Beyond the Divine States

Chapter 99: There is no place where humans and ghosts will not meet


This is a dancing girl and porcelain maid that has been displayed in an antique shop on the street for more than ten years. It is half a person tall and has some extremely low-price cracks on it. It is said to be an ancient relic from the Gu Kingdom two hundred years ago, but no one believes it.

Recently, this antique was bought by a wrongdoer and kept in his home to keep away evil spirits.

Before the woman invaded the other party's body, she had sensed that it was a human form, so she invaded without any scruples, thinking that even if the young man was vigilant and secretly placed the jade pendant on a dead body, it would not matter, she could still do it Manipulate this dead body, find him and kill him.

Only then did she realize that the human form she sensed was actually this extremely ugly porcelain servant!

The anger suddenly ignited, and she wanted to peel off the porcelain servant immediately, but she couldn't do it for a while, and a scene that made her even colder appeared.

She noticed that there was a girl standing behind her.

She knew this girl. She and he used to be Ning Qinshui's disciples, and now they were born in the same sect. Such a yellow-haired little girl, she should be able to crush to death easily, but at this moment, she was terrified. Become uneasy.

Because the girl was standing behind her dragging a big hammer, staring at herself.

This was obviously her senior brother's preparation.

And she immediately realized that she had made another extremely fatal mistake - as she tried to break away from the porcelain room, she moved, causing the porcelain maid to move too.

Seeing the strange movement of the porcelain maid, Ning Xiaoling's petite body suddenly tensed up. She looked serious, thinking that my senior brother really didn't lie to me. She mustered up her courage and immediately imitated what was said in the commentary, acting majestic and majestic. He shouted: "Look at the monsters!"

Then, without hesitation, she picked up the hammer and smashed it down.

With a bang, the seemingly fragile porcelain only cracked and was not directly broken.

Ning Xiaoling was shocked. She knew the strength of her hands. She never thought that this porcelain servant was not broken. Could it be that it was really an ancient relic of the country of Jin? It seems that the senior brother is quite discerning, but it is a pity that this antique... I don't know. How much money was spent.

Thinking of this, Xiao Ling felt sad, and with the next stroke of the hammer, he sharply swung it in a circle, using all his strength.

The porcelain maid wanted to avoid it, but she couldn't move her body to react flexibly.

A crisp sound resounded throughout the room, and the pieces of the porcelain servant fell to the floor, red and green, very messy and eye-catching.

On the high-rise building, the young woman suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood. She swayed twice, pressed her slender fingers on her red lips, and tried to remove the blood from the corner of her mouth. There was no longer any playfulness in her eyes, but a look of undying determination. The entangled resentment.

Half of this resentment stems from the young man's damned calculations, and the other half stems from the yellow-haired girl's words, "Monsters watch for beatings."

These brothers and sisters... should be cut into pieces!

The city gate was closed early.

On New Year's Eve, the popular singer Feihua Loutou, who had been preparing for half a year, suddenly fell down from the building and committed suicide on the day of getting her hair done. The city lord, who had a high reputation in the hearts of the people, also jumped into the river and ended his life.

Several merchants and scribes who were hesitant by the river originally thought about whether to boldly come forward to talk to the Lord of the City. However, there were rumors that the Lord of the City was an iron-blooded Yama when he was young. Now that he is old, he does not like to be disturbed, even if it is someone. When I go out for a walk on weekdays, I also act like I don't want to approach strangers.

But while they were hesitating, they witnessed such a shocking incident.

At first, the singer's fall only made them feel frightened and pitiful, but now the old man's jumping into the river shocked them.

And who was that young man in white who flashed past before... Was he dazzled

The uneasy atmosphere has just erupted among the ordinary people, but somewhere they can't see, the undercurrent has surged into a whirlpool and is about to set off a huge wave.

Many people rushed home in a panic, but from their perspective, they could not see that the red lantern at the door had changed to a pale color, and behind each door, they did not know what was waiting for them.

Of course, for most people, these are fears that have not actually come yet. What is about to happen next is the knife that really cuts through the fear in their hearts.

At this moment, on the still peaceful long street, the old woman's body had rotted away all her flesh and blood at an extremely fast speed, turning into a white skeleton.

