Bigshot Cultivator Bewildering People Every Day

Chapter 69: abo canary shredded birdcage


After Luo Jiujiang helped these omegas pass the estrus stage smoothly, he hid his merits and fame and temporarily disappeared in the busy camp.

Ever since he came to this world, he has been holding a fire in his heart towards this deformed, distorted world and its system.

It wasn't until he taught a few omegas a set of boxing skills just now that he felt a little relieved.

He asked the system: [What is going on in this world? ]

Along the way, Luo Jiujiang found too many flaws in this world.

Why do human beings differentiate into six genders, why do they use flame guns as guard weapons in banquet halls, how come this world doesn't even have a basic 3G network, and the insect killers still choose insect lures

The system silently unfolded a light screen in front of Luo Jiujiang, showing Luo Jiujiang the ins and outs of this world in detail.

For reasons that are no longer testable in history, human beings were forced to take spaceships and leave their homes, thus ushering in the "space age".

There were 300,000 spaceships in the "Space Age", carrying countless supplies.

The earliest group of space age ancestors threw themselves into the universe, just like the Mayflower that developed the American continent, trying to find a planet in the vast sea of stars that can be relocated.

In all, they experienced fifty-two thousand and forty-eight failures.

In the process of failure, most of the spaceships were damaged, a small number of spaceships went out of flame due to excessive wear and tear, and there were also various reasons such as accidents and material exhaustion...

In the end, when the present habitable planet was finally discovered, less than 10,000 of the original 300,000 spacecraft remained.

In this long space voyage, countless people were born and died on the spacecraft.

Because the spacecraft could not completely resist the radiation of cosmic rays, the sex chromosomes of human beings mutated, and finally through the transition of four consecutive generations, they completely became what they are now.

They differentiated into six sexes and determined most of their information by smell.

Very crude, very atavistic.

When the thousands of spaceships finally landed on this planet, most of the technology about the ancient earth had been lost, and too many things were only used as records in electronic data.

-Because there are not enough conditions on the spacecraft to allow humans to develop heavy industry.

But if you can find a planet to settle down, and follow the guidance recorded in the core of the spacecraft, you can always re-develop the technology of the ancestors step by step, and manage the planet into a home.

The first humans thought so.

Everything on this planet is very similar to the ancient Earth in the records, and the seeds they carry can also survive here. It's just that many humans failed to find a problem—

There is a fierce and secretive aboriginal people on this planet.

They are the Zerg.

On the back of this planet is the gathering place of the Zerg base camp.

In the part where humans choose to inhabit, there are still many scattered Zerg nests.

The Insect Mother on the back of the planet felt the breath of the outsider through her people.

Then, the bladers and burrowers in the Zerg marched for 20 consecutive days. In the middle of the night one day, a large number of Blades mercilessly slaughtered the unarmed human camp.

The burrowers, on the other hand, broke through the soil layer. They look like lampreys without eyes, and they look like earthworms magnified thousands of times, but they have nearly a hundred steel-like iron teeth in their mouths.

They can eat metal, they can eat wood, they can eat soil, they can eat almost everything in the world.

They destroyed the spacecraft where humans were docked, and the most important core chip in the spacecraft, which held data.

That night, there were countless human casualties and heavy losses.

They regrouped and spent nearly a hundred years to expand their own territory with difficulty.

Although so far, the pace of human beings has only stopped at the site in front of them, and they can't even push further to the back of the planet, but they have finally allowed most of the survivors to get the right to sleep.

But correspondingly, everyone lost the core technology and started from zero on a new planet... Then it is not surprising that the political system will go back to the old way of the past.

There is nothing new under the sun, after all, we all evolved from the same group of monkeys.

So today's human beings have returned to the aristocracy of the past.

At the same time, due to the innate characteristics of the six genders, the omega has become a particularly imprisoned gender. They become a resource.

As for the solution to the resources... Of course, that's what Luo Jiujiang finally saw.

Luo Jiujiang was filled with emotion.

[Stove. ] He suddenly said, [Stories like this… I've been involved in it once before. ]

Luo Jiujiang's participation, of course, did not refer to him as an oppressor.

As one of Luding's friends, he helped the already oppressed Ludings and completely turned the world upside down.

Later, the three thousand worlds were merged into one by him. From then on, the world will never return to the world of ecstasy, only the Xinghan Pavilion belonging to the furnace.

To this day, Luo Jiujiang still feels emotional when he thinks about what happened in that world. Unexpectedly, the same experience, he will meet again now.

[I tried their meridians with Reiki before. ] Luo Jiujiang shared the results of his practice with the system, [I found out that the physique of the lure people is what we call the best furnace. As for the omegas, they are all ordinary small stoves. ]

system:[… ]

The system is really speechless. It tried to run it with its own logic module, but it couldn't associate Luo Jiujiang with the word "furnace".

[Actually, my friend and Xiangzhou are quite similar. ]

Luo Jiujiang asked it: [Do you know how my friend settled the furnaces in the end? ]

The system can't guess.

