Bigshot Cultivator Bewildering People Every Day

Chapter 120: World BOSSx game producer


In the setting of the game mode, Luo Jiujiang and Yuan Ziqian both made the same choice.

The time in the game will automatically advance as the timeline changes, and the plot will be deduced downward according to the pre-set chapters.

After the plot is over, the open plot locations will be restored to their original daily quests, but if there are casualties in the plot characters of the quest, the existence of the plot characters will be erased in the daily quest.

Yuan Ziqian's original intention: Because a real world is like this, there will be tears, laughter, and unstoppable death and parting.

Thoughts of the capitalist who carried out this plan: Exactly! Let players know that their favorite characters may die! Let them cherish it when they have it (spend money for the character), if a character doesn't have money for him, he may die! So don't wait until you lose it to regret it!

Players' reaction to this: Ahhh! Officials are not human, plan you to be a dog child in your last life, you are a devil! It's the devil! ! !

Yuan Ziqian was very wronged.

Now that there is a new game called Three Thousand Worlds, Yuan Ziqian made up his mind: The damned character must let him die happily, and he will never be held hostage by the official again!

- Obviously still a devil, okay? It didn't get any better thanks!

After the plot of a map is finished, a monster leveling area will be set up there, and the bosses in the plot will stay on the map in the form of world bosses.

Due to the setting of the boss in this world, Luo Jiujiang hesitated when writing the plot of the first chapter.

In the past, the boy Han Qianling's repression and patience came to an end. Because of the power and catalysis of his blood, he inevitably turned into a dragon and ripped apart the sky of the Seven Islands Mystery Realm.

According to the plot settings, after the script is updated, Hanqianling should become the boss of the Seven Islands.

However, Luo Jiujiang couldn't bear it.

He is willing to enter the dead end again in this story, and he is not afraid to block another inquiring mind for Han Qianling. But in this game world, Luo Jiujiang didn't want to see Han Qianling suffer from loneliness again.

If possible, Luo Jiujiang didn't want his Qianling to endure the separation.

It was Han Qianling himself who finally solved this problem.

He said: "Jiujiang doesn't have to worry about me. In fact, I still want to be a Dangdang for this 'BOSS'."

Luo Jiujiang opened his eyes slightly in surprise.

Han Qianling said thoughtfully: "Sometimes, when I think about my failure to destroy the world, I still have some regrets in my heart."

Luo Jiujiang: "!!!"

Yuan Ziqian: "!!!"

System 5555: "!!!"

Boss, are you serious

Luo Jiujiang just paused for a moment, and then he naturally accepted the idea - Qianling didn't hurt the world, he just thought about it in his mind, is it also a crime to think

What's more, Qianling has been suppressing his own thoughts since he was born. It is not easy for him to restrain his evil thoughts of destroying the world.

Thinking of this, Luo Jiujiang couldn't help but have an idea: "Then, why don't I just make a game to make you destroy the world? You and I will make it together, we can make a few more!"

Yuan Ziqian: "!!!"

System 5555: "!!!"

Are you serious, dude? !

Fortunately, Han Qianling rejected the proposal.

"Don't be so troublesome." He pointed to the input port in front of him, "Just set me as the world boss."

Having said that, a mysterious smile appeared on Han Qianling's face: "After all, I am a soul body now. If you want to enter the Internet and attach yourself to the characters you create, it is easy."

He said meaningfully: "If you let me be the boss of this world..."

Immediately, Yuan Ziqian and System 5555 had a bloody storm in his mind, a tragic world where the sea of hardships turned upside down, the majority of players turned their backs, and there were countless casualties.

All of a sudden, even Mo Deqing's script writer Yuan Ziqian awakened compassion: This is too cruel!

All in all, that's how things settled.

Few people know that in the future, the Seven Islands, Beidi, Suzaku Palace, Holy Land, and the blackening if route will rampage in the entire big world map, come and go, and harvest the blood and tears of many players. The ultimate BOSS Han Qianling is the It was hammered out in today's brief conversation.


After day and night preparations (Luo Jiujiang does not need sleep), hands-on writing (only Luo Jiujiang, Han Qianling, Yuan Ziqian and a system for calling and cheering are the only staff members), rigorous and meticulous testing ( Yuan Ziqian is about to vomit in the internal test), "Three Thousand Worlds" finally overcome all difficulties and successfully launched.

- The production process took a week and a half in total, and even the finale chapter was finished.

—By the way, the difficulties referred to in the process refer to the modeling of Hanqianling, the modeling of Hanqianling, and the modeling of Hanqianling.

Yuan Ziqian: "Ah! Mr. Luo is really serious! Even such small things have to be so perfect!"

… In the far terminal, there seems to be a faint sound of the system vomiting blood.

After passing the review, the holographic synchronous projection game in the brain, "Three Thousand Worlds" was officially launched.

At this point, only two weeks have passed since Cai Yuan Ziqian was kicked out of the game company of "Mother Star Era".

The popularity of the original producer of "Mother Star Era" being brought to court, deprived of company equity, and losing the copyright of "Mother Star Era" has not yet faded.

