Bigshot Cultivator Bewildering People Every Day

Chapter 45: Gloomy President x Quick Knife Chef


Han Qianling's eyes flickered twice, and the syllables of the name were on the tip of his tongue without spitting it out. He looked at Luo Jiujiang's back, the thin waist tightly bound by the apron... After a while, Han Qianling said vaguely, "I remember."

His mouth, like his heart, was never hard to open. Only occasionally a tiny gap is opened, and others can see the rare brilliance flowing through the gap, such as a large clam full of pearls.

The moment when the clam shell slightly opens the gap is like a stone fire and electric light, and the bright light like a star like a night will only appear in front of people for a moment. Then the next moment Han Qianling sealed them all into his heart, so fast that people would think that he had an illusion.

Luo Jiujiang didn't show his loss, he still turned his back and carefully carved the next apple.

If it is said that Qianling in the previous world is more similar to the son of the arrogant and beautiful dragon who later commanded the three thousand worlds, then the current Qianling reminds him of the bamboo horse who grew up like himself.

Before their legendary story began, Luo Jiujiang had reached out to Han Qianling countless times.

Han Qianling would refuse, Han Qianling would deny, and Han Qianling would turn back in silence. However, the later experiences proved that Han Qianling clearly remembered every detail.

In the years to come, he compensated Luo Jiujiang bit by bit for the advice he had missed.

Qianling is a bit slow to heat up, perhaps because he has suffered too much damage, so he hesitates.

Or maybe... just because he was in too much pain before.

Pain is always dull.

Luo Jiujiang put down his knife, twisted the apple stalk and turned around. He also carved the second apple into a flower. The stem of the apple is the stem of the flower.

Even the stamens were carved vividly by Luo Jiujiang, and they swayed slightly with the airflow of his breath, which looked extremely pitiful.

Han Qianling's gaze unconsciously stayed on Luo Jiujiang's hand for a moment.

"What kind of flower is this, I've never seen it before."

"Shen Xuehua." Luo Jiujiang said with a smile.

He lowered his head and took a petal away. Just looking at his actions, it seemed like he gave the flower a light kiss, almost making people jealous of the apple that Luo Jiujiang was holding in his hand.

Deep snowflakes can clear your heart and calm your desires, but if you dare to taste one, you will find that the fragrance of deep snowflakes is as sweet as spring and honey.

The temperament of this flower is like that of Han Qianling.

When the two separated when they were young, Han Qianling set up the Shenxue Palace in the north and called himself the Lord of the Shenxue Palace. In fact, it is also the default that Deep Snowflake is the flower of their love.

Han Qianling's eyes stayed on Luo Jiujiang's chin, his eyes were strange, maybe he was looking at the little flower carved from an apple, or at Luo Jiujiang's wet lips. For some reason, the flower always felt a little familiar to him.

After a while, he said slowly, "I want one of this."

"The sparerib soup is almost ready, let's eat first." Luo Jiujiang asked for his opinion, "I will carve a flower for you as a snack after dinner?"



After Luo Jiujiang's live broadcast room was closed, about ten minutes later, the anchor did not intend to restart the broadcast, and the audience gathered here slowly dispersed.

There are only a few people who stick to the live broadcast room. On the one hand, they want to squat to see if the anchor will appear; on the other hand, they have reached a preliminary sand sculpture affection for each other.

—Anyway, dismantling the anchor’s station in the barrage is definitely the safest topic.

So now, the man who can turn off the live broadcast of the anchor who has always been promised on time has been unpredictable all the way, from the anchor enemy family to the anchor father to the anchor friend...

Luo Jiujiang's crime has changed from stealing other people's pots, stealing other people's chopsticks, to stealing people's hearts along the way.

It has to be said that although contemporary netizens have lost their spiritual roots, and the society is afraid of death, they are actually at the pinnacle of cultivation in the skill of great prophecy. Very capable of seeing the essence through things.

Heaven rewards hard work, just when several netizens used Luo Jiujiang's live broadcast room as a chat room, Luo Jiujiang's live broadcast suddenly lit up.

Many viewers who moved to other videos were also reminded by Luo Jiujiang of the broadcast.

Hey, the host is back

How did it just disappear for so long, which rabbit hole did it fall into

Someone slowly opened the live broadcast room of Luo Jiujiang and found that the finished lotus root pork ribs soup had been stewed in a casserole, and it was well placed into a white porcelain bowl.

Look at the overcooked ribs that melt in one sip, the glutinous noodles, and the fragrant lotus root pieces, and the clear soup, with only two or three oil stars floating on the soup surface...

Ah they are so hungry!

Luo Jiujiang smiled and said to the live broadcast camera: "As you can see, our lunch is ready today. Of course, I will fry two vegetarian dishes in a while..."

When he said this, he didn't know what movement he heard, and he paused very obviously, and then looked in the direction of the living room.

"So just like what we did before, with basic ingredients, basic knife skills and careful stewing, you can also make delicious lotus root pork ribs soup."

I don't know if it was the audience's delusion, but after Luo Jiujiang turned his face back, the speed of his speech seemed to speed up.

"Then everyone already knows how to make this dish, so you can do your best. That's it for today's live broadcast at noon. I'm going to have lunch, bye."

