Bigshot Cultivator Bewildering People Every Day

Chapter 57: abo canary shredded birdcage


One person unified, quietly suspended in the universe, in the vast sea of stars, like a mayfly dust.

Luo Jiujiang murmured softly: "If you look at it from what is unchanged, then things and I are endless."

The system chuckled.

I don't know why it seems to suddenly adapt to this kind of life that has been expelled from the universe!

And a terrible premonition hangs in the system's logic deduction module, that is... This kind of thing will never happen only twice.

The system numbly opened his world diplomacy list, and then, to no surprise, found that he had been blocked again.

The second-generation learning system 5555 spit out a long electronic sound of "di", and he said to Luo Jiujiang: [Host, before I met you, I had been ranked first in the world friendship ambassador system for five consecutive years. ]

After encountering Luo Jiujiang, it felt that it might be the second most difficult, not to mention the bottom.

Luo Jiujiang patiently listened to the resentment of the system, he asked the system: [Then what do you mean? ]

The system will not dare to say anything about accusing the cultivator, and it will not dare to say it in the next life.

The emotional module of the system sang to Luo Jiujiang without any fluctuations: [Meet someone, and then his life changes completely. It turns out that it is not a plot of love~]

Luo Jiujiang: [… ]

Luo Jiujiang's long-lost conscience finally ached, and he reasoned to System 5555: [This time I didn't provoke the world, he took the initiative to devour my Qianling, right? ]

So Luo Jiujiang chopped off a paw of the will of the world, and then vomited the opponent by the way, and quickly grabbed the soul of the original owner from the chaotic reincarnation gushing out of the opponent.

Therefore, to sum up, black eat black can not be considered "pulled into the blacklist"... Black eat black! Mortal Kombat, how can it be called blackmail

system:[… ]

The system felt that Luo Jiujiang was right, and in order to express his approval, he had to sing a song for him on the spot.

It sang loudly: [Braces girl, how beautiful~]

Luo Jiujiang listened carefully for a long time, but if he didn't understand Vietnamese, that's fine.

He temporarily put aside the system of passionate singing ktv hits, and then concentrated on another important thing.

In the void, Luo Jiujiang snapped his fingers crisply, holding a colorful knot out of thin air.

It wasn't until he held the colorful, dangerously gleaming thing in the palm of his hand that the system realized that it turned out to be a snake.

A colorful snake whose body is so bright that it can be seen that it is extremely poisonous.

Luo Jiujiang first carefully untied the knots on the snake's body one by one, and then put his finger on the black mark on the top of the snake's head.

After a while, the little snake woke up from its slumber. It swam smoothly and skillfully circled Luo Jiujiang's wrist.

Almost at the moment when this spirit snake appeared, the system felt that the powerful aura of the other party was suppressed by a huge power that was only a line weaker than Luo Jiujiang.

It quietly asked the host: [What is this? ]

[Senior Spirit Snake's clone is also my master's half body. ] Luo Jiujiang thought about the words, [is it... a local product brought from his hometown? ]

system:[… ]

The system recalled the long arrow made of human bones that Luo Jiujiang shot when he was in the previous world. But it doesn't ask anything after all.

Luo Jiujiang took out from his heart the misty veil made of Qianling's soul. He carefully folded the gray fog into a small square, and then shook it slightly in front of the snake.

"Senior Lao, this is Qianling's soul fragment, please help me bring it back."

Ling Snake stared at Luo Jiujiang with a pair of bean eyes like black gems.

Snakes have no eyelids, so naturally they don't need to blink. The snake and Luo Jiujiang looked at each other for a long time, until Luo Jiujiang blinked his eyes, it swallowed the snake letter once with satisfaction, as if seeing through Luo Jiujiang's guilty conscience.

Ling Snake slowly spit out human language, it said to Luo Jiujiang: "You smell like eating a lot of snakes..."

Luo Jiujiang: "..."

The snake made a solemn comment: "And you still eat deliciously..."

Luo Jiujiang: "..."

At this moment, even with Luo Jiujiang's thick skin, he couldn't help coughing dryly.

If snakes and snakes have the spirit of heaven, they must be able to rest their eyes at this moment: they ate well yesterday, and they cry today. Luo Jiujiang, doesn't he deserve it

Luo Jiujiang coughed a few times and finally adjusted his expression. He bite the bullet and flattered the snake: "Senior Gao Fengliangjie..."

The snake finally twisted, and it slid reservedly along Luo Jiujiang's wrist to his fingertips, coiling the soul fragments of Han Qianling in a circle.

Spirit Snake announced with a final word: "He also ate a lot of snakes."

Luo Jiujiang: "..."

Luo Jiujiang sincerely praised: "This is all my fault, ahem, what, senior repays grievance with virtue."

The system has been watching this scene with the analog vision module on the side. For some reason, it always felt that the colorful little snake just raised its head suddenly, as if it snorted in disdain.

The spirit snake pierced the soul fragment of Han Qianling, which was coiled in the center of its body. The shards were safely stored between his eyebrows.

It swam back to Luo Jiujiang's wrist without saying a word, looking a bit arrogant in its posture.

Luo Jiujiang opened the space crack for him and respectfully invited it back. The snake turned its head for the last time before entering the crack, and the thin snake letter was swallowed in the air.

It loudly and forcefully warned Luo Jiujiang: "Don't talk to me about hypocritical love."

