Bigshot Cultivator Bewildering People Every Day

Chapter 48: Gloomy President x Quick Knife Chef


Ji Shijie lay trembling under the quilt, covering his head and covering his head, feeling like he was already insane.

He knew exactly what the people around him thought of him now.

Don't talk about ordinary friends, even the current girlfriend Liang Xiaojing's attitude towards him is quite condescending. In addition to cooking for him on time every day, he didn't even want to say a word, and even the planning of the video content hoped that he could pass it to her in an electronic version.

Faced with a man who is in the same room as you, but every day becomes more and more swollen, purple and ugly, who can not be afraid

Not to mention Liang Xiaojing, she was a stranger on the street, and when she saw Ji Shijie's appearance, she subconsciously stayed far away. After all, in this day and age, no one wants to cause trouble.

But Ji Shijie doesn't even have the ability to empathize with this position.

Just like he didn't know that Lin Jingjiang had an unpleasant smell because of vomiting, and he couldn't walk under the sky at all. Every time he went out, he would be looked at... Just like Ji Shijie now.

Lin Jingjiang was afraid of those eyes, and he didn't have the courage to go out again.

And Ji Shijie was secretly happy at the time, because Lin Jingjiang, who had cut off the communication channel with the outside world, was undoubtedly more vulnerable and more manipulative.

But he did that only because the object was someone else! Ji Shijie shivered in the bed, thinking angrily: How did I know that Lin Jingjiang would use this set on me

There was some movement outside the window, the birds that had been sleeping all night woke up screaming, and Ji Shijie shuddered.

He now has only a little hope in his heart: yesterday Lin Jingjiang said that he had paid off all the money.

Isn't the relationship between him and Lin Jingjiang just a little money exchange? All his money was returned to Lin Jingjiang, what reason does the other party have to trouble him

It was his fault to use Lin Jingjiang's money all the time, but that was what Lin Jingjiang was willing to give!

Thinking this way, Ji Shijie subconsciously ignored his careful design of Lin Jingjiang's emotional manipulation, those few life-threatening text messages, and his feeling that he wished Lin Jingjiang died without a place to be buried not long ago.

A hand suddenly pressed against his head through the quilt.

Ji Shijie's whole body stiffened.

Luo Jiujiang slowly pulled Ji Shijie out, and before he could roll up his sleeves, he heard the other side hurriedly drop a word.

"You can't hit me again, I'm all out of money!"

Luo Jiujiang smiled mockingly.

"Well, the money is over, so what?" he asked slowly.

Ji Shijie grunted and swallowed. He was covered in injuries now, and just such a simple and small movement caused his throat to hurt.

"It's only right and proper to pay off debts. I'm not responsible for your debts. I've paid them off... Can you let me go?"

"Pay back the debt." Luo Jiujiang repeated this sentence thoughtfully, "There seems to be a sentence in front of it, right?"

"… "

At that moment, Ji Shijie's blood seemed to be cold.

Before the debt is paid, there is usually a four-letter phrase that follows.

The saying is, kill for life.

Although Ji Shijie could deny Luo Jiujiang his original motives a hundred times, and make those text messages angry, but no matter how he declared or defended, he couldn't deceive himself.

He just wanted to kill Lin Jingjiang.

He took Lin Jingjiang's life in a vile, despicable, long and painful way, and also wanted to get out cleanly, without any blood.

"I can't die... I can't die..." Ji Shijie fought with his teeth, tears streaming down his bruised and bruised face.

He has cried many times these days, all of which were violently beaten and cried by Luo Jiujiang. So in the face of this scene, Luo Jiujiang could very skillfully pretend that he didn't see it.

"I don't have that intention for the time being." Luo Jiujiang smiled amiably, waved his hand casually in the air, and a large plastic bag appeared out of thin air in his hand.

Looking at Ji Shijie, who seemed to be amnesty, Luo Jiujiang kindly took care of him: "I think you are hungry, so you can eat something."

The plastic bag of fast food was slammed open by Luo Jiujiang, and there were twenty hamburger boxes stacked neatly in three rows.

The bag was thrown to Ji Shijie, Luo Jiujiang smiled contemptuously, and ordered, "Eat it."

"..." Ji Shijie's expression completely froze.

From the look on his face, he knew exactly what would happen if he ate so much in one go.

He raised his head, his eyes were weak and full of pleading: "Please let me go, I really know I was wrong, and I will definitely not do this kind of thing in the future. I will make money for you, be a cow and a horse for you..."

Luo Jiujiang leaned slightly in his direction.

Lin Jingjiang's body is a little thin, but he is very tall. His thin body approached Ji Shijie, and Ji Shijie subconsciously shrank into a ball. Judging from his expression, he tried his best to break free from the shadow covered by Luo Jiujiang.

"Twenty hamburgers, five kilograms of food, is it so hard for a man in his prime to swallow?" Luo Jiujiang asked him coldly.

