Bigshot Cultivator Bewildering People Every Day

Chapter 139: World BOSSx game producer


The result that made Zheng Yajun anxious did not make him wait too long.

Before the results came out, he thought that the waiting process was the longest.

However, after receiving the notice of the upcoming important meeting of the board of directors, Zheng Yajun had to admit that the moment he saw the known boulder above his head that was about to be smashed on his forehead was the most painful moment in his life. a period of time.

Everyone knew what the focus of this meeting was, and Zheng Yajun couldn't pretend he didn't know.

Taking a ten thousand steps back, even if he wanted to pretend that he didn't know anything about it, there were so many eyes looking at him, trying to pull him down.

His nemesis in the company, the department manager of his previous sins, the head of public relations at the helm, the next one who is said to be a good hope to take his place...

These people sent him greeting messages one after another, as if they were afraid that he wasn't upset enough now.

Those communications were called greetings, but in reality, they were more appropriately called scumbags, spectacles, and political stunts.

Zheng Yajun was patient, put on a smile, and pretended to answer a few questions as if nothing had happened, trying to convey the meaning of "I didn't lose, I don't care at all" from every word.

However, after replying all these messages with anger and panic, Zheng Yajun smashed the small terminal on the ground like a manic patient.

The pin-pin type terminal was knocked down and the screen froze, and it jumped a few times due to the strong reaction force, but Zheng Yajun was still puzzled. He panted heavily, waved his arms, and rudely swept all the furnishings on the coffee table to the ground.

In a mess of tea splashing, debris scattered, housework robots flashing red in a hurry, and circling around the place that needs to be cleaned up, the terminal lying on the floor does not know where it has just been broken. Under these circumstances, he even played the latest voice communication on his own.

The tone of schadenfreude sounded almost unabashed in that voice communication.

"Haha, Lao Zheng, how can I listen to you with a gun and a stick? Are you angry, then don't hold back, you say I don't know you yet? Don't be sulking in your life at this time. what?"

Zheng Yajun stared at the communicator on the ground with blood-red eyes, he rushed up to it in three steps and two steps, stomped on it fiercely, and after stomping the little thing flying, he chased after it, raised his foot and stomped again...

However, the harder he stomped, the anti-shock force hit back on the soles of his feet in the same way. The pain, like the stagnation in his heart, reminded Zheng Yajun all the time and made him realize clearly that he can't do anything now. .


Because the voice was too angry and depressed, it sounded sharp and distorted.

The terminal on the ground, which had been smashed to a pulp, was stubbornly flashing its broken lighting system. It doesn't know which part has been triggered again, and a broken electronic sound is intermittently squeezed out of the speaker: "The call of a groundhog is detected, may I ask you to..."

Zheng Yajun flew incompetently and furiously, and finally ended the electronic life of the terminal.

However, his grievance, resentment, and powerlessness will not be relieved by this.


Not long after, the game company of "Mother Star Era" issued an announcement claiming that the company had dismissed its former president, Zheng Yajun, and hoped that the two parties could get together and leave, and Mr. Zheng could have a better future from now on.

Of course, in the eyes of everyone, it is undoubtedly clear at a glance whether this is a "peaceful breakup" or a "forcible dismissal".

Now Zheng Yajun has lost his former status and power. Not only that, but the drama that happened to Yuan Ziqian in the past is now repeated on him.

Shortly after being fired, when the public's attention to this matter dropped a little, the company immediately changed its previous cihe face on Xingwang, and directly sued Zheng Yajun to the court with a subpoena, using the same set of "leak the company" Confidential", "financial issues" and other corporate law related crimes.

But unlike Yuan Ziqian, no one will extend an olive branch to Zheng Yajun and rescue him from danger because of his unique talent.

Today, Zheng Yajun is in disrepute, has been riddled with lawsuits, and his property has been confiscated by the court. It is conceivable that he must have been living in difficulties for the second half of his life.

Moreover, Zheng Yajun has gained all those fame, power, money and respect, so after losing it, he will suffer a hundred times more than before.

What's more painful than getting to the top and falling back knowing in your heart that you'll never have a good day like that again

This time, there will not be another Yuan Ziqian looking at him, like looking at his like-minded friend, his eyes are bright, and he will unreservedly entrust his hard work to him, so that his ambitions cannot be stretched in the adversity. Turned over.

Even if the story of Mr. Dongguo and the wolf is lost in this world, everyone will still go around such a person.

Yuan Ziqian was very emotional about this.

"The company sent me an invitation, and there were directors who wanted to invite me out to dinner. They wanted me to come back to the company, but I refused."

