Bigshot Cultivator Bewildering People Every Day

Chapter 135: World BOSSx game producer


Did Yuan Gong misappropriate the game materials of "The Age of the Mother Star"

This is a very good judgement question.

The game engineer was so trained by Zheng Yajun that he didn't even dare to raise his head. With his neck down, he respectfully listened to Mr. Zheng's reprimand from the opposite side, but he murmured without hesitation—

are you blind

Can't you see the strong stylistic difference in the background environments of the two games "Three Thousand Worlds" and "The Age of Mother Stars"

Even if you can't see it, can't the majority of netizens see it

If there is really something, you don't need to say it, those players who are idle all day and have nothing to play games must have picked it up first, do you still need to listen to you here groundless accusing us of covering up

However, although the boss is a bad pen, money is not.

That's why Zheng Yajun was clearly speaking very unprofessional words that sounded extremely suspicious of his professionalism, but the engineer still nodded and bowed his head.

In the heart of the engineer, it was actually clear like a mirror: the reason why Mr. Zheng showed such a vicious attitude in front of him was because he was afraid.

Outsiders may not be very clear about the history of Mr. Zheng's career. But everyone is an employee in a company who looks down and does not look up. How can they not know that this kind of gossip has only happened for two years.

Yuan Ziqian is the talented person, and Zheng Yajun only knows how to pick peaches.

It’s not that picking peaches is bad: picking peaches brings money, profit, and fame. Who doesn’t envy them

The problem is that, for picking peaches, even if you find a monkey over and teach that monkey for two days, the monkey can learn it.

There is never a shortage of people waiting to pick peaches in this world, but there is a lack of a genius like Yuan Ziqian who can make "The Age of the Mother Star" first and then "Three Thousand Worlds".

I heard that Mr. Zheng has been having a hard time in the company recently. The board of directors seems to want to drive him out of the company, using the same method used to drive Yuangong out of the company.

In this way, after driving away President Zheng, they have a reason to invite Yuan Gong back again!

Capital is such an emotionless machine, with only interests and logic. The benefits that Zheng Yajun brings to the company today can no longer make up for the deficit caused by "Three Thousand Worlds" to "Mother Star Era".

That's why he is so panicked now that he even came to the company early in the morning and slapped the table of the R&D department and cursed people in the early morning.

Zheng Yajun has already felt that when the company treats him, he has lost the respect he used to have.

Those employees looked at his eyes, and it seemed that every word was meaningful, as if everyone was silently urging him with their eyes: I know, you are about to step down.

That is a fact, but it is the fact that Zheng Yajun cannot accept the most.

This made Zheng Yajun extremely irritable.

Sometimes when he passed by the desk of the secretariat clerk below, and heard those young and beautiful girls greet him hilariously, a few doubts flashed in his heart—

Did they greet me like this when I came last time

Is their attitude towards me now not respectful enough and too frivolous

Is there a rumor that the board wants to revoke all my rights? If they all knew it, wouldn't everyone know it

However, the more this happened, the more Zheng Yajun had to support.

He changed his usual routine and began to go to work in the morning with his employees every day, clocking in on time. He has also increased the frequency of company tours, with a level of rigor that many employees find miserable.

Some employees couldn't help complaining in private: "Is the boss crazy? He knew he was going to be fired, so he took the last time to show off his prestige with us?"

The old employee said meaningfully: "You don't understand, it is because he is going to retire, so he is especially afraid that people will look down on him."

Now almost everyone in the company knows that Zheng Yajun is about to fall, and his confidants either resign or go to the vice president.

At times like this, the surnamed Zheng has to step on others to save face for himself.

If even ordinary employees like them dare to step on Mr. Zheng's head, then Mr. Zheng is really broken and stinky in the company, and no one will look down on him anymore.

"Just bear with it," the old employee comforted the newcomer he brought with him, "Have you ever seen dog beating? My hometown is in Junk Star. It covers it, and when it has no way to escape, it will be beaten with a stick—as long as the dog is beaten to death, there is no dog that does not bark and bite."

"You don't need to be in the limelight during this time. Our Mr. Zheng is still going crazy."


What happened later proved that the old employee was a prophecy.

Zheng Yajun lost his temper in the R&D department for a long time, but still could not find evidence that Yuan Ziqian used the material of "Mother Star Era" privately.

Of course. After all, Yuan Ziqian never expected that he would be expelled from the company.

At that time, everyone in the company still had a hunch, and only Yuan Ziqian himself was a fool who devoted himself to making games. When he was told by Zheng Yajun on the spot that he needed to leave the company now, he was at a loss like a dream.

Unprepared because of the unexpected.

Yuan Ziqian spent half an hour packing his luggage, and there were several security robots staring at him.

Some employees in the R&D department even received a hint from Secretary Zheng Yajun, and they watched Yuan Ziqian's packing process and quietly hid one of Yuan Ziqian's storage terminals.

Later, in order to find the terminal, Yuan Ziqian went back to the company on purpose, but he couldn't even get in the door.

This matter is not a secret in the R&D team, so when Zheng Yajun came to find fault with the R&D team, almost all game architects felt wronged.

What else can they cover up? When the company treats Yuan Ziqian, it really doesn't talk about any old feelings. Just according to the level of your defense against Yuan Gong, he has to be an immortal to smuggle game materials out under your three protections

Zheng Yajun couldn't get the answer he wanted, but he was not discouraged.

