Bigshot Cultivator Bewildering People Every Day

Chapter 64: abo canary shredded birdcage


He Mingyan returned to the main tent and found that the omega in the cage had passed out.

There is no way, omega's physical fitness is usually relatively fragile.

Even in He Mingyan's view, his actions can only be regarded as a small adjustment and entertainment, but this omega can no longer bear it.

The physique of omega is related to the controlled diet structure after their differentiation, and it is also closely related to the parenting method of the three omega gathering places of the Rose Palace, the Laurel Palace and the White Rose Palace.

But no matter what the reason is... He Mingyan's expression was a little gloomy: he is very boring.

The story he just heard from the adjutant, somehow kept haunting his mind and lingering.

Even though he knew very well that it was just a false rumor, He Mingyan couldn't help but keep thinking about it.

It may be because the rumored alpha's fate is too miserable. As long as it is an alpha, after hearing about the practice of "salted gonads", it will definitely feel a chill in the back of the neck.

Therefore, He Mingyan's mood has not improved.

So, for the good mood of his coach, for the next fight against the Zerg to be successful, shouldn't it be an omega's natural duty to please him

He Mingyan had a sullen face, poured a cup of tea from the teapot on the table, walked to the beast cage with the teacup in hand, and threw the omega that had fainted in it to wake up.

With the cold water, the other party woke up. He Mingyan looked down at the omega and asked lightly, "What's your name?"

When he went through the debit procedure, He Mingyan glanced at the identity of the other party.

His code is 0031.

As for the unremarkable code name, the registration certificate did not mention it.

Although He Mingyan had been with him before, he didn't feel the need to know his name. In He Mingyan's heart, Xiaojiu's name is worth remembering. Because he was the one who started the first of the bug lures.

As for the other omegas... forget about it.

Is the number a bad name, or is the name "omega" not generic enough

The omega slowly sat up straight against the fence of the cage. He looked directly at He Mingyan through the gap in the iron cage, and there was something in his eyes that made He Mingyan very disgusted.

He Mingyan suddenly remembered that this omega had disappeared once and was later recaptured at the rebel base.

It is said that the Rebel base didn't keep him in a cage and didn't develop his use, only using him as a normal omega.

It may be this experience that made the bug-sucking man have some unrealistic fantasies about his life, which made him behave very rebellious in the laboratory next.

When He Mingyan went to go through the debit procedure for 0031, the laboratory staff specially informed He Mingyan that this omega was "not easy to tame".

He Mingyan's toes kicked lightly on the steel cage, and he raised a half tone of warning: "What's your name?"

"...Xiangzhou." Omega said hoarsely in the cage.

- Look, that's it.

There is only "not easy to tame", there is no "untamable".

Omegas are inferior creatures, but their status as bug lures makes them useful.

Now that such a useful function has been developed, the shortcomings of weakness, cowardice, cowardice, and lack of opinion have all become their advantages.

Very much discussing the advantages that He Mingyan likes.

"That's a bit interesting." He Mingyan said to Xiangzhou with a smile, "Let's make a game next, I'll ask you a question, you can try your best to make me feel interesting."

When he said this, he looked very personable, and he really looked a bit like the famous dance hall darling in the capital banquet hall, the playboy.

"…Isn't it all about you coming and going in the game?" Xiangzhou sat half-knelt in the cage - the height of the cage was not enough for him to stand in it - questioning He Mingyan's way of playing.

"What you get is 'makes me interesting'," He Mingyan replied indifferently.

"First question, what did the people at the rebel base do to you?"

The knuckles of Xiangzhou's knuckles holding the iron cage fence were already tight and white: "They let me know... I'm a person, and you are a bastard."

"This answer is not interesting." He Mingyan stretched his legs and kicked the cage over one by one.

"The second question," He Mingyan rubbed his lips, "Do you still remember your duty?"

He smiled politely, but there was a stern warning in his eyes: "Omegas should meekly talk to their mates about lace or today's jam."

"Bah." The Omega in the cage struggled to get up, then looked at him with the most contempt a human could make.

He Mingyan's eyes narrowed slowly: "It seems... You didn't remember the warning I just gave you."

"Then, we can switch to a new way of playing, and now..."

"—What now? You might as well have a good talk with me." A voice suddenly sounded against the back of He Mingyan's neck, as if to echo the voice, He Mingyan's back suddenly became cold.

The voice was very familiar, but the tone made him feel extremely unfamiliar.

Opposite him, Xiangzhou has silently opened his eyes.

Xiao Jiu? He made the mouth shape of these two words.

He Mingyan turned around abruptly!

It was Xiao Jiu.

Sure enough, it was Xiao Jiu.

Since this person is Xiao Jiu, it is impossible for him to hurt himself...

He Mingyan froze suddenly.

The man behind obviously did not expect that He Mingyan would turn around so confidently when the sharp weapon was pressed against the back of his neck.

