Bigshot Cultivator Bewildering People Every Day

Chapter 138: World BOSSx game producer


At this time, the development of online public opinion has completely exceeded Zheng Yajun's original expectations.

In his originally designed thinking, at this moment, it should be the time when the disgust and resentment of the masses have accumulated to a certain extent, and under the leadership of those speech leaders, they began to criticize Yuan Ziqian and "Three Thousand Worlds".

And Yuan Ziqian, as an important character in this drama, should be speechless and speechless at this time, and make many inaccurate speeches under the pressure of the environment.

As long as Yuan Ziqian makes a one-sentence answer, even if he just slips a hand and sends out a symbol, his response will be picked out by public figures arranged in advance by Zheng Yajun, magnified infinitely, and given various bad interpretations.

Subsequent questions, doubts, criticisms, and even insults regardless of the reason, and the emotional catharsis of the masses will crush Yuan Ziqian like an avalanche.

- If Yuan Ziqian failed to use a beautiful live broadcast to strongly reverse the situation, this should have been the mess he is now in.

At the moment when Yuan Ziqian's emotions were pushed to the peak, those public accounts would find more evidence of Yuan Ziqian's "plagiarism" and "misappropriation". No matter whether those arguments are untenable, or whether the donkey's lips are not the horse's mouth, as long as some people choose to believe, then they will become the last straw that crushes Yuan Ziqian.

At that time, whether Yuan Ziqian is dead, injured or collapsed, Zheng Yajun can stand up just right and say that he will not be held accountable.

At the same time, with various lackeys, "The two have reached a private agreement", "Yuan Ziqian went to the company building to kneel and admit his mistake", etc., Zheng Yajun can harvest fame and fortune, and show generosity.

However, now, Zheng Yajun's small abacuses were undoubtedly smashed to pieces under the absolute strength displayed by Yuan Ziqian.

With the completion of Yuan Ziqian's magical performance of "Building a Suzaku Palace for you in three minutes", the public opinion on "Whether Yuan Ziqian appropriated the material of the dream world" gradually turned from anger to calm.

You know, everyone suspected that Yuan Ziqian had misappropriated the materials at first, because it was impossible for normal people to build such a large-scale game in such a short period of time.

But after Yuan Ziqian used his speed to prove his strength, this logical method will naturally be questioned by everyone.

Those rhythmic mouthpieces didn't expect this to happen. Facing the audience's questions and asking them for explanations, some of them chose to stay put.

Another part forced an explanation.

"Yuan Gong has proved his ability very well. I admire it. But can Yuan Gong guarantee that you can continue to complete the work of material construction at the current speed? How do you prove it?"

- This is completely a foolish trick used indiscriminately after being forced.

In fact, compared to the bullshit that this official account had either framed, conjectured, or changed concepts and jumped to conclusions, this sentence turned out to be the only sensible remark he uttered since he spoke.

But the irony is that he overturned the car because of this sentence.

The people who were conquered by Yuan Ziqian's wonderful performance suddenly woke up, noticed this person's crooked butt behavior all the time, and asked him to explain it.

- "What do you mean? Be sure to observe the other party's work dynamics? Yuan Gong has no obligation to prove these things to you."

- "Wait, those words before that were so convincing that they concluded that Yuan Gong was stealing other people's ideas, didn't you say that? I found that you didn't seem to provide evidence for your argument."

- "It's weird, you just speculate that Yuan Gong misappropriation of others' efforts does not require evidence, and Yuan Gong himself appeared in person, can't be counted as evidence?"

- "I wanted to say it for a long time, why did Yuan Gong come out to prove this and prove that? Is Yuan Gong a prisoner? Now the prisoners have used innocence arguments. It is necessary for the victims to prove their innocence. You don't think that Is it funny?"

That person didn't expect Minzhi to wake up, so he started to delete comments frantically.

However, he realized a beat too late that defending the people is better than defending Sichuan, and deleting comments alone can't stop the public's discussion, so he tried to solve the matter from the root, and directly asked Yuan Ziqian for that one. Self-proven nonsense deleted.

Unfortunately, his response was too slow, and it was too late to delete the original text at this time.

You must know that his dynamic release has long left an indelible mark on the Internet in the form of screenshots/videos/word of mouth.

This time, he had no reason to delete the comment, shrunk his neck and pretended to be a turtle that he didn't say anything, no doubt he was widely ridiculed by the masses. After accumulating enough jokes and materials, this incident was included in the sand sculpture treasure house of the year, and it was completely left in the art history of the earthy people.

In addition, other people who benefited from Zheng Yajun, so those who tried to bring the rhythm were also picked out.

In this matter, System 5555 has undoubtedly made an indelible contribution to this.

You know, to search for traces on the Internet, search for the source of all rumors and rumors, and even sort out those tainted fragments that have been forgotten by the public, what method can be faster than a system

The system has successively released three pictures and texts, and at the same time, it is also equipped with vivid holographic images.

In the first article, it uses a tree diagram to succinctly sort out the timeline of the entire rumor of "Plagiarism by Yuan Ziqian", and traces back to several accounts that first put forward this argument.

Subsequently, it made several appendices for these accounts, using the keywords "Mother Star Era", "Zheng Yajun", "Mother Star Company", etc. The relationship of interests is clear at a glance, and the experienced melon eaters can understand it after reading it.

Originally, I wasn’t very familiar with the game, and I didn’t know much about the cause and effect. I was just infected by those inspiring articles, and the masses who had been watching on the outside all the time. After seeing this article, they said, “Oh, oh, so it turns out. So" realized.