Ning didn't look for any clues on the white bones for a long time.

Just now, the spirituality that he originally attached to the porcelain servant was broken. He knew that the demon who controlled everything behind the scenes should also be injured at this moment.

That monster is very suitable for this kind of city. Even he can't detect the opponent's location. However, the damage to the opponent's soul is not small at this moment, and it will inevitably reveal flaws that are difficult to repair in a short time. The existence of this flaw may make the opponent fierce. If Bi Lu comes directly to the present, it may also allow the other party to proceed with the plan with peace of mind.

Ning Chang long hoped it was the former, but this quiet long street had already hinted at the answer.

Ning Jiujiu has deduced many things in the past two days, but the city in front of him still shows unexpected changes. He can feel that the Yang energy in the city is like the sun setting rapidly. , when Yin and Yang are completely reversed, everyone in this city will die without knowing it.

And those who committed suicide in advance obviously knew this in advance. I don't know what promises they were given by the ghost behind the scenes, but they ended it so decisively and were willing to become ghosts who never see the light of day.

Ning closed his eyes for a long time, and many things that happened in the city recently were connected in his mind, including the river passing through the city, Shubai lurking for assassination, the girl singing and dancing by the bridge, the fallen singer, the city lord jumping into the river, and the corpse demon. The old woman who plotted against me many times...

These fragments of thoughts gathered together in his mind like a storm.

Finally, the tune humming from the little girl's mouth echoed in her mind for a long time.

"How many years have the reeds turned into snow, and the pearls and jade have grown old, and I sigh one after another, helpless... helpless."

Naihe, Naihe!

According to legend, after death, people will go to the underworld, and on the road they must pass, there is a bridge that spans the gap between life and death. That bridge is the Naihe Bridge.

And the gurgling river water under the bridge is Huangquan.

The initial guesses were built upon to form a complete picture.

He constructed the outline of the plan in his mind - the big ghost in the dark has been planning it for many years, setting up all the key nodes, and wants to refine this city into a complete Netherworld City!

If everything that is about to happen is really as he expected, then that big ghost, even if his realm is not too high, must still hold a part of the authority over the Netherworld.

According to legend, the original Hades died thousands of years ago, and the authority of Hades was also fragmented. Perhaps this big ghost got a piece of it, so now he has the terrifying power to refine a city.

If everything goes as expected, then the first thing he wants to think about at this moment should be how to escape from this city...

But it was too late. As soon as this thought flashed across his mind, Ning Jiujiu immediately sensed something. He raised his head and saw a scarlet waning moon hanging in the sky.

That red moon is not a real moon, but a crescent moon formed by the evil spirit of the city.

In just a few hours, the aura of the underworld in this city has reached an extremely strong level.


Across the street, Ning Xiaoling pushed open the door and waved to where Ning Jiujiu was.

Ning Jiujiu nodded, but his expression could not hide his uneasiness.

"How is senior brother?" Ning Xiaoling ran over quickly, her eyes fell on the bones beside him, and she said in surprise: "This... is this?"

Ning Jiujiu said: "This is the old woman knocking on our door."

Ning Xiaoling opened her eyes wide, recalling the old woman with wrinkles on her face, and said in horror: "What's going on? Mother-in-law... mother-in-law is actually a ghost. If this is the case, then the couplets and door gods she gave us are No..."

Ning Jiujiu nodded: "There should be a mystery, but I don't know what it is yet."

"I'm going to tear it up right now!" Ning Xiaoling said hurriedly.

Ning Jiujiu shook his head and said, "No need."

Ning Xiaoling said anxiously: "The dancer is a ghost, the singer is a ghost, the piano player is a ghost, and now the old lady is also a ghost... What on earth is this place?"

Ning Jiujiu sighed: "Yes, they are all ghosts."


Behind Ning Xiaoling, the blade pierced through the back and came out.

She raised her head and stared at Ning Changjiu, her whole body trembling, her face full of shock and confusion.

At this moment, in her hand, she held a long dark purple knife condensed with the spirit of the netherworld. The knife was extremely long and narrow and was hidden in her sleeve. At this moment, she pinched the blade and slid it out, and it was tight in an instant. She held the handle of the knife, but as soon as she made the move to draw the knife, her body was pierced.

