Bigshot Cultivator Bewildering People Every Day

Chapter 125: World BOSSx game producer


Is there anything in the world that makes you sadder than an opponent who is spending a lot of money on you

Yes, that is, the opponent is obliged to suppress you.

Judging from the extremely low earning efficiency and the very simple earning method of "Three Thousand World", this kind of suppression can basically be regarded as "poverty alleviation suppression".

Well, is there anything more irritating than this

There are still some, that is, the opponent who beats you to the ground is completely driven out of the company by your group of pig teammates!

Well, what could be more annoying than that

- There really is!

After "Mother Star Era" wanted to hide all the posts of "Three Thousand Worlds" in the discussion forum, gamers actually openly used "Three Thousands" in the world channel of "Mother Star" as a counterattack.

The backstage of "Mother Star" immediately took action to set the words "Three Thousand Worlds" as a prohibited word!

Cut, players are afraid of your set

Not to mention that it is now the interstellar era, it is easy to load an anti-mask code. Even in ancient times, humans knew how to use various spacers and Martian characters to write small yellow texts!

Players: "♀三懺丗琾♂", "Three thousand epochs", "Sanhanling world", "that game that can't even say its name" - all, you block it, do you think we are afraid of you

… there is no way out.

In the face of all kinds of codes that are very imaginative and imaginative, the "Mother Star Era" company is angry, but it can only resentfully cancel the blocking of this word.

This is because the sheep didn't steal it, and it also provokes a show.


Since the launch of Three Thousand Worlds, the parent star era has lost most of the new user market.

If this is the case, the company can also rely on loyal old players to maintain its operations, insist on waiting until "Three Thousand" reveals its flaws, and patiently accumulate, waiting for a good opportunity to regain the initiative.

But to their disappointment, dissatisfaction, and even fear, they continue to lose their existing users.

Speaking of which, this has a lot to do with a series of salacious operations performed by the "Mother Star" company before.

After Yuan Ziqian was successfully kicked out of the company, almost everyone felt relieved.

Without Yuan Ziqian, the "Father of the Mother Star Era", who gets in the way in the company, sings a different voice, and talks about the game concept and player experience that no one cares about except him, the implementation of several plans in the company has gone a lot smoothly because of this. .

Yuan Ziqian never understood, and no one cared about the spirit and ideals he put forward.

The reason why some people followed his advice impatiently before was because the game had not been fully constructed, and it was not yet time to unload and kill the donkey.

Most of the executives were salivating at the ticket they were about to get, and had long dismissed him as a buzzing fly. They have been waiting for the day when Yuan Ziqian was shot to death for a long time.

On the day that Yuan Ziqian was kicked out of the office building, Zheng Yajun once appeared in front of Yuan Ziqian.

There was condescending contempt in his eyes, and untraceable pity. He spoke to Yuan Ziqian in spite of his boredom, with a tone of contempt as if he was kicking a dog away.

"Actually, if you keep your mouth shut, the 0.01% dividend you hold in your hand is enough for you to squander your whole life."

He spoke to Yuan Ziqian in such a grand manner, as if the 0.01% of the shares were the charity of the capital.

From his eyes, Yuan Ziqian never saw the kindness that an old friend should have.

Maybe that "friend" was just a painting of his own wishful thinking and self-hypnosis. In real life, "his friend Zheng Yajun" never really existed.

Yuan Ziqian was sober like never before, he even knew that even what Zheng Yajun said to himself at this time was a complete lie.

- How could capital be kind enough to let him live a comfortable life with dividends? Not to mention Yuan Ziqian's contribution is completely worthy of this pitiful share, and even the position reserved for him in the shareholders' seat is only because he has some usefulness and can be pushed out at a critical moment. Just a disaster.

You must know that the great invention of "temporary workers" is not just an ancient patent.

The reason why Zheng Yajun told him such false words, painted him a false bright prospect, and blamed Yuan Ziqian for all the problems, was just because he wanted Yuan Ziqian to feel uncomfortable.

"Why? Have I ever offended you?" Yuan Ziqian asked incredulously: "You... We have known each other for five years. I always thought you were my best friend, but did you ever say anything to me? truth?"

When Zheng Yajun heard the words, he first looked at Yuan Ziqian in disbelief, as if he was looking at an alien monster he had never seen before.

Then, he laughed.

"Okay, since you said so, I'll tell you the truth - I'm where I am today because of you, but I'm not grateful to you at all, Yuan Ziqian. You probably never know, I'm very , I hate you very much."

After saying this, Zheng Yajun proudly turned around and left.

From the tone of his last words, it sounded like he was shaking off something dirty.

From a certain point of view, there is nothing wrong with him having this idea. After all, that was the last time Yuan Ziqian set foot in the "Mother Star Era" company.

In the days that followed, Yuan Ziqian even wanted to go back to the company to retrieve his lost data storage system, but was stopped by the robot security guard outside the company.

