Big Boss Villain, Don’t Turn Black!

Chapter 186: The president's virtual lover


Because of Su Luo's business problems, Su Mu followed him to stay in City B for a few more days to attend a reception held by a brand owner. Probably Ji Beiliu really had a brain problem. In the past, what kind of business did Su Luo want to do? Beiliu will definitely make trouble, but Su Luo's business has been very smooth recently.

Su Luo thought, maybe this man Ji Beiliu really has some brain problems.

It is said that this reception will also have a big director, and Su Mu, who was not interested in business venues, also pestered Su Luo to take him there. Su Luo only thought that she thought it was fun, but never thought that this girl is actually eager to Debut and become an idol.

"Remember, I will have a lot of entertainment later, and I can't take care of you all the time." Su Luo said with an old mother's heart: "Don't run around, I booked a room on the second floor of the hotel , if you are bored, go there to rest, hear?"

"Okay, okay, I understand." Su Mu pushed him away impatiently, "Hurry up and say hello to your business partners, don't worry about me!"

Su Luo still told her a few more words not to run around, and after she agreed one by one, he turned around and walked into the lively crowd.

"Miss, do you need a drink?" A girl in waiter's clothes came over. She was innocent and cute, and looked very shy.

Su Mu saw the word "White Rose" written on the work nameplate on the waiter's chest, she secretly sighed, this name really broke the sky, and said with a smile on her face: "I want Just a glass of lemonade."

"Okay." Bai Qiangwei brought a glass of transparent drink to Su Mu from the plate, "Miss, please take it slowly."

Then, she walked away.

Su Mu was holding lemonade, and was watching the people around him boredly. She didn't know the director, and she didn't know what his name was, so she didn't dare to rush up to talk to anyone who looked like him. It's a businessman's reception, who knows? Everyone is smiling three-pointedly, even if they see the enemy, they will walk over to say hello with a smile.

Su Mu saw that Su Luo was chatting with a middle-aged uncle in a pleasant manner, and not long ago, Su Luo had complained to her that this middle-aged man was simply a miser in the new century.

"Sir, sorry!"

Su Mu was attracted by the woman's panicked voice, she turned her head to look, and saw that Bai Qiangwei in the corner accidentally bumped into a man, spilled a drink on the man, and she was taking out a handkerchief there Wipe suits for men.

Because Su Mu was standing not far from the corner, she happened to be able to hear and see what happened in the corner.

"Woman, are you trying to get my attention on purpose?" The handsome man grabbed one of Bai Qiangwei's hands, with a smile on his lips, full of domineering.

Su Mu recognized him. She had seen him in the Entrepreneur magazine in Su Luo's office. This man was Sima Ritian, the new head of the Sima family and the new president of Sima Enterprise.

Wait... President? rose

Su Mu suddenly realized that the world she came to was still the world of President Wen!

It's no wonder why there are so many young CEOs in this world, and they are so handsome, and they can even put on a domineering and rude attitude, because this is the setting of this world!

"Sir... please let me go!" Bai Qiangwei struggled to free her hand, "Even if you have money, you can't bully civilians!"