Bigshot Cultivator Bewildering People Every Day

Chapter 131: World BOSSx game producer


After Feng Xue created the practice of accompanying the plot characters to fight the Zhou BOSS, Han Qianling also created a precedent for the world BOSS to single out the world BOSS.

Players came to see the wonders one after another, and sent snowflake mail to the official customer service, asking them to fix the bug.

- What a joke, there is one less boss that can be played this week.

—If the world boss can solve the boss himself, if things go on like this, there will be nothing to do with us players in this game.

Of course, this kind of unexpected little easter eggs is still very desirable, not only makes the game interesting, but also very interesting for players to watch the play.

So we are looking forward to more interactions with the plot characters. Welcome to the plot missions to fight monsters with us. We said a thousand words and ten thousand.

Looking forward to the official launch of similar activities as soon as possible!

The system behind all online customer service 5555: "..." Han Qianling's behavior pattern, can it be modified if it wants to

It's really hard.

Two hours later, "Three Thousand Worlds" officially released an euphemistic and polite letter. Luo Jiujiang knew it was made up at a glance, but the players all believed it to be true.

In the email, the official apologized to the players for the accidental death of the world BOSS Lu Qi, explaining that this behavior was a character test for the BOSS teenager Han Qianling.

In order not to let players miss this week's BOSS station, they have resurrected the BOSS Luqi in situ. Dead players are welcome to challenge.

At the same time, the official also hinted that through this test, they have discovered more game methods of BOSS Hanqianling, and some novel plots will be launched soon, players can continue to pay attention and look forward to it.

- As a system that doesn't know what kind of moth Han Qianling will come up with next time, 5555 really tried his best to patch Han Qianling.

If it wasn't for the compensation reward it issued in the email, there should be no one from the player to Hanqianling and then to Luo Jiujiang, except for the boss Lu Qi who was resurrected in situ and had to be beaten again. Not happy.

But rather…

This time, in the official compensation email, the only compensation item is a material.

[Material] [Imitation dragon scales (Jiao scales)]: Zehuo is quenched with gold, and it is used for civil engineering. In the legend of the Three Thousand Worlds, the top immortal artifacts must be tempered by dragon scales. Although this is just a piece of imitation dragon scales, but put it under the moonlight, you can see the blue mist in it, like a little firefly, it is still the best choice for making equipment.

Han Qianling: "..."

At this moment, he was holding such an imitation dragon scale in his hand: hard, sharp, crystal clear, and light blue like a gem.

Han Qianling said quietly: "Jiujiang, this friend of yours seems to have a little opinion on me."

Luo Jiujiang thought for a while, comforted him and said, "It's okay, it has always had a lot of opinions on me."

After half a day of getting the reward materials, the players were surprised to find that a line of small red characters was thoughtfully added under the [Material] [Imitation Dragon Scales (Jiao Scales)].

PS: The real dragon scale is hard to see after the death of the dragon. It is said that thousands of years later, a real dragon scale was attached to someone's heart as a rare token of love.

Player "!!!" Wait, Wannian, True Dragon Scale... Isn't that the only one who meets the conditions

CP fans: "!!!" Ecstasy dancing! Knock me to death! Hanjiang is true, I can fight for another hundred years!

System 5555: "..."

The system thought indifferently: When is this day going to end


There has been a slight wave of death recently.

Here we will explain the drop mechanism of the game "Three Thousand Worlds".

Whether it is the player or the BOSS, the drop mechanism is the same: the equipment on the body may fall out. The things in the backpack may also be transferred out.

Therefore, the buffs issued by Hanqianling have always been very popular. It is precisely because this quest reward has many superb characteristics such as easy portability, increased attributes, and no drop. It can be called a good match for home travel and killing people.

In addition to buffs, if the player has obtained some kind of treasured material or equipment and does not want to be exposed, he can go to the wild area to brush a few "blood-recognized main-shaped storage bags", or store the items in each world for a fixed within the depository.

But due to the unique player BOSS conservation principle in "Three Thousand Worlds"...

Player: Hello customer service, I would like to know, will the boss also have a "blood-recognized main-shaped storage bag"

Customer service 4466 sincerely serves you: yes, dear~ Our "Three Thousand Worlds" has always been committed to the peace and equality of the world, and we will not favor one over the other, dear~ There are also NPCs who treat players, dear~ Welcome to explore more " What about the new gameplay of Three Thousand Worlds, dear~

Player: ! ! !

The player took a deep breath and hurriedly asked: Will there also be better equipment and materials in the "Blood Recognition Main Storage Bag" of the World Boss

Customer service 4466 is here to serve you sincerely: we don't know either, dear~ I suggest you combine the background and personality of the BOSS with speculation, dear~ I wish you a happy game, dear~

Players in the nine divisions were all excited because of the answer from the customer service.

