviously tired.

After coming over for a while, a scholar who was almost out of shape and wearing filial piety also came to the bridge.

The city lord glanced at him and asked, "You've been wearing it for three years and you still don't feel tired?"

The scholar clenched his fist with one hand in front of his chest and the other behind his back. Even after death, he still held an ancient scroll. He said with determination: "The world is collapsing, and only the scholar can keep his integrity."

The city lord just smiled lightly and didn't care about his bold words.

Three years ago, there was a war in Linhe City, and many people died in Linhe City. The scholar went to Beijing to take the exam. When he returned home in despair, he found that his parents, wife and children were all dead. From then on, he was dressed in white linen, did not drink or eat, and was depressed all day long, saying that he was keeping filial piety. , in fact, the heart is dead.

He also ignored the city lord. In his mind, the city lord seemed to be serving the country and the people, but in fact, he was just greedy for the overwhelming power in his heart.

He looked at the old man playing the erhu and asked, "Is it you?"

The man playing the erhu just nodded and ignored him.

From then on, they took up the position of manager of the city.

The singer was indifferent to their words. She always played the invisible strings and played a melodious and mournful tune. The snow in the sky was like paper money, as if she was sending farewell to those who had not returned.

When a young girl in green skirt and white gauze shawl appeared above the arch bridge, the woman stopped what she was doing, stretched her lower body, and called out "Mrs. Bai" in a plaintive tone.

Madam Bai looked at them, with no smile on her face. The endless night rushed to her side and condensed on her extremely long hair. The long black hair was fluttering in large swaths, as if the entire night They are all her hair undulating in the wind.

Under Madam Bai's body, white bones overflowed from her emerald skirt, and countless tiny skulls were piled up to form a high throne. Madam Bai sat high on the bone throne, her body tilted, and her slender white legs overlapped under her dress. , her arm was supporting a skull armrest, her hand was turned into a half fist to support her cheek, her mouth was slightly open, and with her breathing rising and falling, the air of the netherworld was like the frost coming out of her lips.

"Where is the bull-headed horse-faced one?" A skull asked on the throne behind Madam Bai.

The city lord took a step forward and said respectfully: "The butcher has gone."

Madam Bai nodded slightly, tapping her jaw on the skull, and said: "Don't worry, just kill them and bring them back at midnight."

The city lord asked again: "Now we all perform our duties, but after midnight, everyone will die, and there will be no living people in the city from now on. Whose life should we cut off, and whose soul should we judge?"

Mrs. Bai tapped her fingers on the armrest and said lazily: "Aren't there many living people in this world?"

The city lord was shocked and asked tentatively: "Will they come here after they die?"

Madam Bai's voice was cold and full of majesty, and said: "In the future, this place will definitely not be just an immortal city with a painted land. Whether it is Jin State, Zhao State or the further Rong State, these southern countries, big and small, will all be in the future. Bow down here.”

The city lord has always believed in Madam Bai's words, and now he is even more excited.

The other two women were in a calm mood and didn't have much emotion. It seemed that those grand plans and great achievements had nothing to do with them. If Mrs. Bai was not the only person in the city who had the ability to really kill them, they would still want to continue singing and dancing at this moment. Playing the piano.

Madam Bai played with the green sand jar with her other hand, her eyes sometimes soft and sometimes cold.

She looked at the chaotic crowd who still didn't know what was going on, and breathed out softly.

Then, as if the curtain of the netherworld was slowly opened, people raised their heads and saw the skull throne made of white bones in the sky and the gorgeous woman on the throne. The shock and chaos really began at this moment.

And beside the sandy water, the several bronze paintings also lit up, and the pictures above became truly three-dimensional. Countless entangled and complicated lines flowingly outlined the faces in the paintings. Between each bridge pier, the three-dimensional pictures unfolded on them interacted with each other. The connection is like a whole exquisite and complex mural.

At the end of this mural is the figure of Madam Bai sitting alone on the throne.

She glanced at this large mural and said leisurely: "What a beautiful bronze painting."

It's a pity that the old man who painted these bronze paintings should be waiting to die at this moment.

When she crushed the green porcelain bottle, the old man was only a moment away from death.

"It's a pity, old lady, you died too early..." Mrs. Bai sighed lightly.

In the original plan, Ning Qinshui should have killed Sister Bai, the old man who painted with white copper, and the old woman who lived across the street from Ning Qinshui in Shubai's mouth.

The girl, the old man, and the mother-in-law were all transformed from Mrs. Bai's bone fragments.

The only difference is that the girl is her true body, and the two pieces are just shapes made of broken bones.

Many years ago, she died once in each of these three forms, almost losing her soul.

That was her most unforgettable memory.

She always suspected that the person who killed her at that time was one of the gods.

So she chose Ning Qinshui and repeated the process on this special day, trying to simulate a causal line that would correspond to what happened that year. If that person was really a god, she could Follow similar causal lines and use the authority of Lord Hades to steal a ray of the opponent's godhead.