It is said that on the day that Yuan Ziqian packed up and got out, the executives even opened red wine in the office.

In the distance, Mr. Luo and Mr. Han have already entered the game Shuangsu Shuangfei. Yuan Ziqian sat on the sofa alone and looked at the setting sun outside the window. He couldn't help but confided in the system that resided in the terminal.

"In the end, he said that he always hated me, and I heard it was true." Having said this, Yuan Ziqian's tone was inevitably a little disappointed even if he no longer cared about the other party.

"I have always treated him sincerely and never treated him as an outsider, but why does he hate me so much? Is there something wrong with the way I interact with people? Well, it's true that everyone doesn't like me very much..."

Just halfway through the words, Yuan Ziqian felt a strange feeling of bioelectricity passing through his wrist. He lowered his head in amazement and found that it was System 5555 that had a big smiling face picture on the screen.

"Zheng Yajun is jealous of you." System 5555 said firmly: "He is jealous of your talent."

After thinking about it, the system added: "You don't have no friends, you see... my host, isn't he your friend now?"

Yuan Ziqian's eyes suddenly lit up: "Yes, Mr. Luo is my benefactor and the eternal light in my heart. I will study with Mr. Luo in the future!"

5555 hesitated: "You don't have to learn everything from him..."

"I want to practice hard," Yuan Ziqian solemnly took the terminal away from his lap and clenched his fist silently.

The system suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart: "Wait, it's inconvenient to talk about what you want to learn from him first?"

Don't do things like self-assertion, blackmailing the world, wearing filters, etc.

Yuan Ziqian carefully recalled what he had seen in the unmodified game library.

"Meditation, meditation, cultivation, foundation building, alchemy formation, spiritual awareness exercise... Oh, and double cultivation..."

System: "Wait, you don't need to follow along! Hey!"


Today, the siege of the world BOSS teenager Han Qianling is no longer a routine task, but a polar gamble.

Usually, so-and-so trade unions fight each other, you call me immoral, I damage your cerebellum, and then after the usual scolding, one of them can propose to practice gallbladder.

The courage training project is very simple - organize your entire guild to besiege the world BOSS boy Han Qianling, do you dare

Translating these words, the effect is roughly equivalent to "Send all of your guilds directly to the resurrection point, do you dare?"

Players: "Don't dare, don't dare, we are cowardly."

Since the last time when the five worlds were jointly dispatched, a total of 121 unions shot together to kill the Hanqianling BOSS, but only ended in a fiasco, Hanqianling has become a piece that players dare not touch easily. of inverse scales.

It is said that the leaders of the five worlds have all come to the official, intending to make an explanation: there is a military advisor between them who is a doctor of mathematics, and the data of Hanqianling has been calculated before coming to fight the boss.

He originally thought that 100 guilds would be enough, and 121 guilds were just prepared. He didn't expect that so many players would be directly beaten into dogs by Han Qianling - this world's BOSS is extremely powerful, and a map cannon directly clears the map.

The official showed him some data of the BOSS Han Qianling very euphemistically.

Among them, the grade data about Hanqianling is particularly conspicuous.

The player was shocked at first sight: "Wait, I remember, Han Qianling is obviously a level 30 world boss!"

The official answered them politely: "Boss Han Qianling has been upgraded, dear~"

The player couldn't believe his eyes: "What did you say? The boss is also upgraded?"

The official sent two hearts full of pity: "Just like you will level up when you fight BOSS, you will also level up when you fight against BOSS teenager Han Qianling, dear~"

Player: "… "

What? what are you saying? How can there be such an unreasonable operation in the world

They swallowed their saliva, held their hearts that were on the verge of being broken, and even their tone of voice was trembling: "Then, will that be the case with other bosses?"

God, what are these hideous hidden settings, how did they not know about it before

The official reply: "No, dear~ Only BOSS Han Qianling can do this, dear~ Because the BOSS teenager Han Qianling is special, dear~"

Because his true identity is the Taoist companion of another game producer of yours, dear~

This is the back door, dear~

While the System 5555 cloned itself into 6,000 customer service staff to answer various players' questions, he thought to himself: It's because this boss was not made to kill you.

Can't think of it? The host wants to make his Taoist companion for you to see!

System 5555 said: I have brought countless hosts, and this is the first time I have seen such a boring and showy person.

After the bizarre automatic upgrade setting of Hanqianling spread out, there was a novice player who quickly cried.

—Oh my God, I just found out that Han Qianling has come to our Northland!

Then, with the official style, will there be a "Youth Hanqianling BOSS" in our Northland

Someone hurriedly took this question to consult the customer service, and got a gentle one-second answer from the customer service.

"No, dear~ There won't be a version of 'Young Hanqianling BOSS', dear~"

- There will only be a version of "Children's Palace Lord Hanqianling World BOSS", dear~