Beyond the Divine States

Chapter 31: It’s like a dream


In the pitch-black furnace, the light that should have been like the brilliance of the sun and the moon dissipated little by little, like the fireflies that disappeared from heaven.

All the light in the underground palace was swallowed up, except for the four long, quiet corridors in the distance, where the flames of the ever-burning lamps shone very faintly, like peeping eyes.

The underground palace is so quiet that you can hear a pin drop.

Zhao Xiang'er stared blankly ahead. She stretched out her hand and took back the fairy-like ancient sword. She swayed a few times. Finally, she was exhausted. Her knees bent and touched the ground slumped, and her chest heaved.

She closed her eyes and recalled everything that had happened in the past few days. The pictures in her mind were like watching a lantern on a horse. When all the dangers turned away, time came to the current point.

She felt the smell of the stove finally dissipating, and after confirming it for a long time, she gradually smiled.

That smile is like a flower, but it blooms deep in the underground palace, and no one is lucky enough to see it.

She knelt quietly on the cold floor tiles and remained quiet for a long time, until her spiritual power gradually regenerated from the sea of Zifu Qi, feeding every inch of her bones and veins.

Zhao Xianger stood up with her sword in hand and walked towards one of the corridors with difficulty.

That leads to the direction of Qianyu Palace.

All the plots have now surfaced. In this intrigue involving life and death, she thought further, so she naturally won.

Ten years ago, she entered this underground palace by mistake for the first time. The old fox's body was like the most terrifying demon in the world. Just the pressure of the furnace seal made it impossible for her to get up, even if her mother came in the end. She went to the underground palace to take herself away, but the painful torture that day and night was still a dark cloud in her heart.

Now the many dark clouds finally turned into rain and dispersed, and after raining all day and night on the imperial city, they turned into a clear sky with bright moonlight.

She walked slowly forward along the road.

At the end of the road, the girl took a strong breath, jumped up, then lifted up the ruins piled on the ancient well, climbed out, and looked around.

The place that was supposed to be a glorious palace was now filled with ruins washed away by the autumn rain.

Although the rain stopped, the dark clouds in the sky still lingered thinly and rapidly.

Zhao Xiang'er sat on the edge of the broken well and whispered: "If this is a big test, how will I perform?"

No one answered.

She originally thought that after she killed the old fox, her mother would appear in front of her.

Unfortunately nothing happened.

Of course she didn't believe that her mother was dead. How could those rabble kill her? She is a true immortal from this world, quiet and indifferent, even with a deliberate alienation from herself.

But she wasn't too disappointed.

The imperial city is safe, and the people are safe. Most of the people who besieged Qianyu Palace that day are dead. The killers of Jinguo Rongguo are not spared at this moment. Even the old demon fox that cannibalized the country's fortune is dead.

This is the cool autumn rain, but also the new rain that is waiting to be revived.

She has done her best.

She looked at this small country located in a corner and opened up among the mountains, and finally showed a smile.

Too many things had happened on this day, and she was already tired at this moment. At this moment, she just wanted to go back to bathe and change clothes, and then have a good sleep. The rest would be done at dawn.

After Lu Marian looked at the old fox's figure dissipating like fireworks, she still couldn't believe what was happening in front of her.

That arrogant old demon fox... died like this

What happened

She looked at the palace in front of her, which was almost completely broken apart from the main hall, with mixed emotions.

In this human experience, too many things happened beyond her expectations.

She noticed that there seemed to be a person lying in a pool of blood in front of the palace. She quickly ran over and found that it was a woman who was about to die. The woman's entire back was rolled by evil spirits, and her flesh and blood were mixed like swords.

Lu Marion carefully turned her over from the sticky blood, poured a breath of pure spiritual energy to protect her heart, then picked her up and ran towards the temple smoothly and quickly.

She rushed into the temple, ignoring that the woman was covered in blood, and stuffed her directly into the blue and white sedan.

At that moment, she suddenly had the illusion of carrying someone into a coffin.

She immediately gave up this idea. This blue and white sedan was a treasure of her master's lineage. The speed of recuperating injuries was dozens of times faster than healing on its own. If this couldn't be saved, then the entire Nanzhou would be too. Very few people can save him.

About half an hour later, after the woman's eyelids struggled dozens of times, she finally opened her eyes with difficulty, as if breaking out of a cocoon.

While unconscious, Tang Yu felt like he had had a long dream.

She dreamed that a baby was secretly carried out of the palace, and someone was chasing her. The woman holding the baby had tears streaming down her face. She tripped and fell to the ground. The baby also fell to the ground and cried loudly.

The people behind him caught up and snatched the baby away. The woman cried heartbrokenly and failed to make them look back.

Just when they were about to throw the baby to death, she caught a glimpse of a figure. It was a woman with fluttering skirt and long hair. She fell on the long street, like a cloud that had no intention of staying, even in a dream. It seemed so ethereal.

She rescued the baby and sent it to a poor family. Six years later, the baby grew into a little girl and was sold into the palace by the family.

From then on, there was a little girl in Qianyu Palace.

Somehow, Tang Yu knew that what she saw was her own past. She could not have seen this. Is this an illusion...

She felt a splitting headache, and opened her eyes in a daze. Colic pain spread from her limbs, making her hoarse and grinning. She mistakenly thought that it was the underworld fire of hell burning her, and at the same time, there was another strong wave. The warm and soft breath surrounded him, offsetting the burning of the underworld fire, like a mother's embrace.

After a long time, she opened her eyes and realized that she was in a small, airtight space. The curtain around her seemed to be embroidered with small blue flowers. Outside the curtain, there was a snow-white gauze hanging quietly. .

Is this... an urn

The first reaction in her mind was absurd.

