Bigshot Cultivator Bewildering People Every Day

Chapter 134: World BOSSx game producer


System 5555 habitually guards the world that belongs only to it.

That is the daily maintenance of the nine player special zones, the online Q&A of the customer service online at the same time on No. 6000, and the post management of the game forum attached to "Three Thousand Worlds".

When System 5555 patrolled the Northland, it released a set of data in a wicked way, and put a transparent filter on the 180th floor, invisible to the players, to the game character NPC "Han Qianling, the Lord of the Deep Snow Palace".

Yesterday, a lot of players came over and asked the official to send candy to "Hanjiang". The system 5555 received strong mental stimulation, so it put 880 layers of filters on "Hanqianling" yesterday.

Not so much today, the system is in a good mood today.

After adding the transparent filter to Hanqianling, 5555's daily game inspection is over.

All the data is safe, no player partition is attacked, and no player partition has bugs. System 5555 is very satisfied.

At the same time, the online 6000 clone customer service detected the keyword and sent a reminder to the system's main body.

The system's originally satisfied mood suddenly became very uneasy. It probably knows what the content of those few player messages will be, so before reading it, it prays to the Lord God devoutly: no, no, no...

The result remains.

The system decides to be an atheist.

It numbly replied to those few emails, and the general content of its request was to erect a pair of statues for Han Jiang in Deep Snow Palace.

"No, dear~ We have no right to make such a decision without authorization, dear~"

After a while, those players sent another message. The string of words is simple and clear, but it is filled with a burst of joy.

"Thank you customer service, you are so gentle every time you reply. By the way, I want to share a good news with you. We just went to the boss, the young Han Qianling. He agreed, and said that he will stand dead tomorrow."

System 5555: "..."

Damn your uncle, you're a meow head, dear~ I'll pack you and the cold rabbit together in a can, dear~ I'll hit you with a little biscuits that are not sober, dear~

Today's system 5555 is also an emotionless kiss-response machine.

System 5555, a cold, indifferent, and indifferent system, logged into the game forum. Today, it still has to select a few "Hanjiang section" posts to sink them to the bottom.

Let it see, which little cuties are so lucky, and are about to become the new members of the misunderstandings such as "Hanjiang Section Supernatural Incident" and "BOSS Han Qianling Appears Again"...

Just as the system had selected a dozen Hanjiang posts in large quantities and was about to process them to the bottom, a voice from behind suddenly made him tremble.

"Thanks a lot."

The system data fluctuated, and unfortunately all the posts were pinned to the top.

System 5555: "..."

Although it was demobilized with quick eyes and hands, it did not prevent players with more eyes and hands from taking screenshots. The Hanjiang section suddenly cheered: We know that there is no one in the world who is not in the cold river! Hanjiang is real, so much so that the administrators are adorable!

I'm not, I don't, you humans can't slander people like this. System 5555 is full of grief and indignation: I will never admit it, this is clearly a great insult to my personality!

But the incident happened suddenly, and it didn't have time to defend itself, and it also made it clear.

"Uh... host, why did you guys come out?"

In the emotional module system inside the system, a line of radio waves jumped in place uneasy twice.

These two people didn't make a honeymoon to the end of the world. Could it be that the fact that it loaded more than 100 million transparent filters for "Deep Snow Palace Hanqianling" was finally revealed

Or, Han Qianling finally discovered that the post he liked to collect screenshots of Luo Jiujiang was actually the bottom of his system's 5555 artificial sink

Could it be... Just thinking of this possibility, the internal parts of the system 5555 have become painfully tangled: Could it be that Luo Jiujiang finally decided to authorize it, as long as the player applies for a couple sculpture for the two of them, it will directly Can it be approved privately

Fortunately, all the tragic possibilities that System 5555 imagined have not come true.

It heard its host say, "I will send Ziqian back to build a foundation and protect him."

huh, alright alright...

But Luo Jiujiang's words are still not over: "Also, I want to ask you, do you want to play in the game world for a while?"

"Ah? The host..." The system subconsciously turned on all eight infrared cameras and observed its host from all directions.

"Have you tried getting into the game? I remember you telling me once that you were high-level stats that I couldn't decipher. So what would it feel like when you got into the game stats? Like big blocks suddenly falling into a pile of Lego?"

From the look, Luo Jiujiang was obviously very interested in this answer.

But the micro-expression analysis block in the system's 5555 memory tells it that it doesn't seem to be like this.

"I haven't experienced the low-level data of the game from the player's point of view. If I want to make a guess, the behavior of playing the game should be no different from maintaining the game system to me."

The system replied hesitantly, "However, why did the host suddenly ask me this?"

Luo Jiujiang blinked at the system, his eyes were quite suggestive: "Probably because I went to see the character model of Qianling in Shenxue Palace not long ago? Speaking of which, it's in his eyes..."