But looking at Xiangzhou's current appearance, it felt that Luo Jiujiang's friends must not be ordinary people.

Luo Jiujiang said slowly: [All the furnaces that enter his Xinghan Pavilion, you can not learn other things, but at least one kind of skill must be learned, that is, harvesting yang and replenishing yin. ]

system:[… ]

An ancient poem is quickly called out from the data of the system.

Erba Jia's body looks like a crisp, and she beheads her husband with a sword in her waist. Although you don't see the head of the prince falling, secretly it causes the marrow of the people to dry up.

What a bad move!

[Actually, I know the formula of his furnace-ding-gong method of harvesting yang and nourishing yin. ] Luo Jiujiang touched his chin and pondered silently: [Guess how many times these uncultivated alphas can suck? ]

system:[… ]

The system persuaded Luo Jiujiang not to make trouble.

Persuasion is ineffective.

System 5555 has long known that it has never been able to control this hostile host!

It painstakingly told Luo Jiujiang not to be impulsive, at least according to local conditions, do not act recklessly.

- In case this great god suddenly decides to pass a dream to all the omegas in the world with a formula for harvesting yang and nourishing yin, then the system will...

I really can't do anything to him.

But the turmoil of the whole world is completely predictable!

Just as Luo Jiujiang was curious, in the face of the formulas and exercises in the world of immortal cultivation, there is no alpha in this world, and they are enough to absorb it a few times in total!

Luo Jiujiang didn't completely ignore the system's advice. He pondered for a while.

[Productivity determines production relations. So, the main reason why omegas are what they are now is mainly because they were not productive enough in the first place. ]

After thinking for a while, Luo Jiujiang suddenly said such a sentence.

System 5555: [! ! ! ]

Wait, how could the host, a big immortal cultivator, know such... a modern point of view

Who taught him? When did you learn it? How does it not know

Does the host have another lineage outside

Regarding this question, Luo Jiujiang directly told System 5555: [Oh, you taught me. In the last world, didn't you tell me why the contract was unreasonable, and that's why you talked about productivity and production relations? ]

System 5555: […]

It slowly asked Luo Jiujiang: [So, you have understood all the lessons I taught at that time. ]

Luo Jiujiang said calmly: [I understand. ]

System: [You just pretended not to understand. ]

Luo Jiujiang: [It doesn't matter, anyway, whether I pretend or not, there will be a contract signed by the agent who will share 1%. ]

system:[… ]

One has silently shut himself up here.

Luo Jiujiang smiled: [You are right, we pushed the progress to the full point from the beginning, and the world could not bear it. Although this world doesn't make sense to me, we still have to get along with it. ]

system:[… ]

With all due respect, since the first day he came here, what did Luo Jiujiang do as if he wanted to get along well

[Let's do a pilot. ] Luo Jiujiang said briskly: [I have an idea. ]


That night, Luo Jiujiang received the approval of Han Qianling, the top leader of the resistance base, and officially started the journey of the omega special training night school.

There is a teacher in the night school, Luo Jiujiang; an assistant, Xiangzhou, and a number of students, all of them omega.

Among the students, all the omegas who had been tutored by Luo Jiujiang in batches and learned to use alpha to survive the estrus period in a correct, healthy and environmentally friendly way were not absent.

In addition to these members, there is also a special member, Han Qianling. As a large-scale pendant that Luo Jiujiang cannot be separated from, he was specially granted the qualification to attend lectures.

Before the class started, Luo Jiujiang remembered that according to the system information, the Rose Palace had an invisible rule.

That is, when the new batch of omegas enter the Rose Palace, the Rose Palace will give them a set of makeup powder and kitchen utensils, which symbolizes the living standards they will remember in the future.

So Luo Jiujiang followed suit. He walked past each student and handed them an arm-length wooden knife that had not yet been edged.

These wooden knives are all he pulled out of the big trees near the military camp, and temporarily cut them out one by one with his hands.

- The one handed out in front of Han Qianling was not a wooden knife, but Luo Jiujiang gave him a wooden carving of love.

The scales of the small dragon carved out of wood are clearly visible, and the appearance is arrogant and majestic.

Luo Jiujiang walked back to the temporary podium and said very calmly: "Use a wooden knife first this month. Everyone study hard. Next month, when the leader Han approves the funds, everyone can use the real knife."

Han Qianling: "..."

Some of the omegas looked at the wooden knife hesitantly, while the other part of the omega—mainly the one who had been instructed by Luo Jiujiang in the physiology class yesterday—lit up.

The phenomenon of polarization is very serious.

Luo Jiujiang pretended not to see the situation under the stage, and he said directly: "Maybe some students want to know what we do in this night school. It's very simple, we just learn two things."

"The first one, use a knife."

"Second item, Immortal Cultivation."

Luo Jiujiang said the word "Xiu Xian" with great joy. The system listened on the sidelines, always suspecting that he could faintly hear a feeling of "" finally being able to publicly promote feudal superstition.