Yuan Ziqian announced the game "Three Thousand Worlds" as early as a week ago, and the public's attention to him has not faded away.

Seeing that Yuan Ziqian sent such a message, the masses immediately believed that this must be a battle of revenge, and Yuan Ziqian was fighting against his old club.

Obviously, Zheng Yajun also received the news in the highest office of the "Mother Star Era" production company.

When he saw the news clearly, he hummed with disdain.

As Yuan Ziqian's former "friend", he knows Yuan Ziqian very well.

No one can know better than Zheng Yajun that "Mother Star Era" has drained all the talents and efforts of the yard in the past 18 years. Even if Yuan Ziqian woke up now and wanted to make a new game, it would be too late.

How long will it take him to make a new game? ten years? Twenty years? After such a long time, this kind of game with realism as its selling point, I am afraid it has long been out of fashion.

What's more, after the success of "Mother Star Era", how many game producers are imitating this game? Yuan Ziqian is nothing but the crowd.

It is destined that Yuan Ziqian will not create a second miracle in this life.

Zheng Yajun didn't take Yuan Ziqian's "Three Thousand Worlds" online preview at all, but in order to bring Yuan Ziqian's popularity back to "Mother Star Era", he signaled the company's official Twitter to forward Yuan Ziqian's news .

- The official V of the game "Mother Star Era" forwarded the news of Yuan Ziqian V.

—The official V of the "Mother Star Era" game left a message to Yuan Ziqian V: The company and Mr. Yuan Ziqian have a peaceful agreement to resign. Here, we wish Mr. Yuan Ziqian a long-term success, and there will be a future.

—The official V release of the game "Mother Star Era": Friendly reminder, the copyright of all the materials in "Mother Star Era" belongs to the company's name. If it is misappropriated, it will be investigated to the end.

The three news posts sent out by the official account quickly attracted the attention of the masses of melon eaters: tear it up! Tear well! Tear a little louder!

Naturally, there are many loyal players who complain about Yuan Ziqian.

But soon, such players were comforted.

- There is no way, this is capital.

- We all know that Yuan Gong may not be able to make a game like the second "Mother Star Era" in his lifetime.

—I also like Yuangong's games, and appreciate Yuangong's concept, he's just... too pure. You know, how can dreams fight against capital? Not much to say, I have already uninstalled "Mother Star Era", there are too many official money-making operations, and playing it again is not that feeling anymore.

Few can believe that Yuan Ziqian can make a comeback with his new game.

In this society, how could the myth of slaughtering dragons still exist.

However, contrary to everyone's expectations, in just two short days, Yuan Ziqian announced that "Three Thousand Worlds" began the countdown!

Onlookers: "!!!"

Are you kidding me

Yuan Gong, if you are kidnapped, just blink, you don't need to be so angry. Do you still remember that you led a team of a company and it took you two full years to make "The Age of the Mother Star".

Someone even left a message directly on Yuan Ziqian's account to ask questions: Are you crazy, Yuan Gong

Various comments have different opinions, and Yuan Ziqian ignores these gossips. He was just very determined and leisurely, and the next day he sent a "four days countdown to the launch" push.

During the time he counted down, the public's curiosity about the game was hooked to the highest point.

Game players have almost zero expectations, and the people who eat melon want to know Yuan Ziqian's mental state. Credibility figures have analyzed Yuan Ziqian's life and sighed at his talent.

At the same time, all of the above people are very much looking forward to what Yuan Ziqian's final product will be.

You know, according to outside information, Yuan Ziqian did not re-establish a new game production team after he was brought to court.

Under the hot discussion of the masses, there is a very unreliable viewpoint, which has swept most of the ideas and has become the mainstream view of the onlookers.

- Yuan Gong is so obsessed with ancient times, did he make a pixel villain game

In that case, it might be enough to spend ten days, just design a few simple backgrounds, and make a two-chapter dialogue plot

... No one has hope for Yuan Ziqian's newly developed "Three Thousand Worlds".

After all, the production time was too short, Yuan Ziqian's previous state was too miserable, and "Mother Star Era" was too milestone to be surpassed...

However, a few days later, Yuan Ziqian announced that the countdown period was changed from 1 to 0. When "Three Thousand Worlds" was officially launched, all players realized that this is a good game not to be missed!

The huge attention has caused many players to hold a wait-and-see attitude towards the game, and many players want to experience it for themselves. Yuan Ziqian presented this revenge battle after only half a month. What is it.

They are logged into the game.

They registered an account.

They saw that real world.

- Then the players are reluctant to go offline.

It's a miracle! This game is a miracle!

More exquisite environment details, smoother game experience, and NPCs with more diverse personalities may even make them mistakenly think that they are real people.

Moreover, if the "Mother Star Era" gives people the feeling of being retro, then this new game really makes them feel that fluttering fairy spirit.

Not because NPCs can fly, or because of beautiful suits and rare pet babies.

"Three Thousand Worlds" exudes a unique and unique thing from the core of the game.