Big Boss Villain, Don’t Turn Black!

Chapter 158: The president's virtual lover


Ji Beiliu probably finally realized how stupid he is now. His face turned cold, and he subconsciously wanted to push her away. However, he soon realized that he was being suppressed by her in one way or another. If he If he doesn't do something to her, doesn't it make him seem cowardly

For a moment, Su Mu suddenly felt his world spinning, and when he came back to his senses, she had already been pinned down by the man.

Ji Beiliu grabbed her chin with one hand, leaned closer to her face, and asked in a hoarse voice: "Be responsible for me, huh?"

The final sound rises, it is really full of hormones, which can make people lose half of their body.

"Wait..." Su Mu was in a hurry. She is a strong-willed person with a bluff, and she is a fake if she just talks and doesn't practice. , "I warn you, if you dare to do anything to me, I will... I will..."

Seeing her nervous expression, Ji Beiliu finally had the feeling of a serf turning over and singing. He was no longer shy, and with a wicked smile, he lowered his head slightly again, getting closer to her face, and then asked playfully: "What are you? Do you have anything that could threaten me?"

The person who can threaten him in this world has not yet been born.

Su Mu gritted her teeth, the fact is true, she really couldn't think of a way to refute it.

The more frightened she was, the happier Ji Beiliu was. He maintained the malicious smile on his face, and said gloomily, "Do you think I can't do anything about you if you crawled out of the phone?"

Su Mu has already realized that it is more dangerous for her to come out of the mobile phone than to stay in the mobile phone, but she deliberately bullies him because of a prank mentality.

She struggled, "Let go of me! Let me tell you that I am a human being now, not an NPC. If you do anything to me, the police will not let you go!"

"Police?" Ji Beiliu raised the corners of his lips, "Don't you know how much tax I pay every year?"

Local snake!

Su Mu was angry, "Aren't you just rich!? What's the big deal!"

"But people with money are more remarkable than people without money." Ji Beiliu raised his hand, and gently touched her cheek. Originally, this gesture was just to show his coolness and domineering, but just now As soon as he touched her face, the wonderful touch made him temporarily give up his reaction.

Su Mu looked at Ji Beiliu's dark eyes, which seemed to be gradually becoming brighter, and then thought of his hands on her face, she shivered, secretly thinking that he would not want to ruin her face Bar!


The sound of "snap" echoed so clearly in the room.

Half of Ji Beiliu's handsome face blushed slightly. He stared at Su Mu without saying a word. He hasn't responded yet because he is still in a daze.

As for Su Mu, after the fight, he was nervously preparing for the aggressive behavior of the man in front of him.

In this silent silence, a strange atmosphere slowly circulated.

Finally, after regaining consciousness, Ji Beiliu's mood slowly changed.

In his calm eyes, anger gradually ignited, like a volcano that has been extinguished for a long time, and is about to swallow all life with its erupting magma.

He said word by word: "How dare you hit me?"

The intensity with which he gritted his teeth was enough to say that he wanted to skin her and cramp her.

"I... I hit you so, so what?" Su Mu shrank her neck, and now she was really cowardly.