Then, she saw a woman looking at her from outside the white curtain, her eyes soft.

This... Suoming Wuchang is young and beautiful, and looks like a fairy in the sky.

As she thought this, the pain in her body stimulated her over and over again.

"Are you awake?" Lu Marian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Tang Yu heard her voice and subconsciously hummed, then she regretted it, because in her memory, she couldn't answer when a ghost asked her a question.

She looked nervously at the beautiful figure through the gauze curtain, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

She felt that the woman in front of her seemed familiar.

Then, she was suddenly startled: "It's you..."

She remembered that she had seen an out-of-this-world fairy ride into the city in a blue and white sedan before. She had seen it from a distance, and it looked like this through heavy gauze curtains.

But now, she was in the sedan, and she was outside, still separated by heavy gauze.

Her consciousness returned to her body bit by bit, and Tang Yu gradually became more awake. She asked, "Am I still alive?"

Lu Marion nodded and said, "Don't move around for now. Stay inside for another half hour to keep your life safe."

Tang Yu felt the rich spiritual energy in the sedan and nodded gently, "Thank you, Fairy, for the rescue."

Lu Marian looked at the woman in front of her and asked curiously: "What is your name? Why do you appear in the palace?"

"My name is Tang Yu." The woman answered subconsciously.

"Imperial Palace..." Then, Tang Yu was suddenly startled and asked quickly: "How is that old monster? Miss... Where is the miss?"

Lu Marry replied: "The old demon fox is dead. Miss, um... the miss you are talking about is Zhao Xianger?"

When Tang Yu heard the news of the old monster's death, even though his whole body was still in severe pain, he still couldn't help laughing, and said with admiration: "Of course you are Your Highness, Miss! You are unparalleled in the world, even that old monster is no match for Miss !”

Lu Marian thought deeply: "You young ladies are indeed very powerful. By the way, why are you in the palace? Is this also your young lady's plan?"

Tang Yu nodded and said: "Of course, we have made so many arrangements in the palace, and we have been waiting for today."

She thought that now that the dust had settled, she briefly told her about her and Zhao Xiang'er's plan to change things after they entered the palace.

Lu Marry was indifferent. In the past, she asked with all her heart. She only cultivated one person and one sword, thinking that she would be able to break through the barriers of mortal world little by little, and sooner or later she would be able to enter the palace and step into the great road.

She had always been disdainful of these worldly calculations in the past.

But today, she finally encountered something she couldn't defeat, and she almost died because of it. After all, her character was different, and she admired the girl who was much younger than herself.

After listening to her story, Lu Marian was still puzzled: "As far as I know, driving the Suzaku Burning Fire Pestle requires the blood of the royal family. Why can Miss Tang do it?"

Tang Yu was slightly startled. She suddenly remembered the dream just now and everything she had seen about her past.

She already understood that the woman who saved her that day was the legendary empress.

She should be an illegitimate daughter with royal blood. Her mother accidentally got involved in some dispute and was hunted down. She was later rescued and survived by her empress.

Now that I think about it, the empress was interested in her own bloodline, so she became her pawn and was lucky enough to live for more than twenty years.

Could it be that today's deduction has already begun since then

Thinking of this, Tang Yu was frightened in his heart, but his respect for His Highness became even deeper - he was worthy of being the daughter of the empress.

Suddenly, she remembered the scene in her dream where her biological mother was hugging her and running away. The palace in the dream... seemed familiar.

Then she was completely shocked.

That seems to be...

Prince's Mansion!

Is his biological father... Zhao Shisong? !

When her thoughts came to this point, she suddenly felt heartache, and more importantly, she was still at a loss.

It was a complete confusion, and the things that had happened in the past years came to mind one by one - she married into the Zhao family and became Zhao Shisong's most beloved concubine. As a killer trained by the empress, if the little Taoist priest hadn't stopped her, she would have been killed. At this moment, Zhao Shisong has also been killed with his own hands.

It turned out that that man was actually his... biological father.

She couldn't help but laugh, and as she laughed, tears fell again.

Lu Marian looked at this sudden scene and was confused, but she guessed that the other party was an abandoned daughter of the royal family. Now that she asked about it, she remembered her sad life experience and couldn't help crying.

She didn't ask any more questions.

After a long time, the woman's sobs gradually became quieter.

She raised her hand with difficulty, wiped the corners of her eyes, and said, "Let the fairy laugh."

Lu Married said: "Miss Tang has survived the catastrophe now, so she should cherish her and just look away from the troubles other than life and death."

How could this be a trivial matter... Tang Yu still felt a sharp pain in his heart, but he smiled and nodded.

"Survived the catastrophe..." Tang Yu chewed on this sentence, and suddenly felt some other aftertaste: "Survived the catastrophe? That old fox was so powerful, and his realm was far above me. When he bumped into me, I felt My whole body was penetrated... Why am I still alive?"

Lu Marry pondered for a moment and replied, "Maybe Miss Tang is lucky."

"Life?" Tang Yu chuckled and said, "My life is never in my own hands."

Lu Marian said in confusion: "What does girl mean?"

Tang Yu's voice became firmer: "At that time, I should have died without a doubt, but I didn't die, and I happened to be rescued by a fairy. This... is it a bit of a coincidence?"

Lu Marian replied: "This blue and white sedan chair is the most important treasure of the master. If it is not really broken physically and mentally, there is a chance to save a glimmer of life."

Tang Yu shook his head and said, "No, you don't understand my empress. Since I survived, it must be because of my reason for living."

She looked at the beautiful figure behind the white curtain, seeming to ask a question or asking herself: "What is the reason for my survival? Is there anything else that I need to do? What is it..."

(Thanks to the book friends Jianghu Shangge and Human World for the reward. There will be another update in the evening, with more than 4K words!)