Bigshot Cultivator Bewildering People Every Day

Chapter 87: abo canary shredded birdcage


This bug was rushed to the resistance army base, surrounded by everyone, and studied well... or communicated.

An urgent meeting was held in the base because of this.

Most of the elites of the original resistance army base were taken by Han Qianling to attack the Federation, and what remained were not only a few confidants who guarded the hospital, but also the guards who were better than logistics, who had been regarded as the core researchers.

Today, this earth-shattering discovery in Xiangzhou has caused everyone to temporarily put down their work and gather together to gather in the lobby where the Zerg was imprisoned.

Prior to this, Xiangzhou had been very careful, almost meticulously by square centimeters, to examine the "singer"'s bone wings, wings, carapace, plastron, and arthropods.

If this bug came with unruly intentions, then taking advantage of such a great opportunity, it can basically take all the elites left behind in the resistance base in one pot.

After field trials, the crowd discovered several things.

First, there are only two types of people who can communicate with this "singer". The first category is the monks who are above the foundation establishment, because the establishment of the foundation means that they can use spiritual consciousness to communicate; as for the second category, that is a small number of omegas called "insect lures".

Of the entire team in Xiangzhou, only two of them were occupied by Xiangzhou. The rest of the team members didn't even touch the edge of one, so it was no wonder that only Xiangzhou could hear the bug.

Second, the appearance of this bug is actually quite different from the "singer" in the concept of everyone.

This was discovered through the reminder of bugs.

This is not incomprehensible. After all, it is said that in the ancient earth era, when humans were divided into three skin colors, it was difficult for everyone to distinguish between the other two skin colors.

Because everyone feels that white/yellow/black skin looks the same.

Humans are like this when they face the same race, and of course their ability to recognize different races is only worse. If aliens came to the ancient earth back then, it might not be possible to tell the difference between humans and great apes, or between curly-haired baboons.

Therefore, the differences in the direction of the Zerg scales, the patterns, and even the patterns of the wings and tentacles, if not for the guidance of this insect, everyone would not be able to see it.

- Don't all cows look the same? We remember that cows have black flowers on a white background. Why should we remember what flowers are on them

But for this "singer", this is obviously a very important thing.

The worm firmly believes that it is a great insult to compare it with those "reversed".

Speaking of "reverse dyers"... this is the third thing that everyone discovered.

In the history book of the resistance base... or, in the history book of all mankind, the historical development process of this world is like this:

After a long period of space drifting, human beings finally came to settle on the current planet. In the human formation of the space age, there were hundreds of spaceships, countless high-tech crystal equipment, and a large number of grains and livestock from the earth age...

That giant ship at the head was called Noah's Ark by everyone.

However, when human beings settled on this planet with a habitable environment, climate and creatures very similar to the earth, they were suddenly attacked by the Zerg at night.

It was also at this time that humans discovered that there was another group of creatures on the opposite side of the continent. The appearance was very similar to the "bugs" of the ancient earth era, but the size, growth method, and certain body parts were completely different.

Since that day, the securities of human beings have changed and changed, and the dynasties have also changed repeatedly. Only the eternal enemy of mankind has never changed, and that is the Zerg.

But in the mouth of this Zerg, what everyone hears is another piece of history.

The Zerg, which it calls itself the "Timers", have always respected their queens. According to its description, when the queen was born, its beauty even shocked the sun, moon and shooting stars.

Everyone: "… "

So the sun in the sky fell, and I slept with the queen, the moon in the sky fell, and I slept with the queen, and the stars in the sky fell, and I slept with the queen...

Everyone: "… "

Anyway, after the sun, moon, and stars came down to share the bed with the Zerg Queen, the Zerg Queen had god-like powers, the greatest of which was fertility.

Her Majesty the Queen, the mother of all the Zerg who are in time, gave birth to the "Singer", who can praise its virtues with the beautiful rubbing of wings; she gave birth to the "Knife Cutter", which can use the sharp front claws To defend the homeland of all the Zerg; it gave birth to the "Pack Walker", hard-working and powerful, willing to open the way for the Zerg underground.

Anyway, it was a fairly long mythical epic. Humans and Zerg had a very serious language barrier here. Everyone circled their eyes and listened to the Zerg chanting a bird song. Each paragraph only had the first few words. to understand.

The people in the base were still half-guessed to feel that this "singer" was saying: The Zerg Queen gave birth to this, the Zerg Queen gave birth to that, and the Zerg Queen gave birth again... Anyway, this Zerg Queen seems to be giving birth all the time. .

