Bigshot Cultivator Bewildering People Every Day

Chapter 136: World BOSSx game producer


Does the game "Dreamworld" exist in the world


When the "Mother Star Era" became popular, the company proposed to make more game investments, intending to create the next game work that can last for ten years.

Dreamworld is one of the many filings.

However, if "Three Thousand Worlds" without a name related to it suddenly appeared, it would only be one of the company's many filings.

But who made Yuan Ziqian's game called "Three Thousand Worlds"? Zheng Yajun thought with a smile: Even God is helping me, but he is not with him from time to time.

The Internet really exploded because of this unexpected news.

Someone found information about "Dream World" from the approval of the official department in charge of the game. In a few vague introductions, it was written that "a hyper-real world that has never existed before, a place where players can experience surprises and surprises, and an ideal hometown for people to swim."

The hyper-real world... Well, it's true that there is a system of immortality that doesn't exist.

Surprises and surprises... "Three Thousand Worlds" is indeed doing things every day, especially their boss, alas, it's hard to say.

An ideal hometown for people to enjoy... This is not wrong

The onlookers suddenly looked at each other in dismay: Hey, if you look at it this way, it seems that every sentence is correct with "Three Thousand Worlds".

Of course, there are also rational netizens who argue that such a vague introduction, let alone the three thousand worlds, is the era of the mother star, then you can also be in the right seat.

If you want to add a crime, why bother

Why don't you say that the game that is very similar to the core of "Three Thousand Worlds" is called Unnecessary

However, although these lone warriors held the truth, they were quickly defeated by the well-prepared public accounts.

Public figures who have been bribed are skilled at trolling the public's nerves.

"There is a logical problem with your whitewashing method. It is precisely because of the vague introduction that everyone doesn't know what the real game mode looks like.

But although the people don't know it, Yuan Ziqian should know it. He was the chief engineer of the company at the time. You dared to make this guarantee for him, which proves that he has never seen the proposal of "Dream World"? "

This is clearly subordinate to sophistry, and the official account has changed the concept of logical preconditions for no reason, and replaced it with "the two games must have similarities".

But most people's thinking can't get around this threshold, and they are naturally trapped in it.

Under the concerted operation of capital and deliberate and malicious propaganda, in a short period of time, as long as someone has a little bit of good words for Yuan Ziqian, they will suffer a swarm of fixed-point blasting.

Especially the game fans of "Three Thousand Worlds", they are strictly guarded and guarded. As long as they dare to stand up for Yuangong, they will immediately be labeled as a "shield dog".

In this way, the public opinion scene is simply one-sided.

Those public accounts did not forget to say a few words to please the public during the war. The rest of the people who eat melons like their easy-going attitude, and naturally listen to what they say.

Zheng Yajun looked at the war started by him, his expression was comfortable, he just didn't whistle and sing.

Next, public opinion will gradually fall in the direction of "boycotting "Three Thousand Worlds", boycotting Yuan Ziqian, and boycotting fruit stealers.

Under his manipulation, words were about to overwhelm public opinion, and Yuan Ziqian was asked to stand up and give everyone an explanation.

Yes, Yuan Ziqian.

Zheng Yajun's purpose this time was not to expect players to consciously boycott "Three Thousand Worlds", or that other netizens chose to play "Mother Star Era" after reading these discussions.

From beginning to end, his blade was only aimed at Yuan Ziqian.

Zheng Yajun and Yuan Ziqian are too familiar. He knows the moral cleanliness and perfectionism hidden in the other person's character, and he knows how clumsy he is. He has knowledge but can't say it. He can only swallow this stuffy loss like a teapot pouring dumplings.

He wants to force Yuan Ziqian to the point where he can't retreat, so that the soul and heart defense of that person, which is already fragile and inferior, will be devastated.

Isn't that person's game pretending to be free of kryptonite or money? That time, as Yuan Ziqian intended, he completely left him with nothing.

Without money, Yuan Ziqian won't even get fame.

