Bigshot Cultivator Bewildering People Every Day

Chapter 124: World BOSSx game producer


Shortly after the system announcement was released, the official updated the story and background information of the Seven Islands Change.

Of course, feature films about the other eight regions have also been updated simultaneously.

But in the other eight novice areas, the players have guessed the plot changes closely, and no area has overturned so tragically like the Seven Islands.

Even players in other areas heard the news, and came across the board deliberately to watch the real-time scene where the mentality of the Seven Island players collapsed.

The official update of the drama is clear and grand.

The pair of young bamboo horses who were torn apart by fate were finally separated, and the voice of young Luo Jiujiang crying blood called "Qianling" fell in the ears of bystanders, which was no less than a dull pain like cutting flesh.

And the latest news released on the official website...

[World Information]: According to the records of Kaitianlu, the Dragon God created the world and eventually went mad and died.

[World Information]: After Han Qianling Longhua, he appeared as a blue dragon, hated the whole world, and took the responsibility of destroying all living beings.

Player: Ah- (Groundhog barks)

What is an official face slap, this is called an official face slap.

They previously thought that Han Qianling was a great beauty with a miserable and rugged fate.

Official: You guessed half right. Although fate is miserable and rugged, he is a big devil~

They also thought that Han Qianling's indifference and calmness, as well as his graceful manners, were proofs that he was born with a penetrating mind.

Official: No, dear, he is indifferent and calm because he has been enduring the desire to shark all of you.

The players finally thought that the current little sun Luo Jiujiang would definitely be blackened because of something in the future. In the end, he will disregard his friendship and betray their miserable beauty!

Official: My parents can really make up their minds, Luo Jiujiang has always been a little sun. Hahaha, people are born with a talent and a good look. Which round will you get these monsters and monsters to oppose it? You are so funny!

Player: "… "

Who knows when the fish cry, who knows when they cry.

It is said that there is one of the most painful punishments in the world, when the whole family gathers around the fireplace during the Chinese New Year, recite in public the Mary Sue novel you wrote in the second year of middle school, or the star chaser diary when you were young.

Now, at the same time as the game's plot is updated, players also experience the sourness of this kind of digging.

At this moment, if someone puts the post they posted half a month ago under the eyes of the players, let them see the bullshit they have said before.

For example, something like "woo woo woo Han Qianling is a little pitiful", "the fate of the great beauty is too tortuous", "since ancient times the beauty is so poor, the official has never been a human being"...

Presumably these players will shout out of shame from their heart: "Go away!!"

However, the house leak happened to rain all night, and at this critical moment when players were frantically deleting posts and eradicating the ruins, there were actually a lot of nasty parties taking screenshots with one click! It's really not a big deal to watch the fun.

The previous post asking for Yan Gou's opinion and asking everyone how far Han Qianling should be in order to scold that face was also lifted again.

"As long as you don't do evil things like destroying the world, you will be forgiven no matter what you do." The big words were in front of his eyes, which was really unbearable to look back and grieved.

- Official, wake up!

—The reason why we say this is to show that Han Qianling is beautiful and prosperous, and no matter what he does, people want to forgive him.

—Instead of letting you really make trouble, turning Han Qianling into a big boss, ah official!

Amidst the wailing of the players on the Seven Islands resounding through the sky, the biggest official, Zhen Han Qianling, smiled slightly, closed the forum page, and hid his merits and fame.

Different from the Seven Island players who were deceived by the plot, the players from the other eight spawn points disagreed with the Seven Island's BOSS settings.

Why in all world maps, only seven islands have two bosses, one is Hanqianling and the other is Duchuan

Is this the price of being deceived emotionally

Then we don't accept it, why don't you come and deceive us

Someone took the initiative to defend the official: after the opening of the first chapter, the nine maps have been completely open to players, that is to say, all the world bosses are actually shared, so there is no "your seven islands" and "me" the academy”.

But this explanation doesn't convince everyone.

Although after the first chapter was updated, the world map was opened, and the nine map points were connected. But players of other maps still have to pay a "World Teleportation Ticket" if they want to come to the Seven Islands map.

Why can players from the Seven Islands be able to fight two bosses a week without expeditions to other continents? Beautiful to die for them, okay

Seven Island players have something to say about this: I don’t know which beautiful death you are referring to

Everyone: "… "

Yes, under the face of BOSS Han Qianling, beauty and death have a literal meaning.

But this beauty only makes the setting more unfair: why do you have such beautiful bosses to fight? When we encounter the wandering Yaofeng Peak Master, will he be nailed by him with a small silver needle biubiu on the grounds that he is "not doing the right thing"? This unscientific!

After a melee between players, the official finally came forward to clean up the mess: World BOSS Hanqianling has its own uniqueness, and players from the Nine Realms are welcome to challenge together.

What's the matter? It's muddy, and it's the same as nothing.

- The player who thought so, when he challenged the level 30 BOSS Qidao Hanqianling that day, he died in tears and returned to the resurrection point.

Mom, this game is evil, this boss's combat power is clearly not level 30!

Moreover, it has poison resistance immunity, built-in armor defense, charm effect immunity, attacks not only wipe one edge and lose most of the blood, but also comes with the "Dragon's Resentment" debuff, the most important thing is - he can even fly. !

At this point in time when all players are basically either refining Qi or building foundations, being able to fly is almost equivalent to being invincible.

No wonder the official has to assign two bosses to Qidao. If there is only one Hanqianling, this boss can't be played at all.

Once, when Han Qianling finally left the system's monitoring range and the system was able to coexist with Luo Jiujiang, 5555 silently showed these comments to his host.

Its original intention of this move was to exchange for the increasingly lost conscience of its host in one fell swoop. Who knows, its host has no conscience at all.

