Beyond the Divine States

Chapter 77: The acquired sword fetus


The face of the young man in green clothes was sharp and angular, and his complexion was pale because he had not seen the light of day for a long time. His long hair was as dry as late autumn weeds.

I don't know if it was because he had been looking at the stone wall for too long, but his pupils were glowing green.

He half-opened his eyes, but his eyes shone like a wolf.

He stared at Ning warily for a long time, his voice was still dry and hoarse, but the iron swords around him stood up one after another, with hidden hostility: "Who are you? Why are you here?"

Ning looked at him for a long time, without making any unnecessary moves, and said straightforwardly: "You want to use your body as a sword embryo, and use sword intent and sword fire to temper your body and acupoints. This method is correct in itself, but your body is not strong enough. , doing so will only result in more losses than gains.”

The young man in green stared at him and asked, "My talent and will are the best among my peers. Why do you say I'm wrong?"

Ning Jiujiu said: "Because I have seen people practicing in this way, and she has gone to a very far place on the road, and your body is getting weaker and weaker. If you continue like this, you will die."

The person he is talking about is Fourth Senior Sister. Fourth Senior Sister likes short skirts and short hair, and has sharp eyebrows. She always carries a weapon box on her back with dozens of different weapons inserted in it. She is like a peacock spreading her wings behind her, and the most important thing is , she has been cultivating her body and soul for many years, and has fought countless demons in close combat, and has long since forged herself into a peerless weapon.

She and the fifth senior brother were originally a brother and sister, but it was said that the fourth senior sister became the apprentice faster, so the brother and sister suddenly became the senior sister and junior brother.

The young man in green slowly adjusted his body, tried his best to stabilize the restless sword heart, and said: "The sect's rules are not to disturb people in retreat. Are you looking for death?"

Ning Jiujiu thought to himself that you didn't close the door properly, so he said: "If you want to continue to fall into this situation, then I won't bother you."

The expression on the young man's face was changing. When the other party was about to turn around and leave, he asked, "Do you know who I am?"

Ning Jiujiu shook his head and said, "I don't know."

The young man in green just thought he was a liar and said: "No matter what, after you go out, don't tell anyone else about the status of my practice! Especially Master..."


Ning Jiujiu nodded gently, understanding him.

Thinking about it, he was also a talented disciple in the peak. He originally wanted to go into seclusion to seek a breakthrough, but he never thought that because of his sideways cultivation, his realm would not rise but fall. Most importantly, his health would be ruined.

And among disciples of similar age, this half-fall is the gap between outstanding disciples and true geniuses.

Who can accept mediocrity if they are used to being a true genius

The young man in green stared at him and asked puzzledly: "Your attire is that of an outer disciple?"

Ning Jiujiu didn't like talking nonsense with unfamiliar people, so he just nodded and said: "Yes."

The young man in green clothes was suspicious. According to the rules of the sect, how could the outer sect disciples have the opportunity to enter the Hidden Peak? Even the inner sect disciples must obtain the approval of the master and be granted a sect before they have the opportunity to practice in this place with the most abundant spiritual energy.

He understood clearly in his heart and thought that this person was by no means a simple outer sect disciple. Perhaps he was a certain elder in the peak who had accomplished Taoism and was transformed into a rejuvenated child. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel more respect in his heart.

The young man in green softened his tone and asked, "Then what do you think of my practice?"

Ning thought for a long time and gave his advice seriously: "Stop practicing."

"Are you kidding me?" The young man in green frowned.

Ning Jiujiu said: "You should know your body better than me."

The young man in green had a stoic look on his brows and said, "This is how master practices, why can't I do the same?"

Ning Jiujiu thought for a while and explained: "Lu Jianjian is a rare sword spirit in the world, so she can not only cultivate her body to become a sword, but she can even cultivate everything to become a sword. Even though your talent and will are similar to hers, the physical gap is too big. big."

"The sword and spirit are one body..." The young man in green looked confused and said, "Then I will never be able to catch up with the master in my life?"

Ning Jiujiu said: "Everyone has his own way."

The young man in green suddenly realized that he had just called his master by his first name. Could it be that he was really an elder who had rejuvenated his youth? But to cultivate like this, you must at least be a great practitioner with a long life...

He looked at Ning Changjiu with more complicated eyes.

The young man in green asked, "Excuse me, what should I do now? I have no chance of giving up on the path of spiritual cultivation..."

Ning Jiujiu said: "There are two options. One is to give up temporarily and delay for a year and a half to re-nurturing the spiritual veins. The other way is to become a real sword body."

The green-clothed boy's brows trembled, and his voice trembled slightly as he said, "The real sword body?"

Ning Jiujiu nodded: "Yes, we will form the sword fetus of the day after tomorrow."

