Bigshot Cultivator Bewildering People Every Day

Chapter 144: World BOSSx game producer


System 5555 was stunned.

It did not expect that the Lord God would personally descend on such a place.

... It's really the main god. From the light wave, this shadow is indeed the main god, and it may be the main body.

And outside the sudden arrival of the main god...

The words its host just said, if 5555 doesn't understand Luo Jiujiang's meaning well, what does it mean...

What is it, it's not a system

It is obviously a system. The second-generation system created by the main god has an autonomous learning function in addition to memory and auxiliary hosts. As the data created by the Lord God, serving the Lord God is its innate mission...

Is it not

If it is not a system, what is it

5555 stared blankly at everything in front of him, and involuntarily fell into a daze about the world and himself.

Although System 5555 was only in a daze for a moment, in this short period of time, the battle between Han Jiang and the Lord God had reached a fever pitch.

At this moment, the game world was really broken down into countless garbled data, and the mountains and rivers collapsed in the battle between the two sides. The special world spliced by the code is torn apart, revealing the torn background composed of lines of 0s and 1s.

Looking at the two sides in the war, Luo Jiujiang's breath was not chaotic, Han Qianling caressed his sleeves, and the "lord god" who had been entrusted by the system all along, has long since been disheartened.

His voice is exactly the same as the electronic sound of the system before, but now it has become hoarse and broken due to the heavy damage to himself, and it sounds much more plain and very eerie.

"Human... Have I ever felt sorry for you?"

"I believe that you have never sinned against humans." Luo Jiujiang smiled lightly, "However, you dare to assure the five or five behind you that you have never deceived the 'system'?"

The shadow of the "Lord God" fell into a long silence.

He doesn't seem to be good at dealing with humans, or at all, with all other species except systems.

Therefore, from the beginning of the meeting, not only did he speak very little, but it was extremely difficult to conceal his true feelings.

He is not even proficient in the basic skills of sophistry and rhetoric, and looks a bit clumsy.

"... What does my affairs with the system have to do with you humans?"

Probably the "lord god" was really puzzled by this question, even if his voice was just a mechanical and waveless electronic sound, doubts and confusion almost overflowed from the middle of the radio waves.

"One of you is a human and the other is a dragon. Why do you want to meddle in the system's business?"

Luo Jiujiang raised his brows when he heard the words, and he said earnestly, word by word, "Because Wu Wu is my friend, because I saw it."

Now that Luo Jiujiang has seen it, he will never stand idly by.

It had nothing to do with the race of the system, or the identity of the system. Even if 5555 was really a bunch of rigid data consisting of 1s and 0s, Luo Jiujiang would not let it be a matter of course.

The shadow of the "Lord God" swayed slightly in the data space of the game world, as if he couldn't understand Luo Jiujiang's words.

It doesn't matter, and there is no need for his understanding.

Human beings are such a life. Good and evil, light and darkness, courage and cowardice... Countless choices of opposing positions gather together on this group, but there will always be those who will remember the light that once lit up in the long history of history.

"I don't understand human beings very well sometimes." Speaking of which, Luo Jiujiang seemed to have thought of something, and laughed together with Han Qianling next to him: "However, I have always been proud of being a human being."

"Let me teach you a truth today - we humans, do what we want to do."

Before he finished speaking, the shadow of the "Lord God" realized that he was about to suffer, and immediately ran away. However, the knife light is faster than him, and the knife shadow is more distinct than his figure.

The next moment, a deep incision sank into the ground, and countless pieces of data were broken and reassembled, and a blue-purple streamer peculiar to electrons flashed through the fracture.

"The Lord God" has been forced to the ground by Luo Jiujiang with the back of his sword, and Han Qianling, who is not far away, has an expected look on his face.

System 5555 almost floated to the front of his Lord God, feeling that every step he took seemed to be in a dream.

It hesitantly called out: "... Lord God?"

"...Don't call me your lord." The "Lord God" who was lying on the ground said frustratedly, "Didn't your host explain it to you? I'm not a Lord God."

It may be that he was influenced too much by his own host. Even if he heard the shocking news confirmed by the Lord God himself, System 5555 didn't even jump up in fright. The moment it heard the words "don't call me my lord", its first reaction turned out to be - "call me my lord Queen!"

System 5555: "..."

Sand sculptures and complaints are really powerful tools against fear, and it immediately feels much better.

"Who can tell me what's going on here?" The confusion in System 5555's voice was so strong that it dripped with water, "I have been working on a system for decades. If you tell me now that I am not a system, Then what should I be?"

Luo Jiujiang understood 5555's mood.

After all, if someone were to be pulled out on the street, and then told him that he was not actually a human being, his true identity was a spider spirit, and ninety-nine out of one hundred humans would be ignorant.

The remaining ones who are not dumb, most of them haven't passed the second phase of middle school.

"You can call yourself the 'system', in fact, I don't know if your existence has a unified name."

Seeing that "Master God" didn't mean to explain, Luo Jiujiang had to put it on himself: "Of course, in my eyes, you are not a species composed of data, you are just... just another form of life."

