Big Boss Villain, Don’t Turn Black!

Chapter 178: The president's virtual lover


"It was your people who drove into Su Mu!" Su Luo was furious, "You tell me now that you want to protect her!?"

This seems to be a big joke!

Ji Beiliu is worthy of being Ji Beiliu, even though he knew he had done something wrong and regretted it, but when facing other people, his true nature of a businessman allowed him to maintain this hypocritical and annoying appearance.

"The development and changes of things are always jaw-dropping." Ji Beiliu raised a smile, "For example, how did we think that I would call you brother-in-law today?"

What a fucking brother-in-law!

If he could, Su Luo would definitely pick up a stool and smash it over. His eyes seemed to burst into anger. Looking at Ji Beiliu, the only labels he had given him in the past were "bastard", "villain", " Unscrupulous", as for now, it is "the strange sorghum who kidnaps and sells girls"!

As for why there is no word "profiteer" in the label... of course it is because Su Luo is also a profiteer.

Su Luo gritted her teeth, "Ji Beiliu, you don't need to say these words to anger me. The grievances between us have nothing to do with Su Mu. Su Mu is no threat to you. You let her go, no matter what the conditions are, I can promise you everything!"

All Ji Beiliu wanted was to get rid of their "M" company. Su Luo's words meant that as long as Ji Beiliu released Su Mu, he could withdraw all his business from the country. Beiliu is the only one.

Su Luo is not a person who will admit defeat. For example, when he first started developing in China, someone persuaded him not to offend Ji Beiliu, but he didn't care. However, today, for the safety of his sister, he can admit defeat.

"You can agree to me no matter what the conditions are...very good." Ji Beiliu's thin lips slightly raised, "Then if I want to marry Mumu in the future, you won't object."

Su Luo patted the table, "What nonsense are you talking about!? Don't say that Su Mu doesn't know you at all, even if she does, I can tell you very clearly that she won't like an old man like you!"

old man

Ji Beiliu's forehead twitched, "Liang Liang, tell him, am I the one Mu Mu likes?"

"This...uncle..." Liang Liang looked at Su Luo hesitantly with a dark circle under his eye that was smashed by Su Luo, and said: "Mr. Su, Miss Su really likes my uncle, the thing is like this..."

Su Luo gritted her teeth again and interrupted Liang Liang's words: "You are his nephew, of course you spoke for him!"

"Oh." Ji Beiliu sneered, "I have someone to prove that you don't believe me, so you might as well ask Mu Mu yourself."

"Ji Beiliu, what kind of tricks do you want to play? Don't think I will believe your words! There is no way Su Mu likes you!"

Ji Beiliu said gracefully: "Unfortunately, she does like me."

Su Luo seemed to hear the sound of a volcano erupting in his head. He was arguing with Ji Beiliu, and suddenly, a third person shouted, "Enough!"

Su Luo and Ji Beiliu were startled, and they looked at Liang Liang who was speaking together.

Liang Liang yelled incomprehensibly, "Are you guys arguing over who Ms. Su likes, or should you figure out how to wake her up together!?"

Ji Beiliu was silent.

Su Luo was also silent.

Liang Liang first pointed at Ji Beiliu and scolded: "Uncle, I have endured you for a long time, can you restrain your temper, it is your fault that Miss Su will become like this, even if you want to declare your sovereignty over Miss Su Can’t wait until someone wakes up!? Don’t you still want to marry her!?”

"I… "

"you shut up!"

As soon as Ji Beiliu said a word, Liang Liang interrupted him, who pointed at Su Luo again and said, "And you, the elder brother, can you figure out the main point of the matter, your sister is still lying unconscious What! Is it time to discuss who she shouldn't like!? Is there anything more important than waking her up now!?"

Su Luo: "I..."

"Shut up, too!"

Su Luo: "..."

"The two of you are the presidents of a big company. If you combine your financial resources and contacts, wouldn't the chances of waking up Miss Su be greater!? So what are you arguing about now? It's all a waste of time! After Liang Liang yelled, he sat on the sofa with his arms folded, his face full of anger, like a teacher teaching a child.

As for the two big men standing, Ji Beiliu and Su Luo looked at each other silently, then quickly looked away, and sat silently on the sofas on both sides.

Ji Beiliu and Su Luo, these two men who are older than Liang Liang, don't want to admit it. Under Liang Liang's scolding, they have a weird illusion. They feel that they are like children who fight in kindergarten and make the teacher worry .

Liang Liang saw that the two people finally stopped arguing, and the anger in his heart slowly dissipated. When he returned to his senses, he turned his head and bit his finger belatedly.

Damn, what did he just do!

He actually yelled at the two bosses!