Bigshot Cultivator Bewildering People Every Day

Chapter 79: abo canary shredded birdcage


The federal side was overjoyed to see that its plan took effect.

They accurately grasped the contradictions within the resistance army with their own analysis, successfully provoked troubles, and caused chaos in the city of the resistance army base!

Wow, they are such a goddamn genius!

Float away.

After this war, the Federation must record this battle into the "classic battle analysis method" in the military class.

So now, they just need to wait and wait, wait for the alphas in the resistance army to take down the omegas, and then take the initiative to open the gate of the base, and go out of the city to vote!

With such a mentality, the senior generals of the Federal Army waited happily for a day and a night.

The spies they were looking out for had unfortunately come to report—as if the unrest within the rebels was about to subside.

Federal Army: "???"

What's the matter with you guys? Wouldn't it be good to reverse it

Do you still want to oppose the federation? If the infighting is not done well, what great things can happen in the future!

The top officials of the Federation Forces who have deep resentment for this do not know that the truth of the matter is actually this—

Because they distributed too many flyers, which not only seriously polluted the environment in the city, but the fact that they were abolished and smeared in the wind also affected the mood.

Everyone's spiritual energy is very precious, and the paper from the Federation is so cheap, it can actually let them sprinkle tons and tons.

In the end, the cultivators who specialized in the wind scroll art all gave up their hands and said, "Go learn it! It's easy to learn a wind scroll art! Go and learn it!"

With the concerted efforts of the public to use the wind scrolls together, the Federation's leaflets were finally cleaned up.

But the rebel base finally paid more attention to the Federation because of this matter: these air raiders are too perverted, this time they will throw confetti down, who knows if they will throw peels down tomorrow

At the same time, it is also due to the contradiction between the growing power of Xiuxian clean energy and the unbalanced and inadequate landfill treatment technology of the resistance army base.

Because its specific requirements are relatively anti-human—for example, the alchemy dregs are wet garbage, but the broken alchemy cauldron is dry garbage, the flint used to burn the cauldron is harmful garbage, and the lid of the cauldron is recyclable garbage—which caused great dissatisfaction among the base people. .

But the commotion in the city is not mainly because of this.

The main source of commotion in the city is that the beta volunteers who are responsible for sorting garbage at the resistance army base have received regular training. When they see someone coming to throw garbage, they politely and politely ask—

"Excuse me, what kind of rubbish are you?"

This is too much, and you will be ridiculed if you can't distinguish garbage!

It can't be like this, at least your staff have a different rhetoric, even if you add a verb "lost" in front of it!

Later, the resistance army base was adjusted and dealt with urgently, and the storm was extinguished and quelled.

However, the Federal Army did not know about this.

A bunch of idiots from the Federal Army are still sitting happily in the military tent, waiting to brew and brew, until the rebel army makes a big noise and opens the city to surrender.

As a result, the spies reported and said that the rebels seemed to be fine, and everyone was a little confused.

Is your suppression ability so fast

Omegas are barren and alphas are unremarkable. What a big deal. You rebels are underestimating that nothing is going on

If neither of these can incite...

The high-level officials of the Federal Army quickly held a small meeting, and finally came to a very reasonable conclusion.

—The reason why the rebels can suppress the commotion so easily is because their number of excellent alphas and omegas is too small.

Not surprisingly.

As we all know, the real elites are all alphas, and they are all concentrated in the upper layers of the federation; the real good mothers are all omegas, and they all stay in the third house of the federation.

Therefore, the resistance army base is full of scum that has been screened, leaving only alphas who have no fighting spirit, and omegas who have no maternal love and desire for fertility.

How can such a person who is not strong-willed be able to provoke it

The rebels themselves are crooked melons and cracked dates. Didn't they even make a disabled alpha leader who couldn't smell pheromones

The federal soldiers who thought so subconsciously ignored the fact that the second battalion of the vanguard was beaten into a dog by the resistance omega.

They just thought - we've got to find a solution.

Due to the fear and avoidance subconsciously unwilling to admit, the Federation subconsciously avoided confronting the resistance base.

They insisted on convincing people with intelligence and attacking their hearts. They ran on a diametrically opposed road, and finally succeeded in bringing themselves closer and closer to the dawn of failure.

This time, the federation decided to take the beta.

Although they haven't found any problems with the beta inside the rebel army, humans have evolved from the same group of monkeys.

Therefore, the situation encountered by the betas in the federation, the beta of the resistance army base must also be there!

Yes, and they are also oppressed, it is the double oppression of alpha and omega. Because omegas are all fucking swiping their mace now!

The Federal Army immediately mobilized a few drones from the capital—two of the three last call were spontaneously destroyed by angry rebel citizens—printed, and new flyers continued to be handed out buzzingly.

This release doesn't matter, it really made the rebels angry.

—We have already got a forehead lawsuit for our garbage distribution, but you guys are still here to create garbage for us

It's so impatient to live, kill those little bastards from the opposite Federation!

So, this time the federal army finally received the news it wanted.

"Report, there is a commotion in the opposite resistance army city, and the resistance army is gathering."

