Bigshot Cultivator Bewildering People Every Day

Chapter 22: Stand-in lover Bai Yueguang


A week of training time passed quickly, and in the new live broadcast, all players played in group mode.

Originally at the end of the last episode of the program, according to the rules announced by the host, although rankings will be divided between groups, this competition does not eliminate players by group order.

For the past seven days, fans have poured their votes for the contestants. By the end of the performance of the four groups, everyone's votes will be announced, and the elimination list will also be displayed on the spot.

Although the host did not announce the number of people who will be eliminated this time, the official website has long said that this is a 24-20 match.

In a normal person's mind, the players with the last four votes must be eliminated.

But what is unexpected is that the host completed the program rules at the beginning of this time - fans voted to determine only the last three eliminations; as for the last eliminated candidate - he will be the one who loses The last player in the group.

As soon as this rule was read out, several groups looked at each other, only to feel a sense of chill in the air.

Before, these young people practiced dancing in a classroom every afternoon, and they had a pretty good relationship with each other.

The barrage has gone crazy because of this new rule


- "Damn it, what is this rule that suddenly popped up? It feels like a few are very dangerous."

- "Originally, the most dangerous is not only the bottom. After all, the number of votes for the previous seven days has always been announced on the official website. When the fans of the bottom see that their idols are going to be eliminated, it is very likely that they will smash their votes at the last dead line."

- "Yes, sometimes it's quite surprising to eliminate candidates. Except for the top sixteen, no one in the bottom eight dares to say that they are stable."

The players were unaware of these live discussions. They've been training all week in closed circles, and everyone's handed in their phones and disconnected from the internet, so I don't know where they're at right now.

Before the group game, the current ranking will be announced on the big screen. The young people are all staring at the countdown on the big screen, and there are faint expectations, longings and worries in everyone's eyes.

The camera slid across the faces of the players with the most revealing expressions, who were actually already in the safety rankings, but they didn't know enough about themselves, so they behaved very uneasy.

Luo Jiujiang was always calm and composed.

Soon, the ranking of each player appeared on the screen.

Luo Jiujiang ranked second, only behind Chen Chuan, a player who had a good foundation in singing and dancing, who had debuted in the country next door for three years.

After Luo Jiujiang is Ye Heng, after Ye Heng is He Qi, and after He Qi is Chen Jingzhou.

The five top five players were actually divided into three groups at a ratio of 221.

In other words, the group led by Teacher Cheng Lixuan did not even have a top five group, which was the worst group on paper.

The players turned their heads around each other to look left and right. Although they all sent their blessings to the players who ranked safe around them as usual, but looking at the fake eyes that could not be concealed, only ghosts knew what they were thinking.

There was a faint smell of gunpowder in the air.

Netizens sighed one after another - Sao is still your show group Sao.

The last time everyone was in a group, and your brother and brother hugged each other, you suddenly said that you wanted to be eliminated from the group.

Now the young brothers in the four groups are playing very close, and then you have to score a battle between the groups.

This kind of program that announces the rules and regulations on the spot, and then broadcasts the process of players' face changing in high-definition on the spot, and sees the show of brotherhood that is thicker than water turning into ultra-thin plastic flowers, "Dream Producer" is really the first.

... What kind of dream producer is this called? Tomorrow, it will be renamed Six Parents and Don't Know People.

Amid the frenzied complaints from fans, this issue of the Dream Producer group stage has finally officially started.

The four mentors drew lots to decide the order of priority. Han Qianling was lucky enough to get the third lottery.

Seeing that the other instructors were comforting their team members before the game, suesue cheered, Cheng Lixuan cheered, and Song Wenhe, who was born in Yue Opera, was even more soft-spoken and gentle.

Han Qianling paused for a while. He who had never had similar experience slowed down his speech and encouraged: "Take a good ranking and come back to play the piano for you."

A string of hilarious laughter floated across the screen.

- "As expected of a man known as the morning piano maniac."

- "I'm dying of laughter, why are Han Jiang and the CPs so magical, there's nothing else to talk about besides playing the piano and flute?"

Then, rushing to this juncture, Luo Jiujiang even added a sentence leisurely: "Well, Mr. Han has worked hard, come back and play the flute for Mr. Han to listen to."

There were a lot of people dying of laughter in the live broadcast room.

- "Hahahaha it's so annoying, you two, there's no end to it, every day you sing along with your husband and wife."


In the division of labor among the members of the Hanqianling group, Ye Heng was the lead singer, and Luo Jiujiang was the lead dancer.

About Luo Jiujiang's dancing talent, audiences have already seen it in the previous live broadcast. But when he was on stage, his sassy and difficult dancing posture still unconsciously attracted the attention of many audiences, and even made Ye Heng's singing a foil for him.

During this process, He Qi has been watching intently in the background.

Luo Jiujiang's dance style is still different from those of the breaking genres who came from majors. From his many movements, such as stretching his arms, bending his waist, and turning the windmill, the audience can see a little dance flying, as well as the shadow of the long-sleeved dance.

