Bigshot Cultivator Bewildering People Every Day

Chapter 72: abo canary shredded birdcage


Finally, when Luo Jiujiang and Han Qianling returned to the barracks, the early morning light was clearly visible in the sky.

They even ate and took them all the way and finally packed up. Although the Zerg moved at high speed all night, they were repeatedly caught by Luo Jiujiang, and they picked out the same kind that looked very meaty and delicious to take away.

When Luo Jiujiang and Han Qianling returned to the barracks, most of them hadn't woken up yet, but they encountered Xiangzhou.

When the two of them met, they both froze for a moment.

Holding things in both arms, Luo Jiujiang took a closer look and found that Xiangzhou was holding a bunch of cans of jam, meat sauce, chili sauce in his arms.

What is this going to do, the sauce comes and goes, the sauce is stuffed with sauce

And Xiangzhou looked at Luo Jiujiang and Han Qianling for a moment, because the two of them were holding a dozen steamed spider legs with them. Even though the insect legs had cooled down, the clear and fresh fragrance was still clearly discernible.

If it weren't for this unique and intriguing taste, Xiangzhou would have thought they were holding a handful of sugarcane at first.

In short, the two sides had a friendly exchange on this early morning meeting, and the two sides exchanged in-depth specialties in their arms. Finally, the encounter ended in a harmonious atmosphere.

Xiangzhou hesitantly took the spider legs from Luo Jiujiang, and also got Luo Jiujiang's thoughtful eating guide.

"It's better to eat it with a spoon, remember to dip it in vinegar, preferably with rice wine."

Xiangzhou looked at the spider legs in his arms with complex eyes, and finally his eyes slowly turned firm, and nodded vigorously.

As for Luojiujiang…

He stretched out his hand to support the stack of cans that Xiangzhou had piled up on his hand.

Durian sauce, fresh shrimp sauce, salted fish sauce... Basically all the sauces that Luo Jiujiang didn't find out when he dealt with He Mingyan.

... Okay, let's look at the route and direction of Xiangzhou's travel. Luo Jiujiang probably knows what Xiangzhou just went to.

The system apparently also deduced it with its powerful logic module. When it spoke to Luo Jiujiang, the electronic voice sounded very complicated.

[Ruzi can be taught... ]

Luo Jiujiang: [… ]


Luo Jiujiang's night school classes are still going on.

He himself does not mind the gender of the students. Anyway, as long as it's not a scum like He Mingyan, whether it's omega, alpha or beta, he will teach the same.

In the beginning, the omegas introduced Qi into the body under his guidance.

Among all the students, Xiangzhou is undoubtedly the one with the fastest cultivation progress and the most talented one.

At the same time, he was also the one who practiced the most desperately when he taught the swordsmanship in Luo Jiujiang.

Luo Jiujiang didn't know what gave him this persistence, but sometimes, when he looked at Xiangzhou, he would think of a friend from the past.

In the beginning, everyone didn't take this night school class too seriously.

At most, there are alphas who are worried that Luo Jiujiang will lead by example and teach omegas to pull trees everywhere, which is harmful to environmental protection, so they sneaked and listened to a class nearby.

Later, when alpha found out that no matter how you listened to this class, it was the most simple content such as "Bao Yuan Shou Yi" and "The Gate of All Wonders", and there would never be the "first take the left arm of the alphas and chop off," he was worried about. Finely cut it into scallops, and you can't see a bit of fat..." He didn't listen to anything he said.

- He fell asleep when he heard it, and when he woke up, he found that the leader who woke him up turned out to be the leader with no expression.

And I don't know if it's an alpha's illusion, but the leader's eyes seem to contain "you eavesdropped on this class, are you peeping at my omega"

No, no, no, how many people in the world can afford such a crime

Alpha was so frightened that he was so frightened that he remembered Luo Jiujiang's decisive and neat heroic appearance, and immediately decided that he would not pay any more.

So for a long time, the "Luo Jiujiang Small Classroom" was regarded as a part of Truth or Dare within the resistance army.

"Go to Mr. Luo's class to eavesdrop for a while", the risk is no less than "dance with the Zerg Blade", "whistle to the leader", "run a full marathon in a handstand position".

In the end, "Mr. Luo's Evening Class" went out of shape in the public messages, passed down from generation to generation, and successfully promoted to an existence like an urban legend.

Later, as long as the word "Luo" was said at night, everyone would realize that it was a ghost story.

Luo Jiujiang, who learned all of this through the system: [… ]

I feel that good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and the way of heaven is good for the system of reincarnation: [Wonderful. ]

Luo Jiujiang: [… ]

How should I put it, the operation of this world reminded him of a friend of his own.

That friend invented the form of sign language, and because of chance and coincidence, it spread to all parts of the world.

Later, the world gave him red and green, and he went to the temple to make offerings, and a god was invented for him, called the mute god.

Luo Jiujiang's complicated mood at that time was the same as when he knew that he had become an urban legend.

Once a thing has been done for a long time, everyone will become accustomed to it, and even forget it because it is too common.

Time passed slowly, and the people of the resistance army gradually paid less attention to Luo Jiujiang's night class. At most, one day they realized when they found groups of omegas coming home together at night—Oh, this is going to a night class.