The high-level executives were overjoyed after hearing this: Chaos has started! This is going to be messed up.

"That's... it looks like they're calling us."

Senior: "???"

"Of course, then." The scout took a long breath as if dead. "Their alphas also have that kind of power, and so does their betas! We are now surrounded."

Senior: "!!!"

Later, until this battle went straight into the main account of the Federal Army, and the high-level man who insisted on attacking the heart was arrested, he did not understand what the problem was.

After pondering for three days, he understood.

"The rebels are a group of mediocre and lowly people, and their intelligence is not enough for them to learn the advanced form of existence!"

"I'm at a loss!"

-Don't say, his idea can magically achieve logical self-consistency.

The Rebel jailer in charge of him glanced back strangely, thinking I think you're insane.

Closer to home, after defeating the part of the army that the Federation sent to the resistance army to besiege the city, the resistance army detained them as usual.

Disputes arose within the rebel group over where to be held.

A large number of soldiers have fixed places of detention, which is no problem.

After all, the soldiers who fight, especially the betas, may not necessarily want to go to the battlefield, they are just recruited or want to earn a few military salaries.

Therefore, the resistance army base arranged Huairou education for them.

But those top officials of the Federal Army...

Almost everyone thinks that the ultimate destination of those fat-filled wine bags and rice bags should be trash cans.

- Up to this point, everyone's opinions are still unified.

The problem of inconsistency is how to classify their garbage, which is also a good thing for these idiots to toss.

Some people think that this group of people should be thrown into the wet garbage, after all, they belong to the kind that pigs can eat.

Others believe that this group of people should be thrown into the recyclable garbage, and the jam and chive flowers can continue to be used.

Some people strongly disagree with the former view, and feel that they are literally hazardous waste.

The last kind of people think that since there is no precedent, everything I don't understand should be thrown into the trash!

Federal Army high-level: "..."

They are confused, they are confused, they are shivering, they are afraid!

What the hell are you rebels going to do? You want to kill or slash, and don't take a bite of trash!

Do they have no dignity as captives


The first wave of annihilation launched by the Federation against the resistance bases ended silently in the garbage classification.

This news was transmitted back to the Federation, and the Federation was greatly surprised.

This resistance base was not of this size a few years ago!

If I knew that I had already beaten them with my hands, how could it be so difficult to fight now

Therefore, the Federation also held a meeting to study it.

The results of the study believe that the most important change in the entire resistance base is mainly due to the omega who murdered and ran away at the banquet that year, and is also the first-generation bug hunter Xiao Jiu.

This time, the federal government did not act rashly. They first dispatched spies and planned to go to the resistance base to explore the bottom.

The spies first got into the slums of federal civilians and stayed for a month and a half.

They were all scruffy, yellow-faced, skinny, and covered in lice, to the point that no one was willing to give away a bite to eat, and they were about to die.

This time, unlike the group of special forces who died before they were dispatched, they, together with ordinary civilians, successfully entered the resistance base!

Everything in front of them shocked them!

Whether it's mirror-tidy, fruit-laden fields and fertile land, or the orderly order in the rebel base, and uniform houses, flat and hard, and not muddy when it rains.

The streets were peaceful and happy, and the single omegas walked through the streets with their heads held high.

Heard from one of the omegas that she was going from one end of the city to the other. It doesn't look like he's worried at all about being robbed, robbed, or sold into some dark hell.

Clean water poured out from the taps on the street, and anyone could use it at will, free of charge.

There was a child who fell on the street, blood on both knees, and cried like earth-shattering. Immediately, someone who had never met before said comfortably, "Don't be afraid, I have brought healing medicine."

The powder was sprinkled on the child, and in the blink of an eye, the open wound was closed, and a bloody scab was looming.

The spies' eyes are about to fall!

"That faucet..."

"Oh, the clear water talisman is posted, but it's an advanced version. I heard that it was drawn by the first batch of omegas who were repaired."

Clear water sign? Repair? If you don't understand, write it down.

"That powder..."

"Hmm, it's the healing medicine made by the alchemist. But it's not a pill, it's just a powder, and it's probably only for coaxing children. Haha, I don't know if that person can pass this year's alchemy elective course."

Alchemist? Gotta be a pill? I don't quite understand what this means, but I'll write it down.

"The vast fields outside the base are growing so well..."

"Hehe, you said that." As soon as this matter was mentioned, the face of the enthusiastic passerby suddenly sank, "The compost in the wet garbage heap is due to the classification of garbage."

The spies: "..."

It sounds like a good thing, but why is your tone so bitter? !

A passer-by said casually, "This year's crops are growing really well. Wet garbage composting is really effective. It is said that the officials have judged that those generals of the Federal Army belong to wet garbage?"

He said casually, with the sentence "It's just a joke." He couldn't say it, and when he looked up, he found that the expression of the person opposite was split.

The spies: "!!!"

Wait, what did you just say

Garbage sorting... Belongs to Wet Garbage... Wet Garbage Pile Manure...

What kind of devil are your resistance bases!