Bigshot Cultivator Bewildering People Every Day

Chapter 129: World BOSSx game producer


The players remained silent, and the players fell into a trance.

Although the four characters of "changing customs and customs" seem to be incompatible with the general background of the whole world view, why do these four characters sound like "socialism" after they are combined with the situation.

And... why did everyone feel weird when they saw this mission, as if something wasn't right

Obviously, it's not that I don't expect it in my heart, whether Han Qianling releases the quest again, can get quest rewards, or hopes that the quest will not be limited to one person, but why does it become like this...

For the first time, it was possible to complete the mission released by Hanqianling, and for the first time, I had the opportunity to get the out-of-print buff. Several pleasant things were intertwined, and brought a lot of joy to the player. Boss Missions…

Yup! Thinking of Han Qianling's true identity, the players woke up like a dream.

You Han Qianling is a B0SS!

A world BOSS actually releases quests on the World Announcement Channel at will, don't you think there is any problem

Even if the game really needs a plot character to release the mission, it should be the leaders of the right path. For example, Mr. Gongyi of Qinglong Academy, Baihezhou, the suzerain of White Tiger Sect...

Why do you have a world boss whose goal is to destroy the world, and publish a task similar to "build five integrated and comprehensive layout of new dead places" in the announcement channel on the announcement channel, buddy, you can go through this logic yourself , do you really not feel that something is not smooth

Feel your conscience and reflect, are you here to destroy the world, or are you here to help the poor and teach in the countryside

Why are you a pure-blooded villain doing such a righteous thing!

Or are we actually all stupid and ignorant of the true meaning of the boss's words. For example, this "changing customs and customs" is actually saying that the deadly fashion is not cruel enough, do you want to make the environment more crazy or something

Han Qianling, a plot character, seems to have never walked the usual path since the day he was born in the game.

At first, everyone thought that this big beauty must be a miserable little pity. As a result, when the plot of the first chapter was updated, all the players were dumbfounded. Although the identity is miserable, it is true, but he is the reserve of the great devil who is ready to destroy the world.

Later, everyone felt that the villain of World Destruction must be actively engaged in troubles. Unexpectedly, the daily operation of the BOSS is to look at the sea, play the flute, and occasionally have a few literary dialogues with the players calmly.

However, it would be wrong to say that he has a good temper.

They have been playing games for so many years, and they have never heard of a boss that can level up independently, issue missions, destroy 121 unions, and chase down to the resurrection point by the way.

- The official really doesn't feel that something is wrong? How did this BOSS pass the internal test in the first place

Could it be that there was nothing wrong with Han Qianling during the closed beta test, and he deliberately left all the show operations when the game was launched

Hiss... I can't think about it any more, I'm just terrified of thinking about it.

The players exchanged a few words on the World Channel, and a sinister message suddenly emerged—

"You guys still dare to chat here, aren't you afraid of Han Qianling peeping at the screen?"

All the players: "!!!" Suddenly there was a chill behind him.

Your idea is very reasonable!

Ordinary world bosses definitely don't have this function, but Han Qianling... This boss can't be taken lightly at all.

So the players murmured and transferred the main battlefield to the forum, and the chat content was divided into several factions.

In a chaotic and orderly manner, everyone discussed "How much autonomous intelligence does Han Qianling have?", "Has anyone participated in the mission released by boss Han Qianling? What are the rewards?" Will the package meet?" and other topics.

According to the latest information, this time the plot reward is still a buff called [Dragon Faction].

Compared with the previous [Thanks to the Dragon], the [Dragon Faction] has more buff restrictions, but it has a certain bonus in combat power. If the player leaves the dead place, the buff will also be canceled.

Wow, it turned out to be a buff, which is much more practical than any experience and equipment. After all, it does not occupy the equipment grid, and it has a bonus of its own points.

Everyone posted beaming comments one after another, and at the same time sighed that the final boss is high in style, and even the quest rewards are more affordable than other quests.

Until a player puts forward a different point of view.

"Have you ever thought that the boss Han Qianling may not be affordable, he is poor..."

"After all, this is a highly realistic game. The more realistic it is to us, the more realistic it is to the BOSS. I read the official information, and Han Qianling has never gotten anything from the Dragon God except for memory and hatred. thing."

"So... the reason why he issued buffs as quest rewards is really not because there is no equipment or money to issue?"

Everyone: "..." Why does this view sound so reasonable.

Is it really quite true that Han Qianling is extremely poor, so he is extraordinarily generous

The players looked at each other in dismay, and no one dared to ask Han Qianling for the truth.

Forget it, you will not be happy if you are too serious.


Among players, this buff has attracted more attention than the previous bonus buff released by Han Qianling.

First of all, because many people can receive this buff, the more players involved, the higher the degree of discussion.

The second is... The word "camp" in the buff is really intriguing.