Zheng Yajun is almost certain that, with Yuan Ziqian's character, after suffering such devastating blows one after another - first losing "The Age of the Mother Star", then "Three Thousand Worlds", losing money, status and reputation, his The only way a weak mind can think of is death.

As long as Yuan Ziqian died, Zheng Yajun would feel at ease.

Just like what Zheng Yajun thought at the beginning, what matters is never the truth.

What really matters is what the masses are willing to believe.

Zheng Yajun doesn't care how Yuan Ziqian's game is made, because the masses don't care either.

The reason why rumors can flourish is because people naturally like more legendary and sensational statements. So you don't have to worry about what the truth is, or whether the rumors are outrageous.

Zheng Yajun only considers the persuasiveness of his rumors to bystanders.

Up to now, he and Yuan Ziqian have no possibility of cooperation, Yuan Ziqian does not have the slightest use value for him, just a tumor to be removed in Zheng Yajun's life.

Therefore, he no longer cares how Yuan Ziqian made "Three Thousand Worlds", which is popular all over the Internet.

Whether it is Yuan Ziqian who has been working on two games in the past few years, or suddenly an alien descends from the sky, claiming that Yuan Ziqian has a peculiar skeleton, so he must give him a game to play. Well, even if Yuan Ziqian is really dirty, he stole the company's materials and ideas...

If Yuan Ziqian really has any unique secrets, then I really hope he can keep it secret. Zheng Yajun thought with a sneer.

At this time, he was sitting in a wide ergonomic chair. His office was located on the top floor of the company's flying island building. If he looked down from the transparent mist-like liquid flow window, he could see the whole flying island. All at a glance.

Standing high above everyone's heads, Zheng Yajun felt the long-lost sense of success, which made him suddenly feel as if he was an ancient emperor.

The last time he gave birth to such a complacent above others, it seems that it was also because of Yuan Ziqian.

At that time, he brought Yuan Ziqian under his command with the rhetoric of "dream", "game", "our world", etc., and he sold "Mother Star Era" for a good price and thinned Yuan Ziqian's shares. to almost nothing.

And Yuan Ziqian is still ignorant about the change of ownership. He happily compiles his game world downstairs, as diligent as a cow.

A cow who works tirelessly for the money numbers in Zheng Yajun's account.

How proud Zheng Yajun was at that time, it was almost the same as today.

He discovered early on that he could deprive Yuan Ziqian of a turbulent and twisted pleasure.

Yuan Ziqian is a genius, a child, and ideally even a person who can be called flawless. An existence like him can be trampled on the soles of his feet, unknowingly squeezed, deceived, and exploited...

The strong sense of contrast is undoubtedly breeding the evil of human nature, and the evil thoughts that have grown wildly like connivance have brought Zheng Yajun a strange joy that is almost elated.

Leaving a huge footprint on the flawless snow, tearing a woven silk with exquisite patterns, disrupting a box of neatly arranged beads, and writing your name on a newly bought book with the tip of a pen...

Destruction of perfection and order brings joy.

Zheng Yajun hates Yuan Ziqian's excessive innocence, hates that he always talks about those "ideals" with shining eyes, hates that he exudes a different smell from his soul... But he doesn't hate Yuan Ziqian's painful expression .

He narrowed his eyes, remembering Yuan Ziqian's incredible expression when he was expelled from the company last time, and imagining that this person might be knocked down by the successive blows, and a drunken composure rose in his heart.

To cut off the head of a lion king, to break off the wings of an eagle, to smear a saint's immaculate reputation, and—

Zheng Yajun thought happily: I personally destroyed a genius.

What a beautiful counterattack and what a pleasant afternoon it was.

Everything would have been more perfect had it not been for the communicator sound that I suddenly remembered.

Zheng Yajun frowned and opened the text message. The message only included an address and a simple request: What do you think about the next step

He clicked on that website, authorized his portrait projection, and jumped directly to Yuan Ziqian's homepage in the next second.

Before Zheng Yajun frowned because of subconscious disgust, the scene in front of him made his eyes widen.

It was a live broadcast of... the picture was like a mythical re-enactment.

Interstellar technology has evolved to the point where it can reclaim mountains and seas, but as we all know, all drastic changes involving nature require a lot of energy and money.

