Big Boss Villain, Don’t Turn Black!

Chapter 75: Extra Story of Xi Yi Pian (2)


Su Mu was taken aback, "Can I go back?"

"With me, who has great powers, of course you can go back." The little white snake slowly crawled to her feet while spitting out a message. He stood up and said, "Why? You don't plan to go back?"

"Of course I want to go back!" Su Mu wondered, "But can't I only be resurrected three times in the same world?"

The little white snake said slowly: "To be precise, you can only be resurrected three times in a timeline, and I can send you before the timeline where you died three times."

"You want to send me to the time when the boss has not yet become a boss, and the plot has not yet started?"

"That's what it means." Little White Snake said: "But this method, in addition to my own strength, also needs to spend the 13,000 points you got in this world as a medium."

Su Mu lowered his head, "How can I have so many points?"

"Look up for yourself."

She looked up, and unexpectedly saw ten thousand points in the column of points in the live broadcast room. She was surprised, "When did I have so many points?"

"When you died, your audience posted it." The little white snake said: "In this way, I can send you back."

Su Mu asked: "Before, didn't you disapprove of my wasting time? Why are you willing to help me now?"

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not helping you, I just... I just don't want you to cause the tragedy and cause more grievances from the audience, which will affect my year-end award." The little white snake glanced at her, and then said: "However, what is it?" There is a price to pay, after sending you back to that world, I will sleep for a while, so for a while, you have to complete the task by yourself."

To be precise, he would spend a hundred years of his cultivation in exchange for an equivalent exchange, but he was too lazy to make it so clear to Su Mu.

But Su Mu also felt that there was no such a good thing, "The method you mentioned... really won't affect you?"

"You talk so much nonsense, get the hell out of here!"

Following the impatient words of the little white snake, Su Mu's eyes darkened, and when she opened her eyes again, her body had shrunk and she returned to this antique world.

"Princess, you are not in good health, you should go back to your room and rest!"

Su Mu raised his head and looked at Zhao Yu, who was eleven or twelve years old. She froze for a while and asked, "How old am I now?"

Zhao Yu asked suspiciously: "The princess is five years old, what's wrong?"

"Five years old... I'm only five years old..."

Zhao Yu was anxious, "Princess, what's wrong with you?"

"Zhao Yu, help me find someone!" Su Mu hurriedly said, "Don't worry, you found this person for me, and I will give you a wife in ten years' time!"

Zhao Yu: "Huh?"

In a small town in the south of the Yangtze River, it was just when the sun was setting and the mountains were waning. There was little smoke from the kitchen, and it was quiet and peaceful.

In front of the gate of a small house, the wife surnamed Xi looked at the children playing by the river and shouted, "I'll be back for dinner when I play for another stick of incense!"

After speaking, he walked into the house.

A young man, about fourteen or fifteen years old, is not very old, but he is already very handsome. He sits on the shore, quietly watching the sparkling water, and the afterglow of the evening sun makes his profile become More and more charming.

Soon, a three-year-old child ran over with unsteady steps, and he called happily, "Brother! Huahua!"