Luo Jiujiang looked at the comments of those players complaining that he had rolled over on the BOSS boy Han Qianling again, a happy smile gradually hung on the corner of his mouth, and his face was also filled with pride and pride.

system:"… "

System 5555 did not give up and finally asked: "You... don't you have any thoughts?"

"Impression? Yes." Luo Jiujiang said without hesitation: "Young Qianling was not set up for them to play, but my Qianling is so good, so I released it for them to see."

system:"… "

After a dead silence, 5555 automatically changed the subject: "Well, why didn't I see your Qianling today?"

Don't these two people usually look like conjoined twins, Jiao Buli Meng, Meng Bujiao

Luo Jiujiang replied casually, "Oh, Qianling entered the game to play."

He paused for a while, then added: "It should be attached to the data of that BOSS young Qianling... Haha, the soul body is more convenient in this regard."


About what Luo Jiujiang said later, the system didn't listen at all.

As a compassionate second-generation intelligent system, 5555 just wants to turn into a loudspeaker and rush into the game to warn all players—

Don't go to the group to fight that BOSS Han Qianling!

Silly kids, run! ! !


Since the launch of "Three Thousand Worlds", the players in the game are full of joy, even if there is an Oolong operation by chance, they can also share sand sculptures with the players; the producers outside the game, Luo Jiujiang, Han Qianling and Yuan Ziqian Even more enjoyable.

Yuan Ziqian has recently turned into a young Internet addict, and he has a tendency to plunge into the game and do not want to come out.

But on the other side of the world, the company of "Mother Star Era" is obviously in a gloomy cloud, in stark contrast to Luo Jiujiang.

Traffic is hot, it can be felt.

Since the launch of "Three Thousand Worlds", "Mother Star Era" has cooled down in a way that is visible to the naked eye.

If it is said, the number of players increased by "Three Thousand Worlds" obviously presents a quadratic function that continues to rise.

Then, the number of players lost in "Mother Star Era" is undoubtedly a quadratic function that is constantly decreasing, at best, the slope is only a little gentler.

The game concept of the two games is almost the same, the positioning is almost the same, the main game spirit, and even the delineated game customer range are almost the same.

- No way, who made these two games actually developed from Yuan Ziqian's ideas.

It is precisely because the two games have so many similarities that the market is ultimately doomed, and the two games must not accommodate each other.

Between "Three Thousand Worlds" and "Mother Star Era", there is bound to be a life-and-death struggle. A game can get all the market benefits, and the loser only deserves to survive.

But despite saying that, under the aggressive offensive of "Three Thousand Worlds", "Mother Star Era" is simply retreating, and there is no way to fight back, okay

In terms of the meticulousness of the game screen design, "Three Thousand" hangs up "Mother Star".

In terms of the game's fun, realism, and NPC's intelligence, "Mother Star" is only worthy of being pressed and rubbed on the ground by "Three Thousand".

If it's about the feelings of the players...

Don't be funny, the official accusation that "Mother Star" only recognizes money but not people is still hanging on the Internet in large numbers. At the beginning, the company desperately spent money to delete posts, and to this day, it has not been able to completely remove these relics.

As for "Three Thousand"... it doesn't even have any kryptonite.

It doesn't force kryptonite, it doesn't squeeze money, its attitude towards players is very calm and friendly, and it's Buddha.

- Surprised, krypton gold players have no way to kryptonite, is this the decline of human nature or the decline of morality

There are often players in the three thousand worlds who are worried about Yuan Ziqian: You must spend a lot of money to make such a good game. We don't even charge any money now, we are really worried for you whether the game will go bankrupt!

I beg you, Yuan Ziqian, you can open the krypton gold system, let us spend money for you, express your heart for this fun game!

Such a willingness to gather sand into a sea, finally, under the persistent request of players, the official finally reluctantly opened the krypton gold system.

Okay, okay, let you krypton, let you krypton not enough

When some players heard the news that the Krypton Gold system was about to be opened, they were still very pessimistic, believing that "Three Thousand" would eventually follow the old path of "Mother Star".

But when the krypton gold system was launched, players immediately accepted it as soon as they studied the system.

If you want kryptonite to become stronger, you can, but you can't rely on kryptonite to become so strong.

The point is that although we have opened the Krypton Gold system, we haven't prepared much for you.

If you search for "Three Thousand" and "Mother Star" on the Internet, plus keywords such as "Krypton Gold", you will see such a spectacle—

The players of "Mother Star" are bitter and hateful, and they insult their own officials every day: Dog officials, they know that they are making money blindly!

Krypton krypton krypton krypton krypton krypton krypton krypton krypton krypton krypton krypton krypton krypton krypton krypton krypton krypton krypton krypton krypto

"Three Thousand" players can't laugh or cry, urging their own officials every day: Oops! Are you going to make money? I can't wait for me to do it for you!

To make us kryptonite, we need to develop a few more kryptonite points! Don't be reluctant to let us pay, your production is obviously not proportional to the amount of krypton gold, we are worried every day now, will we get up the next morning and find that Xiaopoyou has closed down because it can't make money!

Seeing the stark contrast in the attitudes of the players on both sides, the "Mother Star Era" company simply cried.

They can't wait to instruct Yuan Ziqian how to make money, they can't wait that Yuan Ziqian is still a member of their company, so isn't the cornucopia of "Three Thousand Worlds" something in their pocket

How could they be so fascinated by ghosts that they drove Yuan Ziqian away? He can make such a great game, and obviously he can make a second one!

Now watching "Three Thousand Worlds" is booming and thriving, and it is still making money without making money, and it has snatched away so many players from "Mother Star"...

Isn't this the equivalent of deliberately shaking the fried chicken and milk tea set back and forth in front of people who are drinking porridge to lose weight, and blowing the fragrance to them

But piss them off!