Even in the game world of holographic projection, all this becomes extremely easy, but behind the scenes of the game, between the producer and the settings of materials, programming, characters and game planning, it is bound to go through a long and hard battle.

But now in front of Zheng Yajun... what Yuan Ziqian is doing...

In this holographic live broadcast, everyone was projected into Yuan Ziqian's live broadcast room, and it could be clearly seen that the other party did not do anything.

Yuan Gong lightly raised his hand, and the temples and halls rose from the ground; he pressed his palm down, and the ground opened up a downward staircase.

The small river formed with the light hooking of his fingers, and twisted and twisted into the water channel reserved in the building. The river water where the swimming fish was clearly visible, soon attracted the birds of prey...

Holy crap, how can a hologram be made so fast, so realistic, so neatly the first time

Is it a miracle? Even the word genius is not enough to describe the shock that this scene brought them.

Or maybe, just like the magnificent and dreamy game stories that bloomed in Yuan Gong's mind, he was really so favored by the heavens, and was he a person bestowed by the gods

Seeing that a magnificent palace that was no different from the Suzaku Palace in "Three Thousand Worlds" was taking shape, someone subconsciously glanced at the clock at his terminal.

From Yuan Ziqian's hands-on setting to the implementation of the materials, it has only been three minutes.

three minutes…

Everyone swallowed subconsciously, their eyes full of dull meaning.

If important materials such as Suzaku Palace can be completed in only three minutes, then building a game world in seven days is not such an unattainable myth, is it

Yuan Ziqian smiled, with joy and pride in the corners of his eyes, opened his hands to the audience in the live broadcast room, and said clearly and succinctly: "Welcome to the Three Thousand World. This is my big dream, but It belongs to you as well."

I don't know who started, and suddenly there was applause in the live broadcast room.

The props and fireworks set off a beautiful background on Yuan Ziqian’s head one by one. After a subtitle fireworks, everyone used the same line of text to celebrate—

"Father of Real Simulation!"

"Father of Real Simulation!"

"Father of Real Simulation!"

No one knew that this "novice father" was stumbling and talking in his mind at this time, and he was very sorry to hear the tone.

"Mr. Luo, how can you make me say that 'Three Thousand Worlds' is a big dream of mine, it's clearly yours..."

Another voice transmission in his mind smiled leisurely: "Of course I am willing to let you say this. I see that you like this game so much, don't you even want to call it a dream?"

Yuan Ziqian became anxious immediately: "No, how could it be, I naturally..."

Luo Jiujiang comforted him unhurriedly: "In fact, don't mention the vague reference of 'a dream', I don't mind if you declare that you are the producer of this game. However, you can't Say you are the 'Father of the Three Thousand Worlds'."

After a pause, Luo Jiujiang's tone was full of narrowness: "You can only say that you are the 'Matsu of the Three Thousand Worlds'."

Yuan Ziqian: "..."

Just when he finally felt Luo Jiujiang's delicate mood all along, the sudden riot in the live broadcast room attracted his attention and allowed him to free himself from the current cramped mood.

Yuan Ziqian looked towards the center of the sound, which was not far away, and immediately held his breath in surprise.

A few spectators surrounded a projector and laughed at him without fear of making a big deal: "Hey, isn't this Mr. Zheng from "The Age of the Mother Star"? Why are you here?"

"What's the matter, you are also here to watch the miracle?"

"Hahaha, or are you here to buy equity again and plan to increase investment to reduce Yuangong shares? You listen to my advice, don't let it go - there is a certain amount of wickedness in one's life."

"Mr. Zheng, answer me a question, do you really want to see "Three Thousand Worlds" go bankrupt?"

Zheng Yajun was surrounded by a few of them, and he couldn't get rid of a few people and entered the offline area for a while. Seeing more and more onlookers, Zheng Yajun was really ashamed and angry.

Especially when Yuan Ziqian looked over in astonishment and asked, "Why are you here?" No matter whether the person in front of him did it on purpose or not, Zheng Yajun wanted to find a crack to get in.