It's a pity that Ning Qinshui died violently in the imperial city because of a sudden letter. She had no choice but to take the risk to capture his soul and keep it warm in a green porcelain bottle.

Two days ago, Ning Qinshui's two apprentices suddenly returned home. After smoke started coming from the chimney of the old house, the old woman knocked on the door of his house under the predetermined knowledge she had been programmed to have. This caused another deviation in the plan.

Just hope this doesn't affect the overall situation.

After killing the old man who painted with white copper, Ning Qinshui should go find his apprentice.

She has no worries about Ning Qianshui's safety. After all, in this city... evil spirits are immortal!

When Shubai returned to the house, he opened the door and found that the house was lit with lights. There were many lights, which had clearly illuminated the house so brightly, but he stood still, as if all the light had changed. became black.

In the recliner, the master's figure disappeared, and only a dry skeleton could be seen. The skeleton seemed to have been dead for a long time, and had been buried deep in the loess for countless years. It was so old, with scars on it, as if it had been there before. It looked like it had been broken into countless pieces and put back together after spending a lot of energy.

Around him, there were many abandoned bronze paintings piled up.

And the material of these paintings is not white copper. At this moment, it seems that they are clearly pieces of snow-white bones.

Shu Bai felt hairy in his heart, fear and sadness exploded in his heart at the same time. He walked blankly to the reclining chair, rubbed his eyes, and gradually knelt down, rubbing his fingers on the shriveled hand bones, and then died. Hold it tightly in your hands.

In fact, when he walked out of the door carrying the box of bronze paintings, he had already vaguely sensed that his master was about to die. However, when he actually saw the corpse suddenly appearing, his heart could not help but tighten, and his body curled up. got up.

Sister Bai is dead, and now Master is also dead.

Sister Bai was killed by the evil man. He still has a way to take revenge, but where is the master? Who killed him again

He knelt beside the couch for a long time, then took off a hatchet from the wall in the corner, held it in his hand and walked out.

He raised his head and found that the moon had turned red and seemed to be staring at him alive.

He looked at the empty streets on both sides. Everything seemed to be covered with gray fog, and he looked around blankly.

Suddenly, Shubai turned around alertly.

Behind him, a graceful maid looked at him and said in a gentle voice: "Master Shubai, madam, please come over."

Shubai held the hatchet in front of his waist, subconsciously arched his body and asked, "Madam? What madam?"

The maid smiled and said, "You'll know it when you see it?"

Shubai asked: "What happened in this city?"

The maid replied: "You will know it when you see Madam. Madam... misses you very much."

Shubai suddenly felt a chill all over his body. He hesitated for a moment, then suddenly turned around and ran quickly towards the other end of the long street. The maid had no intention of stopping her, but just gave him a half-hearted look, as if she was looking at an iron head. A cub jumping up and down in a cage.

The same white wall, the scratches on it are still new, and the location of the peeling paint on the wall has not changed at all.

This is the third time Ning Changjiu and Ning Xiaoling have seen this wall.

When Ning Jiujiu saw this wall for the second time, he was convinced that he had fallen into a puzzle similar to that of a ghost beating the wall. However, after he used his spiritual sense to explore, he found no obvious weirdness, except that this deserted neighborhood There are many dead ends here.

They are currently hiding here using the Dao Sect Hidden Breathing Technique. Even if they are not discovered for the time being, it is tantamount to waiting for death. And if they use their swords to force the confusion, Madam Bai will also lock this place instantly.


Ning looked at the white wall for a long time and said, "Turn over and take a look."

Ning Xiaoling pointed to the sky and said, "It will be seen."

Ning Jiujiu sighed: "We might have been seen long ago."

Ning Xiaoling didn't know why, and thought that if he had been discovered long ago, why wasn't he immediately pursued? Or is it because Madam Bai has more important things to do

But it would be in vain to continue wandering around here.

In his thoughts, Ning Jiujiu made up his mind and pulled Ning Xiaoling over the wall.

Behind the wall is soft earth.

"Senior brother, this..." Ning Xiaoling's eyes widened, thinking that she was dazzled. After a while, she took a serious look at everything familiar around her.

Ning Xiaoling froze and frowned: "How could this happen?"

Behind this white wall is the old house where they live!

How is this going

He obviously ran very far.

Then, Ning Xiaoling suddenly appeared. In the center of the courtyard, a shadow wearing a Taoist robe stood vaguely. After the two people arrived, the shadow also noticed the movement and turned around slowly.

Ning Xiaoling stared at the figure who slowly turned his head.

Suddenly her eyes widened, and she felt a chill rush up her spine and explode on her scalp. Her hands and feet were cold, her heart seemed to have stopped, and the whole world was so buzzing that no sound could be heard.

What she saw before her was the biggest nightmare of her life.

That was the soul of Ning Qinshui who should have been extinguished long ago.

He looked at the young girl with a faint smile: "Good disciple, why are we short of two bags of money?"

(Yesterday, I almost stayed up all night to revise my paper, and I got up early and revised it until the afternoon. The state is very bad. I will update it tomorrow. Sorry...)