The young man in green clothes said doubtfully: "What I am doing now is to have the sword fetus of the day after tomorrow..."

Ning Jiujiu interrupted: "Your method is wrong, and the result is naturally wrong."

The young man in green asked: "Then what should I do?"

Ning Jiujiu asked: "Do you have an innate spirit?"

The young man in green was stunned for a moment, wondering if the other party really didn't know about him... Also, he didn't know that there was someone like him in the Inner Peak. He should be an elder or uncle who was also in retreat at the Hidden Peak and had just come out. .

"Yes." He nodded.

The young man in green clothes not only has an innate spirit, but also has an extremely high level. He appears in a spiritual state with a body like a cloud and a sheep's horns on his head.

Ning Jiujiu's heart moved slightly, thinking that the experimental product is coming now

He said in a sincere tone: "Then let's make a deal. You do something for me, and I'll tell you the secret to forming the acquired sword fetus."

The young man in green asked: "Do you have an acquired sword fetus?"

Ning Jiujiu said: "No."

The young man in green said with distrust: "You don't even have it yourself, how can you convince me?"

Ning Jiujiu said: "There are risks in marrying the acquired sword fetus. I don't need or want to take this risk. You are different. You don't have many choices."

The young man in green had a gloomy expression.

"What do you want?" he asked.

Ning Jiujiu said: "Show me your innate spirit. I want to... confirm something."

"Innate spirit?" The young man in green changed his face slightly and said, "What do you want to see this for?"

Ning Jiujiu said: "The book says that innate spirits do not have innate consciousness. I want to know if it is true."

The young man in green immediately said: "Isn't this something universally recognized? Do you need additional confirmation?"

Ning Jiujiu said: "I only believe what I see."

The young man in green said: "Who are you? Why should I trust you..."

He couldn't see clearly what state the other party was in. From his perspective, the other party seemed to be just an ordinary person who had not entered the mystical realm. But looking at his temperament and demeanor, how could anyone believe that he was just an ordinary person? He should have used some means to cover up his realm, but what was his purpose in doing so

Ning Jiujiu couldn't make up an identity that could convince the other party for a while, so he just said: "I have a very close relationship with Lu Marion. It's not convenient to say it now. It's up to you to believe it or not."

The young man in green said: "Then how can you prove that you can help me form the sword fetus of the day after tomorrow?"

Ning thought for a long time and said, "I can give you the second half first, and you can judge for yourself."

The young man in green stared at him warily, as if the sword was struggling, and the iron sword beside him also kept trembling.

"Okay!" He hesitated for a long time, and finally a syllable came out of his mouth.

Ning Jiujiu walked into the space where he was retreating. Because the young man in green had been practicing here for a long time, each stalagmite was like a sword, exuding a faint, astringent sword intent.

Ning Jiujiu ignored those sword intentions and walked directly in front of the young man in green. He sat cross-legged and hooked his fingers. An iron sword stuck on the ground flew out and was held in his hand.

He brushed off the bluestone in front of him, used his sword as a pen, and began to write.

"You have good calligraphy. You must have practiced it for many years." The young man in green clothes looked at the handwriting on the bluestone on the ground and praised sincerely.

Ning Changjiu roughly counted the days spent teaching Ning Xiaoling to write, and replied: "Thirteen days."

The young man in green was slightly stunned, feeling that the person in front of him was either a really expert, or extremely insincere.

Within a quarter of an hour, the bluestone was covered with dense handwriting. He stepped aside and closed his eyes to rest.

The young man in green glanced at him, rubbing his teeth gently as if because of nervousness. He took a deep breath, looked down, and looked seriously.

"The body is the embryo, the spirit is the element, the heart is born with the sun and the moon, and the time is measured by the sky. The heart of the sword is forged with three..."

The young man in green didn't take it seriously at first, but the more he looked at it, the more frightened he became. He recalled the process of practicing sword fetus, and many of the difficulties and questions seemed to have been answered.

"It turns out that the date of physical exercise is not calculated according to normal hours, but according to the days of the body's operation..."

"It turns out that it is not the physical body that endures the hammering of the sword body, but the innate spirit..."

"It turns out that the body needs to be soaked with herbs to assist. Which flavors are they..."

The young man in green clothes was thinking about this and that. Many words fell into his eyes, which made his thoughts widen and he suddenly became cheerful. And some paragraphs are confusing because there is no reference to the previous text.

After a long time, he slowly raised his head and wiped the sweat from his forehead. His livid pupils were like a piece of unforged pig iron.

He looked at Ning Changjiu, with some respect in his words, and said, "Senior, are you the same generation as Master?"

Ning Jiujiu opened his eyes, thought for a moment, didn't bother to fabricate his identity, and just shook his head.