You must know that Han Qianling is a BOSS, and a villain's ultimate BOSS whose mission is to destroy the world.

He is a world BOSS, what "camp" can he have? All players... No, all living creatures, whether plot characters, ordinary NPCs, ordinary bosses, or even the flowers and trees in the game background, naturally stand on the opposite side of him, right

To say that Han Qianling has any allies, it may only be found in the range of inorganic substances.

However, the buff he issued actually divided the player into his camp... What does this mean? Does it represent some kind of special sign

Just like the demon contract in "The Age of the Mother Star", as long as it is signed, it means that the soul is sold to the other party, and from now on, it can only be done by the other party...

Some players put their doubts just right.

- "Impossible, now all players from the Jiujiang camp in Deadland will automatically get this buff. No matter how crazy the official is, they can't watch at least one-fifteenth of the players be trapped by a boss for pyramid schemes."

- "Wait, you repeat your words, quick!"

- "At least one-fifteenth of the players, I counted the number of players..."

- "Who cares if you count it, last sentence!"

- "The official is crazy again?"

- "One more sentence!"

— "Luo Jiujiang camp... uh, Luo Jiujiang?"

Onlookers: "!!!"

Look, what did they find? It's Huadian!

Luo Jiujiang, how could you forget this person, it's Luo Jiujiang!

It is obvious that Luo Jiujiang has done nothing less than Han Qianling, just because he is relatively simple and down-to-earth, and under the halo of Han Qianling, everyone actually forgets him, which is really inappropriate.

The awakened players began to work together to sort out the whole process of Hanqianling becoming a BOSS.

Someone specially suggested that Seven Island players should not jump out and repeat "PTSD", so as not to bring the "PTSD of PTSD" nesting doll experience to other players.

Seven Island players: "… "

In short, in the gap between various opinions, sorting and personal attacks, the players sorted out the change node table of Hanqianling.

The direct cause of Hanqianling's dragon transformation → was plotted against by the boss Du Chuan.

The indirect reason for Hanqianling's dragonization → Luo Jiujiang used his body to block the hidden weapon.

The appearance of Han Qianling before the blackening: cold, polite and Buddha, no smile, smile is also a fake smile, smile to Luo Jiujiang can be happy but frequent and real, interstellar famous double standard...

After Han Qianling became the BOSS: If people don't attack me, I won't attack them. If you hit me, I will destroy you.

The two famous events in Hanqianling, the killing of the bald at the resurrection point, and the release of the world bounty, are all related to Luo Jiujiang.

Players: "!!!"

Why didn't we find out before, are we all crayfish

How obvious, how shiny it is... geek.

Therefore, this so-called "Shenlong camp", translated, actually means "Luo Jiujiang camp".

It's a truly touching, heartwarming, and deeply beautiful love.

Although I haven't given up my hatred and status as a BOSS for your sake, I have temporarily changed my camp.

Dragon God, why didn't you say it earlier? We have been worried for so long, and we dare not click on such an attractive quest link, and we dare not take the ready-made buff.

You have already admitted that you marry a chicken and follow a chicken, marry a dog and follow a dog, and change your camp and follow a bamboo horse, right

Dot, gaga, we are all dead people today!

In this afternoon, the majority of players finally realized why the official emphasized time and time again that the boss of Hanqianling is different from other bosses.

- When other important plot characters were still single dogs, he already brought his own objects, and he was still a young tame dyed by a bamboo horse!

Aw, scheming dragon.

Soon, there were onlookers who voluntarily picked out the old melons and ate them.

Everyone found that in the relics of the previous posts, there are still quite a few players who are adoring this pair of CPs.

But why, these posts usually get only a few replies, and most of them are silent

Players are puzzled by this phenomenon, and they can only classify it as the time when it was not ripe for cute CP.

But now, it's the time when the melons are ripe~

No one knows that at this moment, there is a pair of eyes, full of resentment, watching the forum where the New Year is being celebrated happily.

It's over, even with all his efforts, under the extreme operation of Han Qianling, he still couldn't hide it.

It is useless to suppress the post, it is too late to create an anti-filter, and it is impossible to issue an official announcement to clarify the relationship between the two.

It is conceivable that the next two filter essences will not only show their love in all directions, but also a group of people will follow behind, chasing and knocking, and independently generate interactions with people, draw pictures, and edit videos.

No, not later, just now...

Among the 6,000 online customer service members of the system clone, many accounts have already received private messages asking "Are the young Luo Jiujiang and the world boss Han Qianling really a couple?"

With tears in his eyes, 5555 replied in turn: "As long as there are two eyes that are good at discovering basic feelings, everything is considered basic feelings, dear~ We officially encourage players to explore independently, dear~"

After a while, several players happily replied: "We went to ask, Han Qianling said yes!"

System 5555: "… "Dear, it's too difficult.