After this game, many people talked about it, saying that Shen Qingjiang was really soaked in the shadow of the Chinese style from head to toe.

He also learned classical dance himself. However, if the players are not divided into groups, the inter-group competition requires dance training. I really don't know when he will talk about this ability.

He is like a sponge full of water, and everyone will never know where and what the next surprise from Luo Jiujiang will be.

Moreover, since Luo Jiujiang appeared in front of the public, up to now, he has never been disappointed.

-How does this modesty, self-compassion, and rich heritage fit in with the national style and culture

As far as He Qi is concerned, those actions are broken down one by one into swinging the knife, slashing, hugging, wrapping the head...

These days, he has also received careful guidance from dance teachers, and he has a foundation in martial arts himself. However, in terms of ability, compared with Luo Jiujiang, he is still far from enough.

"Sure enough, one method is good and all methods are well-versed," He Qi murmured thoughtfully, "The ancients honestly did not deceive me."

In this group match, the Hanqianling group won the first place.

Maybe it's because of this first-place bonus, or because the audience discovered Luo Jiujiang's talent for not losing to the idol who debuted in three years. He originally ranked second, and the number of votes with the original first place was extremely small. success.

So at the end of this episode, Luo Jiujiang ranked first, overwhelming everyone.

The big screen once again showed the ranking of each contestant, but this time, as if for the occasion, the accompanying music was no longer the almighty chord before, but a passionate drum sound.

That was the drum beat that Luo Jiujiang beat Ye Heng when he competed with Ye Heng in the last group match.

Some fans who have followed from the first issue have their eyes lit up when they hear this war drum.

There are also many viewers who made up lessons in advance, or were simply pulled into the big pit of "Dream Producer" by this drumming on the online platform. When they heard the familiar tune, they were immediately excited.

- "War is up!"

- "If you put this, then I won't be sleepy."

- "Ansai Waist Drum!"

- "Don't talk nonsense in the front, just learn a noun and call it nonsense-but what is the name of this drum music?"

Various barrages spewed across the screen in a mess, and then, finally, a barrage was finalized.

- "The old king is dead, and the new king should stand. This drum should be called "King's Landing"?"

… Many years later, when countless descendants repeatedly learned to imitate the "King's Landing", which is known as the "first hit in the drum", no one could have imagined that the source of the name was actually just an anonymous barrage.

When the name of the drumming song was still arguing in the barrage, the hostess in a short dress appeared again with a smile.

Because every time she read the rules before, the program team made a big deal, which made netizens almost have antibodies to her.

Sure enough, this time, what came out of those two petal-like pink lips was not an ordinary ending.

The hostess announced to all the contestants and all the live broadcast audience: As a reward for the hard work of the contestants for their dreams, as of now, the top five contestants will get a chance to shoot an advertisement for a famous drink.

Top five? Who are the top five

Although the first and second places in this game have changed positions, and some of the remaining rankings have also been fine-tuned, the top five candidates seem to have never changed.

Luo Jiujiang, Chen Chuan, Ye Heng, He Qi, and Chen Jingzhou.

Amid the envious eyes and congratulations from the surrounding contestants, the five contestants received invitation letters from the host in turn, which symbolized their qualifications for advertising shooting. The spotlight was on them, bright and glorious.


Shooting commercials is not a bad thing.

Luo Jiujiang is very experimental by nature, and he is very interested in things that he has not done, as long as it does not violate morality.

For others, the opportunity to shoot commercials for famous drinks means fame and fortune, but in Luo Jiujiang's eyes, its meaning is very simple - mainly fun.

The next 20-to-16 game is a solo battle again, and each player still has seven days to prepare.

However, as the contestants who made an appointment for the advertisement, Luo Jiujiang and the others had to spare a precious day to shoot the poster of the fruity drink.

The closed training is not over yet, and the person responsible for taking them out is Han Qianling.

Luo Jiujiang certainly has no objection to this. If there is any dissatisfaction, it is probably because of other things.

- After all, there is a ghost in the world called Shao Lan.

The fact that the top five dream chasers were qualified for advertising was announced in public during the live broadcast. As for the time and place, as long as anyone with a heart wants to inquire, it can’t be concealed.

The program team had always used closed training methods before, and Shao Lan had never been able to get in touch.

It happened that Luo Jiujiang went out to shoot an advertisement this time, and he took this opportunity to come to the advertisement site ahead of time.

He must come.

Since watching Luo Jiujiang's live broadcast that day, for some reason, the shadow of Luo Jiujiang is always in Shao Lan's mind.

He couldn't explain the complex emotions in his heart that were a mixture of regret, surprise, surprise and expectation. But he felt that he had to see Luo Jiujiang.

Only when he saw the other person's back in the corridor, Shao Lan subconsciously called out the name.

It was not until the word "Qingjiang" spilled out of his throat so easily that Shao Lan knew how impatient he was.

Unfortunately, the reality disappointed Shao Lan.

Han Qianling turned around slowly, he took off his sunglasses, revealing a pair of cold eyes.

"What was your name just now?"