With his reaction speed, he had 110,000 chances to draw the knife, but since the scum found it himself, why should he think for the scum

Luo Jiujiang adjusted the tip of the knife to a slight angle, allowing it to follow the force of He Mingyan's turning head and sink deep into He Mingyan's gonads.

Whether in the eyes of outsiders or in He Mingyan's own opinion, he thought it was his own misjudgment and turned his head suddenly, so he found it by himself.

He Mingyan: "!!!"

Luo Jiujiang was still talking sarcastic words there. He sighed with great regret: "So don't pretend if you have nothing to do. If you pretend too much, you will definitely lose your footing..."

He Mingyan struggled to pronounce a few words: "You, you are not Xiao Jiu..."

Luo Jiujiang responded to him expressionlessly: "You're right, I'm not Xiao Jiu, I think your thoughts should be wrapped in a little jio on the spot."

The alpha's gonads were directly cut by the knife, and the rich blood mixed with the intense pheromone smell filled the air.

Luo Jiujiang recognized the smell clearly, and raised his eyebrows in shock: "You are... the smell of burnt rubber? For the sake of environmental protection, have you ever thought about your own palace or something?"

He Mingyan was a little tougher than the previous two alphas. He stared at Luo Jiujiang with wide eyes, stubbornly saying nothing.

Luo Jiujiang nodded clearly: "Oh, I see, you don't."

"It's alright," he patted He Mingyan's shoulder, who had been restrained by his own consciousness and couldn't move.

Luo Jiujiang graciously made a promise to this man, and at the same time threw He Mingyan on the carpet of the military tent as if he was throwing a large piece of non-recyclable garbage.

He walked towards the cage where the omega was closed, and with his hands apart, he easily broke the wide opening of the steel bar the thickness of the adult man's thumb.

To Xiangzhou, Luo Jiujiang's attitude is like spring.

He stretched out his hand to the cage, and even his voice was a lot more amicable: "Can you still go?"

"I can do it myself." Xiangzhou crawled out of the beast cage with a complicated expression, as if he was afraid to offend Luo Jiujiang, his voice was very low: "You... Are you not Xiao Jiu?"

"I can't count as him." Even with the same question, Luo Jiujiang's attitude towards Xiangzhou was obviously much better, "If you want to know, my name is Luo Jiujiang."

Luo Jiujiang walked to the table not far away, picked up the teapot and poured it on He Mingyan, who was bleeding from the back of his neck, and helped him wash the wound.

The red blood was diluted into pink and washed down layer by layer, finally revealing the white wound underneath.

"Xiangzhou," Luo Jiujiang pondered for a while, and called out the name of omega, "a question, do you eat sweet or salty tofu?"

"...Sweet Douhua." Xiangzhou looked at Luo Jiujiang and replied hesitantly.

"Oh, I see, that's sweet." Luo Jiujiang nodded flatly.

Then, the next moment Xiangzhou suddenly opened his eyes wide!

He couldn't believe what he saw!

This guy looks like a delicate, slender, weak, pitiful and helpless... In short, a man who is a standard omega!

He... He grabbed a jar of jam out of thin air!

He put a whole jar of jam, a whole jar! They all went into He Mingyan's gonads!

He Mingyan has started to roll his eyes from screaming and twitching desperately at the beginning!

Xiangzhou: "… "

He Mingyan is now like a frog kicking wildly. He just heard the adjutant's statement, and he still felt a chill in his hallucinations.

But now there is no need for the "phantom cavity", he finally knows what the real body experience is like.

Moreover, as a person who has experienced it personally, if He Mingyan is given the capacity to speak a word, he will definitely announce to the world that salting is more cruel than castration.

If God gives him another chance, he will definitely become an ecological conservation scholar, protesting against all human beings' pickling of salted duck eggs!

Unfortunately, he has no chance.

Luo Jiujiang held up a jam fork and threw away the empty can. He suddenly remembered something, and looked at Xiangzhou very apologetically: "I'm sorry, it may have caused you a little psychological shadow... By the way, you don't eat strawberries, right?"

Xiangzhou: "… "

Wait, what do you mean about the psychological shadow, it's not that such a big alpha is dying in a blink of an eye, but can I still eat strawberries in the future

... what's the matter, you omega

Luo Jiujiang's attitude towards Xiangzhou has always been gentle: "If you are too scared, close your eyes first?"

"… No, no."

Xiangzhou's face was pale and miserable only at the beginning, but now he has recovered in a few breaths.

He stretched out a hand to Luo Jiujiang with an expression as hard as steel.

"Do you still have it?"

"What else?" Luo Jiujiang couldn't react for a while.

"Jam." Xiangzhou thought for a while, "I eat strawberries, but I don't eat durian."

“…no durian paste, only mango.”

"That's okay too."

He Mingyan on the ground was already shaking like a sieve in this terrifying conversation!

He didn't want to recall at all, how he warned the omega in front of him half an hour ago to meekly discuss jam with his companions!

No no no, please don't discuss jams! ! !