What, it turns out that the world BOSS actually has a storage bag for the owner of the blood, and they missed it

Is it precious equipment, or is it a special easter egg prepared by the game party

Aah, to play this game, you really need to be able to play a little ingenious operation just like the real world.

Coinciding with the weekend, the world bosses in the major worlds have been refreshed one after another. Players took this new news and took down the bosses in one go.

Then they found out...

emmmm... I have picked up all the dropped equipment, why didn't I see the shadow of the legendary storage bag.

The storage bags of the blood-recognized master are really different. They all thought that the difficulty was in opening the storage bag, but did not expect that there are obstacles in getting the storage bag

The players dug three feet and could not find the shadow of the storage bag.

Suddenly, one of the players had an epiphany and suddenly realized—

He stretched out his hand and touched the waist of the corpse BOSS, and sure enough, there was a shadow of a slap-sized, grayish, and unremarkable storage bag on his hand.

I see! No wonder the players in the nine divisions play bosses every week, but I have never heard of anyone who got the storage bag of the world boss.

It turns out that this equipment is not dropped by itself, but requires players to touch the corpse with their own hands!

The first player to use such a brain belongs to Qidao. He has been trained by the world boss Han Qianling before, so his ideas are extraordinarily ingenious.

But after the news of "touching the corpse BOSS" was passed on, the players who were still in the dead were better at the beginning.

After they touched the storage bag on Lu Qi's waist, they took off Lu Qi's current top-quality equipment...

Dead Player: "Hey, that's why we didn't know we could do this. If we had known we could do this earlier, wouldn't we have done it earlier?"

Afterwards, someone interviewed the dead player with complicated feelings: "How did you think of this kind of crazy operation?"

The dead player confided to them: "To be honest, we are poor..."

In this hellish place, except for the snow, there are trees. And there are no conditions for them to develop the tourism industry that "the ice and snow are also invaluable assets". Of course, everyone is a good child who is diligent and thrifty, and if there is a fortune, he will not let it go.

The most important thing is that this important skill of corpse removal is still the demonstration that Luo Jiujiang, the plot character, gave them personally when they first came to the dead place.

"Don't think that you have Hanqianling, but we have Luojiujiang!" - Deadly Player Words.

So, a week later, when the world boss Lu Qi woke up because of the resurrection mechanism, he was stunned to find that he had a pair of pants all over his body.

BOSS Lu Qi: "… "

The underpants were also left for him because of the protection mechanism of the all-age game and the game system for the purpose of mosaic.

In the second week, when the deadly players broke into Lu Qi's lair, they all expressed their surprise when they saw a world boss with his shirtless and bare legs.

At the same time, players from other worlds are facing their world BOSS, showing eager expressions.

The game system urgently reported the tragedy, and the system turned on the one-key restore mode, which automatically fixed the bugs on the world BOSS, so that the BOSS could wear new equipment every week.

Of course, in order to curb this bad ethos, the boss will arouse 200% of the hatred of the players wearing his equipment.

However, with such a small setting, how can it be difficult for players who have experienced many battles

Players quickly cross-border law enforcement, and the worlds exchange the equipment of each other's world BOSS with each other, and the atmosphere is called a happy atmosphere.

Luo Jiujiang, who happened to enter the scene of a large-scale transaction by mistake: "..."

Therefore, a near-real world is really fun, and countless gameplays can be developed.

And... don't underestimate the players.


Adjust the timeline back to the moment when Lu Qi was just brutally ripped off.

After being defeated by the player and Feng Xue, the BOSS Lu Qi in Deadland World, several players approached Han Qianling with the storage bags of Lu Qi.

They also deliberately picked a good time when Luo Jiujiang was beside Han Qianling.

—Yes, this is the solution they thought of.

Since the players can't figure out the special storage bag for the owner of the blood, they will find a plot character who can handle the storage bag.

The world's bosses are in conflict with each other, and what the plot character Feng Xue can't do, then the boss Han Qianling can always do it, right

If Han Qianling refuses to agree to their request, they will ask Luo Jiujiang on the side.

Players believe that Luo Jiujiang must be very interested in this matter.

Hehehe, in fact, players all know, who can most conspire with them~

Sure enough, Luo Jiujiang laughed out loud when he saw the storage bag.

Han Qianling stared deeply at the players, not sure if there was a warning that "you guys have been floating recently" in his eyes.

But in the next second, his hand flicked on the storage bag and untied the storage bag for several players.

The players were overjoyed and said indifferently: "Thank you, Daoist Han, you are really a pillar of the righteous path!"

Han Qianling: "???"

Looking at the imitation dragon scales that the players were wearing on their chests, Han Qianling asked slowly and word by word, "Have you ever thought that there is a 'Deep Snow Palace' in the north. Lord Han Qianling'?"

Players: "!!!"

Could it be…

Han Qianling raised the corners of his lips slightly, and nodded affirmatively: "That's right... He is also a boss."

Players: "!!!!!!"