In short, after giving birth to so many children, the queen of the Zerg appeared rebellious, and they were called "counter-infected".

The sound of the Zerg rubbing its wings suddenly became extremely sad: "The tainted ones emerged from the filthiest swamp, they despicably stole the queen's authority, and they seduced the sun and the moon into the sky one after another. Intercourse."

"Uh, that." Someone couldn't help but ask it, "It seems like we just heard about this?"

The Zerg suddenly became excited, and the two thin, dragonfly-like transparent wings suddenly rustled.

"How can this be the same!" it screamed, "it's not the same at all! Our queen only kept the stars hospitable for a day and a night, but they stole the power and power of the stars in the sky!"

"...Well, it's different if you say it's different, don't get excited, don't get excited. Please keep talking."

When they heard this, everyone still had a high-hanging attitude. After all, the internal history of the Zerg family has nothing to do with them.

But what this Zerg said next is closely related to everyone.

It said: "In the history of your human beings, those who once raided your camps, fought with you endlessly, and fed on you, and now are fed by you, are those who have been defiled."


In this way, things are very relevant and have a lot to do with human beings.

Some people in the hall are more cautious, and even if they hear the words "singer", they do not jump to conclusions easily.

He asked the Zerg: "Even if it's true that you are saying that the anti-dyeers have a grudge against you, but humans are aliens to you. Why did you choose to defect to us?"

The bug was so tied up with five flowers that it couldn't even move the tip of a claw, but when he heard this question, it almost jumped up the whole building like a live fish.

"You can kill me, but you can't insult me!" The worm rubbed its wings to the point that it could almost drill through wood to make fire. "You humans are genetically similar to bananas as high as 50%. Does this delay you from slaughtering bananas?"

Everyone: "… "

"Who is the same race as the retrogrades!" If the worm had vocal cords, at this moment, it must be roaring, "They were born in the swamp, they have no queen, their leader... is a male! Our queen is not at all The genetic information of people with reverse infection cannot be collected.”

"How can something without great fertility be a leader?"

"Do you think that humans and chimpanzees are the same group?"

The Zerg leaned down, kept quiet for a while, and tried their best to persuade the human: "In contrast, you are the genetic combination we can be sure of. Didn't you notice it yourself? Your so-called 'insect lures' are on time with us They have a great kinship.”

When Xiangzhou heard the news before, he had already been shocked. Listening to it now, it still feels unbelievable.

But he was patient and asked the Zerg very calmly: "Why do you say that?"

"In our Zerg, there is a 'phantom' who is responsible for collecting genes and bringing them to the queen." Speaking of which, the Zerg added by the way, "We have collected banana genes, so we know them and your genes. The similarity reaches 50%.”

Everyone: "… "

Look, this is the real "don't let go of bananas"...

"Similarly, our phantoms have also turned into humanoids and collected genes from your humans." Speaking of this, it seems that the Zerg himself has realized that the topic is sensitive, and quickly added, "But we are not malicious, we carry out Gene exchange! You see that our genes exist in your human beings, which is the result of a fair and equitable exchange of genes."

Do not…

I'm afraid this can't be called fair and just...

Also, what the hell did you use to collect genes

The above thoughts flashed in everyone's mind. However, there is no reason to talk about bugs, after all, everyone's brain circuits may be different.

For the Zerg, the most important thing is probably only fertility, fertility and fertility.

The Zerg seemed to think that the attitude of humans was a tacit understanding, and immediately made up their minds: "So you will name the descendants of our illusioners 'insect lures', because they reveal the genes of our chronotypes."

"And those who are against the infection have been our enemies for thousands of years, and it has become instinct to hate those who are timely."

"The front of your continent—although it seems to us to be the opposite of the continent—all the 'Zerg' that survived, that is, this bandit race that although despicably stole our form, but the details are quite different from ours, they are all back-tainers. ."

"They are born predators, born robbers, born destroyers. We have been fighting against them for thousands of years. Most of the Inverters are imprisoned on the opposite side of the continent."

"For a long time, we have helped the continent on your side to stop the Infectioners because we want to preserve your rich genes." The Zerg said frankly: "The entire continent is our gene pool."

"However, it is different now. Our God tells us that you humans are no longer weak chickens."

It said earnestly and contagiously: "Come and form an alliance with us to fight against the brutal back-infectors together."

Everyone: "… "

After all, worms are worms.

It may be a hundred copies of "The Art of Speaking" from the basic requirement of "speaking well".