He stared at the face of the new chief game engineer now, and asked word by word, "Give me an accurate word - from the time Yuan Ziqian left office to when he completed "Three Thousand Worlds", Is this possible?"

The chief engineer also swore and assured: "Unless he builds another stove of the same size as ours, it is impossible."

Zheng Yajun asked for the last time: "I don't want 'unless', 'or', you can tell me if I can?"

The chief engineer was heartbroken and said cruel words: "Impossible! People can't do it!"

"Okay." Zheng Yajun gritted his teeth and said, "Old Deng, I believe you."

In the bottom of his heart, a very vicious thought has quietly formed.

If you can't take Yuan Ziqian to court again, you can only ruin Yuan Ziqian's reputation.

His current relationship with Yuan Ziqian has already turned into a life-and-death enemy.

Although Yuan Ziqian may not even take Zheng Yajun to heart, for Zheng Yajun, as long as Yuan Ziqian is still on the altar by the players for one day, and as long as "Three Thousand Worlds" does not close down for a day, then the level of his own danger It is still rising.

It doesn't matter if you haven't misappropriated the company's materials, and it doesn't matter if you haven't taken advantage of the company.

In public opinion, the truth of the facts never matters, what matters is what the public is willing to believe.

The masses trust their own eyes more, and their own judgment.

People will think that the conclusions they have thought about are more valuable, and people will choose the conclusions that they have processed.

So as long as he can grasp the direction of public opinion, Zheng Yajun will hold a knife aimed at Yuan Ziqian's throat in his hand.

Netizens were surprised to find that the official account of "Mother Star Era" actually posted another update. Like the start of the wonderful big melon last time, the account circled Yuan Ziqian again.

The official V release of the "Mother Star Era" game: There are many illegal phenomena of material appropriation and setting plagiarism in the current world. I would like to remind everyone who misappropriates other people's labor results and efforts, we will investigate this kind of copyright violation.

The official V of the game "Mother Star Era" left a message to Yuan Ziqian V: On the 138th day of leaving the company, I don't know how Yuangong has always been? You are missed by many colleagues in R&D.

The two dynamic release times are less than ten seconds apart in total. If you look at it together, it is really yin and yang, and the flavor is excellent.

Anyone who has done reading comprehension can easily see what is being implied.

Wow, that's really wonderful.

Netizens moved when they heard the melon. At the same time, several opinion leaders who had been arranged by Zheng Yajun in advance also expressed their opinions in the first time.

The sooner they come out, the better they can grab the banner of public opinion.

These people have had a lot of cooperation with the "Mother Star Era" company for a long time, and there are still many touted "Mother Star Era" as an epoch-making new game in the previous drafts. See Game Wizards and the like.

With such a stance, they now say two words regretfully, "Although I have once praised Yuan Gong's genius, but I know the game industry process well, I have to say that only God can complete a game in seven days. A completed miracle".

The credibility has risen more than a notch all at once.

In front of the "evidence" presented by these public accounts, netizens couldn't help but raise their suspicions about Yuan Ziqian—

"Actually, I've always felt this way, but I never dared to say it. After all, Yuan Gong's game is really done too fast."

"The Era of the Mother Star has been done for a full year, and The Three Thousand Worlds is better than the Mother Star. Why did it only take a few days?"

"Although watching the play at the time was a joy to slap in the face, but the seven-day countdown to the launch of the game was too dramatic, and it looked like a script."

"The creation of the world in seven days is a myth that only existed in ancient times. Although Yuan Gong has thoroughly studied ancient history, he does not regard himself as a god."

When people were talking, another group of netizens expressed different opinions.

They are players of "Three Thousand Worlds".

"Most people just watch the hilarity, have you never played these two games in person? Their styles are really different [Pic 1], [Pic 2], [Pic 3]."

"I saw someone say that they didn't copy buildings, but NPCs. Oh, I'm convinced, the NPCs in "Three Thousand Worlds" do things all day long, making our hearts tired - the world bosses who can do things like this are you " Can "Mother Star" be made? If it is really original, you can take it away quickly, I can thank you!"

"Hahaha, why does "Three Thousand Worlds" copy "Mother Star Era", have you seen the father copying the son?"

"Isn't this very obvious, that the spicy chicken game that has been stuck in the center of the crust is rubbing off the heat, you actually give it a look?"

Looking at these messages, the people who eat melons think... um... If so, it seems to be quite right

After all, these two games do look too different, with different styles and NPCs. "Three Thousand" is more beautiful than "Mother Star".

As public opinion slowly gets on the right track, the hearts of the masses are shifting little by little.

Zheng Yajun certainly expected the current situation, but he didn't take it to heart.

In other words, the current situation is precisely what he intends to fuel the flames.

Just as the crowd chanted "It's gone, it's gone, the outdated game is trying to gain popularity before passing away", one of the public accounts that first jumped out to be opinion leaders suddenly broke a message.

"... You really don't know that the "Mother Star" company has made a game record before. Is that game called "Dream World"?"

""Three Thousand" is of course different from the parent star. Guess which game it should be the same as?"

""Mother Star" has been prepared for a whole year, and "Dream" has also been prepared for nine months."

Onlookers: What the hell! This melon is getting bigger and bigger!