The young man in green clothes was shocked. Is he a generation higher than his master

However, the other party seemed unwilling to disclose his identity, so as a junior, he would not ask further questions.

He thought to himself that he was still struggling with the method of cultivating immortals and longevity, while the other party was already exploring the issue of the origin of innate spirits. The gap between him and him was indeed huge. He didn't know whether this great uncle had already Entering the legendary Ziting realm.

Ning glanced at him for a long time.

The young man in green no longer hesitated and immediately called out his innate spirit.

Spiritual energy gathered in front of him like a cloud, gradually condensing into a snow-like body. Two round eyes appeared on the body, and two gray horns protruded from the forehead, as if they had been chopped off. A young sheep with four legs.

Although he was sure that the other party was a big shot, the young man in green clothes still felt nervous when he sent the innate spirit to the other party.

The innate spirit is an innate auxiliary to the cultivation of Taoism. It is both prosperous and destructive, so it will only be used to resist the opponent in times of crisis to achieve unexpected effects.

Therefore, in normal times, the innate spirit will not easily summon the body. Many people even choose to hide whether they have an innate spirit.

"Don't try to operate it with your soul, my test needs to be independent." Ning Jiujiu said.

"Okay." The young man in green nodded.

Ning looked at the little goat that exuded aura for a long time, then stretched out his hand in front of its eyes and began to do the three tests he expected.

He first probed its body with weak spiritual energy, looking for physiological characteristics such as flesh and blood, meridians, spiritual orifices, and observing whether it would incorporate other substances and physical reactions in addition to spiritual energy.

Then, Ning Jiujiu stretched out his hand in front of its pupil. The spiritual energy on his fingertips condensed and suddenly glowed, testing whether its pupil would shrink.

After doing it several times, he wrapped the innate spirit with a trace of Dao Yuan for the final test.

The young man in green frowned and tightened his mouth. He seemed to be in pain, but he held back and did not speak.

Ning Jiujiu carefully penetrated his body with Dao Yuan. The internal structure of the innate spirit was magnified many times in the sea of consciousness. He carefully explored it to see if it had the weak electric current stimulated by brain activity.

A quarter of an hour later, Ning Jiujiu retracted his hand and shook his head imperceptibly.

"Okay." Ning Jiujiu opened his eyes and took one last look at the little sheep.

The young man in green's back was completely wet with sweat. After hearing Ning Jiujiu's words, he felt as if he had received an amnesty and let out a long sigh of relief.

He stared at Ning Jiujiu sincerely, took the innate spirit back into his body, made a virtual sword salute, and said: "I sincerely ask senior to fulfill his promise."

Ning Jiujiu grabbed a sword and started carving words, then asked casually: "What's your name?"

The young man in green quickly said respectfully: "Junior Nan Cheng, Nan of the South, inheritance of the inheritance."

Ning Jiujiu nodded, this name... seemed familiar.

Then, he asked a question that made Nan Cheng extremely puzzled.

"Do you know how to get out of here?"

"What?" Nan Cheng was shocked, slowly came back to his senses, and said in confusion: "The hundreds of caves in Thorn Peak are all connected to the mountainside outside. With the cultivation level of the senior, he can control the sword and come out."

Ning Jiujiu asked: "Is there any other way?"

Nan Cheng knew clearly in his heart that Tianku Peak was surrounded by a large mountain guarding formation. It might be too showy to come out with a sword. Maybe this great uncle wanted to hide something...

Ning Changjiu pointed to the top and said, "I came from the library."

Nan Cheng was slightly shocked and said, "There is a secret passage leading to this place in the book pavilion?"

Ning Jiujiu asked: "Didn't your master tell you?"

Nan Cheng shook his head and said: "No, we are all here to retreat with swords."

Ning Jiujiu asked: "How many people are in retreat here?"

Nan Cheng shook his head again: "I don't know, but this Hidden Peak is huge, and there are at least ten people in seclusion among it."

Ning Jiujiu nodded, the number was not much different from what he expected.

Ning Jiujiu asked: "How did they get out?"

Nan Cheng smiled bitterly and said: "Of course he came out with the sword...but..."

"But what?"

"It is said that there is a road leading to the outer peak under the dragon-wrapped pillar. However, before I retreated, my master told me many times that I could not enter the lower peak under any circumstances..."

(Thanks to book friend Qingkong Yuezhao for the reward and support~)

(Special thanks to Luxper_ and Hushang Beihai, the two leaders who gave rewards!!! This is the first time I have received alliance leaders, and there are two of them! When I woke up in the morning and saw the number of monthly votes, I thought I had seen it wrong, and I am still confused. Unrealistic dizziness... I tried my best to code today, and I can code as much as I can!)