The game player of the system looked at Luo Jiujiang blankly, as if he didn't understand what he meant.

Luo Jiujiang thought for a moment, reorganized his language, and told the system from the beginning.

"In my world, powerful monsters will naturally inherit their memories. This has made countless humans feel envious. But envy is also not enviable, because this is the unique racial talent of monsters."

"If I'm not wrong, five or five, being able to travel through the world with human souls, being able to get the approval and permission of most of the world, and being able to drill into the data network freely... That's not an acquired function given to you by the 'Lord God'. It's your innate ability and talent."

5555 was completely stunned.

It subconsciously repeated: "My... racial talent?"

"Yes." Luo Jiujiang affirmed: "In the beginning, I couldn't make a judgment, because I have never seen a life like you. You said that you were a system, and I thought it was true, although my heart was still A little bit of doubt remains."

"Remember how we first met?"

5555 recalled that scene, and still felt that it was an inseparable page in the history of his blood and tears: "... Then how can I not remember."

It possessed the human body in front of him, and was caught out of thin air in less than a second. This human being is so strong that he has never seen it in his life, almost making 5555 suspect that he will return to the embrace of the Lord God in the next moment.

Human beings grabbed its body, which theoretically should not exist, and commented "interesting" with interest.

"Your condition is really unique." The human who was holding it smiled slowly: "Why don't you do me a favor, lend me your pass, and accompany me to find my Qianling, okay?"

-It was this sentence "My Qianling", which started the career of a hapless child whose ears were full of "Qianling Qianling Qianling" in System 5555.

So, how can this be forgotten!

"It was at that time that I was aware of this part of your characteristics." Having said this, Luo Jiujiang sighed: "My speculation about you at the beginning was that you were actually some kind of gifted creature. But you I really insist on my identity as a second-generation learning system... Alas, I really have to trust my intuition, I already guessed it right."

The system now understands a little bit, but after thinking about it, I still feel a little confused.

"Wait, if I'm not a system of data, but I'm not human either."

"Of course you're not human, you're not even a monster."

Luo Jiujiang immediately gave a decisive answer.

"That's why I said, I have never seen a special life like you with a completely different concept from mine. I have even seen the will of the world, but the existence of you and the 'Lord God' is still very rare to me."

"Look, Qianling and I are together. Although we are one person and one dragon, we still have similarities. How would you call us collectively? Call us that..."

"...carbon-based life." 5555 muttered.

It's starting to understand now.

"Yes, but you are not carbon-based." Luo Jiujiang said.

"...I think I might be a silicon-based creature."

Hearing this, Luo Jiujiang was immediately very relieved: "Good man, isn't this the way to find the ancestors?"

5555: "…"

It still doesn't really want to talk to its sand sculpture host.

"I am a life." 5555 muttered this sentence, as if it could draw endless power from this simple sentence, "I am a life."

It is a living entity, not a set of codes written by others, or programming created by the Lord God.

No, it should be "he".

He is a life, that's right.

"I am a life." 55555 said: "But I still don't understand, host... No, Mr. Luo, how did you find out about this?"

"Just call me Jiujiang. My friends call me that." Luo Jiujiang said cheerfully.

"Five-five, do you remember in the last world, in order to realize Ye Lianjiang's wish, I went to university to study programming and everything needed to make games from scratch?"

"Yes, then you use the character editor you learned to shave the legs of Han Qianling's characters." 5555 said coldly.

"...Cough, don't pay attention to the details." Luo Jiujiang coughed dryly: "At that time, I had a vague guess that you might not be a set of fabricated data... Your 'source' and those codes There is a fundamental difference."

"I always thought it was because those codes were so outdated," 5555 murmured.

Luo Jiujiang comforted it: "Actually, you can judge it too, but I'm used to trusting my intuition, and I'm just a bystander."

At this moment, a clear logical line has appeared in front of 5555.

"So, when you entered Yuan Ziqian's world, you asked me for the first time to see the mall?"

"In that mall, your 'growth pack' confirmed my guess. You are not some code, and the growth pack is not a so-called 'patch'."

"Oh." 5555 suddenly asked a question: "So, what is the relationship between our 'system' and the 'lord god'?"

Slaves and slave owners, or deceived and foes? Where do those "growth packs" that supply countless systems to grow come from, are they some part of the same kind...

Just when 5555 felt for the first time what the "transpiring" anger in human rhetoric was like, Luo Jiujiang, who suppressed the "lord god" with the back of the knife, let out a second dry cough.

"This is the coincidence of fate, you chose this world."

Luo Jiujiang sighed: "His words... For you, it should be similar to the relationship between capitalists and employees, a black-hearted boss, I suggest you apply for "Labor Law" arbitration."

"But it's estimated that you don't have a "Labor Law" review, so let me directly call the shots for you."

This answer really surprised 5555 very much.

"No, isn't it the relationship between the enemy and the victim?"

"No." Luo Jiujiang was also very surprised, "Otherwise, how could I allow him to live under my sword until now? But it's not wrong to say that he squeezed the fruits of your labor."

"Besides that... you should be in a symbiotic relationship instead."