System: "!!!" I was shocked and was caught on the spot!

Fortunately, Luo Jiujiang seems to have found a reason for it: "You added so many things to Qianling's eyes because your vision is very different from ours?"

"Yes, yes." The red light inside the 5555 flashed continuously, "My vision system is different from yours, and the visual principles and final imaging results are completely different."

"That's why you added so many layers of contact lenses to Qianling." Luo Jiujiang said thoughtfully: "Are those glasses disposable? Did you forget to give him every time you changed your glasses? Did you take off your front eyes?"

"Yes," the system insisted on this conclusion, defying its own conscience, "it's all contact lenses... I forgot to take off the front ones."

It seems that because of the satisfactory answer, Luo Jiujiang finally stayed away from this dangerous topic. Seeing this, System 5555 breathed a sigh of relief.

When Luo Jiujiang made another suggestion, "Do you want to go to the game for a spin?", 5555 almost hurriedly slipped into the game.

The system quickly took over a piece of luggage that Luo Jiujiang handed to him, "You can look through it if you have nothing to do".

His movements were fast and agile, as if there were a hundred sections of love between Luo Jiujiang and Han Qianling, and he was chasing him behind his butt.

It plunged into the game system, registered an account, and glanced at what Luo Jiujiang had just stuffed into it.

Hmm... Leisurely trick? It seems to be the one trained by Motoko Ken...

The system that thought so, under the continuous tension and curiosity, has completely forgotten the strangeness that it just noticed.

The four cameras behind him were all turned off by 5555, which made it miss the helpless smile Luo Jiujiang showed when he watched his back.

It was not until the system had fully devoted itself to the game that the light blue soul body of Han Qianling appeared silently beside Luo Jiujiang.

Recalling how I felt when I saw the character modeling of my Deep Snow Palace version, even if he was as strong as Han Qianling, he lost all words in an instant.

A thick layer of transparent crystalline material hangs in front of the "Han Qianling", which can be regarded as indestructible in terms of material. When he was sitting upright in the lobby, the long transparent, invisible and intangible composite body was already able to touch the door frame.

- Not even a frog has such long eyes.

... So, with so many players in Shenxue Palace, no one found out that "Han Qianling, the master of Shenxue Palace" never blinked

Han Qianling said euphemistically: "Jiujiang, don't you think that your friends are too individual?"

Luo Jiujiang reflected deeply, and finally said conscientiously: "That may be because I am very individual."

The filter is like a thousand mountains in the brain, and it is impossible to refute this statement.


Theoretically speaking, there are many ways for qi-cultivating cultivators to quickly build foundations in a short period of time, but most of them belong to the cultivation of seedlings, which is not conducive to the cultivator's future cultivation.

But Yuan Ziqian didn't want to be here.

He said to Luo Jiujiang, "I don't want to have a longer lifespan, and I don't want to spend the rest of my life looking for magic tools or a paradise."

He is willing to obtain the cultivation base of the base-building cultivator as soon as possible, and from then on, he can obtain the ability to use spiritual consciousness.

In this way, Yuan Ziqian can freely model the desired game material at one time, manually fix bugs for the game, and even patrol and repair the game every day like the system.

Even if his cultivation in this life stops here, there is no pity for him.

Luo Jiujiang respected Yuan Ziqian's decision.

Three days later, Yuan Ziqian succeeded in building the foundation. He had a novel experience of his extra divine sense, which was a bit clumsy, but moved with his heart and manipulated it freely, like his extra third hand.

Using this extra "hand" and according to his memory on the editing page, he easily made game materials in three seconds.

And it's a one-pass, no-modification version.

Yuan Ziqian jumped up excitedly in an instant: "Thank you, Mr. Luo! Thank you, Mr. Han! I wish the two of you a long life, a long-lasting relationship, and an early birth of a precious son!"

"...The last one is unnecessary, thank you." Luo Jiujiang muttered.

In Yuan Ziqian's subconscious apology, he said to himself suspiciously: "Although I do have a bit of personality, among my friends, the odds of having a unique flavor are too high... Bar?"

This question... It's really a matter of opinion, Jiujiang.


At the same time, where Luo Jiujiang and Yuan Ziqian didn't pay attention, a storm was brewing silently.

In the game production company of "Mother Star Era", Zheng Yajun is throwing his temper hysterically.

His flat glasses, which were entirely decorative, were halfway crooked, and his hair was not as neatly combed as usual. It made him look raunchy.

"He Yuan Ziqian works overtime at the company for 18 hours a day. Where can he get his personal time to play games in private?"

"Why did he finish "Three Thousand Worlds" so quickly as soon as he left the company?" Zheng Yajun lost his temper: "Did he really not misappropriate the company's materials? Don't think about protecting your old boss!"