However, Jiuxiang is not afraid of deep alleys. The reputation of Luo Jiujiang Small Classroom was finally spread out in a strange way.

The accident was... Federation spies sneaked in at night within the resistance army.

In fact, to be honest, that team of spies has worked very hard.

He wears camouflage and is almost invisible at night. When walking, the soles of the forefoot land first, and the sound of footsteps is almost silent. Even the sound of breathing was adjusted to almost the same frequency by the team of spies.

When five people walk, the shadow of the latter one hides behind the former, almost giving the impression that they are the same person.

After training, they even had the prototype of the "special forces" in the ancient earth era.

This group of people deceived the sentries on duty at the gate of the resistance base, and did not touch the silk thread that was hung at the gate at night and covered with bells. They even bypassed three dark posts back-to-back, which is unfortunate...

Unfortunately, I met five omegas who had a night class in a group.

The spies didn't take it seriously at first - wasn't it the omega? They are all carefully selected elite betas, even if the pheromone of omega is sweet, fragrant and tempting, what does it have to do with them? !

They are not hormone-driven alphas!

Even when these omegas came from afar, this team of spies was still silently collecting information in their hearts.

- There are still omegas going out in groups at night in the resistance army.

—Omegas are young, healthy, full of pheromone smell, and rated as top-grade.

- This situation is suspected to be a door-to-door labor service. It is known that there are x people in the army with this level of generals. After screening and analysis, the most likely target is...

The team of spies failed to "probably" finish.

Because the omegas looked at each other, and then suddenly it seemed that there was a tacit understanding, and the momentum changed!

The spies were surprised to find that the five omegas had become somewhat like warriors.

But even so, although the spies raised some vigilance, they still did not take this situation seriously.

After all, in their cognition, an omega is just an omega. Even if they can make some bluffing appearances, their main purpose is just vases.

To say that an omega has become a warrior is really beyond their cognition.

No normal person would think that the Barbie doll at the head of the bed would suddenly tear off its human skin and turn into a Godzilla with a height of more than 30 meters.

So next, when these omegas rushed straight towards them with incomparable bravery, started beating them inappropriately for children, and successfully developed a one-on-one duel with the spies, each of the spies felt that their three views were broken. again.

What happened to your rebel omega? If you can find us, it’s fine, why didn’t you run away, but rush up to fight us in the first place

And then he actually won the hand-to-hand fight, beating us is the same as beating my brother

This is impossible!

Why didn't the Sentinels and the Dark Sentinels find them, and they were taken down by a group of omegas in the end

They are the elite betas out of a thousand, and they are even stronger than most alphas in terms of physical fitness, and they have a calmness and calmness that alphas cannot have.

How could they be captured by an omega? Have you ever seen an alpha beaten up by an omega

There is only one possibility. These omegas... not omegas!

The spies thought they knew the truth, and couldn't help but curse in their hearts.

Didn't they say, what are the customs of your land? Alpha specially practiced bone shrinking, sprayed on omega pheromones, and walked out in the middle of the night to wander the streets

You fucking are fishing for law enforcement!

This is completely wrong for the omegas of the resistance base, the conscience of heaven and earth, they are definitely not the kind of as who pretend to be o.

As we all know, a with o has always been a federal specialty. Because the Federation collects most of the omega in the Rose Palace, Rose Palace, and Peony Palace, there are often alpha dogs jumping over the wall, intending to disguise themselves and enter Fangze, one of their relatives.

After the incident of the first person to eat crabs, this kind of thing has been banned repeatedly, causing alpha to follow suit frequently, which is basically a monthly practice.

When Xiao Jiu encountered the invading Zerg, it was also because an alpha deliberately lured it in, trying to create chaos and sneak into the Rose Palace.

The alpha did not expect that the defense of the Rose Palace was really weak enough to allow the Zerg to enter.

All in all, in a word, the Federation's a-fake history has a long history, which led the spies to save others by themselves and misunderstood this matter.

Later, when they found out that these omegas were all iron-blooded real o, they were struck by lightning and their three views were broken.

They almost feel like their lives are meaningless!

It would be better to let omega be the spy, so that there is one more way to "seduce" after being discovered!

Regardless, the omegas managed to catch the spies and hand them over to the beta patrol on duty at night.

The patrolmen were shocked when they heard this.

"My God, you found them so easily, it's like the legendary infrared thermometer!"

"It's just that the five senses naturally increase after the air is drawn into the body."

"My mother, this human flesh has been electrocuted. Could it be the legendary pulse stun gun?"

"But I used aura to send a small thunder and lightning trick."

"Hey, hey, this person was directly suffocated by the water? Did any of you pull the fire hose?"

"No, the water cocoon technique is very easy. I usually use it to make a moisturizing mask before going out."

"… "

The patrolmen were silent.

In the end they inquired from the soul: "Then where can I learn such a superb spell?"

"Mr. Luo's night school, you deserve it."

Later, the matter was finally learned by the system.

The system couldn't help but sigh for a long time.

It said to the host: [Is it my delusion, since knowing the news of the victory of this feudal superstition over modern technology, the host seems to be in a good mood. ]