While they took a sip on the account that misled them before, they curiously went to the system's account to see if there was any latest news.


As long as you click into the dynamics of the system, you can find that it has published a new article.

In the second article, 5555 still singled out the few bloggers who slandered Yuan Ziqian's innocence, and summed up the many salacious operations they had done before.

Xingwang has a memory, and those bloggers don’t talk once or twice when they receive money.

Even in their own dynamic records, many traces of self-slaps are still kept in the corners like Easter eggs found, until the system sorts them into categories, organizes them in an orderly manner, and pushes them directly to the eyes of the public.

Crowd: "!!!" What, so you are such opinion leaders

If only one or two things are wrong, many fans may choose to forgive, or complain a few words, "Why should we be held accountable for such an early thing?".

However, I listed all the things together, and looked at the clear timeline sorted out by the system 5555, which has always been uninterrupted, and received money and spoke against my conscience. I counted dozens or even a hundred of them. The shocking power of multiple excessive verbal records is naturally different from the exposure of a bad incident.

This is not "young and ignorant", or "no one can be blameless unless they are saints and sages", it is that they have been making mistakes for a long time.

Fans made a decisive decision to remove the powder.

Before leaving, I was worried that these mouthpieces who spoke with money were once decent people, so everyone lined up in a long line, one person at a time, he-tui.

At the end of this article, System 5555 also subtly introduces the existence of Zheng Yajun.

Everyone has been hooked by the first two articles, and now they are hooked by the system. Before the third article appeared, they spontaneously gathered under the comments, and began to snatch with enthusiasm and excitement.

When Zheng Yajun searched for relevant information, most of the sewage on Yuan Ziqian's body had been washed away, but the good things he had done all along were all found out by the masses one by one, and it seemed that he had the momentum of gathering sand into a tower.

As usual, Zheng Yajun would definitely not care about it at all.

Fame is nothing but an external thing. Even if it is notorious, can it still make Zheng Yajun get a point less in the Interstellar Store? Is it possible to make those radiant and kind money no longer smell good

But not now, now is the critical moment to decide whether his position can survive.

The board of directors had originally intended to fire him. If they fired him on the grounds of this matter, and then publicized that this was the company's rectification, they would first fire Zheng Yajun. Well, now these lively people will definitely applaud for this.

Imagining that scene in his mind, Zheng Yajun immediately felt extremely heartbroken.

He was finally half-buried by the trap dug by himself. How he wanted to use the power of public opinion to kill Yuan Ziqian, now he realizes more and more that this is a dead move to kill his general.

It turns out that the masses are ruthless melon eaters, a double-edged sword that is difficult to use easily and will cut hands if you are not careful.

Today, they may eat other people's melons under Zheng Yajun's intentional guidance. However, when the truth is revealed tomorrow, they will still come to watch Zheng Yajun's fate without hesitation.

Capital has no warmth, but Zheng Yajun personally attracted capital to enter the market, depriving Yuan Ziqian of his achievements with the conspiracy of capital.

There is no temperature in the liveliness, but Zheng Yajun tried to take advantage of the liveliness and control the liveliness. He didn't grasp the scale of being flamboyant, and now he can only watch himself get burned.

This fire, lit by Zheng Yajun himself, is now burning him to the core.

He paced irritably around the office. His office is on the top floor, which used to make him feel high above, but now it only makes him dizzy, feeling that he is about to fall and be smashed to pieces.

He contacted the PR department and signaled their response. But the fox, who was about to become a master in the public relations department, didn't pay much attention to him, as if he had gotten some inside information.

Those public accounts that have completely overturned are also rushing to contact him. They all want to ask what they should say next, and whether there is any counter-attack lore in Zheng Yajun's hands that can make a comeback.

- If Zheng Yajun had such a counter-attack lore at the beginning, then why bother looking for them. Wouldn't he just kill Yuan Ziqian directly

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, and in the end, the official accounts decided to keep their heads down, shut up and pretend to be dead, hoping that one day the masses would forget their "heroic deeds", so that they could still pretend that they didn't find anything and revive in situ.

Zheng Yajun's words...

It is said that there was a saying in ancient times, and the game "Three Thousand Worlds" just happened to make the spread of the saying more widespread in contemporary times.

The saying goes, "A monk who can run can't run away from the temple".

Those mouthpieces and opinion leaders who are charging ahead are undoubtedly just "monks", and Zheng Yajun is the temple that is now in a dilemma and can't run away.

Seeing that Zheng Yajun was incompetent and furious, the public accounts were muttering to each other under the skin.

They can become opinion leaders for game-related information, and there are at least a few reliable sources inside.

These people took the news they had obtained, secretly checked the authenticity of the rumors, and calculated with each other, and finally made a unified decision-Anyway, the tree fell, and since Zheng Yajun was about to die, then just take him out to block the gun. Mouth

That's it, just do it.

Therefore, when Zheng Yajun was overwhelmed by the pressure from the online public opinion, the vague attitude of the public relations department, and the pressure of the board of directors, he had to face one more piece of bad news. .

- These public accounts that he paid a lot of money to feed before joined forces and stabbed him.

In the vague letter of apology, they unanimously threw all the blame on him.

Originally, Zheng Yajun felt that he was being roasted on the fire. Now that he is better, the guy who paid for it by himself has added another piece of firewood.

He didn't say anything about his death before leaving the apprenticeship, turned his head and saw that he was actually stolen by his teammates.

It really burns him to death, suffocates him to death!