Big Boss Villain, Don’t Turn Black!

Chapter 80: Death is coming


After the car drove into the town, after walking a certain distance, Thomas parked the car under the shade of a tree because he was puzzled.

Driving all the way here, I didn't see a single resident, not even an animal, in this retro town.

Thomas and Taisha got out of the car first, and Su Mu took advantage of this time to change out of the nurse's uniform in the car. Taisha also knew that it was impossible for Su Mu to run away wearing a nurse's uniform, so he specially brought her a pair of nurse uniforms. skirt.

Su Mu, who had changed her clothes, was determined not to get out of the car. She didn't want to give away the head of that murderous maniac who could hold a chainsaw. She had already persuaded Taisha and the others not to come to this town, but they felt that there was a rumor in this mysterious town. The legend is very attractive, but it is just a joke that this beautiful oriental woman is timid and has never changed her mind about not coming.

The protagonists in horror movies are always dead.

Su Mu knew this truth very well, she rolled down the window, still couldn't bear to watch the two young men and women go to die, she said: "Don't you think this place is strange? Let's go back."

"It's a bit strange here, but we can't leave yet." Thomas walked to the window and said, "It stands to reason that the four of Angus and the others came here yesterday, but I can't contact them now."

Taisha was also a little worried, "Will something happen to them?"

Because Su Mu refused to follow the plot, the plot where seven people went to the town together turned into the other four arriving first. Taisha and Thomas dragged Su Mu to arrive one day late.

Su Mu could already guess that the four people were more or less dangerous, but if she said there was a ghost here, Taisha and Thomas would not believe her, and would just say, "Hey, girl from the East, you have to be more courageous." ".

Su Mu could only say: "Then let's call the police first!"

"Su, there is no signal here." Taisha took out his mobile phone and gave Su Mu a look.

Su Mu became anxious, "That's even more problematic, let's get out of here first!"

"Tessa!" Thomas suddenly walked under a tree not far away, he squatted down and picked up something, "Look, this is Adele's necklace!"

Tessa ran over, "This is indeed Adele's stuff, that proves that they must have been here!"

"Aggie likes pranks the most. Maybe Adele, Angus, and Brian are all in collusion with Aggie, hiding and trying to trick us."

Tessa asked, "Then what do we do now?"

"Let's go to other places in the town first. Even if they can hide the whole town, they will definitely show their feet." Thomas laughed: "I like playing hide-and-seek the most."

"Okay." Taisha nodded, then turned around and said to Su Mu: "Su, let's go to the front first. If you are afraid, don't come out here."

"Hey, wait!" Su Mu yelled on the car window, but Taisha had already followed Thomas and walked away without looking back.

She glanced at the car, but she didn't have the car keys in her hand, and she couldn't drive the car back, and then looked around, the trees were moving with the wind at dusk, but there were no people or animals, she couldn't help feeling flustered.

Su Mu went crazy, "What should I do?"

The wind blows butt cool: [The law of horror movies, the one who is left alone is the one who dies the fastest.]

Seeing the barrage, Su Mu trembled.

This killer is not too warm: [This movie is indeed a classic of horror movies, but I don’t agree with the bloody art of slashing people in it. Once a knife is cut, the flesh and blood should be separated. This is the aesthetic I pursue.]

Su Mu trembled again.