What pierced her was the boning knife. The knife was struck with great force. It had already penetrated her body and emerged from her back.

"How do you know?" There was not much pain in Ning Xiaoling's words, but more of surprise.

It's just that the knife happened to hit a piece of cartilage that controlled the body. Before she could wait for the answer, she quickly decayed and turned into ashes.


Behind Ning Jiujiu, the girl was holding two swords, looking at the scene in front of her, shocked and speechless.

The body that was exactly like his own disintegrated rapidly in front of him.

Ning Jiujiu flicked his sleeves, and the ashes dispersed. He turned back to look at his junior sister and smiled: "Don't worry, junior sister, you will recognize it even if it turns into ashes."

Ning Xiaoling was frightened for a while. At the first glance, she even thought she was being blinded, but her senior brother could distinguish them at a glance.

She looked at her senior brother and was very moved, but she said with a mournful face: "Senior brother, please don't make it up, I can't recognize you."

Ning Jiujiu used his spiritual power to control the sword, pierced the piece of cartilage, and nailed it to the ground. Then he followed the same method and used the sword fire to burn away the demonic nature on it.

He wanted to say a few words of comfort to his junior sister, but before he could say anything, all his expressions faded away, and he became as cold as frost.

Ning Xiaoling was startled. Her first reaction was that the scene just now couldn't be a monster acting, and this senior brother must be a fake... She suddenly grabbed the hilt of the sword and prepared to block it with a horizontal sword, but her movements But he froze.

She raised her head and followed Ning Chang's gaze, only to see a curling shadow emerging on the long street.

Along with that figure came light smoke and mist like the autumn forest. The slender and graceful figure swayed and curled in the mist, like a ribbon gently rolling up and down, reflecting the young girl. figure.

She was wearing an emerald-colored gauze dress, with a moon-white cloak on her shoulders. Her exposed white arms were as red as new breasts, and the strands between her waist were extremely slender.

She was holding a green sand jar in her left hand and a green porcelain bottle in her right hand. Her figure was rising and falling gently with her footsteps. It should have been a beautiful scene, but at this moment, it was covered with a strange mist, which only made people feel a sticky evil feeling. Feeling of cold.

Ning Jiujiu opened his hands.

Ning Xiaoling regained consciousness and threw the sword. Ning Jiujiu took the sword, but before he could draw it out, the ghostly figure appeared in front of him. It was clear that both hands were dragging precious things, but one did not know where they came from. The pink and white fist still fell in front of him.

Ning Jiujiu maintained a high degree of nervousness from beginning to end. He saw clearly the origin of this phantom punch and reacted to it.

It's just that he couldn't make too many moves at this moment, so he could only condense his spiritual power to move forward to resist.

A red and rouge fist landed on his chest.

Time seemed to have stopped for a moment.


The hair that fell like a curtain in front of Ning Xiaoling's forehead was blown up all of a sudden. With the bang, the air moved back like clouds and waves. In just a blink of an eye, Ning Jiujiu was punched dozens of feet away. The row of wooden doors, bamboo frames and white painted walls were smashed into pieces.

Among the ruins, Ning Chang's white clothes were covered with dust.

He pulled his body out of it.

The corners of the pretty girl's lips raised a little bit, and she walked slowly towards her, making smoke every step of the way, smiling. Her voice was like the chirping of orioles, but it was indescribably cold and scary: "What's wrong? I'm not very good. Weak?"

In the smoke, Ning Changjiu walked out and drew his sword.

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at that beautiful face, and said, "So it's you."

The young girl giggled. She looked at Ning Changjiu and said, "I didn't expect to meet you here either."

Ning Xiaoling had drawn her sword and held it in front of her. She was confused as she listened to the conversation between her senior brother and the woman... What? Have they met before

If Shu Bai were in front of him at this moment, he would also be shocked, because the girl in front of him is his sister Bai who should have died long ago.

Ning Jiujiu understood her identity through the familiar aura on her body, although the answer was extremely incredible - she was the ghost who appeared in the imperial city on the day he came back from the dead and killed Ning Qinshui. .

(PS: The paper is due to be finalized tomorrow and I spent a day revising it, so... there is only one chapter today)