With a swipe, the screen in the live broadcast room went black again.

Audiences:"… "

The audience was shocked, the audience was confused, and the audience was boiling.

How can you say "I'm off to lunch" and then shut it down

Brother, do you remember what your job is

You are a eater!

For the sake of their superb knife skills, ingenious cooking skills, and handsome looks, their audience members have acquiesced to the anchors to change their ways, turning the previous style of engrossed food into cooking.

But do you still remember that after you cooked, you would have eaten it in front of us? Big brother, you should face up to your career, haven't you always been a food broadcaster

And look at what you mean by that - are our audience friends short of recipes? What we lack is your standard "basic ingredients" and "basic knife skills"!

It was shut down twice in one day, and the audience was full of resentment.

Many viewers who received the announcement of the broadcast eagerly wanted to come in and take a look at the pork ribs and lotus root soup, but only saw a black screen.

- "Where's the anchor?" they asked

- "The anchor ran away with the wild man." Someone replied coldly.

Website live broadcast website live broadcast, the anchor live broadcast room has closed down! Pork Ribs and Lotus Root Soup Live Streaming Studio is closed! The big bastard anchor, you are not you, you are not you, you are not a person, cut and chop to attract a group of audience veterans, and then run away with the wild man!

Yaoshou, they haven't seen that pork rib soup!


On the other end of the live broadcast, the anchor who has no conscience and is running with a wild man is having a good meal.

Mr. Lin went to live at an old friend's house temporarily and did not come back for about half a month. Every day, I just send Luo Jiujiang recipes through the air, and then check his cooking progress from the pictures and the live broadcast process.

So in other words, there are only two people in the family, Luo Jiujiang and Han Qianling.

They gradually talked about why Han Qianling knocked on Luo Jiujiang's door that day.

Han Qianling is not shy about this: "Do you know about a jade mine? I bought a new mine nearby."

This time, he came to investigate the specific situation of the mine. I just didn't expect the assistant to be opened by him when the incident happened. The time was not calculated well. The hotel that the headquarters assistant called and booked would take three hours' drive to arrive.

If it was in the past, let alone three hours of driving back to the city in the afternoon, or another three hours in the middle of the night, Han Qianling would not change his plan.

However, he passed the town, passed the door of Luo Jiujiang, and smelled the aroma of braised pork.

The two legs were suddenly unable to move.

"Jade mine?" Luo Jiujiang doesn't understand jade, but he doesn't know much about the jade that is produced in such a place where spiritual energy is scarce. Generally, he only has Lingquan Xinyu or Wannian Hanyu in his concept.

But it doesn't matter. Luo Jiujiang quickly obtained a bunch of information from this world by squeezing the system, and then read it carefully against the information stick.

"In today's jade, jadeite is still more valuable. Especially Laokeng glass and imperial green?"

While reciting those varieties, Luo Jiujiang murmured in his heart: What is this? It doesn't sound like Yanxinhuoyu is valuable

The system silently told him: [Host, your jade doesn't sound like it's valuable, it's the second grade. ]

Han Qianling didn't mind Luo Jiujiang's layman, and he himself was not someone who was entangled in these jadeite varieties.

"It's all fried, and jade jewelry is a market created by man-made concepts." Han Qianling picked a piece of minced garlic with the tip of his chopsticks and casually talked to Luo Jiujiang.

"Luxury itself is a concept that is artificially marketed. The so-called 'diamonds are forever' and the wedding rings that everyone must have, only happened a hundred years ago. The jade market was relatively stable ten years ago, but now it is flooded with With all kinds of goods, price hikes and huge profits... "

"The most valuable part of the market is indeed jadeite, but in the next ten years, I don't think jadeite is worthy of its own beauty." Han Qianling said leisurely.

"I like the yellow color of that jade mine, the color of the nine-fifth of the ancient empire in the Far East, the well-deserved emperor jade... Whether it is in the country or in the West, it will have good intentions." Han Qianling raised his brows slightly. , showing a bit of high-spirited spirit on his face, obviously thinking of the topaz mine he had newly purchased.

He suddenly remembered something, and suddenly reached out to the inner pocket of his suit.

"By the way, last time I went to the mine, they gave me this." In the palm of Han Qianling's palm lies a bright yellow pharmacist Liuliguang King Buddha. It is solemn, crystal clear, and has its own exquisite Buddha statue.

He pushed the Buddha in the direction of Luo Jiujiang: "It is said that Medicine Buddha is also known as the 'Great Physician King', prolonging life, the flesh and bones of the dead... I am already very healthy, and I don't really need this blessing."

"But you..." Han Qianling's eyes narrowed on Luo Jiujiang's shoulder, and he sighed sincerely, "You are too thin."

His sighed, regretful, and even affectionate gaze swept across Luo Jiujiang's thin face.

However, I don't know if it was an illusion, but Han Qianling felt that when Luo Jiujiang looked back at him, the emotion in his eyes was the same as his own.

Luo Jiujiang is expressing his emotions to the system in the bottom of his heart: [Qianling actually said that he is healthy enough... He is too patient, has he been hiding his illness from others? ]

[I think. ] The system said indifferently, [Both of you have too thick filters, so that when you meet each other, you are like two blind men. ]