Bigshot Cultivator Bewildering People Every Day

Chapter 74: abo canary shredded birdcage


With the enthusiastic popular science of the omegas, a whole new world suddenly opened up in front of the beta law enforcement team!

It can still be so!

How can it be like this!

Luo Jiujiang, an omega, had countless mysteries on his body from the first day he came to the base.

Just like his unique temperament that is visible at first sight, mysterious, wide like the sea, and suddenly like a river, Luo Jiujiang's force value is completely impossible to ignore.

Those alpha generals who saw Luo Jiujiang uproot the oak tree with their own eyes will still remember the first encounter that shocked everyone's souls in a cold sweat in the middle of the night.

If it wasn't for Luo Jiujiang's love at first sight for Han Qianling, they wouldn't even be able to figure out what other weapons could be dispatched from the base to deal with this omega that might actually have transcended human meaning.

Especially after Luo Jiujiang came to the base, he used the actual situation to show that he was invulnerable and almost completely invincible.

So until now, when everyone thinks of Luo Jiujiang, they will be very grateful to the leader for his heroic devotion and bewitching behavior.

… Although the leader seems to be very happy with it

Later, according to the memories of some members of the rescue team, Luo Jiujiang's heroic, staunch, and majestic posture at that time made people think that they were not facing humans, but something that was harder, more mechanical, and represented a higher level of scientific and technological attainments. of something.

- Of course, countless facts later can prove that Luo Jiujiang has never had "technology".

He's from the metaphysics.


Closer to home.

After the beta law enforcement team spread the reputation of Luo Jiujiang's classroom from ten to ten, Luo Jiujiang was stunned to find the next night that the number of students in the classroom had tripled from yesterday.

The classroom was so full that there were people sitting with their legs curled up on the windowsill, not to mention the crowd of people standing at the back of the classroom.

Luo Jiujiang was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said behind him: "Ah, leader, look at this situation... You have to approve a large classroom."

As he strode into the classroom, Han Qianling, who was behind him, also followed him and stood at the door of the classroom.

- The two of them discovered together that because the classroom was too crowded, Han Qianling's usual seat in the first row had already been assigned.

Han Qianling: "..."

Seeing Han Qianling's appearance, many alphas who came to their first class were also very strange.


"Why is the leader still here?"

"Does the leader come every day?"

At the moment of seeing Han Qianling, many alphas remembered the message "When you come to listen to the class, the leader will mistakenly think that you are here to rob his wife", and after thinking about it, they quietly slipped out of the classroom.

Luo Jiujiang: "..."

Han Qianling looked around the classroom and felt that this population density was indeed not enough.

What's more, Luo Jiujiang took the initiative to speak.

He smiled slightly, and lightly placed it on Luo Jiujiang's shoulder, half joking, half responding to the "leader" that Luo Jiujiang had specially called before.

"Okay, Mr. Luo. Whatever the teacher wants will do."

Luo Jiujiang: "!"

This was the first time that Han Qianling addressed Teacher Luo Jiujiang.

In modern society, perhaps this name is quite common. However, Luo Jiujiang came from another world of self-cultivation. For him, the title of teacher brought a sense of seniority and sacredness. When he was called out by Han Qianling, it almost instantly brought a different kind of excitement.

This "teacher" seems to have crossed time and space, and it is a response to Luo Jiujiang's call for countless teachers of Han Qianling in the variety show.

Luo Jiujiang's eyes moved slightly, he looked back with a smile, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Han is too polite."

Their eyes met each other, and their eyes were hooked at that moment.

People:"… "

Can you stop showing off? In the public eye, the density of students in the class is now three times that of the past!

"Leader" and "Teacher" shouted successively, Han Qianling's power was doubled, and a small lecture hall was approved on the spot to give Luo Jiujiang a lecture.

This time, everyone can finally sit down. And because of the movement of Teng classroom, many people came here.

Until Luo Jiujiang was already standing on the podium, there were still people pouring in from outside the lecture hall, and he found a seat in the back and sat down.

Luo Jiujiang stood on the stage and, as usual, let people read a Sutra of Purification of the Heart first.

Originally, the entire lecture hall was intertwined with whispers, mixed with gossip, questioning and watching the fun.

However, when Luo Jiujiang raised his hand slightly, the omegas in the front row breathed out their breaths in unison, recited the Heart Sutra, and when the sound waves washed over the entire lecture hall like waves, the atmosphere calmed down like water.

After reading this scripture, someone raised their hand to indicate that there was no doubt or anger when the question was asked, and there was only the purest calm in their voice.

"Excuse me, Teacher Luo, what can this immortal cultivator be used for?"

Luo Jiujiang thought for a while, but did not answer the question directly.

After all, he is not a person from this world, and his thoughts cannot represent the public thoughts of this world.

For example, in his world, all immortal cultivators knew before they introduced qi into their bodies that the ultimate goal of cultivating immortals was to have a glimpse of the Dao... Although it was not the same in practice.

But if in this Abo world, the first purpose of cultivating immortals is to have a glimpse of the Dao, others may think that your brain has been caught by the door.