Having said that, Yuan Ziqian let out a long breath, feeling that everything he had experienced before was like a lifetime away. All the things that once made him sad, sad, and even desperate enough to give his life, have finally turned a new page completely.

The past is like a dream, nothing more than this.

"I think, I'm not suitable for that kind of life." Yuan Ziqian said. His voice was very low, almost to the point of muttering to himself, but his tone was very calm, "I'm not in their circle... I've never pursued that circle."

From the beginning to the end, he has his own things to do, his own dreams that he hopes to pursue, and a life that he wants, which may not be beautiful, but is enough to satisfy him.

This is enough.

However, in addition to this, Yuan Ziqian still has a little question.

"Zheng Yajun should be considered one of their people, but why did they expel Zheng Yajun in the end?"

Yuan Ziqian looked back now, only to find out later that Zheng Yajun was exactly the same as those high-ranking bigwigs in terms of his actions, his tone, his eyes and smell.

If capital abandoned Yuan Ziqian because he was "too uncapital", and accepted Zheng Yajun because his blood was flowing from head to toe, why is Yuan Ziqian receiving it again now? Invitation, but Zheng Yajun was kicked off the poker table

"They want Zheng Yajun instead of you because compared with talent and contribution, they would rather have a 'oneself' who knows nothing, but you are not."

System 5555 suddenly opened from the terminal.

During this period of time, it wrote articles on Xingwang to attract traffic, and also wrote several small programs for itself, which can simulate different voiceprints. Like now, the voiceprint used by the 5555 sounds like that of a young man with a warm heart.

"It's also a reason why they don't want Zheng Yajun-because Zheng Yajun is just stepping on your attack, he's just a vampire with more or less of him. Capital can easily accept him, and of course it can just abandon him."

Speaking of this, the system's voice turned to thought: "I think, although this scumbag usually thinks highly of himself, in his subconscious, he probably understands this truth himself."

"Remember when you talked to me about his unreasonable hatred for you? I said before that it was because he was jealous of your talent - and looking at how it ends, he really should be envious of your talent."

After listening to the system, Luo Jiujiang and Han Qianling looked at each other without a trace, Yuan Ziqian also opened his eyes in surprise.

"Mr. System..." Yuan Ziqian murmured, "I really rarely hear you talk like this..."

System 5555 was also taken aback when he heard the words: "Am I not usually like this? Turn on the behavior mode comparison function... Hey, it doesn't seem to be... Open the self-check system module... The system is self-checking... "

Seeing that System 5555 seemed to be caught in the contemplation of whether he had malfunctioned, Yuan Ziqian was inevitably a little uneasy. He turned to seek Luo Jiujiang's help: "Mr. Luo, am I in trouble?"

"This has nothing to do with you." Luo Jiujiang had a general idea of the current situation of the system. He smiled at Yuan Ziqian, and then comforted him: "It's better to say that the truth is the opposite, and thank you for the terminal you provided to Wuwu."

Yuan Ziqian frowned subconsciously, unable to understand Luo Jiujiang's meaning.

"Excuse me, you mean..."

"Before I came to this world, I noticed a little clue from Wu Wu." Luo Jiujiang explained to him with a smile: "I think if he can live away from the host, it may be good for him. If Not based on this judgment, Qianling will not signal Wuwu to separate from me..."

Speaking of this, Luo Jiujiang laughed very confidently: "After all, how could Qianling be such a careful dragon?"

Yuan Ziqian looked at him in shock, feeling that it was either his ears or Mr. Luo's thinking. Anyway, there must be something wrong between the two.

- Mr. Luo selectively forgot, when he wanted to hold his hand before, did the two cold lights cast from Mr. Han's eyes

- Mr. Luo has never heard of the players in the game howling about the world BOSS Han Qianling's "filter into the brain", "fancy double standard", "your home Luo Jiujiang has no bad place". and Tucao

With Luo Jiujiang's An Zhiruosu look, who didn't feel that there was any deviation in his speech at all, Yuan Ziqian's pupils trembled.

He remembered the bitterness that System 5555 had complained to him, the history of blood and tears when System 5555 spit out a slot, and the time when he and System 5555 were alone when these two people entered the game and turned the world upside down.

Yuan Ziqian really couldn't restrain himself from this thought—

Mr. Luo, have you ever thought that the sudden change of System 5555 may not be because it has finally separated from the host itself.

Maybe it's because it got away from you

... In the end, he still cherishes his life, Yuan Ziqian thought about it, and finally didn't dare to say this.