Big Boss Villain, Don’t Turn Black!

Chapter 136: The president's virtual lover


Seeing this silly girl squatting on the ground and not answering, Ji Beiliu's lack of patience was even more limited. He said coldly, "I'll repeat it one last time, give me the jade."

"Oh..." The girl responded perfunctorily, moved her steps again, and changed the direction to pick the fruit on the other branch.

However, another foot came up, and she raised her head and glared at him.

It turns out that NPCs don't get angry.

Ji Beiliu finally felt better, and he said, "Give me your jade."

"You just said... are you repeating it for the last time?" She stood up and tilted her head again, looking very cute, "but you repeated the same thing again."

Ji Beiliu paused, and then he became slightly angry. He is not the kind of person who would make such low-level mistakes, because even if he did make any mistakes, no one would dare to say them out. For the authoritarian, other people's opinions... well, he doesn't need it.

"Cunhua." He narrowed his eyes dangerously, "Do you believe that I can make you completely disappear from this world?"

Of course he has this ability, as long as he says a word, Liang Liang can completely delete all the data of this NPC.

But her focus was not on his threat, but she said dissatisfiedly: "I have a name, my name is Su Mu, not Village Flower."

When in the past was Ji Beiliu's order not immediately executed by others? But this NPC made him repeat the same words over and over again without being moved.

His patience was completely exhausted, and an aura that was so fierce that people would shy away immediately emerged.

Su Mu shook her body instinctively. She took a step back and said intermittently: "Don't you just want jade? I can give it to you, but I have a condition."

Very good, you dare to negotiate terms with him.

Ji Beiliu's handsome face has already darkened. If anyone knows him well, he will know that when he shows such a dangerous expression, it means that someone is in trouble. Generally speaking, he is definitely in a bad mood. Going to bankrupt a company to adjust my mood.

However, Su Mu didn't seem to know that she had provoked this bad-tempered man. She continued: "My condition is very simple. If you say that you love me, then I will give you the jade."

His complexion was even worse, as if he was suppressing his emotions, and then he said coldly, "Oh, it turns out that NPCs will use such low-level methods to attract my attention like those stupid women."

"That..." Su Mu said weakly: "I don't want to prostitute you, I just want you to say that you love me, this is the task, and I will give you jade after completing the task."

what task

He didn't remember that some of the first novice missions in the plan submitted by Liang Liang were so weird. In the final analysis, it must be that this NPC had intelligent evolution and succumbed to his charm.

He glanced at her coldly, and said without emotion: "You love me."


This seems to be different from what she said.

He said impatiently: "Okay, give me the jade."

"Wait..." Su Mu took another step back, "I want you to say you love me."

"Didn't I say you love me?"

"No, no!" Su Mu shook his head, thought for a while and said, "It should mean that I love you."

As expected, he said in his heart, and his tone was even more indifferent, "You love me, but I don't love you."