Luo Jiujiang ordered Xiangzhou to answer.

Xiangzhou thought about it and asked someone to bring a teaching aid.

Then they moved in He Mingyan, who was tied to the cross.

Everyone: "… "

Luo Jiujiang: "..."

All of a sudden, everyone was full of complicated meanings, and their eyes were circling back and forth on Luo Jiujiang. It was obvious that He Mingyan's today was entirely due to Luo Jiujiang's ferocity.

Luo Jiujiang: "..."

He's not, he's not!

He hadn't paid attention to He Mingyan for a long time, and he didn't even know that he was brought back to the base alive!

Xiangzhou didn't notice the strangeness of the atmosphere at all, or his mentality was so detached from the outside world that it seemed like a breeze to him.

Xiangzhou took He Mingyan who was on the cross casually, and threw the wood on his shoulders, carrying the man to the very center of the lecture hall, and then with a "huh", he deeply inserted the cross into the front desk of the lecture hall. in the concrete floor!

His posture is as fierce as swallowing a cloud and chasing thunder, and his bravery is like a tiger and a leopard. At a glance, everyone can easily identify it, Xiangzhou's appearance is a true teacher's inheritance!

Suddenly, the eyes of the people looking at Luo Jiujiang became more complicated.

Luo Jiujiang: "..."

He felt that he might have ten mouths and he couldn't tell.

Against the countless gazes from the audience, Xiangzhou did not blink, his hand became a knife, and in the blink of an eye, his right hand danced more than ten afterimages.

As the sawdust was flying, everyone watched intently, only to see that the cross made of thickly bundled pine wood with the thickness of the wrist had been split into twelve gaps by Xiangzhou.

Xiangzhou swiped it in the air, and a handful of powder was already in the palm of his hand. Then he flatly shoved his fist forward, and He Mingyan was fascinated by the countless sawdust-like pine powder.

Everyone: "… "

so cruel...

Xiangzhou sneered, handed his index finger forward slightly, and pushed He Mingyan down with only one finger.

He turned around calmly.

"Mr. Luo asked me to answer what a cultivator can do. Every omega here can answer you - the greatest significance of cultivating immortals lies in strength, and strength allows us to control our own destiny."

After a short pause, Xiangzhou kicked up and kicked He Mingyan, who had his arms wide open on the cross, out seven or eight turns.

He simply and rudely translated: "It means - I can do whatever I want."

Off-stage betas and alphas are either thoughtful or dumbfounded.

And the omegas in the front row who have been fully nurtured and baptized burst into applause for a while!

Luo Jiujiang turned his head slightly and happened to hear Han Qianling sigh in a low voice.

Han Qianling's eyes curled, looking directly at Luo Jiujiang's face, as if he knew that these words would definitely fall into his ears and said, "Well, it's a sword repairer after all."

Luo Jiujiang: "..."

In fact, he also taught this group of omegas a lot of Dharma cultivation things.

But I don't know why, maybe out of innate creativity, this group of omegas naturally learned to apply water cocoon technique to make masks, use fire technique to make warm babies, use Tianlei Jue to perm their hair, and use Musheng Jue to grow eyelashes .

Luo Jiujiang: "..."

He seemed to suddenly understand why his Luding friends had never seen them touch up their makeup.

However, being able to use those spells to such an extent is a very subtle manifestation of manipulative power, which is worthy of praise.

Of course, Luo Jiujiang sometimes felt puzzled: why did this group of omegas learn how to use all kinds of magic tricks, and at the same time they also learned Luo Jiujiang's gang.

And why do they only show their stubbornness at this time

But in any case, under the amazing performance of the omegas, a considerable number of people stayed to listen to the class.

For a long time later, night school life has always been the habit of these people.

And then, the first batch of students from Luo Jiujiang night school left.

The first cultivating school was officially established at the resistance army base.

On the day of its establishment, the school put out a banner on the spot to celebrate, and wrote: "Three years to refine Qi, five years to build foundation"

Luo Jiujiang: "..."

Han Qianling: "..."



In the same year, the Federation officially launched an extermination campaign against the rebels.

In the first wave of outpost attacks, the Omega Rangers were a blockbuster, leaving an amazing mark in the history of warfare.

It is reported that when omegas with large stocks and large stocks are in estrus coming up, the first reaction of many alphas is: seduce!

Then in the most precious three seconds of the confrontation, they chose to put on their gas masks for the first time.

And then... no then.

Next, they were put in a special state of estrus, so that the omegas who were extremely irritable fought to the point of doubting their lives.

As for why the omegas are so irritable when the estrus period is so sweet and soft, delicious and lovely

... Cough, ask Luo Jiujiang.

After the battle, the federal alpha outpost was dying: "...there is..."

The captain of the first team of the omega Xiuxian Rangers: "What are you looking at? Your eyeballs will fly away!"

Federal Outpost: "… "

The captain of the second team of the omega Xiuxian Rangers: "Okay, keep it like this, don't move, don't blink, let me take a picture, my hair seems to be a little messy."

Federal Outpost: "… "

They feel they have lost precious dignity.