You have eaten so many of the same kind, and you are complimenting me!

Luo Jiujiang: "..."


After sending away the snake, Luo Jiujiang entered several worlds one after another.

Finding the soul fragments of Qianling also depends on fate. In some worlds, the breath of Qianling is not obvious, and it takes a long time to catch clues, such as the world of Lin Jingjiang.

There are also fragments of the world's Hanqianling that can be detected far away from the world.

More worlds do not contain the fragments of Qianling, and Luo Jiujiang can only be busy in vain.

But that doesn't matter.

Luo Jiujiang traveled through five whole worlds in a row, he turned into style, into rain, into rain and waves. Heaven entered the earth, turned around the alleys and halls of the world, but couldn't find the slightest trace of Han Qianling.

And this kind of search has been accustomed to since he came out to collect Qianling fragments.

Finally, in the sixth world, as soon as Luo Jiujiang entered, he noticed the trace of Han Qianling from a distance.

[Help me arrange my identity in this world. ] Luo Jiujiang said to the system, [try to be as close to him as possible. ]

[receive. ] System 5555 should be channel.

It is still very reliable when doing business. After Luo Jiujiang determined that he would stay in this world, he immediately contacted the host system and approved a suitable identity for Luo Jiujiang through the task channel.

This identity is good everywhere. It is a scumbag mission released through normal channels. The host has entered the reincarnation early, and the points have been paid long ago, and the advance has been paid to the account.

And unlike the last world where you took care of your relatives and inherited cooking skills, the main task of this world is to abuse scum, with clear reference values and points standards.

Looking left and right, it's a flawless task.


The system's internal coding, which has always been running smoothly, actually stuck when it received the data.

Out of the sand sculpture friendship that has been with the host for so long, the system sincerely persuades Luo Jiujiang: [Does the host want to change the world? ]

Luo Jiujiang asked it in surprise: [Why change? Qianling is here! ]

Well, as soon as you hear the word "Qianling", the system will know that no matter whether it is a mountain of fire or a sea of lava, its host is probably willing to close his eyes and dance with a smile.

The system is silent.

It wants to wait for you to find out, but don't say I didn't persuade you...

[Original identity is being accessed... ]

[Access complete. ]

[Exporting original master data... ]

[Data export is complete. ]

Luo Jiujiang suddenly opened his eyes and found that the heaven and the earth were separated by steel bars the thickness of his fingers.

The sounds of joyful feasts rang out from all directions, but whether intentionally or unintentionally, those sounds were so far away from Luo Jiujiang by a world.

It's not that the voice can't come through, but that people's hearts are full of disgust for Luo Jiujiang.

Here stood a huge golden birdcage, Luo Jiujiang's eyes were facing the gorgeous top of the birdcage, and he was being imprisoned in a cage decorated with roses and lily of the valley.

Luo Jiujiang was stunned!

He grew up so big, punched gluttonous, kicked Qiongqi, defeated Xuanwu's tyrant and was killed by him, and he unified the three thousand worlds into one.

Luo Jiujiang is a weak crown and a god, and has been a genius praised by everyone since childhood. He walked smoothly all the way. Although his personality was not arrogant or indulgent, he was also high-spirited, sparse and open-minded.

In other words... He has lived for so many years, and no one dares to imprison him!

Still using a bird cage to lock him up!

When Luo Jiujiang was imprisoned and free for the first time in his life, he was still dead in the snowfield under the name of Taotie.

And it wasn't that Taotie took the initiative to lock him up at that time, it was mainly because he made a mistake.

Even so, in the end Luo Jiujiang still literally pierced a hole in the long sky of that cage.

Now these people are holding Luo Jiujiang in bird cages, what can't they think about

Luo Jiujiang sat up slowly and found that this body seemed to be a little worse than the previous world.

In the last world, Lin Jingjiang's body was weakened by his long-term unhealthy lifestyle.

And this world... This male body seems to be naturally fragile, and even the bones are a little thinner than others.

The skin is as white as milk, as smooth as satin, and condensed with a layer of frost and snow.

Such a body did make Luo Jiujiang have some bad associations.

He has a friend who is very similar to this situation, and that is a furnace friend who was born with a dark body...

Luo Jiujiang said to the system in a deep voice: [Read the data of this world. ]

[Received, world data is being transmitted... Transmission completed. ]

Before the light screen unfolded in front of Luo Jiujiang, the system sighed quietly for Luo Jiujiang.

[Please prepare the host psychologically. This world... it's an abo world. ]

[a what? ] With Luo Jiujiang's English level, he is still unable to control such a profound abbreviation.

[abo. ] The system said with a heavy heart, [is a place where human beings are divided into six genders and men can have children at will. ]

It originally thought that Luo Jiujiang, the straight man of steel, would be severely hit because of this, but Luo Jiujiang thought about it and accepted this setting.

[Actually okay? Because it can be done with Qianling, of course we don't have that idea. ]

[… ] The system didn’t understand what Luo Jiujiang meant, but at the same time, it was also very sure that Luo Jiujiang didn’t understand what he meant either.

[Host, I mean, you are an o, any man...or woman, can give birth to you. ]

Luo Jiujiang: [… ]

Luo Jiujiang: [! ! ! ]

Luo Jiujiang: [? ? ? ]

This is so fucking unreasonable!