Bigshot Cultivator Bewildering People Every Day

Chapter 9: Stand-in lover Bai Yueguang


Before Luo Jiujiang came on the court, Luo Jiujiang and Xu Liangan were also standing in the backstage channel, one after the other, as the waiting players.

Xu Liangan turned his ears to the side, and could faintly hear the screams caused by the performance of No. 10 at the scene, which could almost overturn the roof of the canopy.

These players have all met backstage before and exchanged some information with each other. So he naturally knew that this Shen Qingjiang was just an amateur who had never been on stage.

As an amateur, it is inevitable that you will suffer more.

This is not only in terms of stage performance experience and accumulated fan flow, but also in the amount of information.

For example, Xu Liangan knew that the accounts they "shake" were actually deliberately arranged.

Since this is a live program, the program team will try to maintain the audience's interest throughout the whole process, so the allocation of players' positions has been carefully considered.

The more mediocre players will be interspersed among the excellent players, using their own performance to set off the opponent's ability. At the same time, due to this tragic face-slap comparison, the atmosphere can be brought to a small climax.

In order to show the drama of the scene, the program team will also put people of the same type together, deliberately creating the topic of "the front and back are tragically like the scene of a car accident".

For example, he, like Shen Qingjiang on the 14th, both belong to the "Chinese style" type.

If No. 10 is already very good, then it is conceivable that the next few people will be relatively mediocre, giving later audiences a little room to digest, and at the same time diluting the rhythm.

Then in order to maintain the viewing rate of the live broadcast, the program team will send a popular player, such as...

Xu Liangan modestly pulled his collar.

Today, he was wearing a wide robe and wide sleeves. He also wore a wig and a crown on his head. With his angular face, he really looked like an ancient scholar.

On the other hand, Shen Qingjiang in front of him not only has short hair, but his clothes are not Hanfu, he just wears a shirt.

Heh, he's really an amateur, even his intelligence is so pure.

Xu Liangan tried hard to suppress the joy in her heart. He remembered that before he participated in this show, his agent gave him the bottom line.

"Mr. Shao of our company and the program investor are classmates who studied abroad together and have a great friendship. This online live program will try to create opportunities for you to perform. You must seize it, you know?"

Of course I do. Xu Liangan thought without complacency: Thank you for the company, thank you Mr. Shao, the 14th in front is the opportunity created for me.

He will surely catch it.

Before coming to participate in the show, he disclosed the news to his fans in advance, and now in the message area under the live broadcast room, the news has completely spread.

So even if his performance is really flawed, fans will flock to it, swiping the barrage, brushing off those bad comments, bringing him a wave of neat rhythm, and increasing the number of passers-by fans.

As for those mentors... Mr. Shao is an old classmate of the investor. The mentor must have greeted him.

Looking at Luo Jiujiang's back, Xu Liangan slowly revealed a compassionate smile that understood everything.

He knew that he would immediately turn the other party into scum and step on his feet, so that the audience and fans could see clearly what a real contrast explosion was!


The thin ink plain gauze screen blocked the prying eyes of the audience. It is a pity that even if the camera is zoomed in, it only shoots the figures inside through the screen, instead of turning to the back of the screen, to relieve everyone. curiosity.

For a time, there were only crisp bird songs in the field, from weak to strong, from less to more, from the initial thin and high swaying to the rough rattling noise later.

At the beginning, everyone could still hear that it was a lively bird, and the birdsong was mixed with the green leaves swaying when the branches jumped.

Just following this branch of the bird, the scene in the ventriloquism seemed to unfold slowly. The branch came from a forest. At this time, the morning had just arrived, and the tickling of dew was clearly audible. The first bird was awakened by the sun, and the chirping of birds woke up the whole forest.

First, the little sparrow hopped twice, and then the melodious voice of the thrush rang out and joined the early risers; the magpie was not to be outdone, and after that, the lark joined the forest chorus.

The barrage quickly followed and helped Luo Jiujiang count the different types of bird calls.

- "Four, five... He's getting so fast!"

- "Seven!"

- "It's eight. Did you not hear one in the middle?"

Yet this is far from the end.

Soon, acacia, oriole, long-tailed warbler, turtledove, rose-breasted white-winged sparrow, canary, embroidered eye, lark, willow warbler…

The bird calls are as distinct from each other as the parts, and they are not glued to each other. The particles are distinct, but they all sound wonderfully at the same time. It is really like a hundred birds singing in unison, and they are mixed together into a grand movement.

The barrage has gone crazy.

- "Fuck! Fuck! How many? I can't count them?"

- "I can't tell! It's amazing. If I didn't know it, I would really think that the show team brought hundreds of birds to the scene."

- "My God! Huaxia style, what is Huaxia, what is Huaxia culture! This is inheritance!"

- "I'm trying to distinguish what kind of bird sounds, and I have 15 kinds of voices. This player is really good, there are at least 20 kinds of voices, and I'm trying my best to listen to them!"

- "Turn up the volume! Can you hear the sound of woodpeckers chiseling wood?"

With the addition of the flock of birds, the entire forest seemed to wake up at the same time. The rustling sound of leaves shaking is the background sound of the birds, in addition to the sound of wings flapping, flying, woodpeckers, squirrels crawling, dew landing...

Suddenly there was a roar of a brown bear in the distance, from far to near, from loud to small.

For a while, the birds seemed to be much quieter, and some viewers with their eyes closed could even imagine them looking around smartly.