Ji Shijie's upper and lower rows of teeth made a crisp sound.

"Looks like you also know very well that it's not the food that is frightening, it's the torture that is so long that you can't see the end between swallowing and vomiting." Luo Jiujiang said blankly, "You know what you eat today? It's just the beginning - because you've treated people that way."

Ji Shijie took a deep breath, and the long cry had begun to tremble: "I didn't, I didn't force you to eat..."

"You didn't force Lin Jingjiang, you just made it impossible for him to refuse." Luo Jiujiang sighed, "First deprive a person of everything, he will 'voluntarily' be a dog to survive; first deprive the cultivator of all his land, he' Voluntary' long-term labor to survive; strip a person of all ties in the world, so he 'voluntarily' obeys you in order to survive... I've seen and heard too many things like that."

"So today, I'm not forcing you." Luo Jiujiang said this slowly, then patted something and put it on the bedside table.

It was a small fruit knife with an exquisite body, and it didn't even look like it was lethal.

However, Ji Shijie watched Luo Jiujiang's live broadcast, and he knew how many tricks such a knife could do in Luo Jiujiang's hands.

If Luo Jiujiang thought about it, he wouldn't be much better than a peeled potato.

"I don't force you, are you willing to eat it?" Luo Jiujiang asked Ji Shijie in a gentle tone.

Inexplicably, Ji Shijie felt that the tone and expression were a little familiar.

Speaking of which, what else could he do except eat! Ji Shijie gritted his teeth and nodded.

Luo Jiujiang also nodded with satisfaction, and he reminded thoughtfully: "Well, look in the bag, I bought a tube for you, don't hurt your teeth."

Ji Shijie shivered suddenly. He raised his head and looked at Luo Jiujiang in disbelief. The horror in his eyes was more than ever before.

He knew why Luo Jiujiang's tone made him feel familiar, and he knew why Luo Jiujiang's demeanor made him feel familiar.

Isn't this... his original appearance and attitude

Luo Jiujiang is learning from him, learning from him back then!

In the sight of Ji Shijie's pupils trembling, Luo Jiujiang slowly and slowly showed a gentle smile.

At this moment, it was not Luo Jiujiang who made Ji Shijie feel fear and despair.

He was afraid of his past self.

Ji Shijie knew very well what kind of thoughts he had in the past and what kind of things he was.

He also knew very well what kind of results would be obtained by following this step.

He originally thought that the pain of cutting flesh when repaying money, and beating on time and on time was the end of the bad, and there would be no more cruel methods in the world. Until the past self, dragged him into the abyss with his own hands.

The new debt has only just begun.


Like Ji Shijie's abyss, the opposite of the doom that cannot be seen in the end is Luo Jiujiang's rising popularity.

He didn't recommend himself deliberately, and the system didn't help him make a condensed version this time.

However, someone recorded a clip of Dao Gong from his live broadcast and put it on the most popular social software to promote it.

Because the content is too hard-core, the knife light is really beautiful, and it is both practical and artistic at the same time, so that short video clip is also confusedly red.

The blogger who released his clip was overjoyed. To avoid copyright disputes, he gave Luo Jiujiang's live broadcast room address. At the same time, the blogger also released more small videos about Luo Jiujiang knife work.

Suddenly, the flow of people in Luo Jiujiang's live broadcast room reached a small peak.

At the same time, the person in charge of the website discovered Luo Jiujiang, the anchor who was about to be abandoned by them, and found a lot of topics and highlights in him.

Cooking with fast knives, revolutionaries eating and broadcasting, people are also very good-looking, and it is three years and five years of network traffic.

They sent someone over to talk to Luo Jiujiang about the renewal of the contract - the original body signed a three-year contract with the website, and now the contract time is almost full.

Luo Jiujiang didn't say good or bad. He first asked for the contract from the other party, and then read it by himself.

Luo Jiujiang said to the system: [I think, they seem to be tricking me. ]

The system is a little relieved that the second dog at home is finally not mentally retarded.

Compared to the host who ignored the gravity of the world and took it for granted at the beginning, Luo Jiujiang really had a lot to offer. Now not only can I make tiramisu, but I can even read the contract!

The system suppressed its excitement and asked Luo Jiujiang in a persuasive manner: [Then, which part of the contract do you think is cheating you? ]

The overlord clause, the long-term contract, the shameless division of the company, the broadcast time of the labor protection law... Everything can be said!

Luo Jiujiang flipped the page to the clause in the middle, and pointed the part of the text that he found to be wrong to the system.

[They assign my broker, why not 1% brokerage fee? ]

system:[… ]

Do you think that any corporate capitalist is your white moonlight? !

The system ruthlessly scanned Luo Jiujiang and made an accurate judgment.

- Guwazi's head is useless to keep it, just chop it off and throw it away.