Then there was the sound of running, the sound of footsteps, the rattling of the branches and leaves being smashed.

The dense and hurried footsteps of the stoat were clearly distinguished from the heavy and broad strides of the brown bear. Accompanied by the slap and slap of the brown bear, the ferret's high-pitched scream came to a short and abrupt end, followed by the sound of chewing and licking...

The birds, too, seemed to sense that the bloody slaughter was over, and the mellow ensemble rose again.

- And the low chirping of the birds didn't even disappear for a moment during the brown bear's hunt.

It was not until there was a sound of gavel from behind the screen, the corner of the forest that was vividly depicted, and slowly faded from people's impressions along with the disappearance of the sound.

It's amazing!

The barrage has completely covered the screen, but no one cares at this time.

Almost everyone is frantically brushing a sentence.

- "Suddenly stroking the ruler, the group noises are over. Remove the screen to see it, one person, one table, one chair, one fan, one stroke of the ruler!"

The show finally ended, and the forest's chorus also came to an end. However, at this moment, screams that were several times higher than the previous ventriloquist erupted both at the scene and in front of the computer.


The applause roared like thunder and lasted for a long time.

Not only the audience present, but even the four mentors clapped their hands greatly.

Suesue, who had been extremely strict with the "Chinese style" guqin player before, was full of praise at this time, and his face was full of amazement.

"It's amazing, it's really amazing, I can hardly say anything else." Suesue took a deep breath and said with emotion: "I only have one feeling now, Chinese culture is really broad and profound."

The older actor Song Wenhe smiled slowly. He was born in Yue Opera, and his character has also been nurtured into a kind of gentle and elegant ancient scholar.

He commented unhurriedly: "I've been thinking about an article just now, and it's also about ventriloquism. It says 'one person, one table, one chair...'"

The audience at the scene had memorized the text, and automatically shouted and followed the next sentence, in order to vent their excitement.

"One fan, just one stroke!"

The venue is boiling.

Luo Jiujiang finally appeared from behind the hazy ink and plain gauze screen, and what appeared in front of everyone was no longer a vague shadow.

As everyone wished, he held a folding fan in his hand.

However, it was different from everyone's imagination. He was just wearing a white shirt, simple, clean, and neat.

He did not deliberately wear ancient costumes to show his Chinese style.

Luo Jiujiang bowed humbly left and right, and said hello: "Hello, teachers and audience, I'm Shen Qingjiang, the No. 14 contestant."

This is just a simple self-introduction. However, when his clear voice slowly spread out, there was another wave of excited screams at the scene.

Of course, a simple and nice voice will not make everyone lose their temper like this. However, Luo Jiujiang has just ignited the enthusiasm and madness of the audience. At this time, the embers are still bright and can be easily reawakened.

The barrage was also overwhelmed with excitement.

- "Little brother, little brother, what a young brother!"

- "It's amazing. This should be a boy's skill. To be able to do this at such a young age, the future is simply limitless."

- "Woooooo I'm crying! I really didn't expect to see these nearly lost traditional skills in person."

- "The voice is great! Mom, it's really good for you to see him!"

However, the barrage that was almost boiling and covered the screen, was strangely quiet for half a second after Luo Jiujiang raised his head.

Like a freeze, within half a second, there were only Luo Jiujiang's clear face and a dozen or so late barrages on the screen.

No one dared to ask that question until the camera was cut from Luo Jiujiang's face—

- "This person, it's not my illusion, why is he so similar..."

- "Oh my God, it really seems like"

- "Why does he look so much like Teacher Han Qianling!"


The audience who watched the live and live broadcast naturally knew what a magical show Luo Jiujiang performed. And the players waiting in the background are not very clear about this.

Therefore, when the frenzied screams that could not be stopped by the walls slammed into the sky, they all looked around, wondering what was going on.

And among all the contestants, the one who was most surprised was Xu Liangan.

After Luo Jiujiang's back disappeared at the end of the passage, Xu Liangan half-closed his eyes with confidence.

He rehearsed in his heart the program he originally planned to present, and thought about it upside down a few times, feeling that he must be safe.

Of course, it was the first time for Xu Liangan to participate in such a large-scale live broadcast, and Xu Liangan was still a little nervous. He pricked up his ears to carefully capture the movement of the scene, but as a result, there was no movement.

The backstage sound insulation was pretty good, so if it wasn't as explosive as the previous performance on the 10th, it wouldn't be particularly clear.

As a result, there was no movement during the whole process, which means that there was not even a normal level of cheering. It seems that No. 14 really can't play at all. Xu Liangan thought contemptuously.

All of a sudden, a burst of screaming to the sky suddenly broke his sweet dream.

what happened? ! Xu Liangan suddenly opened his eyes.

Just now, the field has been very quiet all the time, there is no music accompaniment, and there is no applause from the audience. Isn't it a smash? !

Why did such a warm cheering and cheering burst out all of a sudden!

Xu Liangan's face changed suddenly, he clenched his hands unconsciously, comforting himself silently in his heart: The other party must have made a big mistake, and he was criticized by the tutor for being particularly vicious, it must be like this...

It must be the other party's performance, and don't be the cannon fodder arranged to be at the bottom.

Xu Liang calmed down and tried his best to spread a smile, and his clear thoughts slowly returned to his mind.

Of course he wasn't the one who was used to step on his feet. After all, he was someone specially arranged by the company to take care of him!

They, Mr. Shao, and the investors are old classmates who studied abroad together!